• Title/Summary/Keyword: crop temperature

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Effect of Oxygen and Temperature Levels on the Seedling Characteristics of Korean and Anaerobic Germination-tolerant Rice under Flooding Conditions (담수 직파에서 산소 및 온도조건에 따른 혐기발아 내성 자원과 국내 직파 적응성 벼 품종의 입모특성 비교)

  • Jeong, Jong-Min;Kim, Jinhee;Mo, Youngjun;Ha, Su-Kyung;Kim, Woo-Jae;Kim, Bo-Kyeong;Jeung, Ji-Ung
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    • v.64 no.4
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    • pp.287-298
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    • 2019
  • The aim of the present study was to compare the germination and seedling characteristics of rice varieties grown under various flooding conditions and different temperature and oxygen levels and to identify germplasm suitable for wet direct seeding. Three anaerobic germination tolerant (AGT) genotypes (PBR, WD3, KHO) and eleven Korean rice varieties (KVs) adapted for direct seeding were evaluated for seedling performance under different temperatures (15, 18, 21, and 24℃ ) and oxygen levels (Low, Normal, High). Compared with the KVs, the AGT genotypes (especially KHO and PBR) exhibited relatively high germination and survival rates and coleoptile and radical growth rates under low temperature and low oxygen conditions, thereby indicating their suitability for wet direct seeding. Among the KVs, 'Dongan,' 'Jungan,' and 'Cheongdam' rice exhibited the highest survival rates under low temperature and low oxygen conditions. Three-way ANOVA indicated that temperature had the greater effects on seedling characteristics (43.2-78.0%) than either oxygen level (15.4-37.5%) or genotype (2.0-29.8%) did. Therefore, in direct seeding cultivation, temperature was the most important environmental factor for seedling establishment.

Effect of Air and Water Temperature on the Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Rice Varieties (기온 및 수온의 차이가 수도품종의 생육 및 양분흡수에 미치는 영향)

  • Chae, J.C.;Heu, H.;Lee, J.H.
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.14-19
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    • 1980
  • The growth of rice variety 'Suweon 258' that is remote crossed variety between Indica and Japonica rice tended to be influenced more by air temperature than water temperature compared to Japonica variety 'Jinheung' that was influenced more by water temperature than air temperature during maximum tillering stage.

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Study on the Characteristics of Growth, Yield, and Pharmacological Composition of Licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.) in a Temperature Gradient Tunnel (온도구배터널에서 기온상승에 따른 만주감초의 생육, 수량, 약리성분 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yong Il;Lee, Jeong Hoon;An, Tae Jin;Lee, Eun Song;Park, Woo Tae;Kim, Young Guk;Chang, Jae Ki
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.322-329
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    • 2019
  • Background: Studies have suggested that the northern provinces of Gangwon-do are good sites for licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.) cultivation in Korea, as they have similar temperatures to its original locations in northern China. However, poor growth and freezing injury are often reported in Korea. Therefore, it is necessary to reassess the domestic cultivation site of licorice. Methods and Results: To determine the optimum temperature for cultivating licorice, the growth, yield, and pharmacological characteristics of G. uralensis were assessed in a temperature gradient tunnel at Eumseong, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea in 2017. Plant height increased until the temperature rose to $5.9^{\circ}C$ above the local external temperature. Yield (㎏/10a) increased by 46.9% when the growing temperature was $1.5^{\circ}C$ to $3.0^{\circ}C$ (T2) above the external temperature and by 72.6% when the growing temperature was $3.0^{\circ}C-4.5^{\circ}C$ (T3) above the external temperature. However, a difference of $4.5^{\circ}C-5.9^{\circ}C$ (T4) above the external temperature, decreased the yield by 9.8% compared to that at T2. The glycyrrhizin content of G. uralensis roots in each temperature band was 0.72%, 0.53%, 0.91%, and 0.84% (T1, T2, T3, T4), these differences appear to result form individual plant variation rather than growth temperature. Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, we estimate that the temperature-based optimum cultivation site for G. uralensis in Korea is the south central region, rather than the northern province of Gangwon-do. Improvement in growth and yield maybe observed if the plantations in the central Jecheon (Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea) are expanded into the south central region.

QTL Analysis of Germination Rate and Germination Coefficient of Velocity under Low Temperature in Rice (저온에서 벼의 발아율 및 발아속도 관련 양적형질 유전자좌(QTL) 분석)

  • Kim, Jinhee;Mo, Youngjun;Ha, Su-Kyung;Jeung, Ji-Ung;Jeong, Jong-Min
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    • v.66 no.1
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    • pp.8-17
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    • 2021
  • As rice originates from tropical regions, low temperature stress during the germination stage in temperate regions leads to serious problems inhibiting germination and seedling establishment. Identifying and characterizing quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for low-temperature germination (LTG) resistance help accelerate the development of rice cultivars with LTG tolerance. In this study, we identified QTLs for LTG tolerance (qLTG5, qLTG9) and germination coefficient of velocity under optimal conditions (OGCV) (qOGCV7, qOGCV9) using 129 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the cross between a low-temperature sensitive line Milyang23 and a low-temperature tolerant variety Gihobyeo. qLTG9 and qOGCV9 were detected at the same location on chromosome 9. At both LTG QTLs (qLTG5 and qLTG9), the alleles for LTG tolerance were contributed by the japonica variety Gihobyeo. At qOGCV7 and qOGCV9, the alleles for low temperature tolerance were derived from Milyang23 and Gihobyeo, respectively. The RILs with desirable alleles at two or more QTLs, i.e., GroupVII: qLTG5+qLTG9 (qOGCV9) and GroupVIII: qLTG5+qOGCV7+qLTG9 (qOGCV9), showed stable tolerance under low-temperature stress. Our results are expected to contribute to the improvement of tolerance to low-temperature and anaerobic stress in japonica rice, which would lead to the wide adoption of direct-seeding practices.

Assessment on Damage Risk of Corn for High Temperature at Reproductive Stage in Summer Season Based on Climate Scenario RCP 8.5 and 4.5

  • Seo, Myung-Chul;Cho, Hyeon-Suk;Kim, Jun-Hwan;Sang, Wan-Gyu;Shin, Pyeong;Lee, Geon Hwi
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2017
  • In order to assess risk of high temperature damages about corn during reproduction stages in the future, we carried out analysis of climate change scenarios RCP (Representative Concentration Pathway) 4.5 and RCP8.5 distributed by KMA (Korea Meteorological Administration) in 2012. We established two indexes such as average of annual risk days of high temperature damage which express frequency and strengthen index of high temperature damage. As results of producing maps for 157 cities and counties about average of annual risk days of high temperature damage during total periods of scenarios, the risk of high temperature in RCP8.5 was evaluated to increase at all over nation except inland area of Gangwon province, while RCP4.5 showed similar to present, or little higher. The maps of annual risk days of high temperature damage with 10 years interval in RCP8.5 prospected that the risk for damaging corn growth would increase rapidly from 2030's. The largest risk of high temperature damage in the future of RCP8.5 was analyzed at Changnyeong county located east-south inland area in Kyeongnam province, while the smallest of risk counties were Pyeongchang, Taebaek, Inje, and Jeongseon. The prospect at 12 counties which is large to produce corn at present and contains large plains have been showed that there will be only a little increase of risk of high temperature at Goesan, Yangpyeong, Hongcheon, Seosan, and Mooju until 2060's. But considering strengthen index of high temperature damage, most regions analyzed would be prospected to increase rapidly after 2030's. To cope with high temperature damage of corn in the future, we should develop various practical technologies including breeding adapted varieties and controlling cultivation periods.

Effect of Shading Types and Duration on Alleviation of High Temperature Stress in Cnidium officinale Makino (차광형태와 기간이 천궁의 고온피해 경감에 미치는 효과)

  • Nam, Hyo Hoon;Seo, Young Jin;Jang, Won Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2020
  • Background: Cnidium officinale is a medicinal crop sensitive to high temperature. It is necessary to develop environment control technology that can reduce environmental stresses such as high temperature. This study was conducted to develop technology for stable production of Cnidium officinale by reducing damage owing to high temperature by applying shading treatment of varying duration, and structure. Methods and Results: Black shading nets were used from May to September or November; shading structures such as pillar, flat roof, and tunnel type structures were installed. Environmental changes, rate of photosynthesis, and growth characteristics were investigated. The shading treatment reduced temperature by 3℃. The rate of photosynthesis and yield with shading treatment were higher by 134% and 127%, respectively, than those with full sunlight. The ratio of shading area ranged from 50% to 71% according to the type of shading structure. The effect of environmental control on growth varied depending on the type of shading structure. Conclusions: The shading treatment reduced damage owing to high temperature, shading rate of 55% - 75% was recorded between the period May - September, and the flat roof type shading structure was considered the most suitable among shading methods.

Seeds Characteristics and Germination of Coriandrum sativum L. on Several Storage Conditions (약용작물 고수 종자의 형태학적 특성 및 발아조건에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong Hoon;Lee, Sang Hoon;An, Chan Hoon;Lee, Yun Ji;Kim, Young Guk;Cha, Sun Woo;Kim, Seong Min
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.305-310
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to obtain the basic data related to seed characteristics and germination conditions of the Coriandrum sativum L. at different storage condition and temperature. The shape of fruit was oval with light brown color. Fruit was mericarp, biloculate, with one ovule in each locus. The length and width of seed were $1.37{\pm}0.067mm$ and $0.52{\pm}0.039mm$, respectively. Weight of 1,000 seeds was $6.55{\pm}0.15g$. Seeds which were stored at room ($15^{\circ}C$) and cold temperature ($4^{\circ}C$) in vinyl container showed the highest germination rate (93.3%) under the room temperature germination condition. Percentage of germination in cold and freeze temperature was 20% and 0%, respectively. Germination rate of room storage seeds with paper container increased to about 91.3%, however, decreased in cold ($4^{\circ}C$) and freeze storage ($-20^{\circ}C$) with paper container (76.7% and 78.0%, respectively). Germination rate of seed in vinyl stock container was better than that of paper stock container. Germination rate of seeds stored at room temperature for 4 years (2010 - 2013) ranged from 80.0% to 91.3%. Therefore, coriander seeds are expected to be stored at room temperature for increasing the germination rate and keeping a long term.

Effects of Temperature on Grain Filling Properties of Rice Flour Varieties during the Ripening Stage (등숙기 온도에 따른 쌀가루 가공용 벼의 등숙특성 변이 구명)

  • Yang, SeoYeong;Hwang, WoonHa;Jeong, JaeHyeok;Lee, HyeonSeok;Lee, ChungGeun;Choi, MyoungGoo
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    • v.66 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2021
  • The processing of rice is one of the measures to expand the scope of rice use in response to the decrease in rice consumption. Since the main ingredient of rice processing is rice flour, "rice flour varieties" have been bred with the aim to improve the productivity and quality of rice flour. In order to study the variation in the ripening characteristics of rice flour varieties with respect to temperature, the average temperature after heading date was set at 28℃ (33/23℃), 22℃ (27/17℃), and 18℃ (23/13℃) inside the phytotron. We used Saenuri as non-glutinous rice variety, Seolgaeng as soft-type rice flour variety, and Baromi2 as powdered rice flour variety. At high temperatures (28℃), the grain weight of Baromi2 decreased by 21%. Its starch content also decreased by more than 10%, which was significantly lower than that of Saenuri and Seolgaeng. At low temperatures (18℃), the grain weight and starch content slightly increased or were similar in all varieties. An analysis of changes in the grain weight due to effective accumulated temperature through the sigmoid function showed that the velocity of grain-filling slowed significantly when Baromi2 was exposed to low temperature during the ripening stage compared to the other varieties. Therefore, the transplanting time of Baromi2 should be delayed to avoid high temperatures during the ripening stage. However, because the ripening period is not properly secured under low temperature conditions, grain filling may not be sufficient.

Manufacturing Conditions for Rice Porridge with Optimum Properties after Microwave Range Reheating (마이크로웨이브 레인지 재가열 후 최적 특성을 갖는 쌀죽 제조조건)

  • Park, Hye-Young;Kim, Hyun-Joo;Sim, Eun-Yeong;Kwak, Jieun;Chun, Areum;Jo, Youngje;Woo, Koan Sik;Kim, Mi Jung
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.440-446
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to derive the conditions for manufacturing rice porridge with optimum properties after reheating. The characteristics of rice porridge according to the soaking time, water addition rate, heating temperature, heating time, and cooling conditions were compared using the 'Samkwang' cultivar. In Step I, as the heating temperature increased, the weight change decreased and the viscosity increased, and the temperature known as the main factor of the gelatinization also appeared to affect the viscosity increase. In Step II, the viscosity and the texture properties was not significantly different as the soaking time was reduced, and 10 minutes was suitable because of due to the shortening effect of the total process time. In Step III, the residual heat was lowered by cooling after the rice porridge production, so the viscosity could be greatly reduced. Also, it was confirmed that the water addition rate of 900% and the heating temperature of 15 minutes were optimal manufacturing conditions. The next study will investigate the porridge processability of rice cultivars using these results.