• 제목/요약/키워드: corrosion effect

검색결과 1,779건 처리시간 0.035초

Preparation and Performance Evaluation of Zinc Phosphate-Coated Mica Anticorrrosive Pigment (운모상에 인산아연이 도포된 방청안료의 제조 및 성능평가)

  • Lee, Yu Jin;Park, Seong Soo;Hong, Seong Soo;Lee, Seung Ho;Kim, Dae Sung;Lee, Gun Dae
    • Clean Technology
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.257-263
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    • 2013
  • The zinc phosphate-coated mica (ZP/mica) pigments were prepared using phosphoric acid, zinc nitrate and mica as starting materials, and used as anticorrosive pigments. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and x-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques were used to observe the morphology and crystal structure of prepared pigments. The prepared pigments were incorporated into an epoxy binder to prepare coating and the corrosion inhibition performance of the pigments was evaluated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). It was found that the anticorrosive performance of the ZP/mica pigment prepared at $70^{\circ}C$ was the better than that prepared at $20^{\circ}C$. The formation of ZnO, in addition to $Zn_3(PO_4)_2{\cdot}2H_2O$, was observed on ZP/mica pigment prepared at $70^{\circ}C$. The excellent anticorrosive performance of ZP/mica pigment could be ascribed to the synergistic effect with electrochemical anticorrosive mechanism from zinc compounds on mica and barrier anticorrosive mechanism from lamellar mica.

Strength and Resistance to Chloride Penetration in Concrete Containing GGBFS with Ages (GGBFS를 혼입한 콘크리트의 재령에 따른 강도 및 염소이온 침투 저항성)

  • Park, Jae-Sung;Yoon, Yong-Sik;Kwon, Seung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.307-314
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    • 2017
  • Concrete is a durable and cost-benefit construction material, however performance degradation occurs due to steel corrosion exposed to chloride attack. Penetration of chloride ion usually decreases due to hydrates formation and reduction of pores, and the reduced chloride behavior is considered through decreasing diffusion coefficient with time. In the work, HPC (High Performance Concrete) samples are prepared with 3 levels of W/B (water to binder) ratios of 0.37, 0.42, and 0.27 and 3 levels of replacement ratios of 0%, 30% and 50%. Several tests containing chloride diffusion coefficient, passed charge, and compressive strength are performed considering age effect of 28 days and 180 days. Chloride diffusion is more reduced in OPC concrete with lower W/B ratio and GGBFS concrete with 50% replacement ratio shows significant reduction of chloride diffusion in higher W/B ratio. At the age of 28 days, GGBFS concrete with 50% replacement ratio shows more rapid reduction of chloride diffusion than strength development, which reveals that abundant GGBFS replacement has effective resistance to chloride penetration even in the early-aged condition.


  • Kang, Kyung-Hee;Kwon, Kung-Rock;Lee, Sung-Bok;Choi, Dae-Gyun
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • 제44권5호
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    • pp.526-536
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    • 2006
  • Statement of problem : Use of fiber composite technology as well as development of nonmetal implant prosthesis solved many problems due to metal alloy substructure such as corrosion. toxicity, difficult casting, expensiveness and esthetic limit. After clinical and laboratory test, we could find out that fiber-reinforced composite prostheses have good mechanical properties and FRC can make metal-free implant prostheses successful. Purpose : The purpose of this study is to evaluate the flexural strength of implant fixed prosthesis using fiber reinforced composite. Material and methods : 2-implant fixture were placed in second premolar and second molar area in edentulous mandibular model, and their abutments were placed, and bridge prostheses using gold, PFG, Tescera, and Targis Vectris were fabricated. Tescera was made in 5 different designs with different supplements. Group I was composed by 3 bars with diameter 1.0mm and 5 meshes, 2 bars and 5 meshes for Group II, 1 bar and 5 meshes for Group III, and only 5 meshes were used for Group IV. And Group V is composed by only 3 bars. Resin (Tescera) facing was made to buccal part of pontic of gold bridge. All of gold and PFG bridges were made on one model, 5 Targis Vectris bridges were also made on one model, and 25 Tescera bridges were. made on 3 models. Each bridge was attached to the test model by temporary cement and shallow depression was formed near central fossa of the bridge pontic to let 5 mm metal ball not move. Flexual strength was marked in graph by INSTRON. Results : The results of the study are as follows. The initial crack strength was the highest on PFG. and in order of gold bridge Tescera I, Tescera II, Targis vectris, Tescera IV, Tescera III, and Tescera V. The maximum strength was the highest on gold bridge, and in order of PFG, Tescera I, Tescera IV Tescera II, Targis vectris, Tescera III, and Tescera V. Conculsions : The following conclusions were drawn from the results of this study. 1. Flextural strength of implant prosthesis using fiber reinforced composite was higher than average posterior occlusal force. 2. In initial crack strength, Tescera I was stronger than Tescera V, and weaker than PFG. 3. Kinds and number of auxillary components had an effect on maximum strength, and maximum strength was increased as number of auxillary components increased. 4 Maximum strength of Tescera I was higher than Targis vectris, and lower than PFG.


  • Park Won-Kyu;Woo Yi-Hyung;Choi Boo-Byung;Lee Sung-Bok
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • 제41권1호
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2003
  • The surface of metals should be as smooth as possible for optimum comfort, oral hygiene, low plaque retention, and resistance to corrosion. In this study five specimens of each precious metal(type III gold alloy, ceramic gold alloy, and Ag-Pd alloy) were divided into five groups according to finishing and polishing procedures : group 1(sandblaster), group 2(group 1+stone), group 3(group 2+brown rubber), group 4(group 3+green rubber), and group 5(group 4+rouge). Six specimens of each non-precious metal(Co-Cr alloy, Ni-Cr alloy, and Co-Cr-Ti alloy) were divided into six groups: group 1(sandblaster), group 2(group 1+hard stone), group 3(group 2+electrolytic polisher), group 4(group 3+brown hard rubber point), group 5(group 4+green hard rubber point), and group 6(group 5+rouge). Considering factors affecting the rate of abrasion, the same dentist applied each finishing and polishing procedure. In addition, the surface roughness of enamel, resin, and porcelain was evaluated. The effect of finishing and polishing procedures on surface roughness of precious and non-precious metals, enamel, resin, and porcelain was evaluated by means of Atomic Force Microscope(AutoProbe CP. Park Scientific Instruments, U.S.A.) that can image the three dimensional surface profile and measure average surface roughness values of each sample at the same time. The obtained results were as follows : 1. According to finishing and polishing procedures, the surface roughness of type III gold alloy, ceramic gold alloy, and Ag-Pd alloy was decreased in the order of group 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (P<0.01). 2. According to finishing and polishing procedures. the surface roughness of Co-Cr alloy, Ni-Cr alloy, and Co-Cr-Ti alloy was decreased in the order of group 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (p<0.01). 3. There was not statistically significant difference in the surface roughness among three metals of precious metals in group 1 but was significant difference in group 2, 3, 4, and 5 (P<0.05). 4. There was not statistically significant difference in the surface roughness among three metals of non-precious metals in all groups. 5. When the surface roughness of the smoothest surface of each metal, enamel. porcelain, and resin was compared, porcelain was the smoothest and the surface roughness was decreased in the order of Ni-Cr alloy. Co-Cr alloy. Co-Cr-Ti alloy, resin. Ag-Pd alloy, ceramic gold alloy type III gold alloy, and enamel (P<0.01). The results of this study indicate that the finishing and polishing procedures should be carried out in a logical, systematic sequence of steps and the harder non-precious metals may be less resistance to abrasion than are the softer precious metals.

Electrochemical Stability of Co-Mo and Ni-Mo Intermetallic Compound Electrodes for Hydrogen Electrode of Alkaline Fuel Cell (알칼리형 연료전지의 수소극용 Co-Mo 및 Ni-Mo 금속간화합물 전극의 전기화학적 안정성)

  • Lee C. R.;Kang S. G.
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • 제2권3호
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    • pp.150-155
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    • 1999
  • The Electrochemical stabilities of the Brewer-Engel type intermetallic compounds of Co-Mo $(35 wt\%)$ and Ni-Mo$(35 wt\%)$ manufactured by the arc-melting method for the hydrogen electrode of $H_2-O_2$ alkaline fuel cell were investigated. Effects of temperature and concentration on the electrochemical behavior of the electrodes in the $80^{\circ}C$ 6 N KOH solution deaerated with $N_2$ gas were studied by electrochemical methods. The effect of overpotential on the electrochemical stabilities of Co-Mo and Ni-Mo intermetallic compounds was also discussed under the normal operation condition of AFC. It was shown that Co-Mo electrode had lower electrochemical stability as compared to Ni-Mo. In the case of Co-Mo electrode, a simultaneous dissolution of cobalt and molybdenum has occurred at low anodic overpotential form equilibrium hydrogen electrode potential, but the dissolution of cobalt was serious, and Co(OH)l layer on the electrode surface formed at the high anodic overpotential. In contrast the Ni-Mo electrode had high electrochemical stability because formation of the dense and thin protective $Ni(OH)_2$ layer prevented the dissolution of molybdenum.

Studies on Carbonation of Concrete with Low-Calcium Fly Ash and Blast Furnace Slag (플라이 애쉬 및 고로수쇄(高爐水碎)슬래그를 혼화(混和)한 콘크리트의 중성화(中性化)에 관한 연구(研究))

  • Nagataki, Shigeyoshi;Kim, Eun Kyum;Ohga, Hiroyuki
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.229-240
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    • 1987
  • Carbonation of concrete is one type of a chemical process. The reaction mechanism is very complex for the case when low-calcium fly ash and blast furnace slag is added. When fly ash and blast furnace slag is used as an admixture in concrete, they improve compressive strength in the long term, permeability and chemical resistance of concrete by a pozzolanic reaction and latent hydraulic property. On the other hand, the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash and latent hydraulic property of the blast furance slag leads to a reduction of the alkalinity of the concrete. It has been pointed out that this will accelerate the carbonation of the concrete and the corrosion of reinforcement steel embedded in the concrete. In order to clarify the effect of fly ash and blast furance slag on the carbonation of concrete, an accelerated carbonation testing of concrete was carried out by varying the conditions of concrete and the initial curing period in water. The test results of accelerated carbonation were compared to the carbonation test results of concrete stored for 15 years in open air, but protected from rain. As a result, the equation for the rate of carbonation based on compressive strength of concrete was proposed.

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Assessment of Metal Pollution of Road-Deposited Sediments and Marine Sediments Around Gwangyang Bay, Korea (광양만 내 도로축적퇴적물 및 해양퇴적물의 금속 오염 평가)

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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.42-53
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    • 2020
  • In this study, heavy metal in road-deposited sediments (RDS) and marine sediment around Gwangyang Bay area have been investigated to assess the pollution status of metals and to understand the environmental impact of RDS as a potential source of metal pollution. Zn concentration for <63 ㎛ size fraction was the highest (2,982 mg/kg), followed by Cr, Ni, Pb, Cu, As, Cd, and Hg. Metal concentrations in RDS increased with decreasing particle size and relatively higher concentrations were observed around the metal waste and recycling facilities. For particle size in RDS smaller than 125 ㎛, EF values indicated that Zn was very high enrichment and Cr, Cd, Pb were significant enrichment. The concentrations of metals in marine sediments were mostly below the TEL value of sediment quality guidelines of Korea. However, the Zn concentrations has increased by 30~40% compared to 2010 year. The amounts of Zn, Cd and Pb in less than 125 ㎛ fraction where heavy metals can be easily transported by stormwater runoff accounted for 54% of the total RDS. The study area was greatly affected by Zn pollution due to corrosion of Zn plating materials by traffic activity as well as artificial activities related to the container logistics at Gwangyang container terminal. The fine particles of RDS are not only easily resuspended by wind and vehicle movement, but are also transported to the surrounding environments by runoff. Therefore, further research is needed on the adverse effects on the environment and ecosystem.

Study on the Flame Retardation and Thermal Resistance for CPE Rubber Material Added Etching By-product of Aluminum (알루미늄 엣칭부산물을 첨가한 CPE 고무재료의 난연성 및 내열성 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung Hwan;Lee, Chang Seop
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제45권4호
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    • pp.341-350
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    • 2001
  • Aluminum Hydroxide was employed as a thermal retardent and flame retardent for Chloropolyethylene (CPE) rubbery materials which is the construction material of automotive oil cooler hose. and then cure characteristics, physical properties, thermal resistance and flame retardation of compounded rubber were investigated, and optimum mixing conditions of rubber and flame retarding agent were deduced from the experimental results. CPE rubber material which has excellent properties of chemical corrosion resistance and cold resistance and inexpensive in price was used to prepare rubber specimen. The by-product of ething, produced from the process of surface treatment of aluminum was processed to aluminum hydroxide via crushing and purification, which is characterized by XRD, PSA, SEM and ICP-AES techniques in terms of phase, size, distribution, morphology and components of particles and then mixed to CPE rubber materials in the range of 0~80 phr. Hardness, tensile strength, elongation and thermal properties of compounded rubber specimens were tested. The optimum mixing ratio of rubber to additives to give maximum effect on thermal resistance and flame retardation, within the range of tolerable specification for rubber materials, was determined to be 40 phr. The flame retardation of CPE rubber materials was found to be increased by 5 times at this mixing ratio.

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A Study on Expansion Possibility of Treatment Capacity in Public Livestock Manure Treatment Plant Integrated Individual Farmhouses (개별농가와 연계한 가축분뇨 공공처리시설의 처리용량 확대 가능성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, J.H.;Kim, J.H.;Park, C.H.;Kwag, J.H.;Choi, D.Y.;Jeong, K.H.;Chung, U.S.;Yoo, Y.H.;Chung, M.S.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.281-288
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this study is to predict the expansion possibility of treatment capacity in public livestock manure treatment plant (PLMTP) integrated individual farmhouses. According to the treatment efficiency and cost reducing effect, expansion possibility was examined using three cases; (i) decrease of influent concentration from 20,000 mg/L BOD to 1,000 mg/L BOD, (ii) maintenance of low concentration influent with minimum revising existing facilities (BIOSUF) and (iii) maintenance of low concentration influent without revising existing facilities (liquid corrosion method, LCM). In BIOSUF, the treatment capacity increased from 130 ton/day to 300 ton/day. Also, LCM resulted in expansion of treatment capacity from 210 ton/day to 250 ton/day while that of designed concentration influent decreased from 210 ton/day to 190 ton/day. The treatment costs were 14,674 won/ton and 9,929 won/ton for BIOSUF and LCM, respectively. After some revisions, it will be changed to 7,221 won/ton and 8,277 won/ton. Therefore, it must be considered that the livestock manure treats to low concentration and flows into PLMTP for the efficient operation and reducing treatment cost.

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A Study on the Wear Characteristics of Aluminizing Steel ( 1 ) - Wear in Run-in Period on Rolling-Sliding Contact - (알루미나이징 강의 마모특성에 관한 연구 ( 1 ) - Rolling-Sliding 마찰의 초기마모영역을 중심으로 -)

  • 이규용
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 1978
  • It is well known that the aluminizing steel is excellent in corrosion resistance and heat resistance. Therefore it has been used as boiler parts, heat exchanger parts and guide rails which are used under comparatively simple conditions. Recently, it has been noticed that aluminizing steel has high resistance to various atmosphere, high temperature oxidation and seawater resistance. So its usage has been extended widely to the production of parts such as intake and exhaust valve of internal combustion engine, turbine blade and pipelines On ships which required such properties. It is considered that aluminium coated steel is excellent in wear resistance because of high hardness on main ingredient FezAIs of Fe-AI alloy layer existed in diffusion coating layer. And it will beused as a new material taking wear resitance with seawater resistance in marine field. However it is difficult to findout any report concering the wear behaviors or properties of alum in izing steel. In this study the experiment was carried out under the condition of rolling-sliding contact using an Amsler-type wear testing machine at 0.80, 0.91, 1. 10, 1. 25% of slip ratio and 55.43, 78.38, 110.85 kg/mm^2 of Hertz's contact stress in run-in period for the purpose of service-ability test of aluminizing steel as a wear resisting material and obtaining the available design data. The followings are the obtained results from the experimen tal study; 1) The 2nd diffusion material has most excellent wear resistance. This material has brought out about 18% decrease of wear weight in a lower friction load level and 40~G decrease in a higher level comparing to the raw material. 2) Satisfactory effect of wear resistivity cannot be much expected in 2nd diffusion specimens. This is considered due to the formation of fine void in the alloy layer near the boundary to the aluminium layer. 3) Fracture on friction surface of aluminizing steel by the rolling-sliding contact is spalling, and spalling crack occurres initially beneath the specimen surface near the boundary in diffusion coating layer.

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