Objectives : This study is designed to investigate the pathology, acupuncture and moxibustion therapy applicable of the dementia through literature of oriental medicine. Results : The findings of this study are as follows ; 1. The cause of dementia is internal damage of seven emotions(七情內傷), deficiency of the kidney essence(腎精不足), retention of dampness in the mental(痰迷心竅). 2. The acupuncture meridians used often for dementia are Tok−maek(GV),Chok−t′aeyangPang−gwang−Kyˇong(BL),Chok−yangmˇoyngWi−Kyˇong(ST),Su−gworˇumShimp′o−Kyˇong(PC),Su−soˇumShim−Kyˇong(HT). 3. The spots on the body suiTable for acupuncture used for therapy of the dementia are 98 points and extra points are 6 points, total therapeutic acupunture points are 104 points. And acupunture points are frequently used Shinmun(神門-HT7, 24), Paek'oe(百會-GV20, 19), Chok-samni(足三里-ST36, 18), Sugu(水溝-GV26, 17), P'ungnyung(豊隆-ST40, 16), Taech'u(大椎-GV14, 14), Samˇumgyo(三陰交−SP6,14), Shimsu(心兪-BL15, 14), Taenˇung(大陵−PC7,11), Nogung(勞宮-PC8, 11), Sosang(少商-LU11, 10), Kansa(間使-PC5, 10), Naegwan(內關-PC6, 10). 4. The acupoints used often on moxibustion are Paek'oe(百會-GV20), Chang-gang(長强-GV1), Taech'u(大椎-GV14), Kansa(間使-PC5). Conclusion : It is recommended that further study of many sided investigations in the future.