• Title/Summary/Keyword: elastic-plastic solution

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A Closed-Form Solution for Circular Openings in an Elastic-Brittle-Plastic Extended Spatial Mobilized Plane Medium

  • Wu, Chuangzhou;Guo, Wei;Jang, Bo-An
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2022
  • Based on the extended spatial mobilization plane (SMP) criterion, we present an elastic-brittle-plastic solution for an axisymmetric cylindrical tunnel. The influences of the intermediate principal compressive stress and material strain-softening behavior are considered. Closed-form formulas for the critical support force, radius of plastic zone, and distributions of stress and displacement in surrounding rock are proposed. The elastic-plastic solution based on SMP is compared with the Kastner solution to verify the credibility of the obtained elastic-plastic solution. The elastic-brittle-plastic solution following the SMP criterion and the current solution based on the Mohr-Coulomb criterion are also compared. The rock strain-softening rate and the intermediate principal stress affect the stability of the surrounding rock. The results provide guidance for optimizing the design of support systems for tunnels.

Undrained solution for cavity expansion in strength degradation and tresca soils

  • Li, Chao;Zou, Jin-feng;Sheng, Yu-ming
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.527-536
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    • 2020
  • An elastic-plastic solution for cavity expansion problem considering strength degradation, undrained condition and initial anisotropic in-situ stress is established based on the Tresca yield criterion and cavity expansion theory. Assumptions of large-strain for plastic region and small-strain for elastic region are adopted, respectively. The initial in-situ stress state of natural soil mass may be anisotropic caused by consolidation history, and the strength degradation of soil mass is caused by structural damage of soil mass in the process of loading analysis (cavity expansion process). Finally, the published solutions are conducted to verify the suitability of this elastic-plastic solution, and the parametric studies are investigated in order to the significance of this study for in-situ soil test.

Numerical simulation of elastic-plastic stress concentration in fibrous composites

  • Polatov, Askhad M.
    • Coupled systems mechanics
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.271-288
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    • 2013
  • In the present study an elastic-plastic strain analysis is carried out for fibrous composites by using numerical modeling. Application of homogeneous transversely-isotropic model was chosen based on problem solution of a square plate with a circular hole under uniaxial tension. The results obtained in this study correspond to the solution of fiber model trial problem, as well as to analytical solution. Further, numerical algorithm and software has been developed, based on simplified theory of small elastic strains for transversely-isotropic bodies, and FEM. The influence of holes and cracks on stress state of complicated configuration transversely-isotropic bodies has been studied. Strain curves and plasticity zones that are formed in vicinity of the concentrators has been provided. Numerical values of effective mechanical parameters calculated for unidirectional composites at different ratios of fiber volume content and matrix. Content volume proportions of fibers and matrix defined for fibrous composite material that enables to behave as elastic-plastic body or as a brittle material. The influences of the fibrous structure on stress concentration in vicinity of holes on boron/aluminum D16, used as an example.

Analysis of Elastic-Plastic J Integrals for 3-Dimensional Cracks Using Finite Element Alternating Method (유한요소 교호법을 이용한 삼차원 균열의 탄소성 J 적분 해석)

  • Park, Jai-Hak
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 2009
  • SGBEM(Symmetric Galerkin Boundary Element Method)-FEM alternating method has been proposed by Nikishkov, Park and Atluri. In the proposed method, arbitrarily shaped three-dimensional crack problems can be solved by alternating between the crack solution in an infinite body and the finite element solution without a crack. In the previous study, the SGBEM-FEM alternating method was extended further in order to solve elastic-plastic crack problems and to obtain elastic-plastic stress fields. For the elastic-plastic analysis the algorithm developed by Nikishkov et al. is used after modification. In the algorithm, the initial stress method is used to obtain elastic-plastic stress and strain fields. In this paper, elastic-plastic J integrals for three-dimensional cracks are obtained using the method. For that purpose, accurate values of displacement gradients and stresses are necessary on an integration path. In order to improve the accuracy of stress near crack surfaces, coordinate transformation and partitioning of integration domain are used. The coordinate transformation produces a transformation Jacobian, which cancels the singularity of the integrand. Using the developed program, simple three-dimensional crack problems are solved and elastic and elastic-plastic J integrals are obtained. The obtained J integrals are compared with the values obtained using a handbook solution. It is noted that J integrals obtained from the alternating method are close to the values from the handbook.

Plane strain bending of a bimetallic sheet at large strains

  • Alexandrov, Sergei E.;Kien, Nguyen D.;Manh, Dinh V.;Grechnikov, Fedor V.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.641-659
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    • 2016
  • This paper deals with the pure bending of incompressible elastic perfectly plastic two-layer sheets under plane strain conditions at large strains. Each layer is classified by its yield stress, shear modulus of elasticity and its initial percentage thickness in relation to the whole sheet. The solution found is semi-analytic. In particular, a numerical technique is only necessary to solve transcendental equations. The general solution is cumbersome because different analytic expressions for the radial and circumferential stresses should be adopted in different regions of the whole sheet. In particular, there are several alternative ways a plastic region (or plastic regions) can propagate. However, for any given set of material and process parameters the solution to the problem consists of a sequence of rather simple analytic expressions connected by transcendental equations. The general solution is illustrated by a simple example.

Simple solutions of an opening in elastic-brittle plastic rock mass by total strain and incremental approaches

  • Park, Kyungho
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.585-600
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    • 2017
  • This study deals with simple solutions for a spherical or circular opening excavated in elastic-brittle plastic rock mass compatible with a linear Mohr-Coulomb (M-C) or a nonlinear Hoek-Brown (H-B) yield criterion. Based on total strain approach, the closed-form solutions of stresses and displacement are derived simultaneously for circular and spherical openings using original H-B and M-C yield criteria. Two simple numerical procedures are proposed for the solution of generalized H-B and M-C yield criteria. Based on incremental approach, the similarity solution is derived for circular and spherical openings using generalized H-B and M-C yield criteria. The classical Runge-Kutta method is used to integrate the first-order ordinary differential equations. Using three data sets for M-C and H-B models, the results of the radial displacements, the spreading of the plastic radius with decreasing pressure, and the radial and circumferential stresses in the plastic region are compared. Excellent agreement among the solutions is obtained for all cases of spherical and circular openings. The importance of the use of proper initial values in the similarity solution is discussed.

An Elastic-Plastic Stress Analysis in Silicon Carbide Fiber Reinforced Magnesium Metal Matrix Composite Beam Having Rectangular Cross Section Under Transverse Loading

  • Okumus, Fuat
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.221-229
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    • 2004
  • In this work, an elastic-plastic stress analysis has been conducted for silicon carbide fiber reinforced magnesium metal matrix composite beam. The composite beam has a rectangular cross section. The beam is cantilevered and is loaded by a single force at its free end. In solution, the composite beam is assumed perfectly plastic to simplify the investigation. An analytical solution is presented for the elastic-plastic regions. In order to verify the analytic solution results were compared with the finite element method. An rectangular element with nine nodes has been choosen. Composite plate is meshed into 48 elements and 228 nodes with simply supported and in-plane loading condations. Predictions of the stress distributions of the beam using finite elements were overall in good agreement with analytic values. Stress distributions of the composite beam are calculated with respect to its fiber orientation. Orientation angles of the fiber are chosen as $0^{circ},\;30^{circ},\;45^{circ},\;60^{circ}\;and\;90^{circ}$. The plastic zone expands more at the upper side of the composite beam than at the lower side for $30^{circ},\;45^{circ}\;and\;60^{circ}$ orientation angles. Residual stress components of ${\sigma}_{x}\;and \;{\tau}_{xy}$ are also found in the section of the composite beam.

Elastic-plastic Analysis of a 3-Dimensional Inner Crack Using Finite Element Alternating Method (유한요소 교호법을 이용한 삼차원 내부 균열의 탄소성 해석)

  • Park, Jai-Hak;Park, Sang-Yun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.31 no.10
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    • pp.1009-1016
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    • 2007
  • Finite element alternating method has been suggested and used effectively to obtain the fracture parameters in assessing the integrity of cracked structures. The method obtains the solution from alternating independently between the FEM solution for an uncracked body and the crack solution in an infinite body. In the paper, the finite element alternating method is extended in order to obtain the elastic-plastic stress fields of a three dimensional inner crack. The three dimensional crack solutions for an infinite body were obtained using symmetric Galerkin boundary element method. As an example of a three dimensional inner crack, a penny-shaped crack in a finite body was analyzed and the obtained elastc-plastic stress fields were compared with the solution obtained from the finite element analysis with fine mesh. It is noted that in the region ahead of the crack front the stress values from FEAM are close to the values from FEM. But large discrepancy between two values is observed near the crack surfaces.

An assessment of non-linear elastic and elasto-plastic analyses with regards to tubular steel piles embedded in sands

  • Adolfo Foriero;Zeinab Bayati
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.397-409
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    • 2023
  • This study examines two traditional approaches (non-linear elastic and elasto-plastic) in association with 2D and 3D FEM analyses of a box-section pile embedded in sand. A particular emphasis is placed on stress singularities concerning both reentrant corners of the pile section and the resulting tension zones. From the experience gained in this study, non-linear elastic soil models are less restrictive when one considers stress singularities and their possible effects on convergence of the solution. At least for monotonic loading, when compared with field tests, non-linear elastic models yield better results than the plasticity ones. On the other hand, although elasto-plastic models are not limited to monotonic loading, they are much more sensitive to stress singularities. For this reason, a spherical elastic region is necessary at the pile tip to ensure convergence. Without this region, one must artificially impose an apparent cohesion to limit the tension stresses within a sand medium.


  • Kim, H.G.
    • International Journal of Automotive Technology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.483-491
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    • 2007
  • A closed form solution of a composite mechanics system is performed for the investigation of elastic-plastic behavior in order to predict fiber stresses, fiber/matrix interfacial shear stresses, and matrix yielding behavior in short fiber reinforced metal matrix composites. The model is based on a theoretical development that considers the stress concentration between fiber ends and the propagation of matrix plasticity and is compared with the results of a conventional shear lag model as well as a modified shear lag model. For the region of matrix plasticity, slip mechanisms between the fiber and matrix which normally occur at the interface are taken into account for the derivation. Results of predicted stresses for the small-scale yielding as well as the large-scale yielding in the matrix are compared with other theories. The effects of fiber aspect ratio are also evaluated for the internal elastic-plastic stress field. It is found that the incorporation of strong fibers results in substantial improvements in composite strength relative to the fiber/matrix interfacial shear stresses, but can produce earlier matrix yielding because of intensified stress concentration effects. It is also found that the present model can be applied to investigate the stress transfer mechanism between the elastic fiber and the elastic-plastic matrix, such as in short fiber reinforced metal matrix composites.