• Title/Summary/Keyword: driving safety

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Enhancing Connectivity of Guiding Points at Road Signs (도로표지 안내지명의 연계성 확보 방안)

  • Kim, Eung-Cheol;Lee, Tae-Yoon;Kwon, Young-In
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.8 no.4 s.30
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2006
  • The road sign is one of street furnitures functioning to guide directions for drivers. The road sign should be employed and designed to help drivers find their destinations easily and accurately. It is obvious that the road sign is one of the main components that enhance efficiency and safety of driving environments. The current way of guiding strategy at road signs in Korea is a system for mainly guiding 'points' although a new system guiding 'road names' and 'street numbers' with the introduction of new address system is now being introduced on urban areas. When the regional territory management offices and local governments try to employ current road sign systems, they are supposed to follow the sign regulations which contains standard project processes, selection methods of guiding points, character size and design, and location selection for each road sign. However, the current road sign regulations are very complex to understand and unclear for a person in charge to do tasks described above. Especially, selection process and criteria of guiding points are cumbersome and controversial. Furthermore, non sufficient ways of selecting guiding points considering road functions and geographic characteristics decrease the connectivity of guiding points. This study develops enhanced ways of increasing connectivity of successive guiding points through three case studies. Developed ways will help highway agencies and officials understand how to improve the connectivity of road signs.

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A Study on Design of Vacuum Silo for Batch Treatment System for Dredged Soil (준설토 일괄처리시스템을 위한 진공사이로 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Seok;Yang, Hae-Rim;Kim, Hac-Sun;Jeoung, Chan-Se;Yang, Soon-Yong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.571-577
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    • 2012
  • In this study, a small movable batch treatment system for dredging soil deposited in a rain water tube is proposed; further, a vacuum silo sorting separation device with a vacuum silo, first-stage sorting separator, and conveyor is designed. The vacuum silo sorting separation device also consists of a storage tank, transferring screw, vacuum gate, screen bar, screen bar cleaner, and vacuum discharging device. In view of the fact that the flow of drawn air in the storage tank is a major factor influencing the sorting separation performance, the optimum shape of the tank is determined by CFD flow analysis. In addition, by using CAE structure analysis, the safety of a storage tank made of boards is examined. The specifications of the vacuum silo sorting separation device are determined by conducting mechanical and dynamic simulations of the driving mechanism of the vacuum silo sorting separation device through 3D-CAD modeling. Following this study, we will design a drum-screen-type second sorter, a decanter-type dehydration device, and waste water tank and pump as a secondary device. Further, on the basis of this design, we will construct a prototype model and carry out a field test.

Who Should Live? Autonomous Vehicles and Moral Decision-Making (자율주행차와 윤리적 의사결정: 누가 사는 것이 더 합당한가?)

  • Shin, Hong Im
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.15-30
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    • 2019
  • The reduction of traffic accidents is a primary potential benefit of autonomous vehicles (AVs). However, the prevalence of AVs also arouses a key question: to what extent should a human wrest control back from AVs? Specifically, in an unavoidable situation of emergency, should an AV be able to decide between the safety of its own passengers and endangered pedestrians? Should AV programming include well-accepted decision rules about actionsto take in hypothetical situations? The current study (N = 103) examined individual/situational variables that could perform critical decision-making roles in AV related traffic accidents. The individual variable of attitudes toward AVs was assessed using the Self-driving Car Acceptance Scale. To investigate situational influences on decisional processes, the study's participants were assigned to one of two groups: the achievement value was activated in one group and the benevolence value was triggered in the other through the use of a sentence completion task. Thereafter, participants were required to indicate who should be protected from injury: the passengers of the concerned AV, or endangered pedestrians. Participants were also asked to record the extent to which they intended to buy an AV programmed to decide in favor of the greater good according to Utilitarian principles. The results suggested that participants in the "achievement value: driver perspective" groupexpressed the lowest willingness to sacrifice themselves to save several pedestrians in an unavoidable traffic accident. This group of participants was also the most reluctant to buy an AV programmed with utilitarian rules, even though there were significant positive relationships between members' acceptance of AVs and their expressed intention to purchase one. These findings highlight the role of the decisional processes involved in the "achievement value" pertaining to AVs. The paper finally records the limitations of the present study and suggests directions for future research.

Investigation of Axially Loaded Jacked Pile Behavior by Pile Load Test (말뚝재하시험을 통한 압입강관말뚝의 연직지지거동 분석)

  • Baek, Sung-Ha;Do, Eun-Su;Kim, Seok-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.34 no.7
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2018
  • Jacked pile that involves the use of hydraulic jacks to press the piles into the ground is free from noise and vibration, and is possibly installed within a limited construction area. Thus, as an alternative to conventional pile driving methods, pile jacking could become widely accepted for the construction projects in urban area (e.g., reconstruction or remodeling construction projects). Great concern has arisen over the prediction of axially loaded jacked pile behavior. Against this background, a series of pile load tests were hence conducted on a jacked steel pipe pile installed in weathered zone (i.e., weathered soil and weathered rock). From the test results, base resistance and shaft resistance for each test condition were evaluated and compared with the values predicted by the previous driven pile resistance assessment method. Test results showed that the previous driven pile resistance assessment method highly underestimated both the base and shaft resistances of a jacked pile; differences were more obviously observed with the shaft resistance. The reason for this discrepancy is that a driven pile normally experiences a larger number of loading/unloading cycles during installation, and therefore shows significantly degraded stiffness of surrounding soil. Based on the results of the pile load tests, particular attention was given to the modification of the previous driven pile resistance assessment method for investigating the axially loaded jacked pile behavior.

A Conspicuity Effect Study of Fluorescent Orange Color Traffic Sings for Work Zone Application (공사구간 형광주황색 교통안전표지 적용에 따른 주목성 효과 연구)

  • Ko, Sangkeun;Choi, Keechoo;Lee, Sang-Soo;Yun, Ilsoo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.5D
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    • pp.437-444
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    • 2012
  • This study intended to improve traffic safety in work zones using fluorescent orange color traffic signs. For this end, the current problems of existing traffic signs and facilities in work zones were analyzed and some good examples of foreign countries were compared. More specifically, in order to identify current problems, the basic shape and color of traffic signs in use were examined through literature review, surveys and field studies. It was found that the fluorescent color worked more effectively than other colors in terms of visibility and conspicuity in work zone sign system. For evaluation, both Conspicuity surveys and in-door simulator experiments were conducted to effectively assess the merits and demerits of different types of traffic signs for work zones. The results of evaluations showed that black lettering on a fluorescent orange background outperformed more than 70% in terms of visibility and ability to call drivers' attention compared with those from black/red lettering on yellow/white backgrounds currently used at work zones on expressways and national highways. In addition, simulated driving experiment disclosed that drivers recognized the fluorescent orange background sign 15m ahead compared with the yellow background sign and 25m ahead compared with the white background sign, respectively. As for the diamond-shaped "Under Construction" sign, drivers recognized fluorescent orange background 11m ahead compared with the yellow background sign and 19m ahead compared with the white background sign, respectively.

Evaluation of Allowable Bearing Capacity of 600 mm Diameter Preboring PHC Piles Using Dynamic Load Test (직경 600mm PHC 매입말뚝의 동재하시험을 통한 허용 지지력 평가)

  • Woo, Gyu-Seong;Park, Jong-Bae;Seo, Mi-Jeong;Lee, Jong-Sub
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.32 no.11
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2016
  • For the construction of high-rise structures and the optimized foundation design, the use of the large-diameter PHC pile has increased. Especially, the use of the 600 mm diameter PHC pile has significantly increased. In this study, for the evaluation of the suitability of the current design practice, the 46 dynamic pile load tests, which were carried out in the 600 mm diameter preboring PHC pile, are analyzed. The end bearing capacity is obtained from the end of initial driving test and the shaft capacity is estimated from the restrike test. The allowable capacities estimated by the dynamic load test are compared with those based on the current design practice. The analyses show that the allowable end bearing capacity evaluated by the dynamic pile load test is greater than the design practice in most piles. The allowable shaft capacity, however, is smaller than the design practice in many piles. The higher end bearing capacity and the smaller shaft capacity may result from the improvement of the drilling equipment and the increase in the penetration depth. Thus, the portion of the end bearing capacity in the total capacity increases.

Speeding Detection and Time by Time Visualization based on Vehicle Trajectory Data

  • Onuean, Athita;Jung, Hanmin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.10a
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    • pp.593-596
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    • 2018
  • The speed of vehicles has remained a significant factor that influences the severity of accidents and traffic accident rate in many parts of the world including South Korea. This behavior where drivers drive at speeds which exceed a posted safe threshold is known as 'speeding'. Over the past twenty years, the Korean National Police Agency (NPA) has become aware of an increased frequency of drivers who are speeding. Therefore, fixed-type ASE systems [1] have been installed on hazardous road sections of many highways. These system monitor vehicle speeds using a camera. However, the use of ASE systems has changed the behavior of the drivers. Specifically, drivers reduce speed or avoid the route where the cameras are mounted. It is not practical to install cameras at every possible location. Therefore, it is challenging to thoroughly explore the location where speeding occurs. In view of these problems, the author of this paper designed and implemented a prototype visualization system in which point and color are used to show vehicle location and associated over-speed information. All of this information was used to create a comprehensive visualization application to show information about vehicle driving. In this paper, we present an approach detecting vehicles moving at speeds which exceed a threshold and visualizing the points those violations occur on a map. This was done using vehicle trajectory data collected in Daegu city. We propose steps for exploring the data collected from those sensors. The resulting mapping has two layers. The first layer contains the dynamic vehicle trajectory data. The second underlying layer contains the static road networks. This allows comparing the speed of vehicles on roads with the known maximum safe speed of those roads, and presents the results with a visualization tool. We also compared data about people who drive over threshold safe speeds on each road on days and weekends based on vehicle trajectories. Finally, our study suggests improved times and locations where law enforcement should use monitoring with speed cameras, and where they should be stricter with traffic law enforcement. We learned that people will drive over the speed limit at midnight more than 1.9 times as often when compared with rush hour traffic at 8 o'clock in the morning, and 4.5 times as often when compared with traffic at 7 o'clock in the evening. Our study can benefit the government by helping them select better locations for installation of speed cameras. This would ultimately reduce police labor in traffic speed enforcement, and also has the potential to improve traffic safety in Daegu city.

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Drivers' Understanding of Traffic Pavement Markings (교통노면표시 이해도에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Kangwon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.711-718
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    • 2013
  • Traffic pavement markings are one of primary transportation facilities that provide drivers with various road information directly. Thus, a clear understanding of traffic pavement markings is utmost important to improve traffic safety as well as to establish a proper traffic culture. However, no past studies examined drivers' understanding of traffic pavement markings in Korea. Hence, this study investigated drivers' understanding of traffic pavement markings through an elaborated administrated survey, and analyzed the relationship between various drivers' characteristics and understanding regarding pavement marking via cross-classification table and logistic model. The analysis results show that drivers have limited understanding regarding the purpose of the markings. Specifically, the average understanding of pavement markings is 57.41%: the lowest understanding is 25.88% for yield pavement marking, and the highest understanding is 91.18% for advanced pedestrian crosswalk pavement marking. This study also revealed that the understanding of some pavement markings are somewhat influenced by user group such as drivers with suspended or revoked driver licenses, but the overall understanding of pavement markings are not significantly affected by drivers' characteristics such as gender and driving experiences at ${\alpha}$=0.05. Thus, it might be desirable for policy makers to establish pavement marking-related policies for overall drivers rather than specific drivers.

5G Mobile Communications: 4th Industrial Aorta (5G 이동통신: 4차 산업 대동맥)

  • Kim, Jeong Su;Lee, Moon Ho
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.337-351
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    • 2018
  • This paper discusses 5G IOT, Augmented Reality, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Future Autonomous Driving Vehicle technology, and presents 5G utilization of Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games and Jeju Smart City model. The reason is that 5G is the main artery of the 4th industry.5G is the fourth industrial aorta because 5G is the core infrastructure of the fourth industrial revolution. In order for the AI, autonomous vehicle, VR / AR, and Internet (IoT) era to take off, data must be transmitted several times faster and more securely than before. For example, if you send a stop signal to LTE, which is a communication technology, to a remote autonomous vehicle, it takes a hundredth of a second. It seems to be fairly fast, but if you run at 100km / h, you can not guarantee safety because the car moves 30cm until it stops. 5G is more than 20 gigabits per second (Gbps), about 40 times faster than current LTE. Theoretically, the vehicle can be set up within 1 cm. 5G not only connects 1 million Internet (IoT) devices within a radius of 1 kilometer, but also has a speed delay of less than 0.001 sec. Steve Mollenkov, chief executive officer of Qualcomm, the world's largest maker of smartphones, said, "5G is a key element and innovative technology that will connect the future." With 5G commercialization, there will be an economic effect of 12 trillion dollars in 2035 and 22 million new jobs We can expect to see the effect of creation.

A Frame Stress and Integration Monitoring System based on Continuous Track Type for Multipurpose Application of Electric Wheelchair (전동휠체어의 다목적 활용을 위한 무한궤도형 기반의 프레임 응력 및 통합 모니터링 시스템)

  • Jo, Kyeong-Ho;Jung, Se-Hoon;Park, Jae-Sung;Yoo, Seung-Hyun;Sim, Chun-Bo
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.1135-1144
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    • 2018
  • An electric wheelchair used to be utilized as a piece of equipment for the disabled and the elderly in the past, but the recent changes to its functions and forms have made it available across various fields and purposes. In this paper, we propose a continuous track type of electric wheelchair prototype to be used in various fields and environments and a monitoring system to control it. A frame stress design was applied to improve its stability during driving compared with the previous wheelchairs. In addition, we provide a convenience for free and easy operation of them using the App. based on android. A monitoring system based on C# was also added to control a large number of electric wheelchairs. As a result of the implementation and performance evaluation, the von Mises stress value was measured 4.401% within the normal range through five times of stress interpretations, and its accuracy of communication for system manipulation was recorded about 98.75%, which means that it has been proven to be safer than the previous wheelchairs.