• Title/Summary/Keyword: data literacy level

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The Relationship between Parents' Book Reading Behavior and Home Literacy Environment and Their Effect on a Toddler's Vocabulary (만 2세 영아-어머니, 영아-아버지의 그림책 읽기행동 및 가정문해환경과 영아의 어휘력 간의 관계)

  • Lim, Su Kyung;Kim, Myoung Soon
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between parents' behavior during picture-book reading and home literacy environment and their effects on toddlers' vocabulary. The subjects of the study were 46 toddlers and their parents. The MCDI-K(Im, 2002), Lee and Kim(2004)'s categories of Verbal Behaviors, the categories of Nonverbal Behavioral Analysis(Kim, 2005), and the Home Literacy Environment Index(Han, 2006) were used. The analysis of the collected data was guided by the research questions and involved the use of descriptive statistics, t-test and an analysis of relevant correlations. The results of this study were as follows; First, the toddlers' receptive vocabulary score was 1.2 times higher than the toddler's expressive vocabulary score. Second, the father's book reading behaviors and mother's book reading behaviors were quite similar, the most frequent types of behavior being the use of 'feedback', 'explanation', 'questioning' and 'pointing'. On the other hand, there was a significant difference between the reading behavior of the mother and father as regards the categories of 'linguistic attention ventilation', 'suggesting', 'directing(instructing)', 'expanding feedback', 'pointing' and 'gesture'. Mothers performed more of these behaviors than the fathers. Third, toddler's vocabulary scores were positively correlated with the mother's 'linguistic attention ventilation'. However, the mother's use of 'restriction' was negatively correlated with the toddler's vocabulary level. Toddler's vocabulary scores were positively correlated with the father's 'description', 'reasoning/predicting', 'questioning about function or action', 'demanding feedback' and 'pointing'. The toddler's vocabulary scores were also positively correlated with the relative abundance of home environment materials and the amount of time spent on parent-child home literacy activity.

Influences of Awareness of Sexual Media Literacy and Sexual Attitude on Gender Sensitivity in High School Students (고등학생의 성 미디어 리터러시 인식과 성 태도가 성인지 감수성에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon-Ji Choi;Yong-Kyung Park;Young-Sun Ha;Eun-Hwi Kim
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of high school students' sexual media literacy awareness and sexual attitude on their gender sensitivity. The subjects of this study were 120 high school students in the city of D, all of who voluntarily agreed to participate in the study. Data were collected from November 28 to December 15, 2022. and analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and hierarchical regression analysis methods using the SPSS 22.0 program. As a result of the study, the influential factors of gender sensitivity were sexual attitude (β=-.317, p<.001), education level of father (β=.305, p<.001), gender (β=.262, p=.001), source of sexual knowledge (β=-.252, p=.001) and awareness of sexual media literacy (β=-.143, p=.045). This study is significant in that it presents academical, practical, and policy recommendation to increase gender sensitivity, which is considered an essential competency in a future society where diversity is emphasized.

The Financial Behavior of Investment Decision Making Between Real and Financial Assets Sectors

  • HALA, Yusriadi;ABDULLAH, Muhammad Wahyuddin;ANDAYANI, Wuryan;ILYAS, Gunawan Bata;AKOB, Muhammad
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.12
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    • pp.635-645
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    • 2020
  • This research was conducted to achieve several objectives and focus research was based on financial behavior theory and prospect theory as grounded theory e.g., investigate the financial decision-making behavior between financial and real assets investment, and confirm the relationship existing between herding behavior and overconfidence factors to the level of loss and regret aversion, and financial literacy into real assets investment decisions. The study used 220 real estate auction respondents as investor samples at the State Assets and Auction Service Office Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Data was collected through the use of a questionnaire consisting of 23 questions to measure the variables. Moreover, the research data passed through several feasibility tests like the inner and outer modeling by Partial Least Square - Structural equation model (PLS-SEM) while the hypotheses formulated were also tested to determine the magnitude of the variable relationship. Through the use of the direct and intervening test, loss and regret aversion variables have a positive and significant effect while financial literacy variables have no significant effect. There is a slight difference in the decision-making process for real assets and financial assets investors. Investment decision making behavior in the financial assets sector requires less complicated decisions compared to the decisions related to real assets investments.

Elementary School Students' Polar Literacy (초등학생들의 극지 소양)

  • Choi, Haneul;Chung, Sueim;Kim, Minji;Shin, Donghee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2022
  • The need for polar education was further emphasized, depending on the importance of the pole, which is the best place for climate change detection and prediction, and treasure trove of future technology and resources. Therefore, this study analyzed the general cognitive and affective characteristics of elementary school students' polar literacy, and in addition, analyzed the cognitive and affective characteristics according to the level of diversity about polar experience. The items developed for the study were revised through a pilot survey of 43 fifth graders. They consisted of questions about gender, polar experience, scientific literacy, polar knowledge, polar literacy skills, polar literacy beliefs, and polar literacy attitudes. The types of questions used are selectable, reliable, and Likert (4 points), for a total of 66 questions. The students who participated in the study were 323 fifth grade elementary students. The study found that students were more interested in the dramatic consequences of polar changes than the scientific causes and processes associated with it. This is confirmed through the fact that they are more interested in and familiar with polar creatures suffering from polar changes than understanding ice, which is the main feature of and the central mechanism of polar changes. Students also recognized the issue of polar climate change as a global issue other than their own. They believe that what happens in the Arctic and Antarctica will affect the whole world, but not significantly to himself and his community. The level of knowledge about polar region and the ability to analyze and infer were not significantly related to each other, and students with a higher level of diversity of experience about polar region had a better understanding of polar science and technology. In this research, it is meaningful to check the characteristics related to the students' polar region and to use it as a basic data to show the direction in which polar literacy education should proceed in the future.

Comparative Study of the Health Status of Two Koreas (남북한 주민의 건강수준 비교연구)

  • 김영치
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.155-182
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    • 1997
  • Objectives : This study was designed to compare North Korea and South Korea in measures of the quality of life (physical quality of life index and human development index) and to investigate the impact of selected medical and socioeconomic factors on PQL variables. Data and Methods : The World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme, and Population Reference Bureau were the principal sources of statistical data of 121 countries. Variables included infant mortality, life expectancy at birth, literacy rate, secondary school enrollment (male and female), GNP per capita, population per doctor, daily calorie supply per capita, and a composite PQL index. The Ordinary Least Square model was employed for cross-countries analysis. Findings : Both countries under quite different political and economic systems saw big improvememts in the quality of life, reducing mortality and prolonging life expectancy during the past three decades. In recent decad, however, North Korea has experienced abrupt exacerbation in the quality of life. Significant improvements in infant mortality of the population wer attributable mainly to GNP per capita and the secondary school enrollemt of female. The principal predictors of life expectancy at birth were population per doctor, infant mortality, and literacy rate. The secondary school enrollment of female and population per doctor were significantly associated with improvements in the physical quality of life index (PQLI). Conclusion : The results of this study confirmed a point illustrated by other studies : The association between quality of life as a measure of health status and socioeconomic factors was strong and positive. The important contribution of educational attainment in general, female education level in particular to improvements in the quality of life deserves good news for building an integrated health care system in the reunified Korea, taking into account the high level of education two koreas are enjoying. Meanwhile, when a sharp drop in the quality of life has been observed in North Korea under serious economic difficulties and food shortage in recent decade, the significant contribution of economic development to improvements in the quality of life poses bad nows for reunifying Korean health care in economic terms.

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Internet Security Readiness: The Influence of Internet Usage Level and Awareness on Internet Security Readiness Capital, Skill, and Actual Uptake/Use of Infrastructure

  • Ryoo, Jung-Woo;Park, Eun-A
    • Journal of Computing Science and Engineering
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.33-50
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    • 2011
  • In this paper we applied our previously developed assessment framework to the data collected from an internet security readiness survey targeted at households. We used the assessment framework to compute an Internet Security Readiness index for each household, which was in turn derived from Internet Security Readiness capital, skill, and actual uptake/use of infrastructure indices. We then examined the relationships among overall Internet Security Readiness, and the capital, skill, and actual uptake/use of infrastructure related to Internet Security Readiness. In addition, we explored the influence of Internet usage level and experience on Internet Security Readiness.

Comparison of Two Versions of KHLAT for Improvement Strategies (한국형 건강정보이해능력 측정도구(Korean Health Literacy Assessment Tool)의 비교 및 개선 방안)

  • Lee, Su-Hyun;Choi, Eun-Hye-Ra;Je, Min-Ji;Han, Heung-Sik;Park, Byung-Kyu;Kim, Sung-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: The purpose of the study is 1) to improve the previously developed KHLAT(Korean Health Literacy Assessment Tool) by testing two versions of KHLAT and 2) to develop guidelines to the grade range for KHLAT. Methods: The two versions of KHLAT(2) KHLAT(4) were administered to students from 1st grade to 12th grade in Busan. Data on 2673 participants were analyzed. Comparisons were made according to the grade range in REALM and the Korean grade range. Results: Both versions showed the increase of scores as the grade level increases. Female scored higher than male. However, the mean score (39.16) of KHLAT(2) was higher than that (29.6) of KHLAT(4). This result might be due to more specified responses of KHLAT(4). This difference was more clearly shown when the REALM grade range and Korean grade range were compared. The mean scores of KHLAT were lower than the means scores of the REALM in USA. Conclusions: The guidelines which were based on Korean school grad range were more suitable for Koreans.

Mental Health Literacy of the Korean Public: A Comparison between Depression and Schizophrenia (한국 성인의 정신건강역량 : 우울증과 정신분열병을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sun Hae;Suh, Jin Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.127-158
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of the study was to identify the level of mental health literacy of the Korean public and to suggest implications of prevention and early intervention for depression and schizophrenia. A household survey was conducted on a stratified sample of community residents from 80 survey clusters in Seoul and the surrounding province who were 18-74 years of age (N=1,653). The data analysis revealed that the percentages of respondents who correctly identified symptoms of depression or schizophrenia were similar, 35.2% and 33.5% respectively. On the other hand, there were differences between the two illnesses in terms of respondents' perceptions of beliefs on causes and usefulness of various methods to address respective symptoms, and sources of mental health information. The authors compared the findings with the results found in other countries, and suggested policy and practice implications for community mental health prevention in Korea.

Food-related media use and eating behavior in different food-related lifestyle groups of Korean adolescents in metropolitan areas

  • SooBin Lee;Seoyoung Choi;Se Eun Ahn;Yoon Jung Park;Ji-Yun Hwang;Gaeun Yeo;Jieun Oh
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.687-700
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    • 2024
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the relationship between adolescent food-related lifestyles and food-related media use and eating behavior in Korea. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Participants were 392 Korean adolescents, ranging in age from 12 to 18, recruited via convenience sampling. They completed a self-report questionnaire survey consisting of questions about food-related lifestyle, food-related media use, food consumption behavior, food literacy, and nutrition quotient. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS 29.0. (IBM Co., Armonk, NY, USA). RESULTS: The factor analysis of food-related lifestyles identified four factors. Based on the cluster analysis results, participants were classified into three clusters reflecting different levels of interest: high interest in food, moderate interest in food, and low interest in food. The analysis revealed significant differences between groups in food-related liestyle factors (P < 0.05). Notably, the high-interest group demonstrated proactive engagement with food-related content, a willingness to explore diverse culinary experiences, and a conscientious consideration of nutritional labeling during food purchases. In contrast, the low-interest group reported tendencies toward overeating or succumbing to stimulating food consumption post-exposure to food-related content, coupled with a disregard for nutritional labeling when making food choices. A stronger inclination toward a food-related lifestyle was positively correlated with higher levels of food literacy and nutrition quotient. CONCLUSION: This study proposes that the implementation of a nutrition education program using media could effectively promote a healthy diet among adolescents with a high level of interest in their dietary habits. For adolescents with low interest in their dietary habits, it suggests that introducing an education program with a primary focus on enhancing food literacy could be beneficial in fostering a healthy diet. Our research findings provide insight for the development of tailored nutritional education programs and establishment of effective nutrition policies.

Design to Improve Educational Competency Using ChatGPT

  • Choong Hyong LEE
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.182-190
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    • 2024
  • Various artificial intelligence neural network models that have emerged since 2014 enable the creation of new content beyond the existing level of information discrimination and withdrawal, and the recent generative artificial intelligences such as ChatGPT and Gall-E2 create and present new information similar to actual data, enabling natural interaction because they create and provide verbal expressions similar to humans, unlike existing chatbots that simply present input content or search results. This study aims to present a model that can improve the ChatGPT communication skills of university students through curriculum research on ChatGPT, which can be participated by students from all departments, including engineering, humanities, society, health, welfare, art, tourism, management, and liberal arts. It is intended to design a way to strengthen competitiveness to embody the practical ability to solve problems through ethical attitudes, AI-related technologies, data management, and composition processes as knowledge necessary to perform tasks in the artificial intelligence era, away from simple use capabilities. It is believed that through creative education methods, it is possible to improve university awareness in companies and to seek industry-academia self-reliant courses.