• Title/Summary/Keyword: distributed storage system

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Garbage Collection Protocol of Fault Tolerance Information in Multi-agent Environments (멀티에이전트 환경에서 결함 포용 정보의 쓰레기 처리 기법)

  • 이대원;정광식;이화민;신상철;이영준;유헌창;이원규
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.31 no.3_4
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    • pp.204-212
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    • 2004
  • Existing distributed systems have higher probability of failures occurrence than stand-alone system, so many fault tolerant techniques have been developed. Because of insufficient storage resulting from the increased fault tolerance information stored, the performance of system has been degraded. To avoid performance degradation, it needs delete useless fault tolerance information. In this paper, we propose a garbage collection algorithm for fault tolerance information. And we define and design the garbage collection agent for garbage collection of fault tolerance information, the information agent for management of fault tolerant data, and the facilitator agent for communication between agents. Also, we propose the garbage collection algorithm using the garbage collection agent. For rollback recovery, we use independent checkpointing protocol and sender based pessimistic message logging protocol. In our proposed garbage collection algorithm, the garbage collection, information, and facilitator agent is created with process, and the information agent constructs domain knowledge with its checkpoints and non-determistic events. And the garbage collection agent decides garbage collection time, and it deletes useless fault tolerance information in cooperation with the information and facilitator agent. For propriety of proposed garbage collection technique using agents, we compare domain knowledge of system that performs garbage collection after rollback recovery and domain knowledge of system that doesn't perform garbage collection.

Pre-Filtering based Post-Load Shedding Method for Improving Spatial Queries Accuracy in GeoSensor Environment (GeoSensor 환경에서 공간 질의 정확도 향상을 위한 선-필터링을 이용한 후-부하제한 기법)

  • Kim, Ho;Baek, Sung-Ha;Lee, Dong-Wook;Kim, Gyoung-Bae;Bae, Hae-Young
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.18-27
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    • 2010
  • In u-GIS environment, GeoSensor environment requires that dynamic data captured from various sensors and static information in terms of features in 2D or 3D are fused together. GeoSensors, the core of this environment, are distributed over a wide area sporadically, and are collected in any size constantly. As a result, storage space could be exceeded because of restricted memory in DSMS. To solve this kind of problems, a lot of related studies are being researched actively. There are typically 3 different methods - Random Load Shedding, Semantic Load Shedding, and Sampling. Random Load Shedding chooses and deletes data in random. Semantic Load Shedding prioritizes data, then deletes it first which has lower priority. Sampling uses statistical operation, computes sampling rate, and sheds load. However, they are not high accuracy because traditional ones do not consider spatial characteristics. In this paper 'Pre-Filtering based Post Load Shedding' are suggested to improve the accuracy of spatial query and to restrict load shedding in DSMS. This method, at first, limits unnecessarily increased loads in stream queue with 'Pre-Filtering'. And then, it processes 'Post-Load Shedding', considering data and spatial status to guarantee the accuracy of result. The suggested method effectively reduces the number of the performance of load shedding, and improves the accuracy of spatial query.

Design of Compound Knowledge Repository for Recommendation System (추천시스템을 위한 복합지식저장소 설계)

  • Han, Jung-Soo;Kim, Gui-Jung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.427-432
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    • 2012
  • The article herein suggested a compound repository and a descriptive method to develop a compound knowledge process. A data target saved in a compound knowledge repository suggested in this article includes all compound knowledge meta data and digital resources, which can be divided into the three following factors according to the purpose: user roles, functional elements, and service ranges. The three factors are basic components to describe abstract models of repository. In this article, meta data of compound knowledge are defined by being classified into the two factors. A component stands for the property about a main agent, activity unit or resource that use and create knowledge, and a context presents the context in which knowledge object are included. An agent of the compound knowledge process performs classification, registration, and pattern information management of composite knowledge, and serves as data flow and processing between compound knowledge repository and user. The agent of the compound knowledge process consists of the following functions: warning to inform data search and extraction, data collection and output for data exchange in an distributed environment, storage and registration for data, request and transmission to call for physical material wanted after search of meta data. In this article, the construction of a compound knowledge repository for recommendation system to be developed can serve a role to enhance learning productivity through real-time visualization of timely knowledge by presenting well-put various contents to users in the field of industry to occur work and learning at the same time.

A Design of Wireless Sensor Node Using Embedded System (임베디드 시스템을 활용한 무선 센서 노드설계)

  • Cha, Jin-Man;Lee, Young-Ra;Park, Yeon-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.623-628
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    • 2009
  • The emergence of compact and low-power wireless communication sensors and actuators in the technology supporting the ongoing miniaturization of processing and storage allows for entirely the new kinds of embedded systems. These systems are distributed and deployed in environments where they may have been designed into a particular control method, and are often very dynamic. Collection of devices can communicate to achieve a higher level of coordinated behavior. Wireless sensor nodes deposited in various places provide light, temperature, and activity measurements. Wireless sensor nodes attached to circuits or appliances sense the current or control the usage. Together they form a dynamic and multi-hop routing network connecting each node to more powerful networks and processing resources. Wireless sensor networks are a specific-application and therefore they have to involve both software and hardware. They also use protocols that relate to both applications and the wireless network. Wireless sensor networks are consumer devices supporting multimedia applications such as personal digital assistants, network computers, and mobile communication devices. Wireless sensor networks are becoming an important part of industrial and military applications. The characteristics of modem embedded systems are the capable of communicating adapting the different operating environments. In this paper, We designed and implemented sensor network system which shows through host PC sensing temperature and humidity data transmitted for wireless sensor nodes composed wireless temperature and humidity sensor and designs sensor nodes using embedded system with the intention of studying USN.

Program Development for Automatic Extraction and Transformation of Standard Metadata of Geo-spatial Data (공간정보 표준 메타데이터 추출 및 변환 프로그램 개발)

  • Han, Sun-Mook;Lee, Ki-Won
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.549-559
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    • 2010
  • In geo-spatial information system building and operation, metadata is one of the crucial factors. Therefore, international and domestic organizations or associations for standardization have developed and distributed geo-based standard metadata to meet public demands. However, because metadata is composed of complicated elements and needs XML storage and management, individual organization which implement and operate practical application system is inclined to define and use its own metadata specifications. In this study, metadata extraction program, that metadata elements are directly extracted from geo-based file formats was developed to easily utilize standard metadata such as ISO/TC 19115, TTAS.KO-10.0139 and TTAS.IS-19115, and those elements are processed into XML. Furthermore, geo-based images sets are applied to another metadata of ISO/TC 19115-2. As well, metadata transformation is needed due to inconsistent or non-corresponding definition among standard metadata; in this program, transformation modules are also implemented to interoperable uses between standard metadata specifications. Widely used data formats are dealt with in this program, but extension for other formats and other metadata specifications is possible, and it is expected that availability of standard metadata is increased, through this kind of development.

Technique for Concurrent Processing Graph Structure and Transaction Using Topic Maps and Cassandra (토픽맵과 카산드라를 이용한 그래프 구조와 트랜잭션 동시 처리 기법)

  • Shin, Jae-Hyun
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2012
  • Relation in the new IT environment, such as the SNS, Cloud, Web3.0, has become an important factor. And these relations generate a transaction. However, existing relational database and graph database does not processe graph structure representing the relationships and transactions. This paper, we propose the technique that can be processed concurrently graph structures and transactions in a scalable complex network system. The proposed technique simultaneously save and navigate graph structures and transactions using the Topic Maps data model. Topic Maps is one of ontology language to implement the semantic web(Web 3.0). It has been used as the navigator of the information through the association of the information resources. In this paper, the architecture of the proposed technique was implemented and design using Cassandra - one of column type NoSQL. It is to ensure that can handle up to Big Data-level data using distributed processing. Finally, the experiments showed about the process of storage and query about typical RDBMS Oracle and the proposed technique to the same data source and the same questions. It can show that is expressed by the relationship without the 'join' enough alternative to the role of the RDBMS.

ID-Based Proxy Re-encryption Scheme with Chosen-Ciphertext Security (CCA 안전성을 제공하는 ID기반 프락시 재암호화 기법)

  • Koo, Woo-Kwon;Hwang, Jung-Yeon;Kim, Hyoung-Joong;Lee, Dong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.64-77
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    • 2009
  • A proxy re-encryption scheme allows Alice to temporarily delegate the decryption rights to Bob via a proxy. Alice gives the proxy a re-encryption key so that the proxy can convert a ciphertext for Alice into the ciphertext for Bob. Recently, ID-based proxy re-encryption schemes are receiving considerable attention for a variety of applications such as distributed storage, DRM, and email-forwarding system. And a non-interactive identity-based proxy re-encryption scheme was proposed for achieving CCA-security by Green and Ateniese. In the paper, we show that the identity-based proxy re-encryption scheme is unfortunately vulnerable to a collusion attack. The collusion of a proxy and a malicious user enables two parties to derive other honest users' private keys and thereby decrypt ciphertexts intended for only the honest user. To solve this problem, we propose two ID-based proxy re-encryption scheme schemes, which are proved secure under CPA and CCA in the random oracle model. For achieving CCA-security, we present self-authentication tag based on short signature. Important features of proposed scheme is that ciphertext structure is preserved after the ciphertext is re-encrypted. Therefore it does not lead to ciphertext expansion. And there is no limitation on the number of re-encryption.

Efficient Publishing Spatial Information as GML for Interoperability of Heterogeneous Spatial Database Systems (이질적인 공간정보시스템의 상호 운용성을 위한 효과적인 지리데이터의 GML 사상)

  • 정원일;배해영
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.12-26
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    • 2004
  • In the past, geographic data is constructed and serviced through independent formats of its own according to each GIS(Geographic Information System). Recently the provision of interoperability in GIS is important to efficiently apply the various geographic data between conventional GIS's. Whereupon OGC(Open GIS Consortium) proposed GML(Geography Markup Language) to offer the interoperability between heterogeneous GISs in distributed environments. The GML is an XML encoding for the transport and storage of geographic information, including both the spatial and non-spatial properties of geographic features. Also, the GML includes Web Map Server Implementation Specification to service the GML documents. Accordingly the prototype to provide the reciprocal interchange of geographic information between conventional GIS's and GML documents is widely studied. In this paper, we propose a mapping method of geographic in formation between spatial database and GML for the prototype to support the interoperability between heterogeneous geographic information. For this method, firstly the scheme of converting geographic in Formation of the conventional spatial database into the GML document according to the GML specification is explained, and secondly the scheme to transform geographic information of GML documents to geographic data of spatial database is showed. Consequently, the proposed method is applicable to the framework for integrated geographic information services based on Web by making an offer the interoperability between already built geographic information of conventional GIS's using a mapping method of geographic information between spatial database and GML.

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Spatial Distribution and Social Characteristics for Wetlands in Gyeongsangnam-do Province (경상남도 내 습지의 공간 분포 및 사회적 특성)

  • Do, Yu-No;Kim, Ji-Yoon;Im, Ran-Young;Kim, Seong-Bo;Choi, Jong-Yoon;Joo, Gea-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.252-260
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    • 2012
  • The wetlands have eco-sociological values because their functions have proven to be useful to human society. Many countries are working to conserve and protect the wetland ecosystems. However, many wetlands have disappeared or have been fragmented due to a natural and/or anthropogenic disturbance. These isolated wetlands appear to work best in the landscape, as a spatially distributed system. We have analyzed the spatial-social distribution patterns of wetlands in Gyeongsangnam-do Province (GNP). We examined the frequency distribution of wetland sizes, the distances to the nearest wetlands, the shapes of the wetlands, land-use patterns, land owners, and official land values were confirmed as social characteristics for each wetland. A total of 146 wetlands (3,598.85 ha), including 76 riverine wetlands (1,955.60 ha), 49 palustrine wetlands (1,282.28 ha) and 21 mountain wetlands (1,282.28 ha) were identified in GNP. Most wetlands left for use to drainage were small (<2 ha) and located in agricultural areas. However, small and isolated wetlands were clustered, according to the location, indicating that these wetlands can be connected to each other using the linear riverine wetlands and water channels in agricultural areas. This is extremely valuable in maintaining the biodiversity, such that any loss of small wetlands will cause a direct reduction in the connectedness among populations of the remaining species. Due to most wetlands belonging to the nation or businesses, being classified as reservoirs (water storage areas), and consequently, degradation of wetlands will progress due to grand-scale engineering works. Therefore, wetland policy and ecologically sensitive laws and policies should be developed in order to promote the wise-use for wetlands.

Development of Composite Sensing Technology Using Internet of Things (IoT) for LID Facility Management (LID 시설 관리를 위한 사물인터넷(IoT) 활용 복합 센싱 적용기술 개발)

  • Lee, Seungjae;Jeon, Minsu;Lee, Jungmin;Kim, Lee-Hyung
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.312-320
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    • 2020
  • Various LIDs with natural water circulation function are applied to reduce urban environmental problems and environmental impact of development projects. However, excessive Infiltration and evaporation of LID facilities dry the LID internal soil, thus reducing plant and microbial activity and reducing environmental re duction ability. The purpose of this study was to develop a real-time measurement system with complex sensors to derive the management plan of LID facilities. The test of measurable sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) application was conducted in artificial wetlands shaped in acrylic boxes. The applied sensors were intended to be built at a low cost considering the distributed LID and were based on Arduino and Raspberry Pi, which are relatively inexpensive and commercialized. In addition, the goal was to develop complex sensor measurements to analyze the current state o f LID facilities and the effects of maintenance and abnormal weather conditions. Sensors are required to measure wind direction, wind speed, rainfall, carbon dioxide, Micro-dust, temperature and humidity, acidity, and location information in real time. Data collection devices, storage server programs, and operation programs for PC and mobile devices were developed to collect, transmit and check the results of measured data from applied sensors. The measurements obtained through each sensor are passed through the Wifi module to the management server and stored on the database server in real time. Analysis of the four-month measurement result values conducted in this study confirmed the stability and applicability of ICT technology application to LID facilities. Real-time measured values are found to be able to utilize big data to evaluate the functions of LID facilities and derive maintenance measures.