• Title/Summary/Keyword: drag test

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Wind Tunnel Test Study on the Characteristics of Wind-Induced Responses of Tall Buildings with Openings (중공부(中空部)를 가진 고층건축물(高層建築物)의 풍응답(風應答) 특성(特性)에 관한 풍동실험(風洞實驗) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Dong Woo;Kil, Yong Sik;Ha, Young Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.17 no.4 s.77
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    • pp.499-509
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    • 2005
  • The excessive wind-induced motion of tall buildings most frequently result from vortex-shedding-induced across-wind oscillations. This form of excitation is most pronounced for relatively flexible, lightweight, and lightly damped high-rise buildings with constant cross-sections. This paper discusses the aerodynamic means ofmitigating the across-wind vortex shedding induced in such situations. Openings are added in both the drag and lift directions in the buildings to provide pressure equalization. Theytend to reduce the effectiveness of across-wind forces by reducing their magnitudes and disrupting their spatial correlation. The effects of buildings with several geometries of openings on aerodynamic excitations and displacement responses have been studied for high-rise buildings with square cross-sections and an aspect ratio of 8:1 in a wind tunnel. High-frequency force balance testshave been carried out at the Kumoh National University of Technology using rigid models with 24 kinds of opening shapes. The measured model's aerodynamic excitations and displacement were compared withthose of a square cylinder with no openings to estimate the effectiveness of openings for wind-induced oscillations. From these results, theopening shape, size, and location of buildings to reduce wind-induced vortex shedding and responses were pointed out.

A Study on the Development of Low-Altitude and Long-Endurance Solar-Powered UAV from Korea Aerospace University (1) - System Design of a Solar Powered UAV with 4.2m Wingspan - (한국항공대학교 저고도 장기체공 태양광 무인기 개발에 관한 연구 (1) - 주익 4.2m 태양광 무인기 시스템 설계 -)

  • Jeong, Jaebaek;Kim, Doyoung;Kim, Taerim;Moon, Seokmin;Bae, Jae-Sung;Park, Sanghyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.50 no.7
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    • pp.471-478
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    • 2022
  • This paper is about research and development of Korea Aerospace University's Solar-Powered UAV System that named of KAU-SPUAV, and describes the design process of the 4.2 m solar UAV that succeeded in a long flight of 32 hours and 19 minutes at June 2020. In order to improve the long-term flight performance of the KAU-SPUAV, For reduce drag, a circular cross-section of the fuselage was designed, and manufactured light and sturdy fuselage by applying a monocoque structure using a glass fiber composite material. In addition, a solar module optimized for the wing shape of a 4.2 m solar drone was constructed and arranged, and a propulsion system applied with the 23[in] × 23[in] propeller was constructed to improve charging and flight efficiency. The developed KAU-SPUAV consumes an average of 55W when cruising and can receive up to 165W of energy during the day, and its Long-term Endurance was verified through flight tests.

Development of KD- Propeller Series using a New Blade Section (새로운 날개단면을 이용한 KD-프로펠러 씨리즈 개발)

  • J.T. Lee;M.C. Kim;J.W. Ahn;H.C. Kim
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.52-68
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    • 1991
  • A new propeller series is developed using the newly developed blade section(KH18 section) which behaves better cavitation characteristics and higher lift-drag ratio at wide range of angle-of-attack. The pitch and camber distributions are disigned in order to have the same radial and chordwise loading distribution with the selected circumferentially averaged wake input. Since the geometries of the series propeller, such as chord length, thickness, skew and rate distribations, are selected by regression of the recent full scale propeller geometric data, the performance prediction of a propeller at preliminary design stage can be mure realistic. Number of blades of the series propellers is 4 and the expanded blade area ratios are 0.3, 0.45, 0.6 and 0.75. Mean pitch ratios are selected as 0.5, 0.65, 0.8, 0.75 and 1.1 for each expanded area ratio. The new propeller series is composed of 20 propellers and is named as KD(KRISO-DAEWOO) propeller series. Propeller open water tests are performed at the experimental towing tank, and the cavitation observation tests and fluctuating pressure measurements are carried out at the cavitation tunnel of KRISO. $B_{P}-\delta$ curves, which can be used to select the optimum propeller diameter at the preliminary design stage, are derived from a regression analysis of the propeller often water test results. The KD-cavitation chart is derived from the cavitation observation test results by choosing the local maximum lift coefficient and the local cavitation number as parameters. The caviy extent of a propeller can be predicted more accurately by using the KD-cavitation chart at a preliminary design stage, since it is derived from the results of the cavitation observation tests in the selected ship's wake, whereas the existing cavitation charts, such as the Burrill's cavitation chart, are derived from the test results in uniform flow.

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Development of Elite Lines with Improved Eating Quality Using RIL Population Derived from the Korean Weedy Rice, Wandoaengmi6 (국내 잡초벼(완도앵미6) 유래 RILs 집단의 식미 관련 특성분석 및 우량계통 선발)

  • Kim, Suk-Man;Park, Seul-Gi;Park, Hyun-Su;Baek, Man-Kee;Jeong, Jong-Min;Cho, Young-Chan;Suh, Jung-Pil;Lee, Keon-Mi;Lee, Chang-Min;Kim, Choon-Song
    • Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.428-436
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    • 2019
  • As the main objective of rice breeding programs, rice eating quality is one of critical factors directly determining the market price and the consumer preference. However, the genetic complexity of eating quality and the difficulty in accurate evaluation often constrain improvement of the eating quality in rice breeding programs. In addition, given that the rice eating quality of current cultivars has already reached some high-level, diversifying of genetic resources are demanded more than ever to improve the rice eating quality. In this study, we developed a recombinant inbred lines (RILs) population derive from Wandoaengmi6, a japonica-type Korean weedy rice with high eating quality and a high degree of glossiness of cooked rice. Year-to-year correlations between the traits in three years were shown normal distribution for major agronomic traits and physicochemical characteristics. After evaluating tested traits related to eating quality procedure, a total of ten lines were ultimately selected from the population. Increasement of the taste of cooked rice (TA) and the overall eating quality (OE) were confirmed in the selected lines, which are caused by alleles derived from Wandoaengmi6 without any linkage drag. These results indicate that the utility of wide genomic resources in Korean landrace could be of application in various rice breeding programs and countermeasure to contribute to properly response to climate change.

Development of Near-Isogenic Line of japonica Rice Cultivar Saenuri without Lipoxygenase-3 (새누리 벼 품종 배경 lipoxygenase-3 결핍 자포니카 근동질계통 개발)

  • Park, Hyun-Su;Lee, Keon-Mi;Kim, Ki-Young;Kim, Jeong-Ju;Shin, Woon-Cheol;Baek, Man-Kee;Kim, Choon-Song;Park, Seul-Gi;Lee, Chang-Min;Suh, Jung-Pil;Cho, Young-Chan
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.190-200
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    • 2019
  • It is reported that the absence of lipoxygenase-3 (LOX-3) may contribute to a reduction in stale flavor after the storage of rice. To improve the quality of stored rice of the Korean japonica rice cultivar, we conducted a breeding program to develop near-isogenic rice without LOX-3 in the genetic background of Saenuri, a mega variety of Korea. In the first step of the breeding program, we used a donor parent of LOX-3 null, Daw Dam, and a recurrent japonica parent, Sindongjin, to develop HR27873-AC12 by backcross (BC1), color test for introgression of lox-3, and anther culture for rapid fixation. In the second step, we used the donor parent, HR27873-AC12, and the recurrent parent, Saenuri, to develop HR28896-31-3-1-1 by backcross (BC1), marker-assisted selection (MAS) for lox-3, and phenotypic selection (PS) for agronomic traits. Finally, in the third step, we developed HR30960-186-2-1-2-1 (Jeonju624), derived from a cross between Saenuri and HR28896-31-3-1-1, by MAS for lox-3 and PS with high selection pressure for agronomic characteristics. Jeonju624 was confirmed with the introgression of lox-3 by molecular marker. Jeonju624 was a mid-late maturing rice with similar agronomic characteristics to Saenuri, lodging tolerance with short culm, erect plant architecture, and resistance to bacterial blight and rice stripe virus. The yield components of Jeonju624 were mostly similar to Saenuri, except for the 1,000-grain weight of brown rice. The appearance of the grain of Jeonju624 was better than that of Saenuri, and the characteristics of cooked rice were similar to those of Saenuri. In the genetic background analysis using 406 KASP (Kompetitive Allele-Specific PCR) markers, Jeonju624 was confirmed to be the near-isogenic line (NIL) of Saenuri with a 95.8% recovery rate. Jeonju624 is the NIL of Saenuri without LOX-3, and overcomes the linkage drag of Daw Dam with similar agronomic characteristics and genetic background to Saenuri. Jeonju624 can be utilized as a practical cultivar to improve the quality of stored rice, breeding material for the introgression of lox-3, and genetic material to elucidate the effect of introgressed genes.

The hydrodynamic characteristics of the canvas kite - 2. The characteristics of the triangular canvas kite - (캔버스 카이트의 유체역학적 특성에 관한 연구 - 2. 삼각형 캔버스 카이트의 특성 -)

  • Bae, Bong-Seong;Bae, Jae-Hyun;An, Heui-Chun;Lee, Ju-Hee;Shin, Jung-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.206-213
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    • 2004
  • As far as an opening device of fishing gears is concerned, applications of a kite are under development around the world. The typical examples are found in the opening device of the stow net on anchor and the buoyancy material of the trawl. While the stow net on anchor has proved its capability for the past 20 years, the trawl has not been wildly used since it has been first introduced for the commercial use only without sufficient studies and thus has revealed many drawbacks. Therefore, the fundamental hydrodynamics of the kite itself need to ne studied further. Models of plate and canvas kite were deployed in the circulating water tank for the mechanical test. For this situation lift and drag tests were performed considering a change in the shape of objects, which resulted in a different aspect ratio of rectangle and trapezoid. The results obtained from the above approaches are summarized as follows, where aspect ratio, attack angle, lift coefficient and maximum lift coefficient are denoted as A, B, $C_L$ and $C_{Lmax}$ respectively : 1. Given the triangular plate, $C_{Lmax}$ was produced as 1.26${\sim}$1.32 with A${\leq}$1 and 38$^{\circ}$B${\leq}$42$^{\circ}$. And when A${\geq}$1.5 and 20$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$50$^{\circ}$, $C_L$ was around 0.85. Given the inverted triangular plate, $C_{Lmax}$ was 1.46${\sim}$1.56 with A${\leq}$1 and 36$^{\circ}$B${\leq}$38$^{\circ}$. And When A${\geq}$1.5 and 22$^{\circ}$B${\leq}$26$^{\circ}$, $C_{Lmax}$ was 1.05${\sim}$1.21. Given the triangular kite, $C_{Lmax}$ was produced as 1.67${\sim}$1.77 with A${\leq}$1 and 46$^{\circ}$B${\leq}$48$^{\circ}$. And when A${\geq}$1.5 and 20$^{\circ}$B${\leq}$50$^{\circ}$, $C_L$ was around 1.10. Given the inverted triangular kite, $C_{Lmax}$ was 1.44${\sim}$1.68 with A${\leq}$1 and 28$^{\circ}$B${\leq}$32$^{\circ}$. And when A${\geq}$1.5 and 18$^{\circ}$B${\leq}$24$^{\circ}$, $C_{Lmax}$ was 1.03${\sim}$1.18. 2. For a model with A=1/2, an increase in B caused an increase in $C_L$ until $C_L$ has reached the maximum. Then there was a tendency of a very gradual decrease or no change in the value of $C_L$. For a model with A=2/3, the tendency of $C_L$ was similar to the case of a model with A=1/2. For a model with A=1, an increase in B caused an increase in $C_L$ until $C_L$ has reached the maximum. And the tendency of $C_L$ didn't change dramatically. For a model with A=1.5, the tendency of $C_L$ as a function of B was changed very small as 0.75${\sim}$1.22 with 20$^{\circ}$B${\leq}$50$^{\circ}$. For a model with A=2, the tendency of $C_L$ as a function of B was almost the same in the triangular model. There was no considerable change in the models with 20$^{\circ}$B${\leq}$50$^{\circ}$. 3. The inverted model's $C_L$ as a function of increase of B reached the maximum rapidly, then decreased gradually compared to the non-inverted models. Others were decreased dramatically. 4. The action point of dynamic pressure in accordance with the attack angle was close to the rear area of the model with small attack angle, and with large attack angle, the action point was close to the front part of the model. 5. There was camber vertex in the position in which the fluid pressure was generated, and the triangular canvas had large value of camber vertex when the aspect ratio was high, while the inverted triangular canvas was versa. 6. All canvas kite had larger camber ratio when the aspect ratio was high, and the triangular canvas had larger one when the attack angle was high, while the inverted triangluar canvas was versa.

The hydrodynamic characteristics of the canvas kite - 1. The characteristics of the rectangular, trapezoid canvas kite - (캔버스 카이트의 유체역학적 특성에 관한 연구 - 1. 사각형 캔버스 카이트의 특성 -)

  • Bae, Bong-Seong;Bae, Jae-Hyun;An, Heui-Chun;Lee, Ju-Hee;Shin, Jung-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.196-205
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    • 2004
  • As far as an opening device of fishing gears is concerned, applications of a kite are under development around the world. The typical examples are found in the opening device of the stow net on anchor and the buoyancy material of the trawl. While the stow net on anchor has proved its capability for the past 20 years, the trawl has not been wildly used since it has been first introduced for the commercial use only without sufficient studies and thus has revealed many drawbacks. Therefore, the fundamental hydrodynamics of the kite itself need to ne studied further. Models of plate and canvas kite were deployed in the circulating water tank for the mechanical test. For this situation lift and drag tests were performed considering a change in the shape of objects, which resulted in a different aspect ratio of rectangle and trapezoid. The results obtained from the above approaches are summarized as follows, where aspect ratio, attack angle, lift coefficient and maximum lift coefficient are denoted as A, B, $C_L$ and $C_{Lmax}$ respectively : 1. Given the rectangular plate, $C_{Lmax}$ was produced as 1.46${\sim}$1.54 with A${\leq}$1 and 40$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$42$^{\circ}$. And when A${\geq}$1.5 and 20$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$22$^{\circ}$, $C_{Lmax}$ was 10.7${\sim}$1.11. Given the rectangular canvas, $C_{Lmax}$ was 1.75${\sim}$1.91 with A${\leq}$1 and 32$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$40$^{\circ}$. And when A${\geq}$1.5 and 18$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$22$^{\circ}$, $C_{Lmax}$ was 1.24${\sim}$1.40. Given the trapezoid kite, $C_{Lmax}$ was produced as 1.65${\sim}$1.89 with A${\leq}$1.5 and 34$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$44$^{\circ}$. And when A=2 and B=14${\sim}$48, $C_L$ was around 1. Given the inverted trapezoid kite, $C_{Lmax}$ was 1.57${\sim}$1.74 with A${\leq}$1.5 and 24$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$36$^{\circ}$. And when A=2, $C_{Lmax}$ was 1.21 with B=18$^{\circ}$. 2. For a model with A=1/2, an increase in B caused an increase in $C_L$ until $C_L$ has reached the maximum. Then there was a tendency of a gradual decrease in the value of $C_L$ and in particular, the rectangular kite showed a more rapid decrease. For a model with A=2/3, the tendency of $C_L$ was similar to the case of a model with A=1/2 but the tendency was a more rapid decrease than those of the previous models. For a model with A=1, and increase in B caused an increase in $C_L$ until $C_L$ has reached the maximum. Soon after the tendency of $C_L$ decreased dramatically. For a model with A=1.5, the tendency of $C_L$ as a function of B was various. For a model with A=2, the tendency of $C_L$ as a function of B was almost the same in the rectangular and trapezoid model. There was no considerable change in the models with 20$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$50$^{\circ}$. 3. The tendency of kite model's $C_L$ in accordance with increase of B was increased rapidly than plate models until $C_L$ has reached the maximum. Then $C_L$ in the kite model was decreased dramatically but in the plate model was decreased gradually. The value of $C_{Lmax}$ in the kite model was higher than that of the plate model, and the kite model's attack angel at $C_{Lmax}$ was smaller than the plate model's. 4. In the relationship between aspect ratio and lift force, the attack angle which had the maximum lift coefficient was large at the small aspect ratio models, At the large aspect ratio models, the attack angle was small. 5. There was camber vertex in the position in which the fluid pressure was generated, and the rectangular & trapezoid canvas had larger value of camber vertex when the aspect ratio was high, while the inverted trapezoid canvas was versa. 6. All canvas kite had larger camber ratio when the aspect ratio was high, and the rectangular & trapezoid canvas had larger one when the attack angle was high.