• Title/Summary/Keyword: double rail-to-rail

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Estimation Study of Willingness to Pay for Low-Floor Seat Buses Introduction (저상 좌석버스 도입에 대한 지불의사금액 추정 연구)

  • Dong Jun Choi;Yongju Yi;Jeong Ah Jang
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.66-76
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    • 2023
  • The government recently implemented policies to improve transportation for the disabled passengers. On the other hand, metropolitan public transport still lacks adequate services for these individuals. Many new cities lack urban rail lines and focus on high-floor buses for expansion. Wheelchair users can only access to double-decker low-floor seat express buses for intercity travel. This study examined the necessity and rationale for introducing low-floor seat buses by estimating the user's willingness to pay through a contingent valuation method. Two methods for eliciting the willingness to pay were adopted: open-ended and dichotomous choice questions. The binomial logit model was used to estimate the willingness to pay. The results indicated that the general public is willing to pay an additional 126.7 Korean won, while the disabled passengers are willing to pay an additional 117.5 Korean won. When translated into annual economic benefits, this amounts to approximately 35 billion Korean won.

Development of a Quasi-Three Dimensional Train/Track/Bridge Interaction Analysis Program for Evaluating Dynamic Characteristics of High Speed Railway Bridges (고속철도 교량의 동특성 해석을 위한 준3차원 차량/궤도/교량 상호작용 해석기법의 개발)

  • 김만철
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 2003
  • Railway bridges are subject to dynamic loads generated by the interaction between moving vehicles and the bridge structures. These dynamic loads result in response fluctuations in bridge members. To investigate the real dynamic behavior of the bridge, therefore, a number of analytical and experimental Investigations should be carried out. In this paper, a train/track/bridge interaction analysis program for evaluating the dynamic characteristics of bridges due to KTX operation in terms of structural safety, operational safety and passenger comfort is developed. To build a practical model of train/track/bridge, Hertzian spring for wheel/rail contact modeling and Winkler element for ballast are applied. This program also used torsional degree of freedom and constraint equation based on geometrical relationship in order to take into consideration three-dimensional eccentricity effect due to the operation on double track through quasi-three dimensional analysis. To verify the developed Program, comparison has been made between the measured results and those of simulation of the typical PSC box bridge(2@40m=80m) of the KHSR bridges.

Flexural Reliability Assessment of PSC-I Girder Rail Bridge Under Operation (사용중 PSC-I 거더 철도 교량의 휨모멘트에 대한 신뢰도 분석)

  • Kim, Ki Hyun;Yeo, Inho;Sim, Hyoung-Bo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 2016
  • It is necessary to determine reliability indexes of existing railway bridges prior to setting up a proper target reliability index that can be used to introduce a reliability based limit state design method to design practice. Reliability is evaluated for a six PSC-I girder railway bridge, which is one of many representative types of double-track railway bridges. The reliability assessment is carried out for an edge girder subjected to bending moment. In the assessment, the flexural resistance and the fixed-load effect were obtained using existing statistical values from previous research on the introduction of limit state design to road bridge design. On the other hand, the live-load effect was determined using statistical values obtained from field measurement for the Joong-ang corridor, on which heavy freight trains are frequently passing. The reliability assessment is performed by AFOSM(Advanced First Order Second Moment method) for the limit state equation, and a sensitivity analysis for the reliability is performed for each factor of the load and resistance effects.

Development of Evaluation Criteria for Efficient Utilization of Railway Yards in Korea (철도폐선부지의 효율적 활용을 위한 평가기준 개발)

  • Kim, Min Kyeong
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2017
  • Increased investment in environment-friendly transport vehicles has led to rapid transit of railway tracks, double track program, linear improvements in railway lines, and moving railroad routes into the suburbs. They resulted in fast increase of railway yards. However, as the railroad yards being neglected, urban fine sites have been degraded. Local governments kept seeking ways to utilize the railway yards. In addition, Ministry of land, infrastructure and transport enacted "Guidelines for utilization of railway yards". The Guidelines categorized the railway yards into three types; conservation, utilized, and other sites in order to make efficient use of them. The railway yards have been converted and used for parks, rail bike trails, bike paths, and solar projects. It seems that studies are needed on diverse use of the yards and on post evaluation. This study investigated current uses of railway yards, domestic and foreign, and analyzed for the pertinent conditions on natural and cultural landscape, educational value, location and accessibility, potential for recreational area, and development opportunities. In this study, I proposed a quantitative evaluation method, and to find way to diversify the use of railway yards.

Evaluation of Train Running Safety During Construction of Temporary Bridge on Existing Railway (기존선에서 가설교량 시공에 따른 열차의 주행안전성 평가)

  • Eum, Ki-Young;Bae, Jae-Hyoung;Choi, Chan-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.234-239
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    • 2011
  • Installing the temporary bridge after excavating the railway requires installing movable cross beam, but as it doesn't requires isolating the catenary or cutting the rail, it's applicable to double-track with frequent operation. In this study, a displacement meter was placed on temporary bridge to monitor the displacement pattern in curve section (R400) completed using temporary bridge method, and wheel load, lateral pressure and derailment coefficient were measured to evaluate the load imposed on track and the stability in curve section (R400) for quantitative evaluation of training running safety. As a result of the measurement, when trains passing over a temporary bridge, the maximum value of Wheel load and Lateral Force is analyzed as the 51% and 81% of standard level according to foreign country's performance tests, There is no trouble with stability analysis in Wheel load and Lateral Force occurring. Additionally, Wheel load and Lateral Force considered as the safety standard are tested 49% of limiting value regardless of trains, which the norm value quite well, there is no problem with train running.

Evaluation of the environmental and ecological value indicators for railway development area selection (철도개발지 선정을 위한 환경·생태적 가치 지표 평가)

  • Kim, Min-kyeong;Kim, Dong Yeob
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2017
  • Recently mountain tourism has been promoted and introduction of railroads with utilizing mountain resources is being planned. With the government policies to increase the share of eco-friendly transportation on railroad, national double-tracking of single rail and improvement projects are on going. However, the eco-friendly railroad policy suggests the environmental impact assessment items only on air quality, water quality, geographical/geological features, fauna/flora, natural/environmental resources, noise/ vibration, and recreation/landscape. And for fauna/flora and natural/environmental resources, confirming the presence of environmental protection zone is enough to satisfy legal requirement. This study suggested to evaluate environmental/ecological values with quantitative data. Evaluation indices and evaluation items have been selected to provide the data. Each of the subject map and railroad network was overlapped. The study selected naturalness and diversity as major indicators and calculated weight values of the items under the indicators, which are to be usd for the selection of the sites for railway development. This assessment method could be applied to the environmentally friendly construction of railroads in the future.


  • Kim, Kwang-Tae
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2013
  • Chumsungdae is an ancient astronomical observatory whose main role was doing 'chunmoon'. It was administrate by a royal advisory agency on state affairs. The observers observed the heaven on the observatory platform, recorded peculiar events, and watched and interpreted the signs displayed in the heaven. Chumsungdae is an stonemasonry which represents almanac principles with its peculiar shapes and the numbers of strata and stones. The numbers were thoroughly invented to match exactly the almanac constants. Chumsungdae is comprised largely of three main parts, namely the square base, the stratified cylindrical body, and the top #-shaped stonework, and the total number of stones is 404. The number of the strata (27) and the height of the cylindrical body (27 尺) stand for the days in a sidereal month (27.3 days), which implies that the motion of the Moon with respect to the stars was given more priority than to the Sun at that time of geocentricism. And the cylindrical body was thoroughly designed to consist of 365 stones, which is of course the number of days in a solar year. In addition, there are 12 strata each under and above the south entrance and this in sum makes the 24 divisions of the year. Also there is 182 stones below the 13th stratum and this represents the number of days in the winter ~ summer solstice period, and the rest 183 stones the vice versa. The #-shaped top stonework was aligned in such a way that one of the diagonals points the direction of sunrise on the winter solstice. The square base also layed with the same manner. The south entrance was built 16 degrees SE, and the upright direction of the right pillar stone coincides with the meridian circle. This was a kind of built-in standard meridian circle facilitating the observations. In a symbolic sense, Chumsungdae was thought as the tunnel reaching the heaven, where the observers wished to be enlightened with the signs and inspirations in need. With the craftsmanship and skill, the builder reinforced the stratified cylindrical body with two sets of #-shaped beam stones, piercing at a right angle at 19th ~ 20th and 25th ~ 26th strata. Likewise, by placing the double #-shaped stonework with 8 beam stones on the platform of the observatory, both the stability of the stonemasonry and a guard rail for the nightly observers were securely provided.