• Title/Summary/Keyword: excess soil moisture

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Resear cher & Coordinator, Canal Reseach & Development, japan (농업수리시설과 소수로굴착용 Trencher V형의 개발에 대하여)

  • 영목청
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 1979
  • One of most important problems in the Monsoon Asia today is the production of rice paddy to meet the needs of the ever increasing population. Diversemeans are being employed to meet this demand, both by increasing productivity of existing farm land and by bringing further areas into cultivation. The primary step in either field is to ensure that there is sufficient moisture in the soil to suit the paddy, and at the same this means that excess moisture has to be drained off the land, while in others irrigat ion has to be employed to bring sufficient water to an area. In view of the fact that the project comprises a huge amount of earthwork, it can be carried out by extensive use of construction machinery in order to shorten the period. As farm ditch has a comparatively small section with shallow cutting depth, inaddition, there is lack of access road in the field, the excavation equipment with bulldozer or tracter-shovel (backhoe) type are not applicable because there are mostly adapted for the excavation of deep and wide section. Mini-backhoe with its bucket width not larger than 0. 3m, and width of blade not larger than 1. 00m seems to be more adaptable. About 80% of excavation of ditch section will be done by the machinery while the other 20% of excavation together with the finishing of the section are supposed to be done by man-power. The embankment of ditch section can be compacted by the crawler of backhoe when it is moving along the ditch for excavation. However, Lowland paddy field in the Monsoon Asia are made particulary in rain season, therefore, heavy machinery is not easy excavation for ditch. It is very important to know exact ground support power of the working site and select machines with corresponding ground pressure. Ground support power is variable subject to quality and water content of soil and therefore selection of machines should be made duly considering ground condition of the site at the time of construction works. Farm ditches dug and compacted by mannual labar are of poor quality and subject to destruction after one or two years of operation. On the other hand, excavation and compaction by bulldozer is not practical for ditches. Backboe is suitable for slope land, but this is required cycle time of bucket excavation and dumped out. If a small-scale farm ditch trencher adaptable to lowland paddy field is invented, such a machine could greatly accelerate the massive construction work envisaged in many countries and thus significantly speed up the most difficult part of irrigation development and management in Monsoon Asia.

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Effects of Ridge Width on Growth and Yield of Proso Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) in Paddy-Upland Rotation Field (답전윤환지에서 이랑너비에 따른 기장의 생육특성 및 수량)

  • Yoon, Dong-Kyung;Oh, Seung-Ka;Lee, Byung-Jin;Chun, Hyun-Sik;Jung, Ki-Youl;Kang, Hang-Won;Jeon, Seung-Ho;Cho, Young-Son
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    • v.60 no.2
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    • pp.217-223
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to serve as a basis for establishing a stable production of proso millet on the rotational paddy-upland field by looking out the physicochemical and moisture characteristics of soil and the growth characteristics of proso millet by ridge width. Plant height showed Manhongchal was the smallest 71.3 cm in 240 cm wide of ridge in the first year, Ibeakchal was the highest 69.7 cm in 60 cm wide in the second year, Hwanggeumchal was the highest 72.8 cm in 60 cm wide in the first year. The retention time of the excess water in the soil during cultivation was extended wider the width of ridge. The variation width of the water content was higher by the wider the width of ridge. Yield components showed the longest ear length were 35.1 cm of Manhongchal, 34.8 cm of Ibeakchal in 60 cm wide of ridge in the first year. As the width of ridge extended, ear weight of all variety increased. 1,000 seed weight of the 60 cm wide of ridge was Manhongchal 6.8%, Ibeakchal 46.2% heavier than the 240 cm wide of ridge. Yield showed Manhongchal 221, Ibeakchal 223, Hwanggeumchal $225kg{\cdot}10a^{-1}$ in 60 cm wide of ridge in the first year. The similar pattern of amount showed Manhongchal 278, Ibeakchal 221, Hwanggeumchal $200kg{\cdot}10a^{-1}$ in 60 cm wide of ridge in the second year. This showed Manhongchal 103%, Ibeakchal 119%, Hwanggeumchal 85.2% was more than the 240 cm wide of ridge.

Effect of different water levels on the photosynthetic pigments of crops

  • Ryu, Hee-La;Jeong, Eun-Ju;Lee, Won-Hee;Lee, In-Jung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2017.06a
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    • pp.205-205
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    • 2017
  • An excess soil water condition is one of the major problems for the field crops growing in paddy fields because of their poor drainage and less availability for oxygen uptake which leads to adversely affect the photosynthesis. Therefore, the current study was undertaken with aim to investigate the effects groundwater level on the photosynthetic response of soy bean (Urum), red bean (Arari), sesame (Geonbaek), perilla (Dayu) after the transplanting to the lysimeter to investigate the plant-water relation and their effect on photosynthesis. The chlorophyll content of the crops according to the humid conditions of the soy bean, sesame and the perilla was found to be 5%, 6.89 % and 13.7% higher than that of the groundwater treated at 40cm, respectively. On the other hand, the chlorophyll content of adzuki bean decreased 6.6% from the groundwater level of 40cm, and the sorghum decreased by 5.7%. As a result of investigating the Fv / Fm value of groundwater, the adzuki bean at 20cm above groundwater was lower than that of groundwater by 40cm immediately before flowering. The Fv / Fm value of soy bean and sesame at 40cm above groundwater were lowered by flowering under groundwater 20 cm and Fv / Fm value of sorghum is increased at 40 cm treatment immediately before flowering while the Fv / Fm values of the perilla had no significant difference in comparison to those at 20 cm and 40 cm of groundwater. In the case of chlorophyll fluorescence reaction, it is known that the when the absolute value is closer to 0.82, the stress is considered less. As a result of comparing the numerical values of the crops, it was found that the sorghum was the most stressed followed by adzuki bean and sesame, while the soy beans and perilla was found on the average, as they received less stress.

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Analysis of Short-term Runoff Characteristics of CAT-PEST Connected Model using Different Infiltration Analysis Methods (CAT-PEST 연계 모형의 침투 해석 방법에 따른 단기 유출 특성 분석)

  • Choi, Shinwoo;Jang, Cheolhee;Kim, Hyeonjun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.26-41
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    • 2016
  • Catchment Hydrologic Cycle Assess Tool (CAT) is a model for hydrologic cycle assessment based on physical parameters. In this study, CAT was applied for short-term runoff simulation and connected with model-independent parameter estimation (PEST) for auto-calibrating parameters. The model performance was compared with HEC-HMS, which is widely used for short-term runoff simulation. The study area is the Pangyo Watershed ($22.9km^2$), which includes the Unjung-Cheon and Geumto-Cheon tributaries of the Tan-Cheon stream. Simulation periods were selected from six rainfall events of a two-year period (2006-2007). For the runoff simulation, CAT was applied using three types of infiltration methods (excess rainfall, Green and Ampt and Horton). Sensitivity analysis was carried out to select the parameters and then CAT was optimized using PEST. The model performance of HEC-HMS and CAT-PEST for the rainfall events were within an acceptable limit with Nash Sutcliffe efficiencies (NSE) of 0.63-0.91 and 0.42-0.93, respectively. The simulation results of HEC-HMS have high accuracy in the case of rainfall events that have a sensitive relationship between initial soil moisture conditions and runoff characteristics. The results of CAT-PEST indicated the possibility of reflecting a real runoff system using various physical parameters.

Management Improvement of Big and Old Trees in the Byeol-seo Scenic Sites (별서 명승지역 내 노거수목의 관리개선방안)

  • Lee, Jong-Bum;Lee, Chang-Hun;Choi, Byoung-Jae;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.98-107
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    • 2013
  • Big and old trees in the scenic spots with the attributes of remote villas are vulnerable to man-made damages and very sensitive to the external environment such as soil conditions, so the corresponding management plans are required. Thus this study has been conducted to survey the big and old trees in the scenic remote villas and suggest the ideal management plans. The results can be summarized as follows. First, regarding the tree heath above the ground, transformation of tree, death of branches, and death of barks are closely related to tree vigor. Particularly, the areas receiving many visitors require prompt countermeasures against the dried and dead tress above the ground and the areas in which dried and dead tress occurred and also the safety measures for the visitors and facilities. Second, regarding the soil environment, visitor traffic is closely related to the tree vigor. In 15 remote villa gardens, 64% of trees are exposed to heavy traffic and the tree vigor has declined due to an increase of visitor. Thus, there is a need to give positive consideration the installation of the complementary facilities and the plantation of herbal plants in the congested areas to form the ground surface that can tolerate the heavy visitor traffic. Third, remote gardens are in general located adjacent to ponds and mountain streams and thus the trees in the waterfront areas require the prompt countermeasures against the decline of growth due to the excess-moisture in the soil. Further the blockage of the sewage system due to the heavy rains dampens the surrounding soil, which results in lethal damages to the trees. Thus, there is a need of the maintenance of the waterfront areas and sewage system before and after the rainy season. In addition, there is a need to establish medium-long term management polices through the recognition of the importance of the main trees of remote villa gardens in scenic spots and prepare the tree management manual depending on the attributes of the corresponding areas. I strongly suggest making manuals for the systematic management as well as the extensive PR activities and education for the preservation of tress on a long-term basis; and furthermore securing the budget and manpower for the research and development of a systematic management system.

Growth Responses of Soybean in Paddy Field Depending on Soil and Cultivation Methods (콩의 논 재배시 토성 및 재배 방법에 따른 콩의 생장분석)

  • Cho, Joon-Hyeong
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.385-397
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to establish the environment-friendly cropping system of soybean in paddy field with different soil textures. When the soybean was cultivated in paddy fields, growth responses of testing cultivars varied depending on soil texture and cultivation method. Growth responses of soybean in sandy loam tended to be better than those in clay, however the effect of high ridged cultivation was distinguished in clay loam. Especially, formation of rhizome nodule was significantly different depending on soils ; more numerous rhizome nodules were formed in sandy loam compared to that in clay. Plant heights of Taekwangkong and Eunhakong were highest in clay and sandy loam, respectively, while the number of pods and branches of Eunhakong were most in both soils. In clay paddy field, growth responses of Eunhakong were best among the testing cultivars, however high ridged cultivation was more appropriate to the cultivar compared to level row cultivation regardless of soils. Taekwangkong showed the highest leaf area indexes during whole growth stages. Leaf development of Daewonkong was suppressed in clay at early growth stage, while it significantly increased as growth stages progressed. Most retard leaf development was observed in early maturity cultivar, Hwaseongputkong, since it seemed to be seriously damaged by excess-moisture injury in both soils. Comparing the dry weight of top plants and roots, plant growth was more affected by soil texture than cultivation methods at early vegetative growth stage, via verses at R2 or R5 stages. In yield characters and yields at R8 maturity stage, pods number of Eunhakong was significantly higher than those of Daewonkong and Taekwangkong estimating to 107 and 124 in clay and sandy loam, respectively. The ratio of ripened seeds was highest in sandy loam in combination with high ridged cultivation, while the lowest in clay with level row. The yields of Deawonkong and Eunhakong were higher compared to other testing cultivars ranged from $l82{\sim}286kg/ha$ depending on soils and cultivation methods. In results, growth responses and yields of testing cultivars tended to be higher in sandy loam in combination with high ridge compared to clay with level row.

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Stress Day Index to Predict Soybean Yield Response by Subsurface Drainage in Poorly Drained Sloping Paddy Fields (배수불량 경사지 논에서 배수개선에 따른 콩의 수분스트레스 반응해석)

  • Jung, Ki-Yuol;Yun, Eul-Soo;Park, Chang-Young;Hwang, Jae-Bok;Choi, Young-Dae;Park, Ki-Do
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.702-708
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    • 2011
  • There are considerable areas of wet paddy fields in Korea that requires improvement of its drainage system. In poorly drained sloping paddy fields, upland crops can be damaged by either rainfall or capillary rise of the water table caused by percolating water beneath the upper fields during summertime rainy season. The purpose of this study is to evaluate excess water stress of soybean yield by drainage systems. Four drainage methods namely open ditch, vinyl barrier, pipe drainage and tube bundle were installed within 1-m position at the lower edge of the upper paddy fields. Stress Day Index (SDI) approach was developed to quantify the the cumulative effect of stress imposed on a soybean yield throughout the growing season. SDI was determined from a stress day factor (SD) and a crop susceptibility factor (CS). The stress day factor is a measure degree and duration of stress of the ($SEW_{30}$). The crop susceptibility factor (CS) depends of a given excess water on crop stage. The results showed that SDI used to represent the moisture stress index was most low on the pipe drainage 64.75 compared with the open ditch 355.4, vinyl barrier 271.55 and tube bundle 171.55. Soybean grain yield increased continuously with the rate of 3% in Vinyl Barrier, 32% in Pipe Drainage and 16% in Tube Bundle.

Growth Inhibitory Factors of Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) after Broadcasting under Growing Rice from 2014 to 2015 (2014 / 2015년 이탈리안 라이그라스 (Lolium multiflorum Lam.)의 벼 입모 중 파종 재배시 생육저해 요인 분석)

  • Kim, Young-Jin;Choi, Ki-Choon;Lee, Sang-Hak;Jung, Jeong-Sung;Park, Hyung-Soo;Kim, Ki-Yong;Ji, Hee-Chung;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Choi, Gi-Jun;Kim, Won-Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2016
  • The growth of Italian ryegrass (IRG) after wintering was very low in 2015 when IRG was broadcasted under growing rice in fall of 2014. To determine growth inhibitory factors of IRG, we examined the growth conditions of IRG in Nonsan region and meteorological conditions in Daejeon nearby Nonsan. Minimum temperature and maximum instantaneous wind speed on Feb. $8^{th}$ and $9^{th}$ of 2015 after wintering of IRG were $8.8^{\circ}C$, 10.7 m/s and $12.4^{\circ}C$, 9.6m/s, respectively. Air temperature was suddenly dropped due to strong wind with snow showers, which had unfavorable effect on root growth of IRG exposed at the soil surface. The minimum temperature and maximum instantaneous wind speed on Feb. $12^{th}$, $13^{th}$, and $14^{th}$ of 2015 were $4.1^{\circ}C$, 11.6 m/s, $-5.6^{\circ}C$, 10.3 m/s, and $-4.7^{\circ}C$, 7.5 m/s, respectively. The growth circumstance of IRG was not good because soil was dried due to drought continued from January. The minimum temperature and maximum instantaneous wind speed on Feb. $26^{th}$, $27^{th}$, and $28^{th}$ of 2015 were $1.8^{\circ}C$, 13.7 m/s, $-3.5^{\circ}C$, 10.6 m/s, and $4.1^{\circ}C$, 6.8 m/s, respectively. The number of wilting of IRG was more than 59% until Mar. $3^{rd}$ of 2015. IRG faced irreparable environment (low minimum temperatures and extreme instantaneous wind speeds) for 9 days from Mar. $4^{th}$ to Mar. $12^{th}$ of 2015. The main reason for the decrease of IRG productivity was collection delay of rice straw after rice harvest because there was continuous rain between Oct. and Nov. of 2014. For this reason, weakly grown IRG under rice straw was withered after wintering. IRG was withered by frost heaving, drought, and instantaneous wind speed in the spring. Furthermore, the root of IRG was damaged while growing in excess moisture in the surface of paddy soil during the winter season due to rain.

Response of Potassium on Main Upland Crops (주요(主要) 전작물(田作物)에 대(對)한 가리성분(加里成分)의 비교(肥效))

  • Ryn, In Soo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.171-188
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    • 1977
  • The response and effect on main upland crops to potassium were discussed and summarized as follows. 1. Adequate average amounts of potash per 10a were 32kg for forage crop; 22.5kg for vegetable crops; 17.3kg for fruit trees; 13.3kg for potatoes; and 6.5kg for cereal crops. Demand of potassium fertilizer in the future will be increased by expanding the acreage of forage crops, vegetable crops and fruit trees. 2. On the average, optimum potash rates on barley, wheat, soybean, corn, white potato and sweet potato were 6.5, 6.9, 4.5, 8.1, 8.9, and 17.7kg per 10a respectively. Yield increaments per 1kg of potash per 10a were 4-5kgs on the average for cereal crops, 68kg for white potato, and 24kg for sweet potato. 3. According to the soil testing data, the exchangeable potassium in the coastal area was higher than that in the inland area and medium in the mountainous area. The exchangeable potassium per province in decreasing order is Jeju>Jeonnam>Kangweon>Kyongnam. Barley : 4. The response of barley to an adequate rate of potassium seemed to be affected more by differences in climatic conditions than to the nature of the soil. 5. The response and the adequate rate of potassium in the southern area, where the temperature is higher, were low because of more release of potassium from the soil. However, the adequate rate of phosphorus was increased due to the fixation of applied phosphorus into the soil in high temperature regions. The more nitrogen application would be required in the southern area due to its high precipitation. 6. The average response of barley to potassium was lower in the southern provinces than northern provinces. Kyongsangpukdo, a southern province, showed a relatively higher response because of the low exchangeable potassium content in the soil and the low-temperature environment in most of cultivation area. 7. Large annual variations in the response to and adequate rates of potassium on barley were noticed. In a cold year, the response of barley to potassium was 2 to 3 times higher than in a normal year. And in the year affected by moisture and drought damage, the responses to potassium was low but adequate rates was higher than cold year. 8. The content of exchangeable potassium in the soil parent materials, in increasing order was Crystalline Schist, Granite, Sedimentary and Basalt. The response of barley to potash occurred in the opposite order with the smallest response being in Crystalline Schist soil. There was a negative correlation between the response and exchangeable potassium contents but there was nearly no difference in the adequate rates of potassium. 9. Exchangeable potassium according to the mode of soil deposition was Alluvium>Residium>Old alluvium>Valley alluvium. The highest response to potash was obtained in Valley alluvium while the other s showed only small differences in responses. 10. Response and adequate rates of potassium seemed to be affected greatly by differences in soil texture. The response to potassium was higher in Sandy loam and Loam soils but the optimum rate of potassium was higher in Clay and Clay loam. Especially when excess amount of potassium was applied in Sandy loam and Loam soils the yield was decreased. 11. The application of potassium retarded the heading date by 1.7 days and increased the length of culm. the number of spikelet per plant, the 1,000 grain weight and the ratio of grain weight to straw. Soybean : 12. Average response of soybean to potassium was the lowest among other cereal crops but 28kg of grain yield was incrased by applying potash at 8kg/10a in newly reclaimed soils. 13. The response in the parent materials soil was in the order of Basalt (Jeju)>Sedimentay>Granite>Lime stone but this response has very wide variations year to year. Corn : 14. The response of corn to potassium decreased in soils where the exchangeable potassium content was high. However, the optimum rate of applied potassium was increased as the soil potassium content was increased because corn production is proportional to the content of soil potassium. 15. An interaction between the response to potassium and the level of phosphorus was noted. A higher response to potassium and higher rates of applied potassium was observed in soils contained optimum level of phosphorus. Potatoes : 16. White potato had a higher requirement for nitrogen than for potassium, which may imply that potato seems to have a higher capability of soil potassium uptake. 17. The yield of white potato was higher in Sandy loam than in Clay loam soil. Potato yields were also higher in soils where the exchangeable potassium content was high even in the same soil texture. However, the response to applied potassium was higher in Clay loam soils than in Sandy loam soils and in paddy soil than in upland soil. 18. The requirement for nitrogen and phosphorus by sweet potato was relatively low. The sweet potato yield is relatively high even under unfavorable soil conditions. A characteristics of sweet potatoes is to require higher level of potassium and to show significant responses to potassium. 19. The response of sweet potato to potassium varied according to soil texture. Higher yields were obtained in Sandy soil, which has a low exchangeable potassium content, by applying sufficient potassium. 20. When the optimum rate of potassium was applied, the yields of sweet potato in newly reclaimed soil were comparable to that in older upland soils.

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