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Mathematical Description of Soil Loss by Runoff at Inclined Upland of Maize Cultivation (옥수수 재배 경사지 밭에서 물 유출에 따른 토양유실 예측 공식)

  • Hur, Seung-Oh;Jung, Kang-Ho;Ha, Sang-Keon;Kwak, Han-Kang;Kim, Jeong-Gyu
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 2005
  • Soil loss into stream and river by runoff shall be considered for non-point source pollution management as national land conservation. The purpose of this study was to develop the mathematical equation to predict soil loss from inclined uplands of maize cultivation due to the runoff by rainfall which mainly converges on July and August. Soil loss was concentrated on May because of low canopy over an entire field in 2002 and on June and July because of heavy rainfall in 2003. By regression analysis the relation between runoff and soil loss can be represented by a linear equation of y =1.5291x - 3.4933, where y is runoff (Mgha1) and x is soil loss (kgha1). The determination coefficient of this equation was 0.839 (P<0.001). Therefore, the mathematical equation derived from the practical experiment at the inclined upland can be applicable to predict soil loss accompanied by runoff due to periodic rainfall converging on short periods within a couple of months.

Redescription of Two Terrestrial Hypotrichous Ciliates from Jindo Island, Korea (진도의 육상 하모섬모충류 2미기록 종의 재기재)

  • Kwon, Choon-Bong;Shin, Mann-Kyoon
    • Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
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    • no.nspc5
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2005
  • Two hypotrichous ciliates inhabiting the representative terrestrial habitats of Jindo Island, Holostichides chardezi Foissner, 1987 and Rigidocortex octonucleatus (Foissner, 1988) are found from Jindo Island. These two species are newly recorded from Korea. The description was based on the observation of living specimens, protargol impregnated specimens and biometric analysis. The morphological variations among the populations of these species were investigated with morphometry. The diagnostic characteristics of these species are as follows: Holostichides chardezi : elongate body flexible and twisted, yellowish subpellicular granules scattered entire cortex, adoral zone of membranelles covering about 28% of body length, left and right rows of mid-ventral cirri paired, left row ended at buccal vertex and right row extending to center of body, no transverse cirri, both marginal rows of cirri not confluent at posterior end, 28-42 macronuclei and 1-5 micronuclei scattered entire body. 3 caudal cirri and 4 dorsal kineties. Rigidocortex octonucleatues: elongate-oval body rigid and not contractile, yellowish cytoplasmic crystals and fat globules densely packed, adoral zone of membranelles covering about 40% of body length, 5 transverse cirri, both marginal rows of cirri not confluent at posterior end, 8 macronuclei longitudinally arranged in median of cell, 3 caudal cirri and 7-10 fragmented dorsal kineties.

Optimal Forest Management for Improving Economic and Public Functions in Mt.Gari Leading Forest Management Zone (가리산 선도산림경영단지의 경제적·공익적 기능 증진을 위한 산림관리 최적화 방안)

  • Kim, Dayoung;Han, Hee;Chung, Joosang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.110 no.4
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    • pp.665-677
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    • 2021
  • This study analyzed the optimization method of forest management to enhance economic and public functions, as well as the interrelationship among timber production, carbon storage, and water conservation functions in Mt.Gari leading forest management zone. For these purposes, a forest management planning model was developed using Multi-Objective Linear Programming. The model had an objective function to maximize the total NPV (Net Present Value) of weighted timber production, carbon storage, water conservation, and constraints to limit the rate of change in timber production, percentage of each age-class and tree species area, percentage of conifers and broad-leaved trees area in each management zone, minimum timber production and timber sales amount. Based on the description of forest inventory and the comprehensive plan of Mt.Gari, we analyzed stand information and management constraints of the study area. We compared management alternatives using different weights in the objective function. Therefore, the total NPV was maximized in the alternative considering the three functions in equal proportion, rather than the alternatives of maximizing only one function. When all three functions were considered simultaneously, timber production offset the carbon storage and water conservation, and carbon storage and water conservation interacted synergistically. However, when considering only two of the three functions, all combinations of functions demonstrated tradeoffs with one other. Therefore, we discovered that by considering all three functions equally, rather than only one or two functions, the economic and public values of the study area can be maximized.

Assessment of three European fuel performance codes against the SUPERFACT-1 fast reactor irradiation experiment

  • Luzzi, L.;Barani, T.;Boer, B.;Cognini, L.;Nevo, A. Del;Lainet, M.;Lemehov, S.;Magni, A.;Marelle, V.;Michel, B.;Pizzocri, D.;Schubert, A.;Uffelen, P. Van;Bertolus, M.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.10
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    • pp.3367-3378
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    • 2021
  • The design phase and safety assessment of Generation IV liquid metal-cooled fast reactors calls for the improvement of fuel pin performance codes, in particular the enhancement of their predictive capabilities towards uranium-plutonium mixed oxide fuels and stainless-steel cladding under irradiation in fast reactor environments. To this end, the current capabilities of fuel performance codes must be critically assessed against experimental data from available irradiation experiments. This work is devoted to the assessment of three European fuel performance codes, namely GERMINAL, MACROS and TRANSURANUS, against the irradiation of two fuel pins selected from the SUPERFACT-1 experimental campaign. The pins are characterized by a low enrichment (~ 2 wt.%) of minor actinides (neptunium and americium) in the fuel, and by plutonium content and cladding material in line with design choices envisaged for liquid metal-cooled Generation IV reactor fuels. The predictions of the codes are compared to several experimental measurements, allowing the identification of the current code capabilities in predicting fuel restructuring, cladding deformation, redistribution of actinides and volatile fission products. The integral assessment against experimental data is complemented by a code-to-code benchmark focused on the evolution of quantities of engineering interest over time. The benchmark analysis points out the differences in the code predictions of fuel central temperature, fuel-cladding gap width, cladding outer radius, pin internal pressure and fission gas release and suggests potential modelling development paths towards an improved description of the fuel pin behaviour in fast reactor irradiation conditions.

Analysis of Textbooks of Chemistry I, II and Survey of Chemistry Education Major Pre-service Teachers' Perception Related to the Electron Transfer Model (전자 이동 모델에 대한 화학 I, 화학 II 교과서 분석 및 화학 교육 전공 예비교사들의 이그노런스 인식 조사)

  • Ryu, Eun-Ju;Jeon, Eun-Sun;Paik, Seoung-Hey
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.65 no.5
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    • pp.358-369
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the contents of the electron transfer model presented in the 4 chemistry I and the 4 chemistry II textbooks of 2009 revised curriculum and 9 chemistry I textbooks and 6 chemistry II textbooks of 2015 revised curriculum were analyzed in the viewpoint of model's Ignorance. In addition, 3 questions were developed to find out whether 24 pre-service teachers were perceived of the Ignorance of the electron transfer model. As a result, Most textbooks explain the redox reaction of covalent bond substances, which is an inconsistent context of the electron transfer model, with mixing oxidation number change and electron transfer or with electron transfer. In addition, the change to the development and use of the model emphasized in the 2015 revised curriculum was not clearly revealed in the curriculum comparison. Most pre-service teachers incompletely perceived or did not perceive Ignorance of the electron transfer model. Only 1 pre-service teacher perceived Ignorance of the model. In conclusion, the textbook description needs to be improved so that Ignorance of the model is revealed when the textbook describes the inconsistent situation of the electron transfer model. And through the education for pre-service teachers, it is necessary to provide an opportunity for pre-service teachers to perceive Ignorance of the electron transfer model.

A Review of Case Reports on the Application of Acupuncture as a Treatment for Fracture since 2013 (골절에 침 치료를 적용한 2013년 이후 증례보고 문헌고찰)

  • Paik, Seung-Won;Nam, Kyeong-Ho;Choi, Seung-Kwan;Lee, Jung-Han;Han, Yun-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.49-63
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    • 2021
  • Objectives This study aimed to investigate the trend in treating fracture with acupuncture and to evaluate the quality of case reports. Methods All case reports of fractures treated with acupuncture were extracted from four Korean web databases. We classified these studies by five fracture sites and investigated frequently used meridian and acupoint, outcome measurements, treatment period. And we assessed the quality of the case reports by the STandards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA) guidelines. Results A total of 33 case reports were included. The outcome measurements were divided into six categories, and the outcome measurements used in more than three studies showed improvement in patient symptoms. The mainly used meridians for each fracture site were as follows: chest and abdomen (GB, LR, CV), back (BL, GB), upper limb (LI, TE), lower Limb (GB, ST, BL, SP). The most commonly used acupoints for each fracture site were as follows: chest and abdomen (Ashi points, GB24, GB25, GB26, LR13, LR14, CV16, CV17, CV18, CV19), back (BL23, BL24, BL25, BL26, BL40, BL51, BL52, BL60, GB34), upper limb (LI4, LI10, LI11, TE3), lower limb (GB34, GB40). According to the STRICTA guidelines, more than 54.54% of the reports were found to be 'not reported' or 'not sufficient' in the following categories: 'response sought', 'description of participating acupuncturist', and 'number of needle insertions per subject per session'. Conclusions The meridians and acupuncture points frequently used for acupuncture treatment of fractures were near the fracture site. Future clinical studies involving acupuncture must be reported in accordance with the STRICTA guidelines to improve transparency and uniformity.

Variable Cut-off Frequency and Variable Sample Rate Small-Area Multi-Channel Digital Filter for Telemetry System (텔레메트리 시스템을 위한 가변 컷 오프 주파수 및 가변 샘플 레이트 저면적 다채널 디지털 필터 설계)

  • Kim, Ho-keun;Kim, Jong-guk;Kim, Bok-ki;Lee, Nam-sik
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.363-369
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, We propose variable cut-off frequency and variable sample rate small-area multi-channel digital filter for telemetry system. Proposed digital filter reduced hardware area by implementing filter banks that can variably use cut-off frequency and sample rate without additional filter banks for an arbitrary cut ratio. In addition, We propose the architecture in which sample rate can variably be selected according to the number of filters that pass through the multiplexer control. By using time division multiplexing (TDM) supported by the finite impulse response (FIR) intellectual property (IP) of Quartus, the proposed digital filter can greatly reduce digital signal processing (DSP) blocks from 80 to 1 compared without TDM. Proposed digital filter calculated order and coefficients using Kaiser window function in Matlab, and implemented using very high speed integrated circuits hardware descryption language (VHDL). After applying to the telemetry system, we confirmed that the proposed digital filter was operating through the experimental results in the test environment.

Database Design of Mediterranean Historical Archives Based-on Tag (태그 기반 지중해 역사기록물 데이터베이스 설계)

  • Kang, Ji-Hoon;Kim, Jung-Ha
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.753-762
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    • 2019
  • It is very important to use the raw material in a particular field of research or education. Research without raw materials are difficult to prove and often remain hypothesis. The use of the raw material is also important in area studies that study specific areas. However, research of area studies, especially Western history, raw material and historical archives are very important data, but it is difficult to obtain and refer to these data due to physical or spatial constraints. In order to solve this problem, there is a method of collecting and providing historical archives, but it is currently difficult to find a case of providing overseas historical archives as a web system in Korea. Accordingly, in this paper proposes the necessity of collecting historical archives, the method of collection, and the method of digital archiving of collected data structurally and systematically. In this regard, investigate the existing research cases on the archive system and database design, and it description the differentiation between the existing systems and the modeling method proposed in this study. Also, to improve the efficiency of the search, it proposes a method of adding a tag table when database modeling.

Mathematical analysis and textbooks analysis of 'point' and 'line' ('점'과 '선'에 관한 수학적 분석과 교과서 분석)

  • Yi, Gyuhee
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.39-57
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    • 2021
  • In this study, mathematical analysis is conducted by focusing to the 'size' of the 'point' and the 'line'. The textbook descriptions of the 'point' and the 'line' in the geometry content area of middle school mathematics 1 by the 2015 revised Korean mathematics curriculum and US geometry textbooks were compared and analyzed between. First, as a result of mathematical analysis of' 'the size of a point and a segment', it was found that the mathematical perspectives could be different according to 1) the size of a point is based on the recognition and exclusion of 'infinitesimal', and 2) the size of the segment is based on the 'measure theory' and 'set theory'. Second, as a result of analyzing textbook descriptions of the 'point' and the 'line', 1) in the geometry content area of middle school mathematics 1 by the 2015 revised Korean mathematics curriculum, after presenting a learning activity that draws a point with 'physical size' or line, it was developed in a way that describes the 'relationship' between points and lines, but 2) most of the US geometry textbooks introduce points and lines as 'undefined terms' and explicitly states that 'points have no size' and 'lines have no thickness'. Since the description of points and lines in the geometry content area of middle school mathematics 1 by the 2015 revised Korean mathematics curriculum may potentially generate mathematical intuitions that do not correspond to the perspective of Euclid geometry, this study suggest that attention is needed in the learning process about points and lines.

Galician Nature and People as Seen through La hija del mar by Rosalía de Castro (로살리아 데 카스트로의 『바다의 딸』에 나타난 갈리시아의 자연과 인간)

  • Song, Sun-ki
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.41
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    • pp.177-197
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    • 2015
  • This study found that La hija del mar (1859) by Rosalía de Castro describes, as the background to the work, the lives of Galicians, along with the movement of the sea, scenes of the coast, storms, and lively plants in Muxía, a small city of Galicia and Cabo de Finisterre. It was shown that the nature of Galicia, as described in the work, is a beautiful site where fishermen and farmers live among the full aroma of plants and flowers, as well as being a subject of fear to the people there. Furthermore, it was also shown through the funeral process, along with a depiction of the natural environment, the unique place of Galicia is part of the traditional heritage that the Galician people have preserved, in which Roman Catholic rituals are mixed with superstitious rites. Moreover, the author shows through a description of the excessive drinking culture of Dionysian rites or Libation rites that Galicia is a land with longstanding and profound folk customs, as well as a special culture. It was proved that the work is a specific representation of the author's perspective. Thus, Rosalía depicts the lives of people and the natural environment, which have not been examined profoundly, although they always existed in Galicia. This provides space where the external reality of Galicia and part of the identity of Galicia can be elucidated.