• Title/Summary/Keyword: everyday life information

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Development of facial recognition application for automation logging of emotion log (감정로그 자동화 기록을 위한 표정인식 어플리케이션 개발)

  • Shin, Seong-Yoon;Kang, Sun-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.737-743
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    • 2017
  • The intelligent life-log system proposed in this paper is intended to identify and record a myriad of everyday life information as to the occurrence of various events based on when, where, with whom, what and how, that is, a wide variety of contextual information involving person, scene, ages, emotion, relation, state, location, moving route, etc. with a unique tag on each piece of such information and to allow users to get a quick and easy access to such information. Context awareness generates and classifies information on a tag unit basis using the auto-tagging technology and biometrics recognition technology and builds a situation information database. In this paper, we developed an active modeling method and an application that recognizes expressionless and smile expressions using lip lines to automatically record emotion information.

한국문헌정보학의 지식체계에 관한 연구- 문헌정보학관련 학회논문집 게재논문을 중심으로 -

  • 이수상
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.20
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    • pp.413-453
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    • 1993
  • This study aims at reviewing and analyzing the characteristics of library and information science in Korea by examming the research papers in two representative journals. In Korea, related scholarly associations have began about twenty years ago and produced a lot of research papers. For this work, I have established two aspects of knowledge system - cognitive object and subject. In this regards, the cognitive object menas the contents of research papers and the cognitive subject means the research methodology. In my opinion, this study obtains some characteristics of library and information science in Korea as follows: 1. There have been many research fields, but most of them have finished with just one or two results and not researched. 2. The adaption of information science to library science was hasty and had not the good effects in scholastic development. 3. Most research papers have been influenced by methodological prejudices. 4. In settling the native principles for the Korean phenomenon, there have been many problems. To solve these problems, I suggest that the existing research attitudes be converted to new one. I call this new research attitude 'everyday life centered research method'. Using this method, we can find the true basics and principles of library and information science in Korea.

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Deep Learning Based Rumor Detection for Arabic Micro-Text

  • Alharbi, Shada;Alyoubi, Khaled;Alotaibi, Fahd
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2021
  • Nowadays microblogs have become the most popular platforms to obtain and spread information. Twitter is one of the most used platforms to share everyday life event. However, rumors and misinformation on Arabic social media platforms has become pervasive which can create inestimable harm to society. Therefore, it is imperative to tackle and study this issue to distinguish the verified information from the unverified ones. There is an increasing interest in rumor detection on microblogs recently, however, it is mostly applied on English language while the work on Arabic language is still ongoing research topic and need more efforts. In this paper, we propose a combined Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to detect rumors on Twitter dataset. Various experiments were conducted to choose the best hyper-parameters tuning to achieve the best results. Moreover, different neural network models are used to evaluate performance and compare results. Experiments show that the CNN-LSTM model achieved the best accuracy 0.95 and an F1-score of 0.94 which outperform the state-of-the-art methods.

The Counter-memory and a Historical Discourse of Reproduced Records in the Apartheid Period : Focusing on 『Rise and Fall of Apartheid: Photography and the Bureaucracy of Everyday Life』 (아파르트헤이트 시기의 대항기억과 재생산된 기록의 역사 담론 전시 『Rise and Fall of Apartheid : Photography and the Bureaucracy of Everyday Life』를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hye-Rin
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.74
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    • pp.45-78
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    • 2022
  • South Africa implemented apartheid from 1948 to 1994. The main content of this policy was to classify races such as whites, Indians, mixed-race people, and blacks, and to limit all social activities, including residence, personal property ownership, and economic activities, depending on the class. All races except white people were discriminated against and suppressed for having different skin colors. South African citizens resisted the government's indiscriminate violence, and public opinion criticizing them expanded beyond the local community to various parts of the world. One of the things that made this possible was photographs detailing the scene of the violence. Foreign journalists who captured popular oppression as well as photographers from South Africa were immersed in recording the lives of those who were marginalized and suffered on an individual level. If they had not been willing to inform the reality and did not actually record it as a photo, many people would not have known the horrors of the situation caused by racial discrimination. Therefore, this paper focuses on Rise and Fall of Apartheid: Photography and the Bureau of Everyday Life, which captures various aspects of apartheid and displays related records, and examines the aspects of racism committed in South Africa described in the photo. The exhibition covers the period from 1948 when apartheid began until 1995, when Nelson Mandela was elected president and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was launched to correct the wrong view of history. Many of the photos on display were taken by Peter Magubane, Ian Berry, David Goldblatt, and Santu Mofoken, a collection of museums, art galleries and media, including various archives. The photographs on display are primarily the work of photographers. It is both a photographic work and a media that proves South Africa's past since the 1960s, but it has been mainly dealt with in the field of photography and art history rather than from a historical or archival point of view. However, the photos have characteristics as records, and the contextual information contained in them is characterized by being able to look back on history from various perspectives. Therefore, it is very important to expand in the previously studied area to examine the time from various perspectives and interpret it anew. The photographs presented in the exhibition prove and describe events and people that are not included in South Africa's official records. This is significant in that it incorporates socially marginalized people and events into historical gaps through ordinary people's memories and personal records, and is reproduced in various media to strengthen and spread the context of record production.

Place search service by network (네트워크 기반 위치 찾기 서비스)

  • Cho, Hyeon Seung;Lee, Gi Hoon;Kim, Sin Woo;Jeong, Hee Chang;Kim, Dong Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.655-656
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    • 2018
  • In the 21st century, smart phones have become indispensable items in everyday life. Users get various information from smartphone, and location information such as map is one of them. It is a matter of course that there is a high need for an app that displays information about the user in detail on a smartphone that always carried around wherever it goes. However, in many cases, the current map or navigation is not suitable for selecting only the desired information group. In this project, I want to develop it with Android studio so that make users to get the information of the area easily and quickly in daily life. And it is designed to make it more convenient for users by creating a server with raspberry pie.

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Understanding the Impact of Internet Shopping Agent to Consumer's Purchasing Behavior : A Decision Process Perspective (인터넷 쇼핑에이전트가 소비자 구매행위에 미치는 영향에 대한 이해 : 의사결정 프로세스의 관점에서)

  • Chung, Namho
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.17-33
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    • 2009
  • The emergence of the Internet shopping agent enabled consumers to enjoy Internet shopping more easily and quickly. Especially, the role of Internet shopping agent is becoming more important following the information overload trend on the Internet in that the consumers can promptly obtain information about a certain product and its price among countless items on the Internet. As a result, consumers can now enjoy shopping more easily, compared to the offline shopping which requires a lot of efforts in comparing the products and purchasing them. Since the Internet shopping agents collect extensive information about the products' price, delivery period, detailed characteristics, etc., and present a comparison table containing the information to the consumers, the consumers can shop more quickly at lower price using such shopping agents. However, it has not been sufficiently studied about how the various functions of shopping agents actually support consumers' purchase decision making procedure in everyday life, and if they do, in which stages they play a supporting role in consumers' purchase decision making system. Therefore, this study conducts an empirical analysis on the role of the Internet shopping agents in the purchase decision making process of the consumers, considering the Internet shopping agent as a decision making supporting system. Moreover, it analyzes how the effects of the Internet shopping agent differs according to the consumers' knowledge level about the products.

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Study on the Civil Legal Remedies against Cyber Defamation

  • Park, Jong-Ryeol
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2018
  • Cyber defamation is the act of damaging the reputation of the other person on the Internet, and the act of attacking by the commenting the article through a word or blog. The reason why punishment is stronger than general contempt is that the nature of crime about defamation is worse than contempt. Also, punishment intensity is higher than defamation because the nature of cyber information spreads widely. Honor is not only a question of self-esteem or identity, but also a function that economically reduces the cost of seeking information or socially trustworthy. Through these two functions, it has been developed as a legal system to protect the honor as well as asking the legal sanction for defamation. However, although honor is used in various meanings in everyday life, the honor of legal level is understood in a more limited sense. It is because the law cannot actively lead and protect all honor feelings for one's feelings or mood occurred by hurt. However, if the social evaluation of a group or individual is undermined through a certain distortion of the truth, the law will actively intervene. However, due to the ambiguity of the legal sanctions standards and the identification of the parties involved in the defamation of cyberspace, it was difficult to solve the problems related to defamation in fact. Therefore, this paper will try to find out the problems of civil legal remedy due to the cyber defamation, and seek a solution for civil legal remedy.

Block-chain based Secure Data Access over Internet of Health Application Things (IHoT)

  • A. Ezil Sam, Leni;R. Shankar;R. Thiagarajan;Vishal Ratansing Patil
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.1484-1502
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    • 2023
  • The medical sector actively changes and implements innovative features in response to technical development and revolutions. Many of the most crucial elements in IoT-connected health services are safeguarding critical patient records from prospective attackers. As a result, BlockChain (BC) is gaining traction in the business sector owing to its large implementations. As a result, BC can efficiently handle everyday life activities as a distributed and decentralized technology. Compared to other industries, the medical sector is one of the most prominent areas where the BC network might be valuable. It generates a wide range of possibilities and probabilities in existing medical institutions. So, throughout this study, we address BC technology's widespread application and influence in modern medical systems, focusing on the critical requirements for such systems, such as trustworthiness, security, and safety. Furthermore, we built the shared ledger for blockchain-based healthcare providers for patient information, contractual between several other parties. The study's findings demonstrate the usefulness of BC technology in IoHT for keeping patient health data. The BDSA-IoHT eliminates 2.01 seconds of service delay and 1.9 seconds of processing time, enhancing efficiency by nearly 30%.

Assessing the Effectiveness of Smartphone Usage to Interact with Learning Materials in Independent Learning Outside of Classrooms among Undergraduate Students

  • Sununthar Vongjaturapat;Nopporn Chotikakamthorn;Panitnat Yimyam
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.43-75
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    • 2021
  • Clearly, the smartphone is increasingly playing a greater role in everyday life, thus providing opportunities to evaluate how well the use of the smartphone meets the requirements of undergraduate students in independent learning outside of a classroom setting. This study used the task-technology fit (TTF) model to explore the effectiveness of smartphone usage to interact with learning materials in independent learning outside of classrooms, the need for smartphone support, and the fit of devices to tasks as well as performance. First, the study used interviews, observation, and survey data to identify what are the most important constructs of smartphones that stimulate students to interact with learning materials in independent learning outside of classrooms. Based on the findings from the exploratory study and Task Technology Fit theory, we postulated the Navigation design, Ergonomic design, Content support, and Capacity as the essential dimension of the smartphone construct. Then, we proposed a research model and empirically tested hypotheses with the structural model analysis. The results reveal a significant positive impact of task and technology on TTF for smartphone usage to interact with learning materials in independent learning outside of classrooms; it also confirmed the TTF and performance have a direct effect on actual use.

A Study on Everyday Life Information Seeking and User Experience of Public Library in Contactless Society (비대면 시대의 지식정보취약계층 일상생활 정보요구와 도서관 이용 경험에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jungyeoun;Kim, Hyunae
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.223-246
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    • 2021
  • Based on the Everyday Information Seeking Behavior Theory, this study investigates information activities and library experience of 66 elderly or people with disabilities in Autonomous District A. In addition, this study analyzes contextual circumstances of daily information activities through in-depth interviews with a subset of 11 people. Although community welfare centers provide basic welfare, the elderly and people with disabilities seek to learn and socialize in cultural welfare centers, particularly in libraries. This study shows that libraries can fulfill their top three of Maslow's hierarchy of needs: Self-Actualization, Esteem, and Love and Belonging. Specifically, digital literacy education has been identified to be highly demanded. They seek to distinguish correct online information and to socialize using digital technologies in this contactless society. This study proposes a detailed plan for public libraries to offer cultural and information welfare in order to reduce the information gap within the local communities.