• Title/Summary/Keyword: direct contact

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  • Bae Jeong-Sik;Chung Moon-Kyu
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.541-564
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this experiment was to study the effect of implantation of the dense hydroxyapatite (HA) granules$(Apaceram^{(R)})$ in the fresh extraction sockets on the residual ridge resorption in normal and induced diabetic rabbits. Sixty-four white rabbits, weighing 3.0kg, were utilized in this study and they were divided into four group : group 1-sixteen normal rabbits without filling HA granules, group 2-sixteen normal rabbits with filling HA granules, group 3-sixteen diabetic rabbits without filling HA granules, group 4-sixteen diabetic rabbits with filling HA granules. HA granules were filled immediately after extraction in the extraction sockets of the mandibular left 1st, 2nd, and 3rd molar in group 2 and 4, and no HA granules were filled in group 1 and 3. The calculation of residual ridge resoption was done at 4th week, 8th week, 12th week, and 16th week after surgery, and histologic examination was performed to study healing process at 2nd week, 4th week, 8th week, and 16th week after surgery. The results were as follows : 1. The amount of residual ridge resorption was largest in group 3, and smallest in group 2 in every interval. There was no statistically significant difference between group 1 and 4. 2. In all groups, the amount of residual ridge resorption was high until 4th week after surgery, but the rate of residual ridge resolution slowly decreased after 4th week 3. There was more active healing process in group 1 and 2 than in group 2 and 4. 4. According to filling of HA granules, there was no difference in the amount of new bone formation, but direct contact could be observed between newly formed bone and HA granules in group 2 and 4. 5. Group 1 and 3 showed marked bone resorption and adipose marrow from 8th-16th week after surgery, but group 2 and 4 did not show maeked bone resolution, and showed fibrous tissue and a little adipose tissue among trabeculae from 8th week.

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Reinforcing Method for the Protective Capacities of Dispersal and Combat Facilities using Logistic Regression (로지스틱 회귀모형을 활용한 소산 및 전투시설의 방호성능 보강방안 연구)

  • Park, Young Jun;Park, Sangjin;Yu, Yeong-Jin;Kim, Taehui;Son, Kiyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2016
  • This study provides the numerical model to assess retrofit and strengthen levels in the dispersal and combat facilities. First of all, it is verified that direct-hitting projectiles are more destructive to the structures rather than close-falling bombs with explosion tests. The protective capacity of dispersal and combat facilities, which are modeled with soil uncertainty and structural field data, is analyzed through finite element method. With structural survivability and facility data, the logistic regression model is drawn. This model could be used to determine the level of the retrofit and strengthen in the dispersal and combat facilities of contact areas. For more reliable model, it could be better to identify more significant factors and adapt non-linear model. In addition, for adapting this model on the spot, appropriate strengthen levels should be determined by hands on staffs associated with military facilities.

Properties of a Social Network Topology of Livestock Movements to Slaughterhouse in Korea (도축장 출하차량 이동의 사회연결망 특성 분석)

  • Park, Hyuk;Bae, Sunhak;Pak, Son-Il
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.278-285
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    • 2016
  • Epidemiological studies have shown the association between transportation of live animals and the potential transmission of infectious disease between premises. This finding was also observed in the 2014-2015 foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak in Korea. Furthermore, slaughterhouses played a key role in the global spread of the FMD virus during the epidemic. In this context, in-depth knowledge of the structure of direct and indirect contact between slaughterhouses is paramount for understanding the dynamics of FMD transmission. But the social network structure of vehicle movements to slaughterhouses in Korea remains unclear. Hence, the aim of this study was to configure a social network topology of vehicle movements between slaughterhouses for a better understanding of how they are potentially connected, and to explore whether FMD outbreaks can be explained by the network properties constructed in the study. We created five monthly directed networks based on the frequency and chronology of on- and off-slaughterhouse vehicle movements. For the monthly network, a node represented a slaughterhouse, and an edge (or link) denoted vehicle movement between two slaughterhouses. Movement data were retrieved from the national Korean Animal Health Integrated System (KAHIS) database, which tracks the routes of individual vehicle movements using a global positioning system (GPS). Electronic registration of livestock movements has been a mandatory requirement since 2013 to ensure traceability of such movements. For each of the five studied networks, the network structures were characterized by small-world properties, with a short mean distance, a high clustering coefficient, and a short diameter. In addition, a strongly connected component was observed in each of the created networks, and this giant component included 94.4% to 100% of all network nodes. The characteristic hub-and-spoke type of structure was not identified. Such a structural vulnerability in the network suggests that once an infectious disease (such as FMD) is introduced in a random slaughterhouse within the cohesive component, it can spread to every other slaughterhouse in the component. From an epidemiological perspective, for disease management, empirically derived small-world networks could inform decision-makers on the higher potential for a large FMD epidemic within the livestock industry, and could provide insights into the rapid-transmission dynamics of the disease across long distances, despite a standstill of animal movements during the epidemic, given a single incursion of infection in any slaughterhouse in the country.

Studies on the Interfacial Reaction between electroplated Eutectic Pb/Sn Flip-Chip Solder Bump and UBM(Under Bump Metallurgy) (전해 도금법을 이용한 공정 납-주석 플립 칩 솔더 범프와 UBM(Under Bump Metallurgy) 계면반응에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Se-Yeong;Baek, Gyeong-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.288-294
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    • 1999
  • In the flip chip interconnection using solder bump, the Under Bump Metallurgy (UBM) is required to perform multiple functions in its conversion of an aluminum bond pad to a solderable surface. In this study, various UBM systems such as $Al 1\mu\textrm{m} / Ti 0.2\mu\textrm{m} / Cu 5\mu\textrm{m}, Al 1\mu\textrm{m} / Ti 0.2\mu\textrm{m} / Cu 1\mu\textrm{m}, al 1\mu\textrm{m}/Ni 0.2\mu\textrm{m} / Cu 1\mu\textrm{m} and Al 1\mu\textrm{m}/Pd 0.2\mu\textrm{m} / Cu 1\mu\textrm{m}$ for flip chip interconnection using the low melting point eutectic 63Sn-37Pb solder were investigated and compared to their metallurgical properties. $100\mu\textrm{m}$ size bumps were prepared for using an electroplating process. The effects of the number of reflows and aging time on the growth of intermetallic compounds(IMC) were investigated. $Cu_6Sn_5$ and $Cu_3Sn$ IMC were abserved after aging treatment in the UBM system with thick coper $(Al 1\mu\textrm{m}/Ti 0.2\mu\textrm{m}/Cu 5\mu\textrm{m})$. However only the $Cu_6Sn_5$ was detected in the UBM system with $1\mu\textrm{m}$ thick copper even after 2 reflow and 7 day aging at $150^{\circ}C$. Complete Cu consumption by Cu-Sn IMC growth gives rise to a direct contact between solder inner layer such as Ti, Ni and Pd, and hence to possibly cause reactions between two of them. In this study, however, only for the Pd case, IMC of PdSn. was observed by Cu consumption. UBM interfacial reactions with s이der affected the adhesion strength ot s이der balls after s이der reflow and annealing treatment.

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Recent Advances in the Studies of Self-Incompatibility of plants (식물의 자가불화합성, 최근의 진보)

  • 한창열;한지학
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.253-275
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    • 1994
  • Many flowering plants possess genetically controlled self -incompatibility (SI) system that prevents inbreeding and promotes outcrosses. SI is usually controlled by a single, multiallelic S-locus. In gametophytically controlled system, SI results when the S-allele of the pollen is matched by one of the two S-alleles in the style, while in the sporophytic system self-incompatible reaction occurs by the interaction between the pistil genotype and genotype of, not the pollen, but the pollen parent In the former system the self-incompatible phenotype of pollen is determined by the haploid genome of the pollen itself but in the latter the pollen phenotype is governed by the genotype of the pollen parent along with the occurrence of either to-dominant or dominant/recessive allelic interactions. In the sporophytic type the inhibition reaction occurs within minutes following pollen-stigma contact, the incompatible pollen grains usually failing to germinate, whereas in gametophytic system pollen tube inhibition takes place during growth in the transmitting tissue of the style. Recognition and rejection of self pollen are the result of interaction between the S-locus protein in the pistil and the pollen protein. In the gametophytic SI the S-associated glycoprotein which is similar to the fungal ribonuclease in structure and function are localized at the intercellular matrix in the transmitting tissue of the style, with the highest concentration in the collar of the stigma, while in the sporophytic SI deposit of abundant S-locus specific glycoprotein (SLSG).is detected in the cell wall of stigmatic papillae of the open flowers. In the gametophytic system S-gene is expressed mostly at the stigmatic collar the upper third of the style length and in the pollen after meiosis. On the other hand, in the sporophytic SI S-glycoprotein gene is expressed in the papillar cells of the stigma as well as in e sporophytic tape is cells of anther wall. Recognition and rejection of self pollen in the gametophytic type is the reaction between the ribonuclease in the transmitting tissue of the style and the protein in the cytoplasm of pollen tube, whereas in the sporophytic system the inhibition of selfed pollen is caused by the interaction between the Sycoprotein in the wall of stigmatic papillar cell and the tapetum-origin protein deposited on the outer wall of the pollen grain. The claim that the S-allele-associated proteins are involved in recognition and rejection of self pollen has been made merely based on indirect evidence. Recently it has been verified that inhibition of synthesis of S$_3$ protein in Petunia inflata plants of S$_2$S$_3$ genotype by the antisense S$_3$ gene resulted in failure of the transgenic plant to reject S$_3$ pollen and that expression of the transgenic encoding S$_3$ protein in the S$_1$S$_2$ genotype confers on the transgenic plant the ability to reject S$_3$ pollen. These finding Provide direct evidence that S-proteins control the s elf-incompatibility behavior of the pistil.

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Evaluation of high power ultrasonic energy transmission characteristics of a liquid matching layer by using sonoluminescence (소노루미네센스를 이용한 액체정합층의 고출력 초음파에너지 전달특성 평가)

  • Kim, Jungsoon;Kim, Haeun;Son, Jinyoung;Kim, Moojoon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.408-416
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    • 2021
  • In the ultrasonic dispersion, in order to avoid direct contact of the radiation surface of ultrasonic transducers with a liquid sample, the liquid sample is separated by a glass container and it receives ultrasonic energy through an acoustic medium. The transmission efficiency of the ultrasonic energy in the multi-layered ultrasonic system is an important factor. In this study, we suggested a method that can improve the ultrasonic energy transfer efficiency by using a propylene glycol solution as a liquid matching layer in the multi-layered acoustic system. In this method, a propylene glycol solution was filled between the Langevin-type ultrasonic transducer and the luminol solution and the sonoluminescence phenomena in the luminol solution, which is caused by nonlinear effect of high power ultrasound radiated from the transducer, was examined by using a Photo Multiplier Tube (PMT). The transmission efficiency depending on the concentration of propylene glycol solution was observed, and we can see that as the concentration of the propylene glycol solution increased, the matching effect increased while the acoustic attenuation increased. It was confirmed that there is an optimal concentration compromised these two conflicting conditions, and the optimum concentration of the propylene glycol solution was determined experimentally.

Effect of Police Corruption Factors on Corruption Level through Occupational Identity and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Police Officers (경찰부패 요인이 경찰공무원의 직업정체성과 조직시민행동을 매개로 경찰부패에 미치는 영향)

  • Chun, Kyung Kook;Kim, Taek
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2021
  • The issue of controlling police corruption is very important that in terms of public services where police administration is in direct contact with citizens. In this study, individual, organizational, cultural, and legislative factors are classified as independent factor variables that contribute to police corruption, and the effect of these corruption factors on the level of police corruption, and the role of occupational identity and organizational citizenship behavior of police offices in this relationship are analyzed. A survey is conducted on the public citizens for empirical analysis of this study. The results of the empirical analysis are as follows: First, organizational, cultural factors and legal-legislative factors have negative influence on the occupational identity. Second, legislative factors has negative influence on organizational citizenship behavior. Third, organizational, cultural and legislative factors have positive effects on police corruption. Finally, in terms of the effect of corruption factors on organizational citizenship behavior through occupational identity, organizational, cultural and legal-legislative factors had negative mediating effect on it.

The Effect of Social Support of Chinese Hotel Employees on Psychological Well-Being - Focusing on 4, 5 Star Hotels in Shanghai - (중국 호텔 직원에 대한 사회적 지지가 심리적 안녕감에 미치는 영향 - 상하이 지역 4, 5 성급 호텔을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Gap-Yeon
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.139-162
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    • 2018
  • Although the hotel industry in China has shown great growth both quantitatively and qualitatively, there is a lack of management of employees who represent hotels in direct contact with customers. Therefore, this study examined the social support of Chinese 4, 5 star hotel employees in Shanghai as supervisory support, coworker support, and family support, and examined whether the social support of employees improves resilience and affects their psychological well-being. In order to analyze this, we surveyed 322 employees of Shanghai 4, 5 star hotels in China. Empirical analysis showed that supervisory support and family support had a positive effect on their resilience, while coworker support did not. In addition, the resilience of hotel employees has a positive effect on their psychological well-being. This study aims to provide a better understanding of social support and resilience, and to provide effective management of human resources management.

The Effects of Salesperson' Self-directed Career Management on Firm's Marketing Competitiveness Advantage (영업직원의 자기주도적 경력관리가 기업의 마케팅경쟁력에 미치는 영향)

  • Suh, Yong-Han;Lee, Yeon-Ju
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.271-287
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    • 2018
  • Salespersons play an important role in strengthening a firm's marketing competitiveness advantage because they provide service through the direct contact with customers. This research tests several hypothesized relationships between their career performances(incomes, job satisfaction and organizational commitment) and marketing comprtitiveness advantage. The data used in this study to measure the hypotheses is 'Human Capital Enterprise Panel Data 2015(5th) that was collected by Korea Vocational Training Institute. The results showed that the earnings was not significantly different depending on salesperson's self-directed career management. The job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the salesperson positively affected firm's marketing competitiveness advantage, but the effects of salesperson job satisfaction and organizational commitment on firm's marketing competitiveness advantage were not significantly different depending on salesperson's self-directed career management. This study confirmed that it is necessary to regard career movement as the significant resources of the marketing competitiveness advantage as self-directed career management rather than a negative point of view.

How Indirect Contacts of Older Adults through Media Influence Ageism: Investigating the Mediating Role of Attitudes toward Older Adults and Social Norm (매체를 통한 노인접촉경험이 연령주의 행동의도에 미치는 영향: 노인에 대한 태도와 사회적 규범의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • An, Soontae;Lee, Sun Young;Chung, Soondool
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.763-781
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    • 2017
  • This study explores the relationship between indirect contacts of older adults and ageism related behaviors by investigating adults' exposure to portrayals of older people and their images in media. This study also investigates how indirect contacts of older adults influence ageism related behaviors such as avoidance and discrimination against older adults through attitudes and social norms about older adults. Using an online survey collected from 252 adults aged 18-64 years, the authors found that indirect contacts of older adults through media predicted attitude toward older adults as well as social norms. The results also revealed that social norm predicted both avoidance and discrimination behavior against older adults while attitude toward older adults only predicted avoidance behavior. Finally, the findings indicated that attitude toward older adults mediated the relationship between indirect contacts through media and avoidance behavior. However, social norm mediated the relationships between indirect contacts through media and discrimination as well as avoidance behaviors. Implication and limitation of the findings are discussed.