• Title/Summary/Keyword: cross-section area

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Design of R.C.Members with General Shape Subjected to Biaxial Bending (2축휨과 축하중을 받는 임의 단면 형태의 철근 콘크리트 부재의 설계)

  • 문선미;이종권;이병해
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 1993
  • A computerized numerical method is presented for the design and/or the investigation of RC members with general shape and material properties subjected to axial load and biaxial bending moment. Slenderness effects can also be considered with the use of the moment magnification factor. The method is based on the summation of stress result- ants on a small area of the cross section which enables the determination of strength interaction diagrams, load contours and moment-curvature relationships for the general section. Thus the presented program HYCOL can be used as a direct tool for design and/or investigation of RC members with general shape subjected to biaxial bending. The accuracy of program HYCOL is established by comparison with experimental results.

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Chinese Female Immigrants English-Speaking Ability and Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Practices in the New York Metropolitan Area

  • Chen, Wei-Ti;Wang, Justin
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.733-738
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    • 2013
  • Background: Breast and cervical cancers are significant causes of mortality and morbidity for Asian women, and poor English-speaking ability is a barrier to cancer prevention practices. Materials and Methods: This project tested relationships among English-speaking ability and early detection practices regarding to breast and cervical cancer among female Chinese immigrants. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was used. Results: 175 female Chinese immigrants completed the survey in the breast cancer prevention section, and 35 of them also completed the cervical cancer prevention section. Some 63% of them had heard about the clinical breast exam (CBE), but only 54% had had a CBE. While 46% of the participants were aware of their need for a Pap smear, only 31% had heard about it and had undergone a pelvic exam. Conclusions: English-speaking ability was strongly associated with immigrant women's knowledge of female cancer early detection. Culturally and linguistic issues should be considered as the first step to access immigrant population in designing future education intervention.

New Approach for Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Cconcrete Fames (철근 콘크리트 골조 비선형 해석의 새로운 기법)

  • 김진근;이태규
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 1992
  • The entire nonlinear behavior of reinforced concrete frames up to collapse, is analyzed by the displacement control method and the combined layered and nonlayered method. All of the rigidities of section are calculated approximately by a sum over all the layers for the layered method, are used the integral values over the cross section area for the nonlayered method. The spurious sensitivity to the chosen element size in the result of analysis by finite element method for the materials with strain-softening can be overcome by modifying the strain distribution based on the concept of fracture energy at plastic hinge considering the applied axial load.

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Hybrid-type stretchable interconnects with double-layered liquid metal-on-polyimide serpentine structure

  • Yim, Doo Ri;Park, Chan Woo
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2022
  • We demonstrate a new double-layer structure for stretchable interconnects, where the top surface of a serpentine polyimide support is coated with a thin eutectic gallium-indium liquid metal layer. Because the liquid metal layer is constantly fixed on the solid serpentine body in this liquid-on-solid structure, the overall stretching is accomplished by widening the solid frame itself, with little variation in the total length and cross-sectional area of the current path. Therefore, we can achieve both invariant resistance and infinite fatigue life by combining the stretchable configuration of the underlying body with the freely deformable nature of the top liquid conductor. Further, we fabricated various types of double-layer interconnects as narrow as 10 ㎛ using the roll-painting and lift-off patterning technique based on conventional photolithography and quantitatively validated their beneficial properties. The new interconnecting structure is expected to be widely used in applications requiring high-performance and high-density stretchable circuits owing to its superior reliability and capability to be monolithically integrated with thin-film devices.

Constructing Geological Cross-sections at Depth and Interpreting Faults Based on Limited Shallow Depth Data Analysis and Core Logging: Southern Section of the Yangsan Fault System, SE Korea (제한된 천부자료와 시추코어분석을 통한 심부지질단면도 작성과 단층 인지법: 한반도 남동부 양산단층대 주변에서의 적용)

  • Kim, Taehyung;Kim, Young-Seog;Lee, Youngmin;Choi, Jin-Hyuck
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.277-290
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    • 2016
  • Deep geological cross-sectional data is generally not common nor easy to construct, because it is expensive and requires a great deal of time. As a result, geological interpretations at depth are limited. Many scientists attempt to construct geological cross-sections at depth using geological surface data and geophysical data. In this paper, we suggest a method for constructing cross-sections from limited geological surface data in a target area. The reason for this study is to construct and interpret geological cros-sections at depth to evaluate heat flow anomaly along the Yangsan fault. The Yangsan Fault passes through the south-eastern part of the Korean Peninsula. The cross-section is constructed from Sangbukmyeon to Unchonmyeon passing perpendicularly through the Yangsan Fault System trending NW-SE direction. The geological cross-section is constructed using the following data: (1) Lithologic distributions and main structural elements. (2) Extensity of sedimentary rock and igneous rock, from field mapping. (3) Fault dimension calculated based on geometry of exposed surface rupture, and (4) Seismic and core logging data. The Yangsan Fault System is composed of the Jain fault, Milyang fault, Moryang fault, Yangsan fault, Dongnae fault, and Ingwang fault which strike NNE-SSW. According to field observation, the western section of the Yangsan fault bounded by igneous rocks and in the eastern section sedimentary rocks are dominant. Using surface fault length we infer that the Yangsan Fault System has developed to a depth of kilometers beneath the surface. According to seismic data, sedimentary rocks that are adjacent to the Yangsan fault are thin and getting thicker towards the east of the section. In this study we also suggest a new method to recognize faults using core loggings. This analysis could be used to estimate fault locations at different scales.

Improving HSPF Model's Hydraulic Accuracy with FTABLES Based on Surveyed Cross Sections (실측 하천 단면자료를 이용한 HSPF 유역모델의 수리정확도 개선)

  • Shin, Chang Min
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.582-588
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    • 2016
  • The hydrological simulation program FORTRAN (HSPF) is a comprehensive watershed model that employs the hydraulic function table (FTABLE) (depth-area-volume-flow relationship) to represent the geometric and hydraulic properties of water bodies. The hydraulic representation of the HSPF model mainly depends on the accuracy of the FTABLES. These hydraulic representations determine the response time of water quality state variables and also control the scour, deposition, and transport of sediments in the water body. In general, FTABLES are automatically generated based on reach information such as mean depth, mean width, length, and slope along with a set of standard assumptions about the geometry and hydraulics of the channel, so these FTABLES are unable to accurately describe the geometry and hydraulic behavior of rivers and reservoirs. In order to compensate the weakness of HSPF for hydraulic modeling, we generated alternate method to improve the accuracy of FTABLES for rivers, using the surveyed cross sections and rating curves. The alternative method is based on the hydraulics simulated by HEC-RAS using the surveyed cross sections and rating curves, and it could significantly improve the accuracy of FTABLES. Although the alternate FTABLE greatly improved the hydraulic accuracy of the HSPF model, it had little effect on the hydrological simulation.


  • Kang Moon-Kyung;Yoon Wang-Jung;Kim Kwang-Eun;Choi Hyun-Seok
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.534-537
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    • 2005
  • Polarization of the radar wave refers to the ellipticity angle and orientation angle of the polarization ellipse. An evaluation of the polarization response can help understand the scattering mechanisms involved for a particular area of interest or provide information for image classification and algorithm section. C- and L-band polarization responses measured at urban area show the results that the polarization behavior for dihedral comer reflector or short, thin cylinder reflector appears at located in city streets or buildings site which are lined up and the polarization behavior for a large conducting sphere appears at parts of test site particularly river, flat, and vegetated areas. Also, the co- and cross-polarized response graphs and polarimetric parameters are discussed.

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Optimal Design of I-type Girder in 2 Span Continuous Steel Bridges by LRFD (LRFD에 의한 2경간 연속 강교량 주부재의 최적화 설계)

  • 국중식;신영석
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 1999.04a
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    • pp.78-85
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    • 1999
  • In this study, I-type girders used as main members of a two span continuous steel bridge, are optimally designed by a Load and Resistance Factor Design method(LRFD) using an numerical optimization method. The width, height web thickness and flange thickness of the main girder are set as design variables, and light weight design is attempted by choosing the cross-sectional area as an object function. The main program is coded with C++ and connected with optimization modul ADS, which is coded with FORTRAN. The results of the program show that the stress constraints of noncomposite section during the initial construction stage become active in the positive moment area and the service limit state constaints become active in the negative moment area.

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Prospecting of Silica of Naudanda Quartzite, West Central Nepal

  • Mani Khanal;Naresh Kazi Tamrakar;Dinesh Raj Sharma
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.355-366
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    • 2024
  • As the importance of silica is increasing in digital world and other sector, prospecting of silica is the initial process for silica exploration. For prospecting of silica, the Naudanda Quartzite was studied thoroughly. The potential of silica content in the Naudanda Quartzite is presented in very few reports and literatures. Therefore, the study was carried out along the Siddartha Highway and other local roads around the Bhalu Pahad area. The area comprises of mainly phyllite, metasandstone and medium- to coarse-grained orthoquartzite of the Lesser Himalayan metasedimentary sequence. Here orthoquartzite is targeted for the prospecting of silica as quartzite constitutes more than 90% quartz minerals. The study was carried out to prospect the silica resource and compute the mineral reserve in the area. From the route map prepared at 1:2,000-scale along the Bhalu Pahad-Haripala section and columnar section, it is found that the true thickness of the Naudanda Quartzite is 760 m. A geological map was prepared at 1:25,000 scale, and 15 quartzite samples were taken from suitable locations preventing stratigraphical reoccurrence. Five samples were taken randomly from folded zone. Silica grains were counted on the basis of fleet method after thin section preparation of 15 individual samples. More than 95% silica is present on an average. Again, silica content of 5 samples out of 15 were tested chemically and found more than 95% silica concentration. For reserve calculation, silica grade was taken 95% and the reserve was computed on the basis of three cross-sections. It is found that the total volume tonnage is 2.6 billion ton of silica content, and concluded that the silica present in the rock is economic and minable.

Magnetic anomaly in the southern part of the Yellow Sea (서해남부해역의 지자기 이상대 해석)

  • Kim, Sung-Bae;Choi, Sung-Ho;Suh, Man-Cheol
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2008
  • National Oceanographic Research Institute is carrying out an oceanographic survey for the entire sea areas around Korean Peninsula annually starting with the East Sea from 1996 by establishing a national oceanographic basic map survey plan for the sea areas under the jurisdiction of Korea, so this paper used the oceanographic geomagnetism data measured at the southern area of the Yellow Sea using 'Hae Yang 2000' in 1999, aiming at clarifying the cause of geomagnetic abnormality zone during the course of treating and analyzing the geomagnetic data. For treatment of magnetic data, we obtained electromagnetic force values and geomagnetic abnormality values around the investigated sea area through a process of searching and removal of bad data, correction of sensor positions, correction of magnetic field effects around the hull, correction of diurnal variation, normal correction, correction of cross point errors, etc. The electromagnetic force distribution around the investigated sea area was $49000\;{\sim}\;51600\;nT$, which is judged to be within the normal electromagnetic force intensity distribution range around the Yellow Sea. The isodynamic lines are distributed in Northeast-Southwest direction, and electromagnetic force values are increasing toward the northwest. The result of comparing the magnetic abnormality around the sea area among $124^{\circ}$ 49' 48" E, $35^{\circ}$ 10' 48" N $\sim$ $125^{\circ}$ 7' 48" E, and $35^{\circ}$ 33' 00" N sections with the elastic wave cross section and the result of modeling coincide well with the underground geological structure clarified from the existing elastic wave survey cross section. Therefore, it is judged that the distribution of magnetic force abnormality generally shows the effect pursuant to the distribution of the sedimentary basins in the Tertiary period and the bedrocks in the Cretaceous period which are well developed in the bottom of the sea.

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