Five days after hatching in Konosirus punctatus, the larvae were 5.86~6.21 mm (mean 5.96 mm) in TL and ossified parasphenoid, prefrontal, premaxillary, dentary. Sixteen days after hatching, the larvae were 9.66~10.18 mm (mean 9.96 mm) in TL and ossified prootic, opisthotic, ectopterygoid, and epihyal. Twenty-five days after hatching, the larvae were 11.02~12.64 mm (mean 11.03 mm) in TL and ossified supraclavicle, posttemporal, four actinost. Twenty-eight days after hatching, the larvae were 11.98~12.81 mm (mean 12.34 mm) in TL and ossified frontal, pterotic, epiotic, exoccipital, basioccipital, preorbital, maxillary, hyomadibular, preopercle, opercle, hypohyal. Thirty-six days after hatching, the larvae were 15.26~16.39 mm (mean 16.11 mm) in TL and ossified scapula. 37 days after hatching, the larvae were 15.33~16.87 mm (mean 16.25 mm) in TL and ossified ethmoid, nasal, parietal, supraoccipital, and suborbital. Forty-five days after hatching, the larvae were 20.01~21.83 mm (mean 21.14 mm) in TL, and the shoulder girdle was completed by coracoid formation. Forty-eight days after hatching, the larvae were 22.46~24.03 mm (mean 23.20 mm) in TL and ossified articular and subopercle. When the juvenile reached 27.11~34.09 mm (mean 30.11 mm) in TL (53 days after hatching) completed ossification of the cranium, vertebrae, pelvic girdle, shoulder girdle, caudal bone, and pterygiophore.