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A Study on the Performance Verification Method of Small-Sized LTE-Maritime Transceiver (소형 초고속해상무선통신망 송수신기 성능 검증 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Seok Woo;Bu-young Kim;Woo-Seong Shim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.902-909
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    • 2023
  • This study evaluated the performance test of a small-sized LTE-Maritime(LTE-M) transceiver that was developed and promoted to expand the use of intelligent maritime traf ic information services led by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries with the aim of supporting the prevention of maritime accidents. Accoriding to statistics, approximately 30% of all marine accidents in Korean water occur with ships weighing less than 3 tons. Therefore, the blind spots of maritime safety must be supplemented through the development of small-sized transceivers. The small transceiver may be used in fishing boats that are active near coastal waters and in water leisure equipment near the coastline. Therefore, verifying whether sufficient performance and stable communication quality are provided is necessary, considering the environment of their real usage. In this study, we reviewed the communication quality goals of the LTE-M network and the performance requirements of small-sized transceivers suggested by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, and proposed a test plan to appropriately evaluate the performance of small-sized transceivers. The validity of the proposed test method was verified for six real-sea areas with a high frequency of marine accidents. Consequently, the downlink and uplink transmission speeds of the small-sized LTE-M transceiver showed performances of 9 Mbps or more and 3 Mbps or more, respectively. In addition, using the coverage analysis system, coverage of more than 95% and 100% were confirmed in the intensive management zone (0-30 km) and interesting zone (30-50 km), respectively. The performance evaluation method and test results proposed in this paper are expected to be used as reference materials for verifying the performance of transceivers, contributing to the spread of government-promoted e-navigation services and small-sized transceivers.

Utilization of a Ubiquitous Environmental Sculptures Analysis (유비쿼터스 환경 조형물의 이용의식 실태 분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Chan;Cho, Hwee-In
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2010
  • Today's rapid shifts toward a new paradigm are combining city spaces with reality and technology, which is known as a ubiquitous environment. An ubiquitous environment means that 'whenever' and 'wherever' become connected. It is a great possibility that this will change our future lifestyle. Korea has the biggest advantage in the implementation of this new environment, such as having an excellent network infrastructure. Using these attributes of a ubiquitous environment, changes are being made toward ubiquitous cities within developing fields of construction, landscaping, streets, art, and the environment. This research is based on background of research that activated media pole in public city space has been done research about reality of digital skill, fusion, and sense of ubitizen, and Kang-Nam U-street applied by ubiquitous technique. While reflecting an environment that can be utilized in a modern digital society, the application of ubiquitous technology to media pole can be a space for the two-way communication of the current paradigm. It would also be meaningful to create a new cultural space through media pole. Through evaluation, citizens of the ubiquitous age are going to interact to raise the satisfaction that media pole in city space can prevent giving direction to develop and trial and error about service ability, identity, and publicity. Finally, the media pole can be used as a fundamental element to suggest directions for change when viewed as future development.

Study on the Current Status of Smart Garden (스마트가든의 인식경향에 관한 연구)

  • Woo, Kyung-Sook;Suh, Joo-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2021
  • Modern society is becoming more informed and intelligent with the development of digital technology, in which humans, objects, and networks relate with each other. In accordance with the changing times, a garden system has emerged that makes it easy to supply the ideal temperature, humidity, sunlight, and moisture conditions to grow plants. Therefore, this study attempted to grasp the concept, perception, and trends of smart gardens, a recent concept. To achieve the purpose of this study, previous studies and text mining were used, and the results are as follows. First, the core characteristics of smart gardens are new gardens in which IoT technology and gardening techniques are fused in indoor and outdoor spaces due to technological developments and changes in people's lifestyles. As technology advances and the importance of the environment increases, smart gardens are becoming a reality due to the need for living spaces where humans and nature can co-exist. With the advent of smart gardens, it will be possible to contribute to gardens' vitalization to deal with changes in garden-related industries and people's lifestyles. Second, in current research related to smart gardens and users' experiences, the technical aspects of smart gardens are the most interesting. People value smart garden functions and technical aspects that enable a safe, comfortable, and convenient life, and subjective uses are emerging depending on individual tastes and the comfort with digital devices. Third, looking at the usage behavior of smart gardens, they are mainly used in indoor spaces, with edible plants are being grown. Due to the growing importance of the environment and concerns about climate change and a possible food crisis, the tendency is to prefer the cultivation of plants related to food, but the expansion of garden functions can satisfying users' needs with various technologies that allow for the growing of flowers. In addition, as users feel the shapes of smart gardens are new and sophisticated, it can be seen that design is an essential factor that helps to satisfy users. Currently, smart gardens are developing in terms of technology. However, the main components of the smart garden are the combination of humans, nature, and technology rather than focusing on growing plants conveniently by simply connecting potted plants and smart devices. It strengthens connectivity with various city services and smart homes. Smart gardens interact with the landscape of the architect's ideas rather than reproducing nature through science and technology. Therefore, it is necessary to have a design that considers the functions of the garden and the needs of users. In addition, by providing citizens indoor and urban parks and public facilities, it is possible to share the functions of communication and gardening among generations targeting those who do not enjoy 'smart' services due to age and bridge the digital device and information gap. Smart gardens have potential as a new landscaping space.

A Study on Promoting Performing Art with Robot Actor : Focusing on EveR (로봇 배우를 활용한 공연예술 활성화 방안 연구 : '에버' 중심으로)

  • Lee, Yoo Sun;Kim, Dong Eon
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.22
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    • pp.371-411
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    • 2011
  • In the twenty first century of rapid cultural change performing art requires new mode of expression based on imaginative power and creativity as well as establishing its own identity. The modern technological environment support this with advanced technology and bring about the expansion of reason from new experience. The introduction of digital media on artistic expression in particular, expands the physical ability of human body which is the main subject of performing art. A virtual body from digital technology is freed from physical boundaries and goes over space and time. It also suggests the possibility of new mode of communication with audience. This study aims at examining the subject of performing art and its digitalized movement focusing on EveR, the world's first professional robot actor. The robot actor which came on stage according to the new expression medium, a digital body, stands in need not only of technological value but also of cultural and artistic application for expression in art. In this endeavor to meet the demand, this study examines the development process and function of 'EveR' the robot actor. Also it searches into the performance of Ever which replaced human being as well as the historical significance of the title:the world's first. To be more specific, there is a example research on two performances:a pansori play "EveR is simply stunning(2009)" and children's play "The Robot Princess and Seven Dwarfs(2009)." Through this example research, it is enabled to anticipate the influence of robot actors on performing arts and to search for the better way of them to evolve. Furthermore, it aims at finding ways to create high value through promoting robot actors to be familiar to the public as well as supporting them to become active cultural contents. The performance with robotic technology is one of the artistic experiment that may cause the change of the future of performing art by actualizing technological imagination together with human body and machinery. As a consequence, it is expected that the meeting of performing art and robotic technology gives positive influence on activating performing art as one of the integrated cultural phenomenon which satisfies the taste of modern era. Moreover, this study may also be the beginning of the expansion of performing art to stretch to diverse field.

ICT Medical Service Provider's Knowledge and level of recognizing how to cope with fire fighting safety (ICT 의료시설 기반에서 종사자의 소방안전 지식과 대처방법 인식수준)

  • Kim, Ja-Sook;Kim, Ja-Ok;Ahn, Young-Joon
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2014
  • In this study, ICT medical service provider's level of knowledge fire fighting safety and methods on coping with fires in the regions of Gwangju and Jeonam Province of Korea were investigated to determine the elements affecting such levels and provide basic information on the manuals for educating how to cope with the fire fighting safety in medical facilities. The data were analyzed using SPSS Win 14.0. The scores of level of knowledge fire fighting safety of ICT medical service provider's were 7.06(10 point scale), and the scores of level of recognizing how to cope with fire fighting safety were 6.61(11 point scale). level of recognizing how to cope with fire fighting safety were significantly different according to gender(t=4.12, p<.001), age(χ2=17.24, p<.001), length of career(χ2=22.76, p<.001), experience with fire fighting safety education(t=6.10, p<.001), level of subjective knowledge on fire fighting safety(χ2=53.83, p<.001). In order to enhance the level of understanding of fire fighting safety and methods of coping by the ICT medical service providers it is found that: self-directed learning through avoiding the education just conveying knowledge by lecture tailored learning for individuals fire fighting education focused on experiencing actual work by developing various contents emphasizing cooperative learning deploying patients by classification systems using simulations and a study on the implementation of digital anti-fire monitoring system with multipoint communication protocol, a design and development of the smoke detection system using infra-red laser for fire detection in the wide space, video based fire detection algorithm using gaussian mixture mode developing an education manual for coping with fire fighting safety through multi learning approach at the medical facilities are required.

A Study on eDesign Platform for Effective Communication and Information sharing - with an emphasis on process and template (효과적인 커뮤니케이션과 정보공유를 위한 e디자인 플랫폼 구축에 관한 연구 - 프로세스와 템플릿을 중심으로)

  • 윤주현
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.425-436
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    • 2004
  • A new design field called eDesign appears as if eBiz is an online related business in which an industrialized design creates the individual value added facing a digital revolution. The field of eDesign requires a special design process and management methodology regardless of the fact that human sensitivity will be satisfied through a dehumanized computer technique. However, it is the reality of eDesign that has been dependent upon a simple process or project management tool of general design. In this study, we develop an eDesign platform based on an eDesign process and template mainly focused on eBusiness in order to overcome the wrong situation. The template is a kind of document that has a standardization form. We aim to establish a general process through various case projects, store information using a necessary template, and use for the way of visual communication. We propose a standard of eDesign platform that can be widely applied to the field of design, medium and small enterprises focused on IT businesses or design-team through this project performed as an educational-industrial study. It makes it possible to get a detailed process methodology, which can be applied to many small design related companies that don't have their own process yet, and will be a scale for comparing their own process in which the company has a process of opened standard eDesign with it. In addition, it makes possible a systematic control of the own projects within and outside the firm, accumulating information for the firm through the database, and easy communication. Furthermore, it can be applied to check the process of the project as a checklist, and then it will reduce trial and error repeated for every project that has been done.

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Development of control system for complex microbial incubator (복합 미생물 배양기의 제어시스템 개발)

  • Hong-Jik Kim;Won-Bog Lee;Seung-Ho Lee
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.122-126
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, a control system for a complex microbial incubator was proposed. The proposed control system consists of a control unit, a communication unit, a power supply unit, and a control system of the complex microbial incubator. The controller of the complex microbial incubator is designed and manufactured to convert analog signals and digital signals, and control signals of sensors such as displays using LCD panels, water level sensors, temperature sensors, and pH concentration sensors. The water level sensor used is designed and manufactured to enable accurate water level measurement by using the IR laser method with excellent linearity in order to solve the problem that existing water level sensors are difficult to measure due to foreign substances such as bubbles. The temperature sensor is designed and used so that it has high accuracy and no cumulative resistance error by measuring using the thermal resistance principle. The communication unit consists of two LAN ports and one RS-232 port, and is designed and manufactured to transmit signals such as LCD panel, PCT panel, and load cell controller used in the complex microbial incubator to the control unit. The power supply unit is designed and manufactured to supply power by configuring it with three voltage supply terminals such as 24V, 12V and 5V so that the control unit and communication unit can operate smoothly. The control system of the complex microbial incubator uses PLC to control sensor values such as pH concentration sensor, temperature sensor, and water level sensor, and the operation of circulation pump, circulation valve, rotary pump, and inverter load cell used for cultivation. In order to evaluate the performance of the control system of the proposed complex microbial incubator, the result of the experiment conducted by the accredited certification body showed that the range of water level measurement sensitivity was -0.41mm~1.59mm, and the range of change in water temperature was ±0.41℃, which is currently commercially available. It was confirmed that the product operates with better performance than the performance of the products. Therefore, the effectiveness of the control system of the complex microbial incubator proposed in this paper was demonstrated.

Design and Fabrication of on Oscillator with Low Phase Noise Characteristic using a Phase Locked Loop (위상고정루프를 이용한 낮은 위상 잡음 특성을 갖는 발진기 설계 및 제작)

  • Park, Chang-Hyun;Kim, Jang-Gu;Choi, Byung-Ha
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.30 no.10 s.116
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    • pp.847-853
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we designed VCO(voltage controlled oscillator} that is composed of a dielectric resonator and a varactor diode, and the PLDRO(phase locked dielectric resonator oscillator) that is combined with the sampling phase detector and loop filter. The results at 12.05 GHz show the output power is 13.54 dBm frequency tuning range approximately +/- 7.5 MHz, and power variation over the tuning range less than 0.2 dB, respectively. The phase noise which effects on bits error rate in digital communication is obtained with -114.5 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset from carrier, and The second harmonic suppression is less than -41.49 dBc. These measured results are found to be more improved than those of VCO without adopting PLL, and the phase noise and power variation performance characteristics show the better performances than those of conventional PLL.

An Application-Independent Multimedia Adaptation framework for the Mobile Web (모바일 웹을 지원하는 응용 독립적 멀티미디어 적응 프레임워크)

  • Chon, Sung-Mi;Lim, Young-Hwan
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2005
  • The desired level for multimedia services in the mobile web environment, the next generation web environment, is expected to be of PC level quality. And great efforts have been made in the development of hadware technology, communication technology, various kinds of services and standardization to support these services, In the mobile web environment, multimedia contents adaptation services should be available through supporting various kinds of devices, network abilities and users' preferences. It means that due to the variety of both desired devices' hardware specifications, called destinations, and desired QoSes, the QoSes in the destinations are not fixed or defined. If a new user wants to stream multimedia contents in a server through a new kind of terminal device, it should be considered whether the existing transcoders are able to adapt the multimedia contents. However, the existing libraries for multimedia adaptation have heavy transcoder figures which include all adaptive functions in one library, The challenge of universal access is too complex to be solved with these all in one solutions. Therefore, in this paper we propose an application independent multimedia adaptation framework which meets the QoS of new and varied mobile devices. This framework is composed of a group of unit transcoders having only one transcoding function respectively, Instead of heavy transcoders. Also, It includes the transcoder manager supporting the dynamic connections of the unit transcoders in order to satisfy end to end QoS.

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u-EMS : An Emergency Medical Service based on Ubiquitous Sensor Network using Bio-Sensors (u-EMS : 바이오 센서 네트워크 기반의 응급 구조 시스템)

  • Kim, Hong-Kyu;Moon, Seung-Jin
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.433-441
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    • 2007
  • The bio-Sensors, which are sensing the vital signs of human bodies, are largely used by the medical equipment. Recently, the sensor network technology, which composes of the sensor interface for small-seize hardware, processor, the wireless communication module and battery in small sized hardware, has been extended to the area of bio-senor network systems due to the advances of the MEMS technology. In this paper we have suggested a design and implementation of a health care information system(called u-EMS) using a bio-sensor network technology that is a combination of the bio-sensor and the sensor network technology. In proposed system, we have used the following vital body sensors such as EKG sensor, the blood pressure sensor, the heart rate sensor, the pulse oximeter sensor and the glucose sensor. We have collected various vital sign data through the sensor network module and processed the data to implement a health care measurement system. Such measured data can be displayed by the wireless terminal(PDA, Cell phone) and the digital-frame display device. Finally, we have conducted a series of tests which considered both patient's vital sign and context-awared information in order to improve the effectiveness of the u-EMS.