• Title/Summary/Keyword: dietary efficacy

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Relationship of Nutritional Knowledge, Dietary Self Efficacy and Change of Dietary Behavior of Nutrition Professional (영양전공자의 영양지식, 식이 효능감, 식행동 변화간의 관련성)

  • Kwon, Seon-Young;Han, Jang-Il;Chung, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.550-560
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of nutritional knowledge, dietary self-efficacy and dietary behavior of nutritionist. Total 190 dieticians of middle and high schools in Daejeon metropolitan city(44.2%) and Chungnam area(55.8%) were surveyed by questionnaires. The change of dietary intakes was used as an index of dietary behavioral change, and dietary self-efficacy are categorized into 4 sub groups of general dietary habit, choice of food, environmental stimulus and emotional conditions. Overall nutritionl knowledge of school dieticians was relatively high as 80.3 score, but specific and detail knowledge about food and nutrition yet have to be strengthened. Dietary self-efficacy of 'choice of food' was the highest with 85.4 and self-efficacy of 'environmental stimulus' was the lowest with 69.7 in the subjects. There was no influence between nutrition knowledge and dietary self-efficacy of school dieticians. According to the level of dietary self-efficacy, the intake of desirable food showed no significant difference, but the intake of undesirable foods decreased as dietary self-efficacy increased(p<0.001). In the analysis of correlation of change in intake of desirable and undesirable foods with nutrition knowledge and 4 different variables of dietary self-efficacy, a nutrition knowledge variable did not show any correlation with other variables. While, total dietary self-efficacy or each 4 sub items showed negative correlation with the intake of undesirable foods. And all 4 sub items of dietary self-efficacy could be the principal factors to constrain the intake of undesirable foods, but 2 items of dietary habits and emotional condition of 4 sub items are the factors to increase the intake of desirable food. Accordingly, it is suggested that dietary self-efficacy could be a powerful factor to induce the behavioral change of professional dieticians.

Status of Dietary Life Related Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, Food Preference and Dietary Behavior of Preschoolers in Kyunggi Area (경기 일부지역 유아의 식생활관련 지식, 자아효능감, 식품선호도 및 식행동 실태)

  • Lee, A Reum;Yu, Ye Lee;Kim, Hye Jin;Kim, Kyung A;Kim, Kyung Won
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.274-283
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The purpose of the study was to examine dietary life characteristics such as knowledge, self-efficacy and dietary behavior of preschoolers in Namyangju, Kyunggi-province, Korea. Methods: The survey questionnaire was developed based on literature review. Preschoolers aged 4-5 years (n=208) responded to the questionnaire to measure knowledge, self-efficacy, food preference, and dietary behavior. After excluding incomplete responses, the data of 197 subjects were used for analysis. Results: Mean score of dietary life knowledge was 8.0 out of 12, showing a low level of knowledge. Two out of 12 knowledge items were significantly different by gender. Percentage of correct answer on items of 'foods to make bones strong' and 'kinds of fast foods' was higher in girls than in boys (p<0.05). Total score of self-efficacy regarding dietary life was 40.1 (possible score: 12~48), on average. Compared to girls, boys had more confidence in 'not over-eating', and 'eating balanced meals with meat, fish and vegetables' (p<0.05). Boys scored higher on total score of food preference than girls (p<0.01). The preference for fruits was quite high. Among food items, boys scored higher on the preference for rice (p<0.01), fish (p<0.01), pork (p<0.05), beef (p<0.05), milk (p<0.01), and ice cream (p<0.05) than girls. Boys also liked fast foods more than girls did, showing preference for chicken (p<0.01) and soda (p<0.05). Compared to girls, boys showed more desirable behavior in 'eating breakfast everyday' (p<0.01). Dietary behavior was significantly correlated with self-efficacy (r=0.52, p<0.01), food preference (r=0.35, p<0.01), and knowledge (r=0.25, p<0.01) of subjects. Conclusions: In this study, we observed differences in food preference by gender. Dietary behavior of preschoolers was correlated with several factors, including dietary life related knowledge, self-efficacy and food preference. Thus, it is needed to develop nutrition education programs focusing on increasing dietary life related knowledge and self-efficacy, and consider the differences in food preference of preschoolers by gender.

A Convergence Study on Effects of Nutrition Knowledge, Dietary Habits, and Dietary Self-Efficacy on Dietary Behavior in Nursing Students (간호대학생의 영양지식, 식이 자기효능감 및 식습관이 식행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 융합연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Sook;Kim, BoYoung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.341-350
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    • 2020
  • This study is a descriptive study to identify nutritional knowledge, diet self‐efficacy and dietary habits of nursing college students and to investigate the factors affecting their dietary behavior. Data collection was conveniently sampled from June 18 to June 20, 2018, for 123 second‐year students at two University located in G City. The data collected were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t‐test, ANOVA, Scheff, Pearson's correlation, and multiple regression using the SPSS 20 program. In the results of the study, factors affecting the dietary behavior of the subjects were found to be school life satisfaction, overeating and snacks frequency, and diet self‐efficacy (adjusted R2=0.48, F=10.28, p<.001). The results of this study have implications that based on factors affecting dietary behavior of nursing students, nursing intervention programs should be developed to promote diet self‐efficacy and to be able to develop healthy dietary habits.

The Effects of Gender, Obesity Rate, Nutrition Knowledge and Dietary Attitude on the Dietary Self-Efficacy of Adolescents (청소년의 성별, 비만도, 영양지식 및 식생활태도가 식이 자기효능감에 미치는 영향)

  • 이정숙
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.652-657
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effects of the gender, obesity rate, nutrition knowledge and dietary attitude on the dietary self-efficacy of adolescents. The subjects were 1,022 (518 male, 504 female), aged 13-17 years living in Busan, Masan, Jinju and Jinhae city. This survey was conducted from April 8 to April 22,2002 by questionnaires and data were analyzed by SPSS program. The results are summarized as follows. Nutrition knowledge scores and dietary self-efficacy scores of the females were higher than those of the males. The higher the nutrition knowledge and dietary attitude scores, the higher dietary self-efficacy. Dietary attitude has direct effects on dietary self-efficacy and obesity rate has in-direct effects which was mediated by nutrition knowledge. Gender and nutrition knowledge have direct effects and indirect effects which were mediated by dietary attitude. Dietary attitude showed the greatest total causal effect in relation to dietary self-efficacy.

The effects of the DASH diet education program with omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on metabolic syndrome parameters in elderly women with abdominal obesity

  • Choi, Seung-Hye;Choi-Kwon, Smi
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.150-157
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    • 2015
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to investigate the overall effects of a tailored Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) nutritional intervention program which included omega-3 fatty acids supplementation, on dietary self-efficacy, dietary knowledge, and dietary behaviors in Korean elderly women with abdominal obesity. Furthermore, we investigated the effects of the program on metabolic syndrome parameters including the antioxidant capacities in these subjects. SUBJECTS/METHODS: A randomized, controlled trial was conducted for 8 weeks. The experimental group (n = 21) received a weekly tailored nutritional program for 8 weeks and the control group (n = 18) received only one educational session. The clinical survey was conducted before and after the intervention period. RESULTS: After the intervention, dietary self-efficacy (P = 0.023), frequency of fruit intake (P = 0.019), and dietary fiber intake (P = 0.044) were higher in the experimental group than in the control group. The oxidative stress (P < 0.001) was lower in the experimental group than in the control group. Moreover, low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (P = 0.023) had significantly decreased in the experimental group but not in the control group after the intervention. CONCLUSIONS: The intervention program including omega-3 fatty acid supplementation had a positive effect on dietary self-efficacy, dietary behaviors, and oxidative stress among aged women with abdominal obesity.

Comparison of Dietary Self-efficacy, Obesity Stress, and Obesity-related Quality of Life According to BMI and Stages of Change in Vegetable Consumption for Nursing Students (간호대학생의 체질량지수와 채소섭취 행동변화단계별 식이효능감, 비만스트레스, 비만관련 삶의 질 비교)

  • Kim, Myoung Sook
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study was carried outto compare dietary self-efficacy, obesity stress, and obesity-related quality of life (OQOL) according to BMI and stages of change in vegetable consumption. Methods: A convenience sample of 326 nursing students agreed to complete a questionnaire. Data were collected from October 7 to October 18, 2013. Results: Obesity stress and obesity-related quality of life were significantly different according to BMI. Dietary self-efficacy showed a significant difference between the pre-contemplation/contemplation stage, preparation stage, and action/maintenance stage (F=50.18, p<.001). With obesity stress, there was a significant difference between the PC/C, P, and A/M stages (F=17.63, p<.001). Dietary self-efficacy had a positive correlation with OQOL (r=.11, p<.001) and a negative correlation with obesity stress (r=-.14, p=.012). And obesity stress had a negative correlation with OQOL (r=-.45, p<.001). Conclusion: These findings emphasize that nutritional-intervention programs for changes in behavior during the PC/C and P stages of change in vegetable consumption need to develop strategies to enhance dietary self-efficacy for nursing students.

Physiologically Functional Foods (기능성 식품에 관하여)

  • 이종임
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.401-418
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    • 1999
  • Many plants and animal have long been known to have medicinal effects and therefore have been used as medicines. There are many substances that show various pharmacologic efficacy such as anti-tumor efficacy, anti-inflammatory efficacy, cholesterol-lowering efficacy, anti-coagulant of blood efficacy and anti-bacterial efficacy. I summarized the recent advances in research on physiologically functional foods. The pharmacological efficacy of dietary fiber, chitin & chitosan, DHA(docosahexaenoic acid), mushroom, alginic acid and herbs have selected as topices for discussion. I was examining the anti-coagulant activity of herbs, I discovered that Eugenia caryophyllata T. (clove) had a relatively high anti-coagulant activity.

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A Study on Dietary Attitudes and Dietary Self-Efficacy of Juvenile Delinquents (비행청소년의 식생활태도와 식이자기효능감에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Suk;Lee, Hyun-Ja;Song, Byeng-Chun;Kim, Eun-Kyung;Lee, Chun-Bok;Kim, Seok-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.663-673
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the factors associated with dietary attitudes and dietary self-efficacy of juvenile delinquents. Out of 110 questionnaires distributed to the juvenile detention home students in Daegu, and 150 questionnaires distributed to the juvenile detention home students in Anyang, 210 were analyzed (80.7% analysis rate). These data were analyzed by SPSS program. The results are summarized as follows. Almost all parents' educational levels showed 'graduation of middle school', and only 43.8% of the juvenile detention students were living with parents. In case of incoming status, average income per month was 2,000,000 won, which was lower than normal one. Diet attitude score was higher in boy students than girl students (p < 0.05). There was a higher score of diet attitude in higher educational levels of father. The average score of dietary self-efficacy was $2.51\;{\sim}\;0.86$. This value was lower than the normal juvenile. There was a higher diet attitude score in the higher dietary self-efficacy score (p < 0.001). Therefore, proper nutrition education is required to improve their dietary self-efficacy. The results of this study could be useful data to plan and develop nutritional education programs of juvenile delinquents.

Analyses on the Factors Associated with Dietary Behavior Regarding Colon Cancer Risk (대장암 위험도와 관련된 식생활 행동 분석)

  • 오세영;이지현;김효종
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.202-209
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    • 2004
  • A case-control study was conducted in order to examine dietary behavioral factors associated with colorectal cancer risks. Data were collected from 128 cases with either colorectal cancer or large bowl adenomatous polyps and 129 controls regarding stages of dietary behavioral change, perceived barrier, self efficacy, nutrition knowledge, social support and food availability as well as body mass index and overall dietary quality. Cases showed less desirable behaviors with respect to fat reduction and vegetable intake compared with controls based on the analyses of the stages of dietary change. After adjustment of relevant covariates (age, gender and smoking), significant trends of increasing risk with higher level emerged for perceived barriers resulted from environmental conditions (OR = 1.6 - 2.0) and self-efficacy (OR = 2.2-2.3). No such relationships were found for nutrition knowledge and social support. The risk of colorectal cancer was associated with the kinds of foods available at home showing a borderline protective relation with milk (OR = 0.6) and respective significant and borderline direct associations for fresh meat (OR = 2.1) and soft drinks (OR = 0.6 when reversely scored). Within-group analyses presented best predictors of overall dietary quality as food availability for the case and self-efficacy and social support for the control. The findings of this study suggested a need for focusing on motivational and reinforcing factors in the development of nutrition education programs for colorectal cancer prevention.

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Nutrition Education Program for Hypertensive Patients at the Community Level (지역사회 고혈압환자 영양교육의 효과 평가)

  • 임경숙
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.654-661
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    • 2000
  • Hypertension is the major risk factor for cardiovascular disease which is considered the leading cause of death in Korea. Since nonpharmarologic dietary intervention is recommended as the first step in the management of hypertension, evaluation of intervention programs is needed to formulate strategies for improving patients' dietary adherence. This study was designed to evaluate the overall effectiveness of a hypertension nutrition education program (HNEP) at a public health center, by assessing changes in nutrition knowledge, food attitude, self-efficacy, dietary behavior, and nutrient intake after program completion. An HNEP was conducted in Suwon city for 5 months in 1999 by a public health center. The program provided 3 sessions of group education with individual nutrition counseling. Thirty-five patients participated fully in the program out of 62 enrollees. Data about nutrition knowledge, food attitude, self-efficacy, dietary behavior, and intake (24-hour recall) were collected before (baseline) and after the program. Post program results indicate the following : 1) nutrition knowledge and perception of importance of nutrition significantly increased, 2) food attitudes also improved, 3) the self-efficacy for maintaining a low salt diet was increased significantly, whereas self-efficacy for maintaining a low fat diet or dietary guidelines was not improved, 4) frequency of intake of processed food, animal fat, and sweets as well as frequency of dining out were significantly reduced, 5) nutrient intake was not improved after the program, 6) the most serious barrier for participating in the program and practicing diet therapy was lack of time and willingness. In conclusion, it appears that HNEP might improve food attitudes, individual perceptions and self-efficacy for desirable eating behavior, but it might not improve dietary intake. It follows then, that a long term intervention program may need to increase effectiveness of patient dietary adherence.

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