• Title/Summary/Keyword: data literacy level

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Factors Influencing Technology Adoption in Vietnam's Educational System

  • TRAN, Nga;LE, Thanh;NGUYEN, Lan;HOANG, Linh;NGUYEN, Thuy
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.10
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    • pp.347-357
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    • 2020
  • This research aims to shed light on the technology adoption process and its drivers in the Vietnamese educational system. Research data was collected with an online questionnaire from more than 600 teachers in primary schools, secondary schools, high schools, colleges, and universities in Vietnam in 2020. Based on a holistic literature review, we develop a model of two extrinsic factors (global needs and school-infrastructure), and two intrinsic factors (teachers' technological literacy and their beliefs), which are correlated with the teachers' technological adoption. We measure the dependent variable by asking the teachers' ability and their efficacy to implement technology in teaching according to a Likert scale. With the support of SPSS_22 and STATA_2015, we find that over 70% of changes in technology adoption are explained by the changes in four independent variables and three control variables related to age, gender, and teaching-level of the teachers. Furthermore, these independent variables are significantly and positively associated with two dependent variables. However, a significant difference in technology integration ability can be seen among teachers' gender, age, and school-level. Specifically, male teachers seem to adopt technology at schools than female teachers better, and university teachers have the lowest level of technology adoption compared to other school-level teachers.

Factors Affecting the Distribution of Intellectual Potential and Returns in Kazakhstan

  • KIREYEVA, Anel A.;KANGALAKOVA, Dana M.;AINAKUL, Nazym;TSOY, Alexander
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This research is aimed to study the level of the intellectual potential distribution, as well as the correlation between economic growth and key indicators of intellectual potential in each region of Kazakhstan. A review of the conceptual framework shows that there is a large body of research evaluating the level of intellectual potential in different ways based on different factors. Research design, data, and methodology: The research methodology is divided into two groups the integral index method using the normalization of indicators, weighting, and ranking; the method of correlation analysis. By the proposed methodological approaches, were calculated a set of factors affect the distribution of the intellectual potential. Statistics are taken for indicators of development of the intellectual potential for 2011-2020 from the Bureau of National Statistics. Results: Ranking results showed gaps between regions in Kazakhstan by the level of intellectual potential. Correlation analysis results revealed a statistically significant relationship on expenditures on R&D, computer literacy, innovative products, number of PhD students, and cultural and leisure indicators. Conclusions: Based on the obtained results of the intellectual potential level development there were given recommendations for the reproduction and regulation of the intellectual potential in the future.

Prediction of Elementary Students' Computer Literacy Using Neural Networks (신경망을 이용한 초등학생 컴퓨터 활용 능력 예측)

  • Oh, Ji-Young;Lee, Soo-Jung
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 2008
  • A neural network is a modeling technique useful for finding out hidden patterns from data through repetitive learning process and for predicting target values for new data. In this study, we built multilayer perceptron neural networks for prediction of the students' computer literacy based on their personal characteristics, home and social environment, and academic record of other subjects. Prediction performance of the network was compared with that of a widely used prediction method, the regression model. From our experiments, it was found that personal characteristic features best explained computer proficiency level of a student, whereas the features of home and social environment resulted in the worse prediction accuracy among all. Moreover, the developed neural network model produced far more accurate prediction than the regression model.

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Influence of Computer Attitude on Critical Thinking Disposition

  • Kim, Jung Ae;Kim, Ju Ok
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of computer attitudes such as anxiety, confidence, preference, usefulness, and computer literacy on their critical thinking ability, targeting college students at unspecified university universities. The period of data collection was from January 10, 2020 to January 17, 2020. A total of 213 people participated in the study. For data analysis, SPSS 18.0 was used for frequency analysis, Pearson correlation, x2 square, and simple regression analysis. As a result of the analysis, the difference of interests under the statistical significance level among general characteristics was Gender (x2=55.7***, p<0.001), Age (x2=407.5***, p<0.001), Resident (x2=127.5***, p<0.001) Family (x2=289.4***, p<0.001). In the simple regression analysis, computer liking (t=2.102, p<0.05) and computer use ability affected Truth seeking (t=-6.319, p<0.01), computer use ability was affecting analyticity (t=-5.630, p<0.01), computer use ability was affecting systematicity (t=-2.545, p<0.05), computer use ability was affecting maturity under statistical significance (t=-2.583, p<0.05). In conclusion, this study suggests that computer liking and computer use ability affect the sub-factor components of critical thinking disposition, truth seeking, analyticity, systematicity, and maturity, therefore the emphasis of this study is to emphasize that it is desirable to use the computer as a medium of learning based on computer literacy rather than worrying about excessive computer use.

Adults' Competence and Returns to Skills: An International Comparison using PIAAC data (한국의 성인역량과 노동시장에서 역량의 수익: PIAAC 자료에 근거한 국제비교)

  • Jin-Yeong Kim
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.145-179
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    • 2023
  • This study empirically examines the relationship between the education and competence, age and competence, and the returns to skills in the labor market in different countries using PIAAC data. The main focus is notable characteristics of Korea compared to other PIAAC participant countries. Contrary to young students who have highest scores in international tests, Korean adults made mediocre performances in all three areas, numeracy, literacy, and problem solving. It turns out that the correlation between educational level and competence is weak in Korea compared to other countries, whereas the depreciation of competence from aging is strongest. In terms of labor market returns, literacy skills get highest returns while problem-solving skills get lowest in Korea. In contrast, the numeracy skills get highest returns, and the problem-solving skills have high returns than those of Korea in many other countries When we include three skills in the Mincer wage equation, the returns to problem solving skills have negative effect in Korea, which is rarely found in other countries. These results implies that problem-solving skills are not much appreciated in the Korean labor market and Korean adults have few opportunities of accumulating human capital after finishing formal education. Korean need to rethink the ways to accumulate human capital and enhance economic performances to overcome high deprecation in human capital after formal education and to make the labor market more efficient in a sense that adults' competence results in the due economic returns.

The Perception of Mental Health Status, Mental Health Literacy, Mental Health Welfare Center and Mental Health Business of among Local Students (일 지역사회 학생의 정신건강상태, 정신건강지식, 정신건강복지센터와 정신건강사업에 대한 인식조사)

  • Oh, Mi-Jung;Kim, Min-Ja;Chang, Koung-Oh
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.427-437
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    • 2020
  • This study investigated perceptions of mental health literacy, mental health status, mental health welfare center, and mental health business of local students. Totally, 388 students visiting the mental health welfare center located in G city were enrolled for the study. Data were collected from October 1 to October 26, 2018 using structured questionnaires, and analyzed by applying the IBM SPSS 24.0 statistics program. The mental health status of subjects was found to be most severely stressed (31.4%). The mental health literacy score of the subjects was 40.99 points, and 45.9% of the respondents had never heard of mental health welfare center. Considering mental health business, 68.3% had never heard of mental health counseling, and the most common way to access information about mental health or mental illness was the internet (58.0%). In addition, 75.3% respondents answered that an increase in the government budget for management of mental health and illness was required. Taken together, our results indicate the necessity to strengthen continuous education, promotion for mental health improvement, and the development of a customized mental health promotion program suitable for the student's level, through involvement of the community mental health welfare center.

The Perception of Mental Health Literacy, Mental Health Status, Mental Health Welfare Center and Mental Health Business and of among Local Public Officials (일 지역사회 일반직 공무원의 정신건강지식, 정신건강상태, 정신건강복지센터 및 정신건강사업에 대한 인식조사)

  • Kim, Min-Ja;Chang, Koung-Oh;Lee, Seung-Ae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.639-650
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate perceptions of mental health literacy, mental health status, mental health welfare center and mental health business of local public officials. The participants were 762 public officials working in G city. Data were collected from October 1, to October 26, 2019 using structured questionnaires, and IBM SPSS 24.0 statistics program was used for the analysis. As a result, the mental health status of the subjects was the most severe stress 28.1%. The mental health literacy score of the subjects was 40.99 points and mental health status was 1.66 points. And 46.6% of the respondents had never heard of mental health welfare center. As for mental health business, 57.0% had never heard of mental health counseling, and the most common route for gaining information on mental health or mental illness was TV at 65.2%. In addition, 85.0% answered that an increase in the government budget for the management of mental health and illness was necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the continuous education and promotion for mental health improvement and the development of customized mental health promotion programs suitable for the public officials level through of the community mental health welfare center.

Elementary and Secondary School Teachers' Polar Literacy (초·중등학교 교사들의 극지 소양)

  • Chung, Sueim;Choi, Haneul;Kim, Minjee;Shin, Donghee
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.734-751
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to prepare basic data to reflect polar literacy education in the school curriculum. The perception about the polar regions, teaching experience, and polar-related cognitive and affective characteristics of teachers were investigated. The survey was conducted among 56 elementary, middle, and high school teachers from schools from 10 major cities and surrounding regions, based on their perceptions of the polar region, current teaching status, polar knowledge, and beliefs and attitudes toward polar region and climate change. Results showed that although teachers' polar information efficacy was low, they positively evaluated the status of educators in resolving polar and climate change problems, and prioritized global citizenship values over practical purposes. The experience of teaching polar region and climate change issues at schools varied across subjects and non-subjects, but showed a passive aspect in teaching development, such as wanting to be provided with consolidated learning materials. On the cognitive aspect, teachers revealed an ambiguous understanding of the mechanisms and processes by which polar change and climate influence each other. On the affective aspect, most teachers showed strong beliefs and attitudes for polar-related issues beyond the school level, but their behavior choices were relatively lower. Based on the results, we propose the following as recommendations: providing opportunities and materials to promote polar knowledge, discovering educational materials in various contexts to form values and attitudes, developing educational materials from polar research materials, identifying misconceptions about polar knowledge among students and teachers, strengthening elementary school teachers' polar literacy, and cultivating positive attitudes and values toward polar issues.

Changes in Statistical Knowledge and Experience of Data-driven Decision-making of Pre-service Teachers who Participated in Data Analysis Projects (데이터 분석 프로젝트 참여한 예비 교사의 통계적 지식에 대한 변화와 데이터 기반 의사 결정의 경험)

  • Suh, Heejoo;Han, Sunyoung
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.153-172
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    • 2021
  • Various competencies such as critical thinking, systems thinking, problem solving competence, communication skill, and data literacy are likely to be required in the 4th industrial revolution. The competency regarding data literacy is one of those competencies. To nurture citizens who will live in the future, it is timely to consider research on teacher education for supporting teachers' development of statistical thinking as well as statistical knowledge. Therefore, in this study we developed and implemented a data analysis project for pre-service teachers to understand their changes in statistical knowledge in addition to their experiences of data-driven decision making process that required them utilizing their statistical thinking. We used a mixed method (i.e., sequential explanatory design) research to analyze the quantitative and qualitative data collected. The findings indicated that pre-service teachers have low knowledge level of their understanding on the relationship between population means and sample means, and estimation of the population mean and its interpretation. When it comes to the data-driven decision making process, we found that the pre-service teachers' experiences varied even when they worked as a small group for the project. We end this paper by presenting implications of the study for the fields of teacher education and statistics education.

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Concerning Human Papilloma Virus Infection and its Health Effects among Rural Women, Karnataka, South India

  • Sabeena, Sasidharanpillai;Bhat, Parvati V;Kamath, Veena;Aswathyraj, Sushama;Arunkumar, Govindakarnavar
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.5053-5058
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    • 2015
  • Background: Cervical cancer is one of the commonest cancers among women all over the world. The association of cervical cancer with human papilloma virus (HPV) is well established. Knowledge about the causal relationship between HPV and cervical cancer is important to make appropriate, evidence-based health care choices. In this context we conducted a community based study among women about the knowledge, attitude and practice about HPV infections and their health effects. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional interview based house to house survey was conducted with a validated data collection tool covering sociodemographic factors, knowledge, attitude and practice about HPV and its health effects, among 1020 women from a rural village, Perdoor, in Udupi district, Karnataka, India in 2013-14. Results: The mean age of participants was 38.9 years (SD=12.6). Study participants showed a high literacy rate (85.7%). Only 2.4% of sexually exposed women had undergone Pap smear testing. Partners of 4.4%women had undergone circumcision and they belonged to the Muslim community. Male condom usage was reported by 26 women (2.6%). However, none of the participants had heard of HPV and its health effects. Conclusions: This community based study found complete ignorance about HPV among rural South Indian women in spite of a high literacy level.