• Title/Summary/Keyword: environment for using tools

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  • Lee, B.J.;Lee, J.S.;Yim, J.W.;Kim, Chong-Am
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.100-110
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    • 2007
  • A new design approach for a delicate treatment of complex geometries such as a wing/body configuration is arranged using overset mesh technique under large scale computing environment for turbulent viscous flow. Various pre- and post-processing techniques which are required of overset flow analysis and sensitivity analysis codes are discussed for design optimization problems based on gradient based optimization method (GBOM). The overset flow analysis code is validated by comparing with the experimental data of a wing/body configuration (DLR-F4) from the 1st Drag Prediction Workshop (DPW-I). In order to examine the applicability of the present design tools, careful design works for the drag minimization problem of a wing/body configuration are carried out by using the developed aerodynamic shape optimization tools for the viscous flow over multiple-body aircraft geometries.

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Analysis on the Risk-Based Screening Levels Determined by Various Risk Assessment Tools (I): Variability from Different Analyses of Cross-Media Transfer Rates (다양한 위해성평가 방법에 따라 도출한 오염토양 선별기준의 차이에 관한 연구 (I): 매체 간 이동현상 해석에 따른 차이)

  • Jung, Jae-Woong;Ryu, Hye-Rim;Nam, Kyoung-Phile
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.12-29
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    • 2011
  • Risk-based screening levels (RBSLs) of some pollutants for residential adults were derived with risk assessment tools developed by United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and Korea Ministry of Environment (KMOE) and compared each other. To make the comparison simple, ingestion of soil, dermal contact with soil, outdoor inhalation of vapors, indoor inhalation of vapors, and inhalation of soil particulates were chosen as exposure pathways. The results showed that the derived RBSLs varied for every exposure pathway. For direct exposure pathways (i.e., ingestion of soil and dermal contact with soil), the derived RBSLs varied mainly due to the different default values for exposure factors and toxicity data. When identical default values for the parameters were used, the same RBSLs could be derived regardless of the assessment tools used. For inhalation of vapors and inhalation of soil particulates, however, different analysis methods for cross-media transfer rates were used and different assumptions were established for each tool, identical RBSLs could not be obtained even if the same default values for exposure factors were used. Especially for inhalation of soil particulates pathway, screening level derived using KMOE approach (most conservative) was approximately 5000~10000 times lower than the screening level derived using ASTM approach (least conservative). Our results suggest that, when deriving RBSL using a specific tool, it is a prerequisite to technically review the analysis methods for cross-media transfer rates as well as to understand how the assessment tool derives the default values for exposure factors.

Integrated Environments of Protocol Development Tools (프로토콜 개발 도구의 통합 환경)

  • O, Haeng-Seok;Choe, Yeong-Han;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.5
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    • pp.1349-1357
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    • 1997
  • As the size and complexity of newly suggested info-communications protoecis are incresing ,we need auto-matic tools for the protocol development.There were active researches on the develoment of these automatictools to support the efficient protocol developments But,till now,even though a lot of tools were developed,those are in the experimental stage and their practicality is pretty far away regardless of significant theoretical rescarch effort invested to produce them.Almost all the tools developed so far were usually develped ineividu-ally and they show limitations in the intergated protocol develpements.In this paper,to resolve these limitations,we integrated already developed tools systematically and designed and constructed an intergrated environment composed of diverse tools for the dffdctive protocol developments.The intergated environment ofers a comlete cycle of the protocol develeopment period via thee automation of using protocol development tools and improves the reliability of protocol.

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Creating a Standardized Environment for Efficient Learning Management using GitHub Codespaces and GitHub Classroom

  • Aaron Daniel Snowberger;Kangsoo You
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.16 no.3_spc
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 2024
  • One challenge with teaching practical programming classes is the standardization of development tools on student computers. This is particularly true when a complicated setup process is required before beginning to code, or in remote classes, such as those necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, where the instructor cannot provide individual troubleshooting assistance. In such cases, students who encounter problems during the setup process may give up on the class altogether before even beginning to code. Therefore, this paper recommends using GitHub Codespaces as a tool for implementing standardized student development environments from day one. Codespaces provides Docker containers that an instructor can configure in such a way as to enable students to practice installing various coding tools within a controlled space, while also providing a language-specific, fully optimized development environment. In addition, Codespaces may be used more effectively in collaboration with GitHub Classroom, which helps instructors manage both the starter code and coding environment in which students work. In this paper, we compare two semesters of university Node.JS programming classes that utilized different development environments: one localized on student computers, the other containerized in Codespaces online. Then, we discuss how GitHub Codespaces and GitHub Classroom can be used to increase the effectiveness of practical programming classes while also increasing student engagement and programming confidence in class.

A Survey on the BIM Education Status for Activating BIM Tool Instruction on School Building Construction (학교건축물 BIM 도입활성화를 위한 BIM 교육실태 조사연구)

  • Seo, Deok-Seok;Won, Ho-Sik
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2013
  • BIM(Building Information Modeling) is an indispensable tool to secure global competitiveness in construction sector, as already adapted significantly in European countries and U.S. In particular, as considering School Buildings constructed by BTL Method, using BIM tools are required for the accurate estimation of construction cost in planning stage, exact design and construction, well-judged settlement and performance of maintenance schedule. Therefore, this study investigates the BIM education status and the problems on using BIM tools through a survey of 100 BIM trainees and suggests improvement method of BIM education.

A Study on the Classification of Variables Affecting Smartphone Addiction in Decision Tree Environment Using Python Program

  • Kim, Seung-Jae
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.68-80
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    • 2022
  • Since the launch of AI, technology development to implement complete and sophisticated AI functions has continued. In efforts to develop technologies for complete automation, Machine Learning techniques and deep learning techniques are mainly used. These techniques deal with supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning as internal technical elements, and use the Big-data Analysis method again to set the cornerstone for decision-making. In addition, established decision-making is being improved through subsequent repetition and renewal of decision-making standards. In other words, big data analysis, which enables data classification and recognition/recognition, is important enough to be called a key technical element of AI function. Therefore, big data analysis itself is important and requires sophisticated analysis. In this study, among various tools that can analyze big data, we will use a Python program to find out what variables can affect addiction according to smartphone use in a decision tree environment. We the Python program checks whether data classification by decision tree shows the same performance as other tools, and sees if it can give reliability to decision-making about the addictiveness of smartphone use. Through the results of this study, it can be seen that there is no problem in performing big data analysis using any of the various statistical tools such as Python and R when analyzing big data.

A Study on the Improvement of Database contruction for Marine Environment by Multigen (멀티젠을 이용한 해상환경 DB개발 개선에 관한 연구)

  • 김창제;김원욱;고성정
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2001
  • Ship handling simulator has much merit to provide trainees with real-like circumstances in doing virtual education and training. To improve the quality of the education, it should be included both the mathematical model which can explain complicated ship's manoeuvrability and graphic tools for 3D images which can embody the visual scenes of reality on screen. This paper is focused on how to construct the marine environment DB(data Base) using S-57 data of ENC(Electronic Navigational Chart).

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Development of Web Based Machining Tool Data System Using XML(eXtensible Markup Language) (XML을 이용한 Web 기반 공구정보 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Young-Jin;Yang, Yung-Mo
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.8-15
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    • 2003
  • With rapid growth of internet technology, companies have developed an information system such as the electronic catalog for product data in the E-Business. Due to the heuristic nature of the catalog search for proper tools in the specific process, the intelligent and user friendly methods residing in the search process give a comfortable environment even for the beginners in the field. In this paper, we develop a web based catalog for machining tools especially in Milling process. It has two distinct procedures for the users of the catalog; Search and Analysis. The Search is to select a proper cutter, insert, component combination in the developed relational database based on the cutting process and material. The Analysis is to suggest a recommended optimal cutting conditions based on the machining tools and selected materials. All of these procedures are stored in a server with a program based on the ASP and Java Script where the procedure is initiated by the client using the internet which is accessed through insert. With the success on implementing the above engineering database in the internet, we can provide the foundation for developing PDM with heuristic procedure.

Evaluation of Hand- Arm Vibration of Steel Processing Factory Workers (금속가공 작업자의 국소진동 평가)

  • Youn, Jeong Taek;Park, Sang Kyu;Kim, So Yeon;Lee, Tae Yeoung;Jang, Jae Yeon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.52-65
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    • 1999
  • This study was performed to evaluate the hand-arm vibration of the steel processing factory workers. Measurement, evaluation and as sessment were based on the International Standard(ISO 5349). The frequency weighted accelerations of the various hand-held tools and total exposure time were measured to assess the periods for the white finger symptom to occur. As a result, it was found that the air angle grinder and the air baby grinder are more harmful than other hand-held tools. It was also found that using various vibratory tools together is more harmful than using a single tool.

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Design and Implementation for Cross Development Environment based on Virtual Prototyping Development Tools (가상 프로토타이핑 개발도구 기반의 교차개발환경 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Dae-Eung;Lee, Jeong-Bae;Rim, Kee-Wook;Hwang, Young-Sup;Ahn, Sung-Soon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.40-49
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    • 2009
  • Recently, many methodologies and development environment to shorten embedded system development time and to satisfy customer requirement were proposed. In this paper, a method to shorten development time by improving cross development environment is proposed for embedded system development, This method was designed and implemented just for the environment using virtual prototyping development tools and embedded development kit. According to implementation and result analysis, the proposed method show the better performance the than existing method in the cross development environment which is required to modify more than once.