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Management Improvement of Big and Old Trees in the Byeol-seo Scenic Sites  

Lee, Jong-Bum (Graduate School of Environmental Landscape Architecture, Sangmyung University)
Lee, Chang-Hun (Graduate School of Environmental Landscape Architecture, Sangmyung University)
Choi, Byoung-Jae (Graduate School of Environmental Landscape Architecture, Sangmyung University)
Lee, Jae-Keun (Dept. of Environmental Landscape Architecture, Sangmyung University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture / v.31, no.1, 2013 , pp. 98-107 More about this Journal
Big and old trees in the scenic spots with the attributes of remote villas are vulnerable to man-made damages and very sensitive to the external environment such as soil conditions, so the corresponding management plans are required. Thus this study has been conducted to survey the big and old trees in the scenic remote villas and suggest the ideal management plans. The results can be summarized as follows. First, regarding the tree heath above the ground, transformation of tree, death of branches, and death of barks are closely related to tree vigor. Particularly, the areas receiving many visitors require prompt countermeasures against the dried and dead tress above the ground and the areas in which dried and dead tress occurred and also the safety measures for the visitors and facilities. Second, regarding the soil environment, visitor traffic is closely related to the tree vigor. In 15 remote villa gardens, 64% of trees are exposed to heavy traffic and the tree vigor has declined due to an increase of visitor. Thus, there is a need to give positive consideration the installation of the complementary facilities and the plantation of herbal plants in the congested areas to form the ground surface that can tolerate the heavy visitor traffic. Third, remote gardens are in general located adjacent to ponds and mountain streams and thus the trees in the waterfront areas require the prompt countermeasures against the decline of growth due to the excess-moisture in the soil. Further the blockage of the sewage system due to the heavy rains dampens the surrounding soil, which results in lethal damages to the trees. Thus, there is a need of the maintenance of the waterfront areas and sewage system before and after the rainy season. In addition, there is a need to establish medium-long term management polices through the recognition of the importance of the main trees of remote villa gardens in scenic spots and prepare the tree management manual depending on the attributes of the corresponding areas. I strongly suggest making manuals for the systematic management as well as the extensive PR activities and education for the preservation of tress on a long-term basis; and furthermore securing the budget and manpower for the research and development of a systematic management system.
Byeol-seo(Remote Gardens); Big and Old Trees; Tree Health; Soil Environment; Treemanagement Plans;
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