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The Study on Development of Technology for Electronic Government of S. Korea with Cloud Computing analysed by the Application of Scenario Planning (한국 전자정부와 클라우드 컴퓨팅 기술개발연구 - 시나리오플래닝을 적용하여 -)

  • Lee, Sang-Yun;Yoon, Hong-Joo
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.1245-1258
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    • 2012
  • This study is about development of technology for electronic government of S. Korea with cloud computing analysed by the application of scenario planning. As a society of knowledge and information has been developed rapidly, because of changing from web environment to ubiquitous environment, a lot of countries across the world as well as S. Korea for e-Government have a variety of changes with cloud computing service. So this research focused on the strategy consulting of e-Government of S. Korea with development of cloud computing technology analysed by the application of 'scenario planning' as a foresight method. As a result, the future policy for development of cloud computing technology for electronic government of S. Korea is to further spur the development of technology for hard ware and internet data center as SLA(Service Level Agreement) and service provisioning, more improvement of level of technology with soft ware solution as resource virtualization, open API(Application Programming Interface).

Influence Analysis of Telecommunications Network in Electronic Government (전자정부에 정보통신망이 미치는 영향 분석)

  • 박민수
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.347-356
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    • 2000
  • This paper was studied on influence analysis of Telecommunications Network in Electronic Government. Analysis method was studied of Policy Delphi. The five kinds of telecommunications network influence in Electronic Government is National Information Infrastructure Networt, Local Area Network, Integrated Services Digital Network Public Switched Telephone Network, and Cable TV Network. The five kinds of telecommunications network service influence in Electronic Government is Telecommuting Service, Internet Service, PC Telecommunications Networt Video Conference Service and Electronic Data Interchange Service. The five kinds of telecommunications influence in Electronic Government is as follow: First Telecommuting Service must be Constructed. Second, Public Administration Service must be improved. Third. citizen must be participated in decision making. Fourth, Public Administration duty service must be digitalizing. Fifth, Video Conference Service must be improved.

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Technology Standardization, Government Intervention, and Public Electronic Certificate in Korea (기술표준화, 정부개입, 그리고 공인인증서)

  • Song, Yeongkwan
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.37 no.sup
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    • pp.1-32
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    • 2015
  • Korea witnesses continued debate over the policy that mandates the use of the public authentication certificate (electronic certificate) in electronic financing. The debate mainly centers on the rationale of the government compelling, as a standard, a public electronic certificate based on a specific technology, among several user authentication technologies. This paper looks into the impacts of both adoption and abolition of this mandatory policy and thereby analyzes the effects of government intervention in technology standardization. To that end, two main questions are presented: what conditions would enable a single technology to serve as a standard in the market without government intervention; and what conditions would make the standard determined in the market contribute to maximizing social welfare. This paper demonstrates that the attitude and preference of market participants towards each technology determine the level of market equilibria and social welfare caused by the adoption and abolition of the mandatory policy on electronic certificate.

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A Electronic Intergovernmental Relations(e-IGR) between the Central Government of Korea and the Seoul Metropolitan Government (전자정부에서 중앙-서울시 정부간 관계 (e-IGR) 에 대한 공무원 인식 현황과 평가)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Seong;Lee, Mi-Jeong
    • 한국디지털정책학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.21-36
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    • 2004
  • This paper attempts to find a desirable way to effectively integrate the roles of the central government of Korea and the Seoul Metropolitan Government in terms of e-government environments. Electronic intergovernmental relations(e-IGR) are analyzed from the multiple perspectives such as technological, institutional, and behavioral aspect. Among these. this paper found that the behavioral aspect deserves more academic and policy interests. Both the horizontal and vertical integration among departments and agencies will enable the e-government to serve people better.

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A Study on the Current State and Policies for Standardization on Electronic Commerce (전자상거래 표준화 현황 및 정책 분석에 관한 연구)

  • 박윤정;임춘성;윤용기
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.23-44
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    • 2003
  • It is needed to search the electronic commerce standardization and to analysis its policies to meet the international situations strategically and forecast the technology surroundings for electronic commerce. This study aims at searching the current state of electronic commerce standardization and analyzing policies on electronic commerce by the driving subject, that is, government and private organization, major countries, and standard classifications of electronic commerce technologies such as e-documents, e-catalog, e-payment, and e-process. The government and private organizations get information for the current state and policies for standardization on electronic commerce and put them practical use to make policies and strategy applications.

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The Genealogical Study on Electronic Bill of Lading

  • LEE, Bong-Soo
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    • v.69
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    • pp.349-370
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    • 2016
  • This thesis examines the problems faced in the electronic bill of lading for which improvements are necessary, and suggests various ways of overcoming those problems. First, to build a negotiation system for electronic B/Ls, active participation from related parties in addition to the government support is essential. Second, electronic B/Ls cannot be utilized within a short period of time in current commercial practices. Third, there should be infrastructure which connects all parties of international commerce through an electronic system. Fourth, instead of promoting mutual recognition through international treaty, there should be a plan which legally specifying mutual recognition between certification authorities. Fifth, it is needed to ease the strictness of electronic signature to promote the global negotiation of electronic B/Ls. Lastly, in prima facie weight of evidence, there was a significant difference with the Rotterdam Rules even in comparison with the Commercial Act which was amended with the significantly advanced rules on electronic B/L. He believed there should be a discreet consideration on these matters at the revision of the Commercial Act. For this, the government has to provide support more aggressively with more interest and commitments.

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A Social Network Analysis on the Common Initiative for the Electronic Government Law: Focusing on the Ruling Party and Seniority Effect

  • Lee, Hun-Hee;Han, Sang-Ik
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.125-133
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to investigate the political system related to the Electronic Government Law by analyzing the process of the common initiative of the law. To achieve the goal, this study applied the method of social analysis and sugessted the proper role of the assembly for realizing the electronic government and its control. The data were gathered from the bill information service of the national assembly. Netminer 4.0 was used for refining and analyzing data. The results are as follows. First, by analyzing three centrality(degree, betweenness, and eigenvector) of assembly member, the network effect of the powered party and reelected members were revealed as strong in the network. Second, through the component analysis, 5 sub-network has shown in total. The sub-networks showed two distinctive difference between two big parties. By the difference, members in two parties showed different characteristics in constituting communities and the effect of the powered party revealed as strong and clear. Based on the result, this study demonstrated the necessity of social solidarity rather than solipsism in committing common initiative. And a chronological research is need to anlayze 18th and 19th assembly to verify the effect of the powered party in prospect study.

A Study on the Electronic Records Element for Full Text Opening Information Service (원문정보공개서비스를 위한 전자기록구성요소에 관한 연구)

  • Heo, Jun Seok;Hong, Deok Yong
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.50
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    • pp.351-388
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to survey the electronic records for professionals on the effectiveness of the government's 3.0 full-text open information service (FOIS). By using Authenticity, Reliability, Integrity, and Usability as criteria, the management conditions of electronic records on InterPARES were analyzed in the public sector. Through this analysis, this study provided some suggestions on how management conditions for electronic records for the government 3.0 FOIS may be improved. A direction to ensure effective electronic records management was also suggested. Based on the literature review, a questionnaire was developed. The study results were as follows. First, Authenticity and Reliability were lower than the other criteria scores. In particular, Integrity had a higher score while Authenticity, Reliability, and Usability showed average scores. Second, there were various perspectives on electronic records management depending on the individuals' backgrounds and no statistically significant differences were found. In particular, administrators who are in their thirties and archivists with two to four years of experience showed higher scores in the four criteria. Based on these results, this study suggested systematic improvement plans for functions and services based on the four criteria in the Korean government's 3.0 FOIS.

A Study on Legislative Requirements for Trusted Electronic Records Management (신뢰성 있는 전자기록관리를 위한 법적 기반에 관한 연구)

  • Suh Hye-Ran;Seo Eun-Gyoung;Lee So-Yeon;Oh Kyung-Ju;Jeong Won-Shik
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.193-218
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    • 2004
  • Electronic records created by Korean Government Agencies in the course of their business activities have been increased rapidly since e-Government had been implemented. With more government business being, conducted electronically, the importance of managing electronic records effectively, appropriately, and trustily has never been greater. For managing electronic records accountably and trustily, it to necessary to develop relevant and detail electronic records management regulation. For that reason, this study is to analyze Korean Acts and Foreign(USA, UK, Canada Australia) Acts, Regulations, or Policies related to electronic records management and to suggest legislative requirements which could guide to develop regulation or Act of electronic records management.

A Study on the Effects of Government and Electronic Public Procurement on the Private Sector's Technical Inefficiency (정부 및 전자 구매의 기술적 비효율 효과(Technical Inefficiency Effects)분석)

  • Roh, Jae-Whak
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.111-127
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    • 2011
  • The aim of this study is to reveal the effects of government and public electronic procurement on the private sector's productivity and technical inefficiency. Three cases are analyzed. The first scenario is that the government just appears as a new consumer to enterprises. Simply participating as a new consumer to enterprises reveals that government does not contribute to the private sector's productivity or improve technical efficiency. The second case is one where the government publicly procures the private sector's service or goods using IT technologies. It is revealed that government contribute to improve the private sector's productivity and reduce inefficiency. The last case is where the government demands business to connect to governments using new IT technologies. The government demands to adopt the IT technology for connection results in improved productivity and efficiencies in the private sectors.