• Title/Summary/Keyword: eum-yang

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A Study of Health Promotion Behavior and Health Status based on Adult's Constitution (성인의 체질별 건강증진 행위 및 건강상태)

  • Kim Sook-Young
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.441-452
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    • 2000
  • This study was a descriptive research to investigate the health promotion behavior and health status based on Korean adult's constitution. The subjects for the study were 96 adults who were the residents either in Seoul or Taegu city. The instruments used for this study included a survey of general characteristics, health promotion behavior and health status. The data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient and Scheffe method as post hoc test. The results of this study were summarized as follows : 1) There was no significant difference on the health promotion behavior and health status by constitutions. But, in the relationship between five factors of the health promotion behavior and constitution, there was significant difference on health responsibility by constitutions(F=3.31. P=.041). According to the scheffe test, Taeumin group performed better behavior for the health promotion than soyangin group. 2) Health promotion behavior was significantly related to health status (r=-.24, P=.025), suggesting that the person with high health promotion behavior get higher health status scores. 3) In the relationship between general characteristics variables and health promotion behavior, there were significant differences in education(F=3.12, P=.031), economic status(F=4.09, P=.021), religion (F=3.12, P=.031). The level of health promotion behavior of high educated persons and high economic status persons was high. The persons who believe in Catholicism performed better behavior for the health promotion than the persons who don't get religion. Based on these results, to determining and fully understanding client's constitution are the foundations of Eum-Yang and personal character. Therefore, we have to consider the constitution when we provide nursing care. When we consider the differences of health promotion behavior according to constitution, we can provide the client with the kind of nursing care and health education to satisfy their demands.

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Observed Long-term Water Content Change in Concrete Track Roadbed by Rainfall (콘크리트궤도노반에서의 강우량에 따른 장기 함수비 변화)

  • Choi, Chanyong;Kim, Hunki;Yang, Sangbeom;Eum, KiYoung
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2015
  • In this study, it was performed in characteristics of settlement of roadbed materials with variation of water content using cylinder model device. The ratio of settlement ($R_e$) of subgrade soils in the initial water content were about 2.08, whereas it was increased about 4.06 which resulted in increase two times in the initial water content. Also, it was monitoring long-term to measure variation of the field water contents at concrete track using rainfall measuring sensors. The water content at directly underneath of concrete track rarely seems to affect the variation of water content, but it was increased by about 4% than intial water content with 20 mm/hr rainfall index at slope section. As for the result from the field date, it was determined that the water content of the inner subgrade layer was rarely affect caused by more than 20 mm/h rainfall index during if good drainage system at concrete track properly maintained.

A study on the Main Diseases of Three Divisions of the Pulse and the Symptoms of Diseases of Gi Kyoung Pal Maek(奇經八脈) of the Maek Kyoung(脈經) Vol. II (II) (맥경권제이(脈經卷第二) 삼관맥주병(三關脈主病)과 기경팔맥병증(奇經八脈病證)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) (II))

  • Lim, Dong-Kook;Park, Kyung
    • The Journal of the Society of Korean Medicine Diagnostics
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2007
  • Maek Kyoung(Mai Jing, 脈經) is the first chinese specialized book of diagnostics written by Wang Hee(Wang xi, 王熙) from Seo Jin(xi jin, 西晉). He assorted the contents with pulse and medical examination from Nae Kyoung(nei jing, 內經), Nan Kyoung(nan jing, 難經), Sang Han Ron(shang han lun, 傷寒論) and Jung Jang Kyoung(zhong cang jing, 中藏經). And united with his own research, he explains medical examination and the way of talking the pulse by classifying into entrance and class. Maek Kyoung(Mai Jing, 脈經) was imported Korea by Ji Chong(zhi cong, 知聰) AD 561, and he passed through Ko Ku Ryeo(gao gou li, 高句麗) with Nae Wei Jeon(nei wai dian, 內外典), Yak Seo(yao shu, 藥書), Myung Dang Do(ming tang tu, 明堂圖) and Maek Kyoung(Mai Jing, 脈經) to be naturalized in Japan. This treatise make a special study of the second volume of the Maek Kyoung. It consists of the four chapters: Pyoung Sam Kwan Eum Yang E Sip Sa Ki Maek Je II(平三關陰陽二十四氣脈第一), Pyoung In Young Sin Mun Ki Ku Jeon Hu Maek Je E(平人迎神門氣口前後脈第二), Pyoung Sam Kwan Byoung Hu Byoung Chi Eui Je Sam(平三關病侯幷治宜第三), and Pyoung Gi Kyoung Pal Maek Byoung Je Sa(平寄經八脈病第四). Bi Geup Choun Geum Yo Bang(備急千金要方) and Eui Hak Ip Mun(醫學入門) quoted from the contents in the second volume of Maek Kyoung, and Bin Ho Maek Hak(瀕湖脈學), Gi Kyoung Pal Maek Go(奇經八脈攷) and Maek Eo(脈語) extracted from contents in the second volume of the Maek Kyoung and requoted from this contents. Contents in the second volume of the Maek Kyoung have very valuable data like that, but the literature on this subject in the form of a treatise has not been yet in Korea. So I hope this study will be useful to develope Diagnostics by correcting translation and interpretation and fixing wrong translation.

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A Study on Gin Ga Chu Yo(診家樞要) I (진가추요(診家樞要)에 대한 연구(硏究) I)

  • Kim, Heon;Park, Kyung
    • The Journal of the Society of Korean Medicine Diagnostics
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2005
  • Background and purpose: Gin Ga Chu Yo(該家樞要) was written in the year 1359 by Hwal Su(滑壽) who was a famous oriental doctor between Won(元) and Myeong(明) dynasty. As specialized in sphygmology(脈學), this book was brought together most things about sphygmology(脈學) before Won(元) dynasty by the author. Moreover he added the self-realized things to this book. Methods: In this book, there are all 20 chapters; Chu Yo Hyeon Eon(樞要玄言), Jwa U Su Bae Jang Bu Bu Wi (左右手配臟腑部立), O Jang(五臟), Sa Si peong Maek(四時平脈), Nae Gyeong Sam Bu Maek Beop(內經三部脈法), Ho Heup Chim Bu Jeong O Jang Beop(呼吸沈浮定五臟法), In Ji Ha Gyeong Jung I Jeong O Jang Beop(因指下輕重以定五臟法), Sam Bu So Ju(三部所主), Ji Maek Su Beop(持脈手法), Maek Gwi Yu Sin(脈實有神), Maek Eum Yang Yu Seong(脈陰陽類成 ), Gyeom Hyeon Maek Ryu(兼見脈類), Je Maek Ui Gi Ryu(諸脈宜忌類), Heom Je Sa Jeung Ryu(驗諸死症類) , Sa Jeol Maek Ryu(死絶脈類), O Jang Dong Ji Maek(五藏動止脈), Bu In Maek Beop(婦人脈法), So A Maek Beop(小兒脈法), Maek Sang Tong Hoe(脈象統會), Maek Sang Ga(脈象歌) and an epilogue in the end. This treatise is made up of principal, notes, study and conclusion, we tried to make a translation faithful to the original. Results and Conclusion: Looking into this book, we can know that it is very detail in analyzing item by item, bright and simple in explaining and it is very useful in studying pulse evaluation(脈診). In his preface, Hwal Su(滑壽) expresses his opinion with firm confidence that 'Do(道) of the World scattered in several scholarships and books of method and technique(方術). Nothing of method and technique(方術 ) is more important than medicine. Nothing of medicine goes before pulse evaluation(脈診).' With such good reasons, as a student of sphygmology(脈學), I think this book is very valuable in studying pulse evaluation. So I add Hangul suffixes(吐) to a part of this book and translate it into Korean.

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A Study on Gin Ga Chu yo(診家樞要)III (진가추요(診家樞要)에 대한 연구(硏究) III)

  • Kim, Heon;Park, Kyung
    • The Journal of the Society of Korean Medicine Diagnostics
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-35
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    • 2006
  • Background and purpose: Giu Ga Chu Yo(診家樞要) was written in the year 1359 by Hwal Su(滑壽) who was a famous oriental doctor between Won(元) and Myeong(明) dynasty. As specialized in sphygmology (脈學), this book was brought together most things about sphygmology(脈擧) before Won(元) dynasty by e author. Moreover he added the self-realized things to this book. Methods: In this book, besides a author's preface, there are all 20 chapters which are Chu Yo Hyeon Eon(權要玄言), Jwa U Su Bae Jang Bu Bu Wi(左右手配臟腑部位), O Jang(五臟), Sa Si Peong Maek(四時平脈), Nae Gyeong Sam Bu Maek Beop(內經三部脈法), Ho Heup Chim Bu Jeong O Jang Beop(呼吸沈浮定五臟法), In Ji Ha Gyeong Jung I Jeing O Jang Beop(因指下重以定五腑法), Sam Bu So Ju(三部所主), Ji Maek Su Beop(持脈手法), Maek Gwi Yu Sin(脈貴有神), Maek Eum Yang Yu Seong(脈陰陽類成), Gyeom Hyeon Maek Ryu(兼見脈類), Je Maek Ui Gi Ryu(諾脈宜忌類), Heom Je Sa Jeung Ryu(驗諸死症類), Sa Jeol Maek Ryu(死絶脈類), O Jang Dong Ji Maek(五藏動止脈), Bu In Maek Beop(婦人脈法), So A Mrek Beop(小兒脈法), Maek Sang Tong Hoe(脈象統會), Maek Sang Ga(脈象歌) and an epilogue in the end. Result and Conclusion: Looking into this book, we can know that it is very detail in analyzing item by item, bright and simple in explaining and it is very useful in studying pulse evaluation(脈診). In his preface, Hwal Su(辨壽) expresses his opinion with firm confidence that 'Do(道) of the World scattered in several scholarships and books of method and technique(術). Nothing of method and technique(力術) is more important than medicine. Nothing of medicine goes before pulse evaluation(脈診).' With such good reasons, as a student of sphygmology(脈學), I think this book is very valuable in studying pulse evaluation.' So I add Hangul suffixes(吐) to a part of this book and translate it into Korean.

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Study on the Seventy-fifth Question of "Nan-gyeong(Classic of Difficult Issues, 難經)" (난경(難經).칠십오난(七十五難)에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jung;Kang, Jung-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.189-198
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    • 2009
  • Considering the opinions of annotators, the remedy about excess of east and deficiency of west from "the seventy-fifth question" can be arranged as follows. "The seventy-fifth question", with "the sixty-ninth question", explains excess and deficiency of mother and son. Abatement of fire and invigoration of water[瀉火補水] in the excess of wood and deficiency of metal[木實金虛] presents a remedy, which has been applied in herbs and medicine application henceforth. "The seventy-fifth question" is a unique theory from " Nan-gyeong(難經)", and does not continue the theory of "Hwangjenaegyeong(黃帝內經)". "The seventy-fifth question" mentions the relationship of excess and deficiency of the five elements and five viscera, but does not mention excess and deficiency of invigoration and abatement of the meridian. Remedy from abatement of fire and invigoration of water[瀉火補水] in the excess of wood and deficiency of metal[木實金虛] is an abnormal, temporary and extraordinary method. This remedy is applied in Saam acupuncture[舍巖鍼] as A-variation form. The process where Son allows excess of mother[子能令母實] and mother allows deficiency of son[母能令子虛] in the abatement of fire and invigoration of water[瀉火補水] is a mechanism, not a remedy. Generation after generation, medical practitioners can be classified into those that claimed abatement of fire and invigoration of water[瀉火補水] because of the relation with excess of liver and deficiency of lung[肝實肺虛], abatement of heart(瀉心) due to the excess of liver(肝實), or invigoration of Eum and abatement of Yang[補陰瀉陽].

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A Study on the trends of Meebyung research ('미병(未病)' 연구의 경향에 관한 고찰)

  • Lee, Sang-Jae;Li, Song-Shi;Kim, Do-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2010
  • Contemporary topic of the culture is turning to the Nature. In this situation, The Paradigms of realization about Human body and medical science are changing. The new interpretation of the value of Health is another method of recovering the Nature. Oriental medicine has mainly dealt with health preserving idealogy in origin, and pursued it. Get out of the curing medicine, the health preserving idealogy which aims to live up to one's lifespan has been becoming the main idea of Oriental medicine. In this respect, we can extract insperation from the concept of Meebyung and preventive treatments which came from the ideas of preventive medicine in Oriental medicine. Among the researches of Meebyung in Oriental medical classics and in Oriental tri-countries, we grasped and analyzed the trends of them. In connection with the most fundamental project in Meebyung study which is to set up the concept of Meebyung, we inspected the standards which can categorize and diagnose Meebyung. In contrast with 'Ibyeong', Meebyung in Oriental medical classics can be attained from living in harmony with the Nature, four seasons, Eum-and-Yang and the Five Phases. However the classification of Meebyung, Yogbyeong, Ibyeong in medical classics made foundation of post preventive medicine. From the various studies we can find as follws. Promting national project in Meebyung, China is trying to reestablish classifications of Meebyung, as Japanese Meebyung scholars are focusing on quantitative methods. Although there are not enough research products, Korea must absorb the products of such other countries, as to categorize Meebyung through the pattern identification system of Oriental medicine, and achieve our goal of promotion of health.

The Editing System and Characteristics of "Clinical Formula Science of Korean Medicine" ("동의림상방제학(東醫臨床方劑學)"의 편집체제와 특징)

  • Shin, Soon Shik
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.142-153
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : Examined the editing system and the characteristics of "Clinical Formula Science of Korean Medicine" to establish a basis for compilation system of the common formula science textbook for colleges of Korean medicine nationwide. Methods : Comprehended the "Clinical Formula Science of Korean Medicine" published by professor Hyeongok(1911-1987) in 1985 and analyzed its configuration system. Results : "Clinical Formula Science of Korean Medicine" has made it possible to understand the formula systematically by establishing and classifying 24 kinds of treatment method [the three treatment methods of cold-dampness, dryness-heat and interior deficiency and its subdivision, 19 kinds of treatment method (stomach, phlegm, eum, yang, spirit, essence, ki, blood, blood stasis, exterior, interior, half-exterior half-interior, water, wind, cold, heat, dampness) combined with reducing and vomiting] and main formula. These can be considered as professor Hyeongok's own method of classification, which is distinctive from the existing formula science system. Also, it suggests that a Korean medicine doctor should not use a biased formula science that is limited to some schools but apply the formula widely and synthetically because it is believed to pursue perfection in cure if the main formulas related to a physical disorder, pregnancy and childbirth, invigorating and purging five viscera, and Four-Constitution Medicine are added. Conclusions : "Clinical Formula Science of Korean Medicine" is seen as a formula science book which is to be consulted when compiling a common formula science textbook for colleges of Korean medicine by forming a Korean formula science system that is distinctive from that of China.

Numerous Bilateral Radiographically Dense Branching Opacities after Vertebroplasty with Polymethylmethacrylate (Polymethylmethacrylate를 이용한 경피적 척추성형술 후 흉부 X선에서 관찰된 다수의 양측성, 분지상 선상 음영)

  • Cho, Jun Hyun;Jung, Jong Pil;Eum, Jun-Bum;Seo, Kwang Won;Jegal, Yang Jin;Choi, Seong Hoon;Ahn, Jong Joon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.61 no.2
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    • pp.184-188
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    • 2006
  • Percutaneous vertebroplasty consists of the percutaneous injection of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement into a collapsed vertebral body in order to obtain pain relief and mechanically strengthen the vertebral body. This procedure is now extensively used in treating osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture. It is an efficient treatment, but it is not free of complications. Most complications after vertebroplasty are associated with PMMA leakage. Pulmonary embolism of PMMA is rare, but this can occur when there is a failure to recognize venous migration of cement early during the procedure. We encountered a case of a patient with asymptomatic pulmonary embolism because of PMMA after percutaneous vertebroplasty. Chest X-ray and CT scanning revealed numerous tubular branching opacities that corresponded to the pulmonary vessels at the segmental and subsegmental levels.

Considerations of Jungpung(中風) in Chungumbang(千金方) at Tang(唐)‘s dynasty (당(唐), 천금방(千金方)에 기재(記載)된 중풍(中風)에 관한 고찰(考察))

  • Choi, Eun-Jeong;Jeong, Sung-Hyun;Shin, Gil-Cho;Lee, Won-Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.17 no.2 s.32
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    • pp.117-132
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    • 1996
  • The study of Jungpung(中風)'s section in Chungumyobang (千金要方, 諸風門) by Sonsamak(孫思邈) showed the following results. 1. The cause of Jungpung(中風) in Jungpung(中風)'s section in Chungumyobang (千金要方, 諸風門) was quotated from the theory of Naekyung(內經) -Pung(風) evil from the external environment invade on Hu(虛) of human body(外來風邪, 內虛邪中). 2. At Jungpung(中風)'s section in Chungumyobang (千金要方, 諸風門), he devided into the four classes of Jungpung(中風)'s symptom-Pyungo, Pungbi, Pungyi, Pungbi(偏枯, 風?, 風懿, 風痺)-, and this classification had a great influence on the next generations. 3. At Jungpung(中風)'s section in Chungumyobang (千金要方, 諸風門), he understanded that changes of Jungpung(中風)'s pathology depended on the Eum-Yang-Han-Yul-Hu-Shil(陰陽寒熱虛實) of the patients. 4. At Jungpung(中風)'s section in Chungumyobang (千金要方, 諸風門), he gathered and rearranged various prescription which accumulated the clinical experiences during the period from Naekyung(內經), Sanghan(傷寒) times, to Tang(唐)'s dynasty. There were major Jungpung(中風)'s prescription -Sosokmyungtang(小續命湯), Daesokmyungtang(大續命湯), Jukryuktang(竹瀝湯), Jihwangjun(地黃煎), Dokhwalgisaengtang(獨活寄生湯) etc. And the principle of treatment was the remedy method of removing evil through sweating(發汗祛邪法). 5. Chungumyobang(千金要方) showed the development of quality, quantity in their prescription comparing the fomer ages. And the method of classification of Jungpung(中風)'s symptom had a great influence on the next generation in clinical aspect. But the basic theory in Chungumyobang(千金要方) coudn't get out of the limits of Naekyung(內經), Gumgueyoryak(金?要略).

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