• Title/Summary/Keyword: cross-section area

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The Effect of Red Ginseng on Sarcopenic Rat (홍삼의 Dexamethasone 유도 근감소증 모델 백서에 대한 효과 연구)

  • Seo, Yoon-jeong;Lew, Jae-hwan
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.1168-1180
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    • 2018
  • Objective: As the number of sarcopenic patients worldwide is increasing, the need for the treatment of sarcopenia is increasing. Ginseng has been reported to be a major herbal supplement. We tested whether red ginseng would be effective for sarcopenia using red ginseng preparation which can be easily obtained locally in Korea. Methods: 30 rats were randomly divided into three groups: the control group (n=10) (Group C), the group with Dexamethasone -induced sarcopenia (n=10) (Group D), and the group to which red ginseng was administered group after induced sarcopenia with Dexamethasone (n=10) (Group DH). Dexamethasone was intraperitoneally administered to group D and group DH for 7 days to make sarcopenic model. After that, the red ginseng tablets prepared by Korea Ginseng Corporation were diluted in distilled water and administered orally to the DH group for 2 weeks. Body weight and grip strength were measured 8 times during the experiment. At the end of the experiment, blood was collected by cardiac puncture. In addition, the tibialis muscle was extracted, a myofibril cross section was measured by immunohistochemical staining and MyHC (myosin heavy chain) was quantified by Western blotting. Results: The ratio of the area on myofibril cross-section showed significant differences after administration of the red ginseng tablet. Conclusions: Red ginseng has a significant effect on the recovery of myofibril cross-section on sarcopenia. This experiment will be helpful for future clinical studies on drug effects in sarcopennia.

Determination of the initial cross-sections for the $C_4F_6$ molecule from the electron drift velocity ($C_4F_6$-Ar혼합기체에서의 Plasma Discharge Simulation을 위한 $C_4F_6$ 초기단면적 결정)

  • Lee, Kyung-Yeob;Jeon, Byung-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2011.07a
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    • pp.1544-1545
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    • 2011
  • For quantitative understanding of gas discharge phenomena, we should know electron collision cross section. Processing plasma etching of semiconductor, and research are being used in the etching source $C_4F_6$ gas may be used by itself and mixed with other gases are also used. However, the molecular gas $C_4F_6$ study on the characteristics of the electron transport and the cross-sectional area of the decision is still lacking. Therefore, we understand the electron transport characteristics and analysed the electron transport coefficients. And to understand and interpret physical properties of the ionization coefficient ${\alpha}$/N, and the attachment coefficient ${\eta}$/N in $C_4F_6$ gas.

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A Study on the Design and Structure Optimization of an Automatic Mooring System for a 6000 ton Class Autonomous Ship (6000톤급 자율운항선박을 위한 자동계류장치 설계 및 구조 최적화에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Namgeon;Shin, Haneul;Kim, Teagyun;Park, Jihyuk
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.493-499
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    • 2022
  • This paper presents the design for the kinematic structure of a system for an automatically moored 6000 ton autonomous ship in a port, and the process and results of optimal design for the link cross-sectional shape. We propose an automatic mooring system with a PPP type serial manipulator structure capable of linear motion in the XYZ axis. The mooring force applied by the mooring system was derived with dynamics simulation tool "ADAMS". The design goal is the minimization of the cross-sectional area of the link. Constrains include compressive stress and shear stress. The optimization problems were solved by using the sequential quadratic programing method implemented in the fmincon package. The shape of the cross section was assumed to be rectangle. Through future research, we plan to manufacture automatic mooring system for 6000ton class autonomous ship.

A Study on the Age-related Remodeling of Femur in Normal Korean Adult (연령증가에 따른 정상 한국인 대퇴골의 재형성에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, S.B.;Ba, T.S.;Choi, J.B.;Choi, K.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1997 no.11
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    • pp.489-492
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    • 1997
  • The general pattern of adaptation in the appendicular skeleton with aging is that the subperiosteal apposition of bone occur along with endosteal absorption. This remodeling of diaphysis to a cylinder of larger diameter is hypothesized to serve a mechanical compensatory unction by increasing the moment of inertia as the cortex thins with aging. These findings is only true of the diaphysis of long bone. Measuring the area and inertia at each section of femur, the age-related change of proximal emur and diaphysis is observed. After screening by physical and radiological examination, 200 normal Korean adults divided 5 groups in both male and female based on age. Twenty persons were in each group. One femur in each person was analyzed using CT images. femur scanned with 60 to 80 slices and this images were digitized. Then 2-D images were reconstructed into 3-D images. Using the nonlinear method, normalization and interpolation technique, 7 locations of interest (trochanteric area: 1, 2 subtrochanteric area: 3, 4, isthmic area: 5, 6, 7) were determined. On the each cross section at each location, the area (total, cortical and medullary) and 5 inertia of moment were measured. The results were analyzed statistically. With aging, significant area change occurred mainly in diaphysis and female. In trochanteric area, no significant change was noted. With aging, total and medullary area were increased, but cortical area was not changed. In diaphysis, lateral bendingresistanceincreasedsignificantly. No inertia change was noted in trochanteric area. Anteroposterior bending resistance was constant with aging. In more than age 60, total area and medullary area were larger than that of others. Lateral bending resistance was higher especially in diaphysis. In diaphysis, with aging, the decreased properties is compensated with the increased lateral bending resistance by geometric remodeling. In trochanteric area, no compensation occur. With aging, especially in more than age 60, the higher rate of trochanteric fracture is expected.

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A Study on Optimum design of Corrugated web girder using Eurocode (유로코드를 이용한 주름웨브보의 최적설계 연구)

  • Shon, Su-Deok;Yoo, Mi-Na;Lee, Seung-Jae
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2012
  • This paper describes the structural design and optimization of sinusoidally corrugated web girder by using EUROCODE (EN 1993-1-5). The optimum design methodology and characteristics of the optimal cross-section are discussed. We investigate a shear buckling and the concerned standards for corrugated web and explain the equations to obtain a critical stress according to buckling type. In order to perform optimization, we consider an objective function as minimum weight of the girder and use the constraint functions as slenderness ratio and stresses of flanges as well as corrugated web and deflection. Genetic Algorithm is adopted to search a global optimum solution for this mathematical model. For numerical example, the clamped girder under the concentrated load is considered, while the optimum cross-sectional area and design variables are analyzed. From the results of the adopted example, the optimum design program of the sinusoidally corrugated web girder is able to find the suitable solution which satisfied a condition subject to constraint functions. The optimum design shows the tendency to decrease the cross-sectional area with the yielding strength increase and increase the areas with load increase. Moreover, the corrugated web thickness shows a stable increase concerning the load.

Performance of Vocal Tract Area Estimation from Deaf and Normal Children's Speech (청각장애아동과 건청아동의 성도면적 추정 성능)

  • Kim Se-Hwan;Kim Nam;Kwon Oh-Wook
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    • no.56
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    • pp.159-172
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    • 2005
  • This paper analyzes the vocal tract area estimation algorithm used as a part of a speech analysis program to help deaf children correct their pronunciations by comparing their vocal tract shape with normal children's. Assuming that a vocal tract is a concatenation of cylinder tubes with a different cross section, we compute the relative vocal tract area of each tube using the reflection coefficients obtained from linear predictive coding. Then, we obtain the absolute vocal tract area by computing the height of lip opening with a formula modified for children's speech. Using the speech data for five Korean vowels (/a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, and /u/), we investigate the effects of the sampling frequency, frame size, and model order on the estimated vocal tract shape. We compare the vocal tract shapes obtained from deaf and normal children's speech.

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A Study on Based on the Possibility of Quantitative Analysis using Virtual Clothing Simulation according to Raglan Sleeve Pattern Types (가상 착의 시뮬레이션을 이용한 래글런 소매 패턴 변화에 따른 착의 시 정량적 분석 가능성 모색)

  • Lee, Ye-Jin;Lee, Byung-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.299-314
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to explore effects of pattern alteration using a virtual clothing simulation approach in combination with 3D analysis software. Three raglan sleeves of different patterns were worn by an avatar using virtual clothing simulation with silk and cotton as the test fabrics. It was observed that the silhouette and hemline shape were affected differently based on raglan sleeve pattern and fabric type. By examining clothing pressure distribution, the cotton fabric designs and pattern shapes provided for a variety of influences on armhole and bust regions as well as the back sleeve area. For representative locations, cross section circumstance, cross section area, and volume were measured by using 3D analysis and the resulting correlation between the 2D and 3D data were investigated. Among different fabrics, there was little difference between the 2D and 3D clothing surface area. However, when using 3D analysis, clothing volume was significantly affected by different fabrics and pattern types. By simultaneously adopting the virtual simulator and 3D analysis, quantitative assessment of virtual clothing simulation was successfully conducted. In light of the results of this study, the resulting methodology is expected to be used as a comprehensive evaluation tool for virtual clothing simulation wear testing.

A Study on the Information of Landforms in the vicinity of the Hantan River (한탄강(漢灘江) 일대(一帶)의 지표기복(地表起伏)에 관한 정보(情報))

  • Kim, Joo-Hwan
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • no.72
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to clarified the geology and geomorphic characteristics of the Hantan River Basin. In this area, some kind of landforms are developed such as pre-land forms, lava plateau, and present landforms etc. Some river terraces are peculiar features in the area. Some conclusions are as follows : The vicinity of the Hantan River is lava plateau formed from the volcanic activity. Some steptoes are located in the lava plateau. Baekeuiri formation means the river bed boulder beneath the lava formation. The development of drainage patterns are unstable and the bifurcation ratio, the ratio of mean length of the river are lower than the other rivers. The relative height of the terraces is about $5{\sim}25m$ and the terraces are alluvial terraces. In the Jiktang Fall area, bedrock is granite and basalt plateau covered the bedrock. In that point, the old erosion surface is relatively steeper than the horizontal-basalt plateau. Vertical columnar joints are developed and weathering materials creep on the valley wall. The cross section of the landform of the Kosukjung vicinities are somewhat different from the landforms of Jiktang Fall. The bedrock near the Kosukjung is granite that is the same with the Jiktang Fall. But the cross section shows a asymmetrical curve from each side.

Effect of Paclobutrazol on Anti-lodging Characteristics and Yields of Rice (Paclobutrazol이 수도(水稻)의 도복형질(倒伏形質)과 수량(收量)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Pyon, Jong Yeong;Huh, Yun Kun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.183-190
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    • 1985
  • To determine anti-lodging effect of paclobutrazol and its influence on yield of rice, paclobutrazol was applied at 12 and 18g ai/10a to cv. Nakdongbyeo and cv. Seomjinbyeo 20, 15, and 10 days before heading under 12 and 20kg/10a nitrogen conditions. 1. Paclobutrazol reduced internode length of rice, especially internode N3. Higher suppression of stem of both cultivars and reduction of ear length in cv. Nakdongbyeo were observed when paclohutrazol was applied at 18g ai/10a 15 and 20 days before heading. 2. Paclobutrazol increased culm cross-section area, culm diameter, linear density and stem flexure resistance which affected anti-lodging efficacy. Although actual lodging was not occurred in field, less stem inclination was observed at paclobutrazol treated plots. 3. There were significant correlation between stem flexure resistance and culm cross-section area, culm diameter and linear density, and negative correlation between straw inclination angle and culm cross-section area and culm diameter. 4. Slight yield reduction was observed when paclobutrazol was applied at 18g ai/10a 20 days before heading. However, when paclobutrazol was applied at 12g ai/10a 10 and 15 days before heading, rice yield was not decreased compared to untreated control.

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Performance assessment of buckling restrained brace with tubular profile

  • Cao, Yan;Azar, Sadaf Mahmoudi;Shah, S.N.R.;Salih, Ahmed Fathi Mohamed;Thiagi, Tiana;Jermsittiparsert, Kittisak;Ho, Lanh Si
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.323-333
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    • 2020
  • In recent years, there has been an upsurge for the usage of buckling restrained braces (BRB) rather than ordinary braces, as they have evidently performed better. If the overall brace buckling is ignored, BRBs are proven to have higher energy absorption capacity and flexibility. This article aims to deliberate an economically efficient yet adequate type of all-steel BRB, comprised of the main components as in traditional ones, such as : (1) a steel core that holds all axial forces and (2) a steel restrainer tube that hinders buckling to occurr in the core; there is a more practical detailing in the BRB system due to the elimination of a filling mortar. An investigation has been conducted for the proposed rectangular-tube core BRB and it is hysteric behavioral results have been compared to previous researches conducted on a structure containing a similar plate core profile that has the same cross-sectional area in its core. A loss of strength is known to occur in the BRB when the limiting condition of local buckling is not satisfied, thus causing instability. This typically occurs when the thickness of the restrainer tube's wall is smaller than the cross-sectional area of the core plate or its width. In this study, a parametric investigation for BRBs with different formations has been performed to verify the effect of the design parameters such as different core section profiles, restraining member width to thickness ratio and relative cross-sectional area of the core to restrainer, on buckling load evaluation. The proposed BRB investigation results have also been presented and compared to past BRB researches with a plate profile as the core section, and the advantages and disadvantages of this configuration have been discussed, and it is concluded that BRBs with tubular core section exhibit a better seismic performance than the ones with a plate core profile.