• Title/Summary/Keyword: evaluation situation

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ANN-based Evaluation Model of Combat Situation to predict the Progress of Simulated Combat Training

  • Yoon, Soungwoong;Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2017
  • There are lots of combined battlefield elements which complete the war. It looks problematic when collecting and analyzing these elements and then predicting the situation of war. Commander's experience and military power assessment have widely been used to come up with these problems, then simulated combat training program recently supplements the war-game models through recording real-time simulated combat data. Nevertheless, there are challenges to assess winning factors of combat. In this paper, we characterize the combat element (ce) by clustering simulated combat data, and then suggest multi-layered artificial neural network (ANN) model, which can comprehend non-linear, cross-connected effects among ces to assess mission completion degree (MCD). Through our ANN model, we have the chance of analyzing and predicting winning factors. Experimental results show that our ANN model can explain MCDs through networking ces which overperform multiple linear regression model. Moreover, sensitivity analysis of ces will be the basis of predicting combat situation.

A Study on the Analysis of the Current Situation of the Target Site Using the Image of Unmanned Aircraft in the Environmental Impact Assessment

  • Ki-Sun Song;Sun-Jib Kim
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.381-388
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    • 2023
  • Small-scale environmental impact assessments have limitations in terms of survey duration and evaluation resources, which can hinder the assessment and analysis of the current situation. In this study, we propose the use of drone technology during the environmental impact assessment process to supplement these limitations in the current situation analysis. Drone photography can provide rapid and accurate high-resolution images, allowing for the collection of various information about the target area. This information can include different types of data such as terrain, vegetation, landscape, and real-time 3D spatial information, which can be collected and processed using GIS software to understand and analyze the environmental conditions. In this study, we confirmed that terrain and vegetation analysis and prediction of the target area using drone photography and GIS analysis software is possible, providing useful information for environmental impact assessments.

Exploration of the Evaluation Criteria and Index by Applied CIPP Model in Creativity·Character Education (CIPP 모형을 적용한 창의·인성교육 평가준거 및 지표의 탐색)

  • Won, Hyo-Heon;Jeon, Eun-Sun
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.1108-1118
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to spread the education of human creativity program and its possibility of consistency, and its application to school system by exploring the evaluation system that determines the valuable and useful decisions. This study was based on the evaluation system according to CIPP model regarding the program's general ideas and its role. The interest of the education of human creativity was increasing as well as its progress of program, and we searched 13 figures and 55 evaluation index according to increase the program's effectiveness and nation-wise situation of evaluation model. The conclusion of this study was that the human creativity program's evaluation was composed of six compartments. And the context evaluation was composed of three evaluation models and eleven index, and input evaluation was composed of three evaluation model and 15 index, while process evaluation is composed of three evaluation models and thirteen evaluation index. Lastly, output evaluation had four evaluation model and sixteen index.

A Basic Study on the Development of a BIM-based Realtime Performance Evaluation Technology for the User Life Safety in the Buildings (건물 내의 사용자 생활안전설계를 위한 BIM기반 실시간 성능검토 기술개발에 관한 기초연구)

  • Lee, Yun Gil
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.1058-1067
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    • 2015
  • Dweller's safety is one of the most important factors for the evaluation of building performance. The process of conventional safety design which is normally performed by the codes and designer's experiences is not enough to check the whole possibilities of unexpected accidents in the built environment. It means that the dwellers might be always exposed by the dangerous situation which should have been removed in the architectural design process. In order to solve this problem, this study intends to introduce a rule-based performance evaluation technology based on BIM(Building Information Modeling). The proposed technology focuses on the real time evaluation of dweller's safety in the ordinary life in the designed building alternatives and uses a commercial BIM tool as a design and evaluation platform.

Evaluations of national innovation/R&D programs in the developed countries and its implications (국책 연구개발 프로그램에 대한 외국평가사례 분석 및 평가지침 개발)

  • 이무신;엄기용;심덕섭
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.207-235
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    • 1994
  • Regarding the study in innovation/R&D programs evaluation, twelve cases from the U.S ., U. K., Germany, France, Sweden, Australia, Japan, and EC are analyzed, and its implications to Korean situation are investigated. From the analysis of the cases, some valuable guidelines for Korea are developed. Some of the guidelines are: the evaluation must be treated as an integral part of the Government supported programs, specialists in evaluation should be raised, the long-term effects and non-economic/social effects should also be included in the evaluation, various efforts to acquire more exact and versatile information necessary for quality evaluation should be made, and additional effort is required for the evaluation to be actualized.

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A Study for Flight Times and Ages affects on Situation Awareness Evaluation of Helicopter Pilots (비행시간과 연령이 헬리콥터 조종사의 상황인식 평가에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Sung-Ho;Lee, Yeong-Heok;Choi, Yeon-Chul;Lee, Meong-Hyun;Park, Sun-Rae
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.66-73
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    • 2011
  • According to U.S. NTSB, from 1989 to 1992, Situation Awareness(SA) was a major factor causing 80% of all aircraft accidents in scheduled airlines. Therefore, the prevention of accidents through effective training in SA became a pivot in aviation safety. Furthermore, during the past 10 years, since all helicopter accidents in Korea were caused by the factors related to SA, an appropriate countermeasure has been required. This study, which uses survey data, examines various factors related to SA that could affect helicopter pilots. Common characteristics of situation awareness factors are that the result from the independent variables which are flight time, duty period and age of a first officer is statistically significant with the result from the independent variables of an instructor pilot's. However, only experience is statistically significant independent variable for factors influencing decision making in emergency situations, but anxiety, expectation and comprehension are not significant.

A Comparative Study on Management Evaluation and Re-certification System of G-SEED, BREEAM, LEED (국내외 녹색건축인증제의 유지관리 및 재인증 제도에 대한 비교 연구)

  • Hyun, Eun Mi;Kim, Yong Sik
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2014
  • As time passes, the aging of the plant building, the building's energy performance degradation than the initial plan does not express a situation could arise. This year, the certification of buildings certified in 2009 has expired for measures such as the situation required. In this study, management of national and international green building certification and re-certification was compared in two ways. First, the evaluation of green building certification system management assessments were compared. Second, the green building certification system for the re-certification analysis. As a result, G-SEED was not reflected life-cycle of building in management assessment and the commissioning of G-SEED is the UK and the U.S and other concepts of evaluation. In addition, the re-certification system is insufficient about substantial energy consumption of buildings. In this study, the revised the management assessments in conjunction with the re-certification system to manage the building is proposed to improve. In addition, the current evaluation of the existing building certification "existing building" and "building the first certified" as it is more efficient to separate the information into assessment was judged. Green building certification system to meet the purpose of management and operation, and disposal phases of the building to promote energy conservation and sustainability in order to the management a systematic and detailed evaluation and re-certification system developed for the revision of the specific items required and future research want to continue.

A Study on the Development of Library ESG Management Evaluation Indicator and the Evaluation Result of Library ESG

  • Younghee Noh
    • International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.99-139
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    • 2024
  • In this study, the library ESG evaluation indicators specialized for libraries were developed, and based on which, a survey was conducted targeting the actual libraries to evaluate the ESG level of libraries. As a result of the study, first, among the ESG evaluation indicators, the indicators of the social field and the governance field are demonstrating high in which field of the library's ESG evaluation indicators will appear the highest. The social area's high score of 3.70 seems to be because the protection of users' rights, occupational safety, and contribution to society and the local community are very closely related to the original role of the library. Second, it may be seen that there is a difference between the questions in the corporate governance part, while the averages are the same. In the case of library's cooperation, it turned out that it was 3.94 in the necessity evaluation of the evaluation indicators, but it was lowered to 3.61 in the actual library situation evaluation. Meanwhile, in connection with the activities of the director of library and the board of directors, it may be seen that the index evaluation increased from 3.32 to 3.58 in the actual evaluation.

고온고압배관의 손상평가 및 실제 사례

  • Ha, Jeong-Su
    • 열병합발전
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    • s.27
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    • pp.5-9
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    • 2002
  • High pressure steam pipe in power plants is subjected to service conditions under which creep processes take place limiting the component's lifetime. To ensure a safe and economic operation it is necessary to get accurate information about the lifetime situation of single components as well as of the whole system. Careful evaluation is combined with FEM analysis, NDT, microstructure evaluation. Especially, 14MoV63 steel is used as material for main steam pipe for 30 years old power plants. In service inspections have shown an increasing number of cracks and creep cavities beside stress concentration parts. A detailed analysis came to the conclusion that lifetime has been consumed to a high degree, 80%level.

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Study on the computer method for power system planning (전력계통계획의 종합기계화에 관한 연구)

  • 송길영
    • 전기의세계
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 1978
  • This paper describes a computer method for power system planning. Power system planning was usually studied through individual programs. Because of the laborious work involved in data preparation, the increase of task for power system planning and the time required for the detailed analysis of results, the available time for assessment and decision making has been sacrificed. In order to improve the above situation, the use of data base techniques an the simplified evaluation of the presented programs were newly developed. This program has been used successfully for the routine of power system planning in Korea Electric Company. In addition, this paper describes some results of analysis and evaluation of power system planning in KECO.

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