• Title/Summary/Keyword: design compatibility

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Design and Implementation of HD-Class VOD Content Management System Based on H.264 (H.264 기반 HD급 VOD 콘텐츠관리시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Min, Byoung-Won;Oh, Yong-Sun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.9
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    • pp.18-30
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    • 2009
  • Recently, although the requirement of quality of VOD content has been transferred upto the class of HD, conventional management systems characterized by OS dependency are truly limited in quality of video image, stability, and compatibility of network environments. In addition most of the content management systems realize very limited capabilities for the real affairs of content management and distribution services in such an OS dependent environment. In this paper, we propose a new scheme of HD-Class VOD Content Management System to solve these problems. We design and implement the proposed system based on open sources by using H.264 video compression method. The proposed system offers high quality content management method based on opened systems and independent on-line distribution method so that it can be realized as an integrated management scheme for VOD contents. Moreover, our system solves the problems of occasional cutting-down video, small screen, and poor image quality that exist in the conventional wmv-type CMS. According to the result of performance evaluation, our system maintains sufficient performance and tolerence for the case of large scale HD content operations or fabrications. We expect that the proposed integrated DB scheme will especially be effective when the content management applications are changed from Internet Web environments to mobile terminal environments.

Design of Indoor Electric Moving and Lifting Wheelchair with Minimum Rotation Radius and Obstacle Overcoming (최소 회전반경 및 장애물 극복형 실내 전동 이·승강 휠체어의 설계)

  • Kim, Young-Pil;Ham, Hun-Ju;Hong, Sung-Hee;Ko, Seok-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.415-424
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, a minimum rotation radius was designed and fabricated to overcome the threshold so that elderly or disabled people who have difficulty moving can move and transfer safely and conveniently in a narrow room. In the indoor environment, where the sedentary culture develops, this study aimed to provide convenience for passengers with fracture diseases, geriatric diseases, and other knee and waist diseases. First, links, seats, armrests, covers, motors, batteries, chargers, controllers, etc. were attached to the frame so that they could be moved and lifted indoors. The product design and structure were designed considering the user's environment and physical characteristics, and IoT functions were added. A driving experiment was performed to confirm the operating performance of the manufactured indoor moving and lifting wheelchair. The performance tests, such as continuous running time, turning radius, maximum actuator load, maximum lift height, sound pressure level, minimum sensing distance of the driving aid sensor, interworking of server and app programs, device compatibility, and duty cycle error rate, were performed. As a result of the test, the built-in wheelchair could achieve the performance test target of each item and operate successfully.

Water Digital Twin for High-tech Electronics Industrial Wastewater Treatment System (II): e-ASM Calibration, Effluent Prediction, Process selection, and Design (첨단 전자산업 폐수처리시설의 Water Digital Twin(II): e-ASM 모델 보정, 수질 예측, 공정 선택과 설계)

  • Heo, SungKu;Jeong, Chanhyeok;Lee, Nahui;Shim, Yerim;Woo, TaeYong;Kim, JeongIn;Yoo, ChangKyoo
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 2022
  • In this study, an electronics industrial wastewater activated sludge model (e-ASM) to be used as a Water Digital Twin was calibrated based on real high-tech electronics industrial wastewater treatment measurements from lab-scale and pilot-scale reactors, and examined for its treatment performance, effluent quality prediction, and optimal process selection. For specialized modeling of a high-tech electronics industrial wastewater treatment system, the kinetic parameters of the e-ASM were identified by a sensitivity analysis and calibrated by the multiple response surface method (MRS). The calibrated e-ASM showed a high compatibility of more than 90% with the experimental data from the lab-scale and pilot-scale processes. Four electronics industrial wastewater treatment processes-MLE, A2/O, 4-stage MLE-MBR, and Bardenpo-MBR-were implemented with the proposed Water Digital Twin to compare their removal efficiencies according to various electronics industrial wastewater characteristics. Bardenpo-MBR stably removed more than 90% of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and showed the highest nitrogen removal efficiency. Furthermore, a high concentration of 1,800 mg L-1 T MAH influent could be 98% removed when the HRT of the Bardenpho-MBR process was more than 3 days. Hence, it is expected that the e-ASM in this study can be used as a Water Digital Twin platform with high compatibility in a variety of situations, including plant optimization, Water AI, and the selection of best available technology (BAT) for a sustainable high-tech electronics industry.

A Study on the Color coordination System to fashion (섬유.패션디자인을 위한 컬러코디네이션 지원모델 개발)

  • Jung, Jae-Woo;Lee, Jae-Jung
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.1 s.59
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 2005
  • This study is to objectively support the emotional and intuitional decision making of the designer by means of developing the supporting models and tools of color coordination. Based on the color grouping system and representative vocabularies suggested in the precedent 'Study on the Grouping System of Fabric Color,' this study suggested the manufacture of the supporting model of color coordination that could be used practically through the design of coloring group. The results of this study can be summarized as below. Firstly, 687 colors in total have been collected from the four world famous collections, the street fashion of 2002 F/W 2003 S/S Season and the representative brands in each group for five years from 1999 to 2003 in order to single out the basic colors for the purpose of composing the color groups. Secondly, 687 collected colors have been grouped into 144 colors in total through the three-step process for the extraction of coloring groups. Thirdly, the final extracted colors have been divided into , , , group by the grouping system specified in the precedent study and the said four large groups have been again subdivided into 12 small groups. Fourthly, the suggested colors in each group have established a color coordination system by introducing the concept of the crossover coordination that could be matched with other groups as well as the coordination within the group. Fifthly, we have dyed 144 colors in total that have consisted of the coloring system of four representative groups (twelve subgroups) in each methodical tone as in the above in cotton yarn, one of the representative materials in fabric fashion design industry. Besides, we have specified the symbol of the Pantone Color Book and CMYK values in each color that has consisted of the system considering the industrial characteristics of fashion as a global business and the compatibility with the related design industry. Sixthly, we have packed the completed yam made of fabrics in the designed container for the easy use of cross-coordination and have completed a color coordination system that could be easily utilized for the fashion-related working-level staffs.

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A Design and Implementation of Multimedia Retrieval System based on MAF(Multimedia Application File Format) (MAF(Multimedia Application File Format) 기반 멀티미디어 검색 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Gang Young-Mo;Park Joo-Hyoun;Bang Hyung-Gin;Nang Jong-Ho;Kim Hyung-Chul
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.33 no.9
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    • pp.574-584
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    • 2006
  • Recently, ISO/IEC 23000 (also known as 'MPEG-A') has proposed a new file format called 'MAF(Multimedia Application File Format)[1]' which provides a capability of integrating/storing the widely-used compression standards for audio and video and the metadata in MPEG-7 form into a single file format. However, it is still very hard to verify the usefulness of MPEG-A in the real applications because there is still no real system that fully implements this standard. In this thesis, a design and implementation of a multimedia retrieval system based on MPEG-A standard on PC and mobile device is presented. Furthermore, an extension of MPEG-A for describing the metadata for video is also proposed. It is selected and defined as a subset of MPEG-7 MDS[4] and TV-anytime[5] for video that is useful and manageable in the mobile environments. In order to design the multimedia retrieval system based on MPEG-A, we define the system requirements in terms of portability, extensibility, compatibility, adaptability, efficiency. Based on these requirements, we design the system which composed of 3 layers: Application Layer, Middleware Layer, Platform Layer. The proposed system consists of two sub-parts, client-part and server-part. The client-part consists of MAF authoring tool, MAP player tool and MAF searching tool which allow users to create, play and search the MAF files, respectively. The server-part is composed of modules to store and manage the MAF files and metadata extracted from MAF files. We show the usefulness of the proposed system by implementing the client system both on MS-Windows platform on desk-top computer and WIPI platform on mobile phone, and validate whether it to satisfy all the system requirements. The proposed system can be used to verify the specification in the MPEG-A, and to proves the usefulness of MPEG-A in the real application.

The Design of a Structure of Network Co-processor for SDR(Software Defined Radio) (SDR(Software Defined Radio)에 적합한 네트워크 코프로세서 구조의 설계)

  • Kim, Hyun-Pil;Jeong, Ha-Young;Ham, Dong-Hyeon;Lee, Yong-Surk
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.32 no.2A
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    • pp.188-194
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    • 2007
  • In order to become ubiquitous world, the compatibility of wireless machines has become the significant characteristic of a communication terminal. Thus, SDR is the most necessary technology and standard. However, among the environment which has different communication protocol, it's difficult to make a terminal with only hardware using ASIC or SoC. This paper suggests the processor that can accelerate several communication protocol. It can be connected with main-processor, and it is specialized PHY layer of network The C-program that is modeled with the wireless protocol IEEE802.11a and IEEE802.11b which are based on widely used modulation way; OFDM and CDM is compiled with ARM cross compiler and done simulation and profiling with Simplescalar-Arm version. The result of profiling, most operations were Viterbi operations and complex floating point operations. According to this result we suggested a co-processor which can accelerate Viterbi operations and complex floating point operations and added instructions. These instructions are simulated with Simplescalar-Arm version. The result of this simulation, comparing with computing only one ARM core, the operations of Viterbi improved as fast as 4.5 times. And the operations of complex floating point improved as fast as twice. The operations of IEEE802.11a are 3 times faster, and the operations of IEEE802.11b are 1.5 times faster.

A Study on Recordkeeping System in Australia (호주의 레코드키핑 시스템에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.76-90
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    • 2004
  • There had been substantial demand for record management system with which to efficiently control the information circulation processes, involving accumulation of recorded materials, classification of information resources, and users access to them. It converged to a collaboration of Australian federation, and Sydney Records Centre and finally induced Australian Standard Records Management, commonly known as AS 4390. AS 4390 served later as a model for International Standard of Record Management. This paper introduces the current undertaking of Recordkeeping system development in Australia, which stems from the line of AS 4390 by analysing exhibited research approaches. The analysis includes the definition, regime of Recordkeeping system, design and implementing of guidelines of Recordkeeping System and information on metadata projects. It also highlights the necessity for standardization, as is the prime factor in promoting inter-linking of Tabularium on New Southwales State, CRS(Commonwealth Record Series), database system of Canberra National Archives and Australian Government Locator Service. From year 2005, as dictates, any record management system, serving public agency will be required to adapt Professional Archives Management System, which, by far, will enhance the inter-compatibility. In its application, the government need Thesaurus to eliminate possible redundancy in use of terminology and to promote correct usage of words.

The Role of Process Systems Engineering for Sustainability in the Chemical Industries (화학공정 산업에서의 지속가능성과 공정시스템 공학)

  • Jang, Namjin;Dan, Seungkyu;Shin, Dongil;Lee, Gibaek;Yoon, En Sup
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.221-225
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    • 2013
  • Sustainability, in general, means the protection of environmental resources and economic prosperity, with the consideration of the social, economic and environmental effect, as well as human health and the enhancement of life. Profound consideration about sustainability has to handle the overall cycle of feedstock, resource extraction, transportation and production in addition to the environmental effect. Sustainable development of the chemical industries should be carried out complementarily by strengthening the chemical process safety of the industries. In this respect, chemical process safety can be called an opportunity to enhance the compatibility internationally. Changing new paradigm in chemical process safety is formed from the overall life cycle considering basic design of existing systems and production processes. To improve the chemical process safety, the integrated smart system is necessary, comprising various chemical safety database and knowledge base and improved methods of quantitative risk analysis, including management system. This paper discussed the necessity of overall life cycle in chemical process safety and proposed new technology to improve the sustainability. To develop the sustainable industries in process systems engineering, three S, which include Safety, Stability and Security, will have to be combined appropriate.

Automation Tool Design for PL/SQL Applications Conversion (PL/SQL 응용프로그램 전환을 위한 자동화 도구 설계)

  • Jee, Jungeun;Lee, Jeongkun;Choi, Yongrak;Shin, Yongtae
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.7 no.8
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    • pp.287-296
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    • 2018
  • In the recent commercial DBMS market, as the users' burden and complaint which are related to high price licensing policy and late technical support service are increasingly rising, the concern for use of open source DBMS which has no problem with compatibility or stability is escalating. Due to the fact, the cases saving the cost are growing by converting Oracle Corporation's applications, which has about 60% share in the DBMS market, to an open source DBMS. However, in converting non-interchange sentences to an ANSI standard-based open source DBMS because of the use of PL/SQL in Oracle Corporation provides, a lot of manual work accompanies, so there is a lot of loss of time and money. Therefore, a tool that automatically converts PL/SQL to standard SQL is required. The proposed automation tool for the conversion of applications converts PL/SQL to Java Stored Procedure, an open source DBMS-based ANSI standard programming language. Through carrying out a test on the automation tool, it is proved that the tool will contribute to shortening time and saving cost by verifying the identity of input-output data and its reliability after correcting errors in converting to Java Stored Procedure.

Study on Relationship between Elderly Group Lifestyle and Selection Attributes in the Health Functional Foods (실버층 라이프스타일에 따른 건강기능식품 선택속성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Myung Sook;Kim, Sook Eung
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.286-295
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    • 2015
  • Objective: This experiment is to study how elderly group and their various lifestyles interact with health functional foods, according to their selection behavior. Different lifestyles will be observed closely, as well as how different health conditions and consumer involvements will affect critical decision making in selecting health functional foods. Method: Theories and discoveries from original advanced research were compared parallel to the new study. Results: First, cluster analysis and exploratory analysis were performed amongst different elder lifestyles. Lifestyle exploratory analysis was used for healthy, unique, leisure, and economical-style elders. Cluster analysis was used for material trend oriented, health oriented, complacent oriented-style elders. Health Functional Foods' selection trait Exploratory Factor Analysis showed that product's originality (function, uniqueness, specialty, compatibility, distributor, expiration date), quality (amount, daily dose, visual representation, accessibility, portability, natural ingredients), and popularity (product container, brand image, taste and smell, advertised product, domestic or import, well-known function) were the three main causes. Secondly, the amount of benefits for the elderly group health lifestyle were affected by 'Interest in health', 'Notability of the health functional food', and 'Functionality approved mark'. Specifically, the importance of, 'Interest in health', 'Notability of health functional food', and 'Functionality approved mark' were noticeably high within health oriented elders. Lastly, after examining the data from elder lifestyle's relationship with health functional food selection trait, all three different results showed equal importance. If you closely examine material trend oriented elderly group, selection trait showed distinctively high regards in 'Fundamental Attribute', 'Typical Attribute', and 'Cognitive Attribute'. Health oriented elders showed their distinctively high regards in 'Natural Attribute', and less consideration in 'Typical Attribute' and 'Cognitive Attribute'. Complacent oriented-style elderly group showed less focus on 'Fundamental Attribute', and even less in 'Typical Attribute', and 'Cognitive Attribute'. Health oriented elderly group concluded with above data from the fact that they showed most importance and involvement in health beneficial products that are scientifically proven. Material trend oriented elderly group showed balanced traits in their concluded data, showing that they prefer function, safety, as well as the brand image and their reputation. Also, they consider the products' outer elements, such as design and product name, in order to sense inner functions. Conclusion: So, Silver Business corporations must develop products to fulfill the market demands, and strategize marketing plans to better target the correct audience.