• Title/Summary/Keyword: direct influence area

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A Study on Product Liability of Aircraft Manufacturer (항공기제조업자(航空機製造業者)의 책임(責任)에 관한 연구)

  • Song, S.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.41-63
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    • 2004
  • The area covered by product liability in broadest sense is so vast that an attempt to analyse all its impact on the aviation world risk. Every effort has been made to confine our review of subject a closely as possible to its influence on aircraft manufacturers, airlines and passengers, in spite of strong connections with other spheres of commercial. Product Liability in aviation is the liability of aircraft's manufacturer, processor or non-manufacturing seller for injury to the person or property of a buyer or third party caused by a product which has been sold. Here-in a product is aircraft, third party is passengers who suffered damage by defective design, defective construction, inadequate instructions for handling in aircraft. Whenever a product turns out to be defective after it has been sold, there are under Anglo-American law three remedies available against the aircraft's manufacturer (1) liability for negligence (2) breach of warranty (3) strict liability in tort. There are Under continental law Three remedies available against the aircraft's manufacturer (1) liability for defective warranty (2) liability for non-fulfillment of obligation (3) liability in tort. It is worth pointing out here an action for breach of warranty or for defective warranty, for non-fulfillment of obligation is available only to direct purchaser on the basis of his contract with the aircraft's manufacturer, which of course weakness its range and effectiveness. An action for tort offers the advantage of being available also to third parties who have acquired the defective product at a later stage. In tort, obligations are constituted not only by contract, but also by stature and common law. In conclusion, There in no difference in principle of law. In conclusion I would like to make few suggestions regarding the product liability for aircraft's manufacturer. Firstly, current general product liability code does not specify whether government offices(e.g. FAA) inspector conducted the inspection and auditory certificate can qualify as conclusive legal evidence. These need to be clarified. Secondly, because Korea is gaining potential of becoming aircraft's manufacturer through co-manufacturing and subcontracting-manufacturing with the US and independent production, there needs legislation that can harmonize the protection of both aircraft's manufacturers and their injured parties. Since Korea is in primary stage of aviation industry, considerate policy cannot be overlooked for its protection and promotion. Thirdly, because aircraft manufacturers are risking restitution like air-carriers whose scope of restitution have widened to strict and unlimited liability, there needs importation of mandatory liability insurance and national warranty into the product liability for aircraft's manufacturers. Fourthly, there needs domestic legislation of air transportation law that clearly regulates overall legal relationship in air transportation such as carrier & aircraft manufacturer's liability, and aviation insurance.

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A Preliminary Study for Predicting a Damage Range of Pyroclastic Flows, Lahars, and Volcanic Flood caused by Mt. Baekdusan Eruption (백두산 분화에 따른 화쇄류, 화산이류, 화산성 홍수의 피해범위 예측을 위한 예비연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Wook;Choi, Eun-Kyeong;Jung, Soo-Jung;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Khil-Ha;Yun, Sung-Hyo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.479-491
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    • 2013
  • Products of the eruption of Mt. Baekdusan are identified as volcanic materials at the estuaries of the Songhuagang river to north, the Dumangang river to east and the Amnokgang river to west. More speficially, pyroclastic flows, lahars and volcanic floods can affect an area of 400km in radius, centering around Lake Cheonji caldera. However, unlike the millenium eruption, the flow situation has been changed. Because multi-purpose dams and reserviors with a combined pondage of mora than 2 billion tons of water have been built in the rivers of which sources are originated from Lake Cheonji caldera. In addition, the flow of fluids expected to take place when the volcano has erupted is thought to be affected by artificial constructions in both direct and indirect ways. This study calculates the direction of fluids flow by using numerical analyses of pyroclastic flows, lahars and volcanic floods that can occur when the volcano of Mt. Baekdusan has erupted. We also estimate the scope of damages by pyroclastic flows, lahars, volcanic flooding caused by the pondage of the dams and water storages in and around Mt. Baekdusan. Pyroclastic flows transported over the steep slopes at the early times of eruptions move over the mountain slopes, affecting airplanes, and lahars due to leaks of Lake Cheonji could reach as far as major rivers and streams near Mt. Baekdusan. Unlike historical accounts, volcanic flood is expected to be limited in its scope of influence to reservoirs bigger than Lake Cheonji in pondage.

Seasonal Variation of Phytoplankton Assemblages Related to Surface Water Mass in the Eastern Part of the South Sea in Korea (남해동부해역의 표층 수괴 변화에 따른 환경요인과 식물플랑크톤 군집의 계절적 변화)

  • Jang, Pung-Guk;Hyun, Bonggil;Cha, Hyung-Gon;Chung, Han-Sik;Jang, Min-Chul;Shin, Kyoungsoon
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.157-170
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    • 2013
  • We investigated the seasonal succession of phytoplankton assemblages in the eastern part of the South Sea of Korea in relation to surface water masses. The study areas are under the direct influence of the Tsushima Warm Current (TCW) throughout the whole year, with its strength known to be seasonally variable. The region is also influenced by coastal waters (CW) driven from the South Sea of Korea and East China Sea, particularly in summer, as indicated by low salinity in the surface water. Nutrient property of the TCW can reveals whether the origin of the TCW is the nutrient-rich Kuroshio Current or the oligotropic Taiwan Warm Current. Surface chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations displayed a large seasonal variation for all stations, with high values found in spring and autumn and low values in summer and winter. At station M (offshore) and P (intermediate location between M and R), Chl-a concentrations in October were higher than those in March, when spring bloom normally occurs. This may be related to deeper mixed layer depths in October. Diatoms dominated under conditions of high nutrient supply in which Chaetoceros spp. and Skeletonema costatum-like spp. were abundant. S. costatum-like spp. dominated at stations R (onshore station) and P in December when there was greater nutrient supply, especially of phosphate. Flagellates and dinoflagellates dominated at all three stations after diatoms blooms. Dominant species were Scrippsiella trochoid in April and Ceratium furca in October at station R, and Gyrodinium spp. and Gymnodinium spp. at station M during summer, when the effect of the oligotropic Taiwan Warm Current and the oligotropic coastal water from East China Sea were strong. Redundancy analysis showed clear seasonal successions in the phytoplankton community and environmental conditions, in which both principal components 1 and 2 accounted for 69.6% of total variance. Our results suggested that environmental conditions seemed to be determined by the origin of the TCW and the relative seasonal strength of the water masses of the TCW and CW, which may affect phytoplankton growth and compositions in the study area.

A Study on the Effect of Authentic Leadership of Hospital Organization on Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Focusing on Mediating Effect of LMX (병원 조직의 진성리더십 유형이 조직몰입과 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : LMX의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Yeonsook
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - This study is to clarify the structural relationship between the direct supervisor and organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior through mediation of the Leader-member exchange (LMX) in the hospital organization, and to confirm the mediating effect of the LMX. Through this study, we will provide basic data on the aspects of HR to enhance organizational immersion and organizational civic behavior in hospital organizations, and present suggestions on academic contribution and effective organizational operation measures. Research design, data, and methodology - This study is to investigate the relationship between authentic leadership and OC and OCB of the organization member, which is proposed to secure more active and high competitiveness in the recent changing medical environment, with multi-regression and B&K(1986) method. For this purpose, 653 employees of senior hospitals in Seoul and Kyeong-In area were surveyed using structured questionnaires. Each questionnaire was composed of 7-point scale, and each hypothesis was testified by multiple leaner regression and by BK method for testifying mediator effect. Result - As a result of the analysis, it was found that the male and non-medical staff had higher recognition level than the medical staff in the LMX, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. In the senior management or more than 5 years' experience group, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior were recognized higher than the group of subordinate managers. Second, authentic leadership has a positive influence on LMX, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior, and LMX has a significant positive impact on organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. In addition, as a result of analyzing LMX mediating effect in the relationship of authentic leadership and organizational effectiveness by BK method, LMX had partial mediating effects between authentic leadership and organizational citizenship behavior, and between authentic leadership and organizational commitment. Conclusion - Results of the study confirmed that all the members of the hospital organization that were lacking served as positive factors for the relationships of authentic leadership and LMX, and authentic leadership and organizational effectiveness. It is expected that the hospital organization will be able to suggest such as the organizational approach to expect high organizational effectiveness centering on authentic leadership ability as psychological capital.

Environments in the East Asia and the way to Utilize Submarines for ROKN: Focused the issue on both American Strategy against China and Japanese Arms Race (동아시아 정세와 한국해군의 잠수함 운용방안 - 미국의 대중(對中) 전략과 일본의 전력 증강을 중심으로 -)

  • Heo, Song
    • Strategy21
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    • s.42
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    • pp.318-346
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    • 2017
  • Currently, security environmental instability is getting worse than ever in the East Asia including to Republic of Korea(ROK). Unlike several conventional issues such as maritime dispute -sometimes with islands- and competitions for getting natural resources, contemporary security dilemma issues followed by arms races among states deepens the power gap between strong and weak state within the region. It is notable that the arms races is the East Asia are mainly focused on naval power. As navy is the very possible force that influences neighboring states, submarine power is usually valued for its nature of stealth, mobile and aggression. Moreover, the submarine power is believed to be one of the highest valued weapon system since it shows actual effectiveness for influencing the other states while avoiding direct military conflicts compared to surface power. As a result, all states within the region are accelerating for getting such power these days. Japan, Most of all, is one of the leading state that aims to ensure self-survival and enlarge military influences under the US-Japan alliance by decisively supporting its power to the American containment strategy against China. In this regard, such movement surely sill influence on ROK both directly and indirectly as we sue the common field, the sea. Though, it has lots of restrictions for us to confront them with military forces as such confrontations within US-led alliances is not desirable upon considering current China and nK threats. As a result, ROK needs to limit the realm of alliance within the region while maintaining ROK-US alliance for getting national interests with both legal and justice superiority against Japan. This paper, as a result, is focused on suggesting the way to utilize submarines as a mean of naval power for both current security environments and the rising maritime threats in the East Asia. I concluded to participate ROK submarines in US-led military strategy against China by dispatching them into the East-China Sea and the North-East area of the Korean peninsula to protect both national interests and justice at the same tome. It should be one of the preemptive measure for confronting with neighboring states by utilizing strategic benefits of submarines while strengthening ROK-US alliances upon participating American Containment Strategy against China.

A Study of Fashion and Make-up Trend in 1990s (1990년대의 패션과 메이크업 경향에 관한 연구)

  • 김수진;한명숙
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.84-93
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    • 1998
  • The main focus of this paper is to provide clear understanding about the concept of make-up as total fashion by defining the essential meaning of it. First, we would like to go over the concept of make-up and total fashion, then analyze the make-up image, the changes of colors and images of make-up overtime and fashion that have influenced over those changes. In this paper, we analyze the trend of fashion and make-up in 1990s and their relevancy. Through this paper we hope that make-up can be accepted as a part of total fashion in its relationship with other elements such as shoes, clothes and accessory and that it can be considered as a independent art that has direct influence on people. The trend of Spring/Summer between 1990 and 92is the image of natural beauty and comfortable and modernistic image that can be experienced through nature. In 1992, there was a revival look of 1960s and 1970s. Make-up also followed this trend. The overall color tone was to give natural and stable images with pastel tone to soften the images. This tone brought back the ecology of 1960s. The theme of restoration in humanity and nostalgia was reflected in clothing, and these trend changed the ecology of make-up to peace, love and romantic ecology which was expressed in coral, blue, and green tone to create intelligent image of woman. Year 1996 could be called as color revolution period that emphasized the unique and individual expression of each person. In 1997, black, pastel and brown colors were the result of reinterpreting the classic and sexy images of 1960s to natural and modernistic image of 1997. Purple color started to be introduced to us. The beginning of 1990s Fall/Winter season was based on ecology concept that emphasized the natural image. Until 1995 it appeared that spring/summer and fall/winter trend had no big differences. But from 1995 seasonal differences in trend are appeared and there were various make-up designs. In 1995, 1996, brown color lines make-up comes to mix with romantic image and developed into wine, orange, neon colors. These color were the symbol of property and sentiment and gold make-up emphasizing the eye area was the tendency of that period. In 1997, the fear of coming end of century was expressed as decadent image and at that time ethnic image, romantic image appeared with vivid color lines, gold, red and violet.

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A Study on Work Stress, Satisfaction, and Dementia Attitudes of Social Care Work Force of Dependent Elders (노인시설 종사자의 업무스트레스, 업무만족, 치매 및 인간중심보호 인식 연구: 사회복지사, 간호사, 생활지도원의 비교)

  • Choi, Hee-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.175-199
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    • 2007
  • The study analyzes the characteristics, work stress, satisfaction and attitudes toward dementia of social care work force for dependent elders in Korea. Data were from 502 staffs including social workers, nurses, and direct care workers from 45 diverse type of nursing facilities in Busan and Daegu area. The results of the analysis indicate that they are low paid and overloaded in general. The respondents espoused highly hopeful and person-centered attitudes toward dementia and the elderly, while they showed low level of satisfaction related to work. The stress levels were higher in sub scales concerning care tasks and physical environments in work places. In addition, the results of multiple regression denote that those have higher level of satisfaction who are nurses, have no intension to quit, have more experiences of work education, and working in facilities with more frail elders. Stresses were closely related to higher level of education and the intension to quit. Person centered attitude was more often reported by those who have more elderly clients to take care of and are working in facilities with more elders who are demented and over 80. In particular, the association was consistent between higher level of job satisfaction and the person centered attitude. Several practical suggestions linked to the analysis were made including improving the welfare for staffs working in nursing facilities and providing continuous professional training and education for them particularly on person-centered care. In addition, it was emphasized to raise the morale of social care work force considering the rapidly increasing need of long term care and the important influence that care work force has on older persons' quality of life from now on.

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Empirical Analysis of Political Communication Mode at Cyberspace (사이버 공간에서의 정치 커뮤니케이션 양식 분석 연구 : 제16대 공선 후보자 사이버 게시판 분석을 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Geun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.16
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    • pp.207-254
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    • 2001
  • This study is focused on forecasting the future of tole-democracy. Many Scholars expect that internet provides technological space needing realizing the tole-democracy or deliberate democracy. Especially in Korea, this expectation is higher than other nations because of political corruption and inefficiency. Therefore internet is intended to considering as new technologies reforming political process. In 16th the general election period, many candidates established home page and used as election campaign tool. And a little of home pages is payed attention to among voters. In spite of using internet as political medium, many political communication researchers have a doubt that internet will realize ideal direct democracy. It's reason is that internet is open and anonymous space. At anonymous space, communication participators is tended to be irresponsible and non-serious. Therefore it is hard that cyber-politics will be ideal type of democracy. In this context, this paper analyzed how pauicipators communicate with others at cyber bulletin board establishing candidate's home pages. Main research questions is how do discussions at cyberspace fulfill the conditions of deliberate democracy. Therefore, concrete questions include; who are participators at candidate's cyber bulletin board; which pattern do they communicate; what is the theme of communication; which effects do the anonymous character of cyberspace influence. To that purpose, this study conducted content analysis on 4,210 written matters at 82 cyber bulletin boards of candidate's home page establishing during 16th the general election period. It can be found that cyberspace in Korea still is not deliberate democracy space and not will be. Firstly, discussion patterns at cyber bulletin board is "candidate with supporters communication space. To be exact, it is said that candidate's home page is "the space of self-convincing among supporters." Secondly, the main themes of discussion are simple emotional expressions; "I support you!" "fighting" "Be vigor" etc. By contrast, real political contents'-central or local political matters - is relatively few. In the mode of expression, real political messages are more positive, logical than simple expressions, candidates private matters. Especially this characteristic will make cyberspace as "mutual slander space" consolidating anonymous characteristic of cyberspace. finally, Cyberspace in Korea still is not real "public sphere" realizing deliberate process. Therefore to be real public sphere, it is needed to participant's ethical maturity and political citizenship. In conclusion, it is difficult that cyberspace will reconstruct the Athene's Agora. On the contrary, Cyberagora will like to be irrespectable area fulfilling the sweeping. Making the deliberate space, technological possibility and ethical condition will have to be balanced together.

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Gene Polymorphisms of OPRM1 A118G and ABCB1 C3435T May Influence Opioid Requirements in Chinese Patients with Cancer Pain

  • Gong, Xiao-Di;Wang, Jiong-Yi;Liu, Feng;Yuan, Hai-Hua;Zhang, Wen-Ying;Guo, Yue-Hui;Jiang, Bin
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.2937-2943
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    • 2013
  • Backgrounds: Polymorphisms of OPRM1 A118G and ABCB1 C3435T have been suggested to contribute to inter-individual variability regarding pain sensitivity, opioid usage, tolerance and dependence and incidence of adverse effects in patients with chronic pain. This study aimed to investigate the association of both two polymorphisms with opioid requirements in Chinese patients with cancer pain. Methods: The genotypes of rs1799971 (OPRM1) and rs1045642 (ABCB1) were determined by PCR-RFLP and direct sequencing methods respectively in 112 patients with cancer-related pain. Comparisons between the different genotype or allele groups were performed with t-tests or one-way ANOVA tests, as appropriate. The potential relationship of allele number with opioid response was performed with a trend Jonckheere-Terpstra test. Results: In the 112 subjects, the frequencies of variant 118 G and 3435T allele were 38.4% and 37.9%, respectively. Significant higher 24h-opioid doses were observed in patients with GG (P=0.0004) and AG + GG (P=0.005) genotypes than the AA carriers. The dominant mutant 118G allele tended to be associated with progressively increasing 24h-opioiddoses (P=0.001). Compared with CC/CT, patients with ABCB1 TT genotype received higher 24h- and weight-surface area-adjusted-24h- opioids doses (P=0.057 and 0.028, respectively). Conclusions: The OPRM1 A118G single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is a key contributor for the inter-individual variability in opioidrequirements in Chinese cancer pain patients. This may possibly extend to the ABCB1 C3435T SNP.

The Effects of Conflict Resolution Strategies on Relationship Learning and Performance (갈등해결전략이 관계학습과 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Noh, Won-Hee;Song, Young-Wook
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.93-113
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    • 2012
  • Early conflict research in channel and organization area have focused on the definition of conflict construct, its cause, consequence and identified conflict resolution management. Recent studies about conflict, however, have explored new assumption of complexity, a multidimensional conflict construct, contextual conflict management strategies, positive and negative conflict/consequence, and the conflict resolution strategy. Although many literatures exists on channel conflict resolution, little research has been done about relationship learning and performance from conflict resolution perspective. This study explores how channel members can achieve a relationship learning, as a conflict resolution mechanism, which enhance co-created value in marketing channel relationship. Therefore we propose that conflict resolution strategies(collaborating behavior and avoiding behavior) influence channel performance(effectiveness and efficiency) through relationship learning processes(learning via information exchange, joint interpretation and coordination, relationship-specific knowledge memory), in view of buyer-seller relationship. The research model is shown at

    . A total of twelve hypotheses were established through prior studies dealing with conflict and relationship marketing theory. Then we drove conceptual research model. For the purpose of empirical testing, we managed to obtain the list of suppliers of 24 retailers from 5 retailer formats, such as department store, discount store, convenience store, TV home-shopping and internet shopping mall. They were asked to respond to the survey via face-to-face interview conducted by a professional research company. During the one month period of June 2009, we were able to collect data form 490 suppliers. The respondent were restricted to direct dealing authorities and manager with at least three months of dealing experience with retailers. Structural equation modeling on the basis of the results of survey were done to analyze. As a result, eight among twelve hypotheses were supported. The analysis result indicated that collaborating behavior had positive effect on three forms of relationship learning, but avoiding behavior has negative effect on only information exchange. Joint interpretation and coordination, relationship-specific knowledge memory had positive effect on relationship performances, but information exchange had no effect on performances. The results support our basic thesis that the use of conflict resolution strategies have different effect on developing relationship learning, which leads to channel performances. In particular, collaborating behavior is positively related to relationship learning, and avoidance behavior is negatively related to information exchange. Relationship learning is partially contributed to channel performance.

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