• Title/Summary/Keyword: customer's needs

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Study on Enterprise Resources Planning by Activity Based Management Method (활동기준 경영기법에 의한 전사적 자원관리에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Jang-Hyung
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.2
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    • pp.209-235
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    • 1998
  • Traditional cost system is distorted due to the using unit-based measure. It is being criticized that it do a poor job of attributing the expenses of support resources to the production and sales of individual product. Activity Based Cost System expend the range of second-stage cost assignment drivers beyond the traditional measures of labor and machine times, units produced, and material quantities to allow for drivers that measure the amount of batch-level, product-sustaining, and facility-sustaining activities performed. It is a resources consumption model of organization, not just a more complex cost accounting of cost allocation system. This paper proposes a enterprise resource planning by activity based management. To effective performance system for company that want to be setting competitive levels, the information systems must support a fast moving, rapidly changing. Activity based management is a process of accumulating and tracing cost and performance da to a firm's activities and providing feedback of actual results against the planned cost to initiate corrective action where required. Therefore this system provides a highly powerful decision-making tool. To construct this system, we need Enterprise Resource Planning System. Since ERP is designed around the idea that rapid change and a degree of unhandled change is normal, it allows driving the customer's rapidly needs much deeper through the business cycle.

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A Survey on the Design Preference for a Plastic Surgery Interior Design (성형외과 실내 계획을 위한 디자인 선호성향 조사)

  • Cho, Jeong-Min;Chun, Jin-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.220-223
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    • 2006
  • As more people want plastic surgery for various reasons, the demand for pleasant and aesthetical environment has increased also. This study, therefore, conducted literature and portal sites research before surveying women in their 20's and 30's who are more likely to be interested in and have plastic surgery. And we worked out a questionnaire to predict the customer demand and a survey board using specific vocabulary conveying emotional information as well as designs, targeting 120 people in Gangnam and Myeongdong areas. As a result, the respondents preferred natural designs, followed by modern and casual one with slight differences based on the areas. Thus, this is open to further studies. The preference for natural designs is considered to be related with the current interests in well-being and nature-friendly trend, coupled with new naturalism in the 21C. Hence, in order to add more colorfulness, minimalism, and vitality to the existing natural environment, one needs to seek motives from nature but make use of high-tech materials with strong colors to avoid boredom but create a lively indoor environment.

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A Study on the Patterns and Preference of Eating Out of Workers in JinJu (진주시내 직장인의 외식이용실태 및 선호도 연구)

  • Kim, Ju-Young;Kim, Seok-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.171-184
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    • 2002
  • The survey was conducted from Sep. to Oct. 2001 by questionnaires in order to investigate the patterns and preference of eating out of 321 workers men in JinJu. The frequency of eating out was different with the age of subjects and the purpose for which meals were eaten. However the price of a meal was not different with the purpose of eating out except for purchasing foods at lunch or dinner. Even though small group in 30s and 40s over aged, there are some peoples willing to pay for expensive foods for family or friends. So it needs to develop luxury food items which appeal to these target customer groups. Bibimbab(rice with assorted vegetables) and Naengmyun(cold noodle) had higher ranking for a lunch on the 26-list of famous dishes of commercial restaurents in JinJu. Subjects also preferred Hanjungshik(basic type of Korean menu pattern) and Haemultang(sea food casserole) for a dinner. They had preferences Hanjungshik, Sashimi, Beef Bulgogi for business, social, family meetings. They recommended Hanjungshik, Bibimbab, Beef Bulgogi, Jangeogui(grilled eel), Sashimi to foreign tourists for the best JinJu food with pride. Subjects liked Pizza, Hamburger, Soondae(Korean sausage) for a snack in a day and Pizza, Soondae, Yangnyeumtongdak(spicy fried chicken) were preferred for a snack at night.

Analysis of Preferable Café Interior Design Using Human Sensibility Ergonomics For Different Age Groups

  • Seo, Hyung Soo
    • Architectural research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2006
  • Maximizing profit is the most significant object of commercial places. Especially for some places where its atmosphere is main concern of customers like $Caf{\acute{e}}s$, interior design is crucial. Thus it needs to evaluate human emotion and preference. Human Sensibility Ergonomics which is recently signified in various fields is an attempt to quantitatively analyze factors of human sensibility and apply it to design operation. This study attempted to infuse human sensibility ergonomics into $Caf{\acute{e}}$ interior design and analyzed preferable $Caf{\acute{e}}$ interior design factors. Because most $Caf{\acute{e}}s$ have their own target customers, so we assumed four different target customer groups divided by their age and gender groups in each age group. As a result, the difference of each group could be examined. Middle-aged group and males have main interest in the intensity of luminance, i.e. the brightness, whereas youths and females attach importance to both quality of light and color. In addition, there is a tendency for middle-aged group and males to see $Caf{\acute{e}}$ as a public place while young people and females recognize $Caf{\acute{e}}$ as a place for entertainment. Taking the result of this study into consideration can lead to successful $Caf{\acute{e}}$ interior design for specific target customers.

End to End Business Process Management System using ebXML and Web service

  • Choi S.W.;Hwang J.G.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.355-357
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    • 2004
  • With the introduction to ebXML and web service related standards, enterprises struggle to adapt to the rapidly evolving technology to meet the complex needs of the enterprise customer. The ability to integrate and interoperate individual services within enterprise and with other enterprise's information technology infrastructure using standard-based business processes is an important element of business process management system. For over 25 years EDI has established VAN based solution of exchanging business information in electronic form. However EDI solutions are only accessible to large organizations due to the cost factor. Moreover lack of well accepted B2B business process standards is hindering the success of promoting interoperability between organizations of any size. ebXML work is focused on defining the standard B2B business process context and its runtime semantics in order to remove these hindrances. However ebXML framework does not recommend any particular implementation model to interact with enterprise internal system. This paper propose a end to end business process management architecture by applying ebXML in the front end of the enterprise system and using BPEL to integrate front end services into related services within enterprise.

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A Study on the Implementation of ERP System through ASP in the Small-to-Medium Enterprises (중소기업의 ASP를 기반으로 한 ERP 시스템 도입에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Byung-Ha
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.95-117
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to provide a conceptual understanding of ASP service for ERP implementation in small-to-medium enterprises under the current market situation in which the significance of information systems was standing out to respond to the rapid changes of managerial environment caused by the spread of Internet. In addition, it was to extract practical causes of introduction of ERP through ASP services by analyzing the causes and benefits considered by small-to-medium enterprises which use it. This study confirms that using ASP is better, faster and cheaper. Therefore, it is inevitable. The enterprises can reduce many risks of in-House ERP system such as excessive initial investment and operational expenses, lengthened constructional time, and the possibility of failure while achieving the benefit of ERP solution. However, there are many considerations which the enterprise carefully take into in order to implement the systems successfully such as selecting the system which is right for the enterprise's environment by setting the goal of implementing the system clearly, reducing the construction time by minimizing the customizing of the system, including the core people who knows the business process well, enough education before and after the implementation, and considering many aspect of ASP service provider. Also, the service provider should develop new way to provide customized service with cheap price while guaranteeing the reliability and supporting the customer's needs actively.

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A Study on Development Strategy of Industrial Complex using SWOT/AHP Analysis Theory - The Case of the Firms in Seoul Digital Industrial Complex (SWOT/AHP 분석기법을 이용한 산업단지의 발전 전략에 관한 연구: 서울디지털산업단지를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Bo Seok;Lee, Min Jung
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.61-81
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    • 2015
  • Purpose Seoul Digital Industrial Complex has remarkably grown both quantitatively and qualitatively in short period of time since it started restructuring project in 1997. It's also not few that there were various challenges and difficulties in this industrial complex due to fast growth in short-term, such as the deficient amenities, noncooperation among the related organizations. Now, it's time to overcome these challenges and difficulties to establish new strategy for the sustainable growth and development of this Industrial Complex. Methodology There are some previous researches but almost none of them considered the priority order of the development strategy having reflected the needs of industrial complex in point of customer. In this regard, this study suggests the development strategy of Seoul Digital Industrial Complex by supplementing the limits of proceeding researches and using the combined SWOT/AHP analysis theory. Findings Based on the final analysis result of survey by combined SWOT/AHP method, this study suggests the priority order of 4 development strategies for Seoul Digital Industrial Complex, such as SO strategy, ST strategy, WO strategy and WT strategy.

The Analysis of South Korea Medical Tourism Services for the Differences Perceptions by Medical Tourists and Hospital Staffs (의료관광객과 병원 종사자간의 한국 의료관광 서비스에 대한 인식차이 분석)

  • Han, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Kyun-Jick
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.17-34
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    • 2011
  • Recently, medical market has been changing not for the sake of treatment of the disease but for high quality of health. Therefore, South Korea medical tourism service needs to understand and improve for the differences perceptions of medical tourists and health professionals for customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to understand the structure of medical tourism market through theoretical consideration and to suggest the factors which need to be taken precedence for improvement of South Korea medical tourism service through analysis differences between consumers and suppliers. To analyze the difference of awareness, we reconstructed the questionnaires focussing on evaluation factors and articles about medical tourists selection attributes and health professionals way to invigoration through previous research and precedence study. After that, we also collected the data based on reconstructed questionnaires. After we compared each collected responses from medical tourists and health professionals, also analyzed the differences of awareness by applying Johari's Window to those differences. In conclusion, there is no relation between medical tourist and health professionals about th differences of awareness in functional quality and cost that is a direct effect to transaction in current medical tourism of South Korea. In contrast, there are differences of awareness between a process which support medical tourism and technical quality. Therefor, we expect to invigorate medical tourism by innovation of supportive process and technical quality.

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Analysis of course descriptions in similar departments for training Call-Center professionals (콜센터 전문 인력양성 관련학과 개설 교과목 분석)

  • Hwang, eui-chu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.749-753
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    • 2008
  • Nowadays, first objectives of business activity is to develop competitive power by means of satisfying customer's needs. So, it is necessary to educate and train personnel in call-center in order to develop their job ability and latent ability. Especially departments of call-marketing or tele-marketing in domestic university have established for support of professionals had systematic and professional abilities In this paper, we analyze curricula in university for training call-center. Also, we analyze important subjects in similar departments of university and course descriptions based on educational objectives in college and university.

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Experience With VTS/AIS as A Systems Integrator

  • Kinsella Tim;Manager Project;Ladd Stephen
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2000.08a
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    • pp.173-181
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    • 2000
  • Lockheed Martin has integrated and installed numerous AIS systems around the world as part of several VTS installation contracts and technology demonstrations for customers. Each of these systems incorporates specific customer requirements addressing differing objectives. This paper describes the capabilities and features of Lockheed Martin's current implementation of the Universal AIS system, and the experiences Lockheed Martin has had with earlier AIS and ADS (automated dependent surveillance) system installations. Specific examples are provided for an amphibious landing exercise with the US Army; installations at a Middle-East Oil port; technology demonstrations in New York Harbor, USA; river systems in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA; and coastal applications in the Gulf of Suez. The paper closes a brief overview of the most recent activity, the Turkish Straits VTMIS project that requires Universal AIS installations. The evolution of the technology and lessons learned will be discussed in the context of these examples. The perspective will be on Lockheed Martin's experience working with different customers to integrate AIS technology into a larger VTS or Port Information System. It will also discuss, from the practical side, how AIS information is used by a variety of maritime organizations with differing needs and information objectives.

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