• Title/Summary/Keyword: degree of interest

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A Study on the Educational Situation of Apparel CAD of Clothing Related Department (의류관련학과의 어패럴 CAD교육실태에 관한 연구)

  • 이정순;한경희
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.542-554
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    • 2002
  • The purposes of this study were to investigate, analyze, and consider the feature and practical situation of Apparel CAD education and distribution situation of CAD system so that CAD education can be effectively operated and managed in various kinds of relevant schools and universities. 32 colleges and universities that are performing CAD educational system are selected for the study. The author of the study has investigated and obtained the information through questionnaires to 32 professors who are in charge of CAD lectures and 301 students who are receiving CAD education. The result is as follows. 1. It showed that 62.5% of CAD educational systems have been practically introduced after 1995. Regarding the using system, YUKA occupies 46.9%, PAD 21.8%, and GERBER 18.8% and these three kinds of system have been chiefly supplied. 40.6% of them own only one system, 37.5% of them own 2~5 systems and 78% of them own less than 5 systems. 2. The most seriously pointed problems during the operation of CAD system were the lack of experimental materials and the frustration of manpower supply. Thus, the CAD education programs in schools and universities are practiced in inferior environments internally and externally. 3. Regarding the practical situation of CAD education, 28 among 32 schools and universities are performing CAD as one of the regular subjects for the curriculum. 4. Regarding satisfaction degree of the using system, professors showed higher satisfaction degree than students did. In conclusion, it showed that although the practical situations of CAD education in schools and universities have been changed and improved so much since 1995 owing to the increase of the positive recognition of the necessity of CAD, many students in the educational sites cannot study their favorite subjects related with CAD program with interest due to the lack of experimental facilities, the poor computer management systems, and the problems of manpower supply, etc.

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Quantitative Analysis of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow using $^{99m}Tc-HMPAO$ SPECT in Parkinson's Disease (파킨슨병에서 $^{99m}Tc-HMPAO$ SPECT를 이용한 국소뇌혈류의 정량적 분석)

  • Lee, Myung-Chul;Bae, Sang-Kyun;Lee, Myung-Hae;Chung, June-Key;Koh, Chang-Soon;Roh, Jae-Kyu;Myung, Ho-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.251-256
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    • 1992
  • Regional cerebral blood flow were measured in 10 patients with Parkinson's disease and 12 normal persons using $^{99m}Tc-HMPAO$ SPECT. Reconstructed images were interpreted qualitatively and were compared with those findings of CT. For the quantitative analysis, six pairs of region of interest matched with the perfusion territories of large cerebral arteries and cerebellar hemisphere were determined. From the count values, indices showing the degree of asymmetry between right and left cerebral or cerebellar hemisphere, cerebral asymmetry index (ASI) and percent index of cerebellar asymmetry (PIA), and an index showing change of each region, region to cerebellum ratio (RCR) were obtained. ASI of normal persons and patients were $0.082{\pm}0.033$ and $0.108{\pm}0.062$, respectively and PIA were $-0.4{\pm}0.7%$ and $-0.7{\pm}1.0%$, respectively, which showed no statistically significant difference between normal persons and patients. Among 10 RCR's, those of both regions of basal ganglia and both regions of anterior cerebral artery were significantly reduced. We concluded that the most significant reduction of regional cerebral blood flow in patients with Parkinson's disease was observed in the regions of basal ganglia and in the regions of anterior cerebral artery, and the degree of change in hemispheric blood flow was similar in both hemisphere.

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Housing Satisfaction and Performance of Daily Life Activities of Elderly in the Detached House (단독주택 거주 고령자의 주거공간 만족도 및 일상생활행위 수행정도)

  • 김현진;임희경;안옥희
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2002
  • In this study, we made a survey of the degree of satisfaction and performance of daily life activities on independent elderly households in the detached house. The purpose of this study is to suggest basic data for elderly housing design to be considered elder's characteristics. A survey carried out for 110 respondents with face to face interview visiting each house between May and June, 1999 with modified and drawn questionnaire from analysis of preparatory investigation data. The questionnaire was composed of the general characteristics of respondents, general characteristics of housing, residents' satisfaction with the use of housing space, performance degree of the elder's daily activities. To analyze the data of 106 cases, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviations, one-way ANOVA, reliability analysis and Scheffe test were used by running SPSSWIN program. The results on the housing satisfaction and performance of activities in daily life of elderly in the detached house were as follows.: In this survey, the elderly had high value in satisfaction with the size of current house as the mean 3.14 points, but they were dissatisfied with the rising of house as the mean 2.82 points. The satisfaction with living room space was the highest but the satisfaction with toilet space was lower than others. Among the activities of daily life in housing space, housing related activity was the hardest to perform as the mean of 3.15 points. In consequence, consideration on and interest in the planning of residential spaces are needed so that the elderly can perform the action of housing life effectively and efficiently.

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Dynamic vulnerability assessment and damage prediction of RC columns subjected to severe impulsive loading

  • Abedini, Masoud;Zhang, Chunwei
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.77 no.4
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    • pp.441-461
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    • 2021
  • Reinforced concrete (RC) columns are crucial in building structures and they are of higher vulnerability to terrorist threat than any other structural elements. Thus it is of great interest and necessity to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the possible responses of RC columns when exposed to high intensive blast loads. The primary objective of this study is to derive analytical formulas to assess vulnerability of RC columns using an advanced numerical modelling approach. This investigation is necessary as the effect of blast loads would be minimal to the RC structure if the explosive charge is located at the safe standoff distance from the main columns in the building and therefore minimizes the chance of disastrous collapse of the RC columns. In the current research, finite element model is developed for RC columns using LS-DYNA program that includes a comprehensive discussion of the material models, element formulation, boundary condition and loading methods. Numerical model is validated to aid in the study of RC column testing against the explosion field test results. Residual capacity of RC column is selected as damage criteria. Intensive investigations using Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) methodology are then implemented to evaluate the influence of scaled distance, column dimension, concrete and steel reinforcement properties and axial load index on the vulnerability of RC columns. The generated empirical formulae can be used by the designers to predict a damage degree of new column design when consider explosive loads. With an extensive knowledge on the vulnerability assessment of RC structures under blast explosion, advancement to the convention design of structural elements can be achieved to improve the column survivability, while reducing the lethality of explosive attack and in turn providing a safer environment for the public.

The effect of preschool visiting oral health education program (유치원 방문 구강건강교육사업의 효과)

  • Lim, Mi-Hee;Ahn, Se-Youn;Lee, Eun-Sun;Jung, Jae-Yeon;Han, Ji-Youn;Hwang, Yoon-Sook;Han, Su-Jin
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.963-972
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: This study aimed to check the effect of preschool visiting oral health education programs and provide baseline data for an oral health education program that suggests the necessity of oral health education in children's living places. Methods: The preschool visiting oral health education was conducted with the parents of 3-year-old and 4-year-old children at a preschool in the jurisdiction of the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, with teachers observing the education, and oral health educators to examine the effect of the oral health education, the effectiveness of the education, the status of oral health care, and the degree of cooperation for the education. Results: Regarding oral health behaviors after the education program, the attitude toward brushing teeth after food intake increased from 2.86 to 3.17 and thinking of the relationship with dental caries and eating food increased from 2.57 to 2.90. The satisfaction with the children's health education was very high at over 4.9 points in most items. The teachers' interest in children's oral care was 4.26 points, and the degree of their cooperation for education was 4.41 points; 96.4% responded that they were willing to conduct reeducation. Conclusions: Children's oral health education should be conducted steadily and repeatedly.

A Study on the Somatotype of Women in Their Twenties by Degree of Obesity and Classification of Silhouette (비만도와 실루엣(Silhouette) 분류에 따른 20대 여성의 체형 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Ah;Lee, Jeong-Ran
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.419-429
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to analyze the characteristics of women's body somatotypes by direct measurements. Through the classification of degree of obesity and silhouette, women in their 20s who have a great interest in body somatotype can grasp their real somatotype and recognize their obesity rate and silhouette easily. The results are as follows: 1. Average sizes of subjects for this study were: height 160.3cm, weight 52.2kg, bust 83.7cm, waist 65.7cm, hips 91.1cm. And average values of each body mass index were: BMI 20.3, Rohrer Index 1.27, Vervaeck Index 84.8. 2. For the BMI value, the Average Numeric Index of normal somatotype was the highest, 76.9%. The Rohrer Index of underweight somatotype was 34.3% and the Average Numeric Index was 1.12. In the Vervaeck Index, underweight somatotype was 35.7%, and the average Numeric Index was 79.1, while the overweight somatotype was 7.4% of the Vervaeck Index and 100.8 of the Average Numeric Index. So the index which had the largest range of normal values from the same subjects, was the BMI, then the Rohrer Index, and finally, the Vervaeck Index in that order. 3. In the result of sorting bodies with silhouettes, when drop value were used to sort, N type (normal somatotype) was 69.4%, H type (one has similar sizes in waist size and hips) was 20.4% and A type (one has big hips) was 10.2% in that order. Among people in their early 20s, A type was 12.1%. H type was high, 22.8%, among women in their late 20s. When Sinozaki's method of classifying body types was used, ideal somatotype was 86.6%, A type was 7.4%, I type was 5.6% and X type was 0.5%. Women in their late 20s showed higher rates of ideal somatotype, the rates of A type and I type were lower than women in their early 20s.

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Compatibility of the Recycled Linerboard Made in Acid Sizing System under Neutral or Alkaline Papermaking Conditions (산성 사이징된 재활용 섬유와 중성 사이징의 상용성)

  • Seo, Man Seok;Lee, Kyong Ho;Lee, Hak Lae
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.56-60
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    • 2016
  • Neutral or alkaline papermaking provides many advantages in paper strength and processing conditions. It also provides the opportunity of using calcium carbonate fillers in papermaking. These diverse advantages have made almost all paper machines of printing and writing papers run under neutral and alkaline conditions. On the other hand, linerboard machines, which use recycled papers as a raw material, are running under acid conditions using a rosin sizing system. Because the recycled raw materials used by the linerboard industry contain significant amounts of alkaline papers, the linerboard industry has an interest in the possibility of using the neutral or alkaline papermaking opportunity. In this study, the compatibility of the recycled linerboards under neutral or alkaline papermaking conditions was examined by recycling them under various pH conditions. The sizing degree of the papers recycled under neutral or alkaline was significantly lower than that of acid formed papers indicating that during the neutral or alkaline recycling process the rosin sized papers lost their sizing efficiency. Recycling of acid formed linerboards under neutral or alkaline conditions increased the amount of foam, and the foam contained substantial amount of solid materials derived from the acid sizing systems. Use of cationic polyelectrolytes including PEI and poly-DADMAC improved the sizing degree of the recycled papers under neutral and alkaline conditions. PEI decreased the foam generation as well while poly-DADMAC did not show any reducing effect of the foam. These results suggest that PEI forms coordinate bonds with rosin acid and precipitate them onto the surface of recycled fibers, while the reaction products between poly-DADMAC and rosin acid ions still remain water soluble under neutral or alkaline conditions.

A Study on Body Mass Index and Associated Factors of the Middle Aged Women in Small City (중소도시 중년기 여성의 비만도 및 비만 관련변인 연구)

  • 김연희;김영남
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.506-515
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    • 2002
  • This study examined the state of health and weight maintenance according to the body mass index (BMI) , and explored demographic variables, diet variables, the degree of stress etc. The results presented were based on data collected from 428 women who are mothers of the middle school children in Jeongeup city. Using SPSS WIN (Ver 9.0) , the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square, ANOVA, and correlation analysis were provided. The mean of BMI for the subjects was 22.6, the ratio of obese women (BMI $\geq$ 25) was 22.9%. The frequency of the reported circulation or respiratory related diseases was greater in the obese group compared to the normal weight ($20 \leq BMI \leq 25$) or the lean (BMI < 20) groups. The obese group had less awareness of obesity. Those who regard themselves obese had lower rates of satisfaction with their body shape and higher rates of interest in weight control. Approximately 65% of the subjects attempted weight reduction more than once. Subjects who were obese had the most undesirable dietary behavior. In particular, this group had the higher rates of rushed meals, overeating, meals while watching TV or newspapers, and snacking, and eating out. In analyzing the correlation of variables influencing obesity, there were positive correlations between obesity and overeating, obesity and the degree of stress. Correlations between obesity and satisfaction for life found to be negative. Moreover, stress had a positive correlation with obesity and overeating, and showed negative correlation with eating behavior. Consequently, stress seemed to induce undesirable eating behaviors and increase obesity. Of the demographic background variables, subjects who were obese tended to be older, had lower levels of education, higher rates of employment, longer period of marriage, the higher number of children, preschool children or children preparing for highschool or college, lower satisfaction with children and household life.

Development of Biopsy Assist Device on Computed Tomography Using 3D Printing Technology (3D 프린팅 기술을 이용한 전산화단층영상 기반 조직 생검 보조기구 개발)

  • Jeong-Wan Kim;Youl-Hun Seoung
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to develop an assist device that could correct and support patient position during biopsy on computed tomography (CT) using 3D printing technology. The development method was conducted in the order of 3D design, 3D output, intermediate evaluation for product, final assist device evaluation. The 3D design method was conducted in the order of prior research data survey, measurement, primary modeling, 3D printing, output evaluation, and supplementary modeling. The 3D output was the 3D printer (3DWOX 2X, Sindoh, Korea) with additive manufacturing technology and the polylactic acid (PLA) materials. At this time, the optimal strength was evaluated to infill degree of product as the 3D printing factors into 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%. The intermediate evaluation and supplementation was measured noise in the region of interest (ROI) around the beam hardening artifact on the CT images. We used 128-channel MDCT (Discovery 75 HD, GE, USA) to scan with a slice thickness of 100 kVp, 150 mA, and 2.5 mm on the 3D printing product. We compared the surrounding noise of the final 3D printing product with the beginning of it. and then the strength of it according to the degree of infill was evaluated. As a result, the surrounding noise of the final and the early devices were measured at an average of 3.3 ± 0.5 HU and 7.1 ± 0.1 HU, respectively, which significantly reduced the noise of the final 3D printing product (p<0.001). We found that the percentage of infill according to the optimal strength was found to be 60%. Finally, development of assist devices for CT biopsy will be able to minimize artifacts and provide convenience to medical staff and patients.

Sexual Knowledge and Attitude in Middle School Students (중학생의 성 지식과 성태도)

  • Yang, Soon-Ok;Kim, Seong-Sil;Jeong, Geum-Hee;Kim, Shin-Jeong
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.591-605
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    • 2000
  • With the improvement of nutritive conditions and the influence of abundant information as well as various cultural aspects imported from foreign countries, puberty develops more rapidly in the body today. This study was conducted to suggest some ideas that are useful in planning sexual education programs in middle schools with ultimate aim being to promote sexual health. The subject of this survey consisted of 534 fifth graders from 4 schools in Hongchon. The major findings are summarized as follows: 1. The degree of sexual knowledge of adolescents showed a low average 31.00 and the degree of sexual attitude showed an average of 62.0. 2. With respect to demographic characteristics, there were statistically significant differences in sexual knowledge according to the following: living with parents (t=5.913. p=.015), father's education(F=3.213, p=.041), economic status (F=5.073 p= .007); and in sexual attitudes. there were statistically significant differences according to father's education (F=3.912. p = .002), and interest in the other sex (F=3.292, p=.038). 3. The level of sexual knowledge and sexual attitude of adolescents was correlated at significant levels(r= .354. p= .000). The findings of this study indicated that a variety of systematic sexual education programs suitable for each stage of adolescence should be developed along with family, society, and the country's higher concern and enlightenment.

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