• Title/Summary/Keyword: corrosion effect

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Experimental Study on Compressive Strength of Concrete Column Retrofitted by Carbon FRP Sheet (탄소섬유시트로 보강된 콘크리트 기둥의 압축성능 평가를 위한 실험연구)

  • Yoo, Youn-Jong;Lee, Kyoung-Hun;Kim, Heecheul;Lee, Young-Hak;Hong, Won-Kee
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2008
  • In 1980 and 1990's most of residential buildings were constructed with relatively low strength concrete of 18 MPa. And, columns were designed considering only vertical loads. In this study, compressive strength tests for low strength RC columns retrofitted by carbon fiber sheets were carried out. Carbon fiber sheet provides constructability and high tensile strength as well as good corrosion resistance characteristics. A pair of carbon sheets were wrapped with ${\pm}60^{\circ}$ angle with respect to longitudinal direction of RC column to increase structural capacity against axial and lateral load simultaneously. Strength and strain patterns and failure modes of specimens were analyzed and prediction equation of increased compressive strength of RC column confined by carbon fiber sheet was proposed based on regression analysis.

The effect of zinc, iron and manganese content on gamma shielding properties of magnesium-based alloys produced using the powder metallurgy

  • Mesut Ramazan Ekici;Emre Tabar;Gamze Hosgor;Emrah Bulut ;Ahmet Atasoy
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.9
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    • pp.3872-3883
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    • 2024
  • This study investigates the effects of Zinc (Zn), Manganese (Mn), and Iron (Fe) additions on the microstructure, corrosion behaviour, biocompatibility, mechanical, and gamma-ray shielding properties of Magnesium (Mg) alloys prepared in various compositions using powder metallurgy (PM). The microstructure and mechanical properties of these alloys were analyzed using electron microscopes (SEM and FE-SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) methods. The results showed positive changes in the material's structure when the percentage of zinc added to pure magnesium increased. It was observed that the material became ductile, and the ductile fracture increased when the zinc ratio increased. The gamma-ray shielding properties of newly produced Mg-based alloys have also been discussed since they have a high potential for use in space technologies. Radiation shielding measurements have been performed using a 3" × 3" NaI(Tl) scintillation detector NaI (Tl) gamma-ray spectrometer. The gamma-ray shielding parameters such as the linear attenuation coefficients (μl), mass attenuation coefficient (μm), effective atomic number (Zeff), half-value layer (HVL), and tenth-value layer (TVL) have been determined experimentally at photon energies of 0.511 MeV (emitted from a22Na radioactive point source) and 1.173 MeV and 1.332 MeV (emitting from a60Co radioactive point source). The obtained parameters have been compared to the theoretical results of the XCOM software, and a satisfactory agreement has been found. It can be said from the results that the Mg30Zn alloy has the best shielding properties among the produced materials.

Evaluation of Chloride and Chemical Resistance of High Performance Mortar Mixed with Mineral Admixture (광물성 혼화재료를 혼입한 고성능 모르타르의 염해 및 화학저항성 평가)

  • Lee, Kyeo-Re;Han, Seung-Yeon;Choi, Sung-Yong;Yun, Kyong-Ku
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.618-625
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    • 2018
  • With the passing of time, exposed concrete structures are affected by a range of environmental, chemical, and physical factors. These factors seep into the concrete and have a deleterious influence compared to the initial performance. The importance of identifying and preventing further performance degradation due to the occurrence of deterioration has been greatly emphasized. In recent years, evaluations of the target life have attracted increasing interest. During the freezing-melting effect, a part of the concrete undergoes swelling and shrinking repeatedly. At these times, chloride ions present in seawater penetrate into the concrete, and accelerate the deterioration due to the corrosion of reinforced bars in the concrete structures. For that reason, concrete structures located onshore with a freezing-melting effect are more prone to this type of deterioration than inland structures. The aim of this study was to develop a high performance mortar mixed with a mineral admixture for the durability properties of concrete structures near sea water. In addition, experimental studies were carried out on the strength and durability of mortar. The mixing ratio of the silica fume and meta kaolin was 3, 7 and 10 %, respectively. Furthermore, the ultra-fine fly ash was mixed at 5, 10, 15, and 20%. The mortar specimens prepared by mixing the admixtures were subjected to a static strength test on the 1st and 28th days of age and degradation acceleration tests, such as the chloride ion penetration resistance test, sulfuric acid resistance test, and salt resistant test, were carried out at 28 days of age. The chloride diffusion coefficient was calculated from a series of rapid chloride penetration tests, and used to estimate the life time against corrosion due to chloride ion penetration according to the KCI, ACI, and FIB codes. The life time of mortar with 10% meta kaolin was the longest with a service life of approximately 470 years according to the KCI code.

Evaluation of Tensile Material Properties and Confined Performance of GFRP Composite Due to Temperature Elevation (콘크리트 횡구속용 GFRP 보강재의 온도변화에 따른 인장 재료특성 및 구속성능 평가)

  • Jung, Woo-Young;Kim, Jin-Sup;Kwon, Min-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.3562-3569
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    • 2013
  • The performance of concrete structure decreases with change in time and the external environment. In order to reinforce the structure, the research about new material development and application of newly developed materials are widely conducted. In the case of composite FRP, it received good attention in the academia due to its high intensity-weight ratio, excellent corrosion resistency as well as good workability. When applying at the construction field, however, the utilization of FRP did not increase as much due to lack of reliability and design standard. Current study investigated the material characteristics during the temperature change at high temperature and the structural behavior from restraint effect for GFRP reinforcing materials. Two experimental variables were set in this study: GFRP reinforcements due to tensile properties of temperature and restraint compression effects. Three concrete specimen were selected for each set temperatures. For this reason, as a variable to experiment with the effects confined compression concrete members value and tensile properties with temperature reinforcement GFRP, experiment produced three pieces each for each set temperature, the concrete specimen, which is confined in the GFRP was selected each I did. For the temperature change during the experiment, the concrete specimen were mounted in order to expose to experimental high temperature for certain period of time. For compression performance evaluation, reinforcement effect from horizontal constraint of the fiber were measured using an Universal Material Testing Machine (UTM). Finally, this study revealed that the binding characteristics of GFRP materials from temperature change decreased. Also, this study showed that the maximum compression intensity decreased as the temperature increased up to $150^{\circ}C$ in the constraints ability of the GFRP reinforcements during the horizontal constraint of concrete.

A Fundamental Study on the Effect to Build up a Vegetation Strip at Stream Confluence by Using Reed Mat (하천합류부에서 갈대매트를 이용한 하천식생대 조성에 대한 기초적 연구)

  • Chung, Kyung-Jin;Kim, Mi-Kyeong;An, Won-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.62-73
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    • 2003
  • The study was to apply a mat style reed planting method at confluence to improve plants growth conditions by relaxing disturbed topographical base due to water flow and was intended to review the effect to build up a vegetation strip by monitoring process after the construction. First off, We've attempted to construct reed mats on selected sites as confluences of Tan and Gaehwa stream and then examined and analyzed characteristics of soil and vegetation community. As the results of the examination, the soil texture was proven to be a mix of sand and loamy sand and be 6.3 ~ 7.0 soil pH. In addition, it contained 1.0 ~ 4.6% of organic matter, 0.04 ~ 0.22% of T-N and 27.8 ~ 41.2% of water content. For its vegetation structure, the Tan stream confluence was first actually a point bar without plants prior to the construction but 8 kinds of hygrophytes including Persicaria hydropiper and 9 kinds of terrestrial plants such as Potentilla supina, Artemisia annua, and Alopecurus aequalis var. amurensis. On the other hand, the Gaehwa stream confluence contained 6 kinds of hygrophytes such as Bidens frondosa and other 11 kinds of terrestrial plants prior to the construction while it produced 7 kinds of hygrophytes including Ranunculus ternatus as well as Phragmites australis and 9 kinds of terrestrial plants such as Potentilla supina after the construction. For the Phragmites australis, almost of them was weathered away in early days just after planting because of development period passed, but on May, six months later from planting, it was investigated that its length was approximated as 65 ~ 85cm with 75% coverage and that the number of it was 437 ~ 633/$m^2$. The study was shown that reed mats can improve environmental conditions of disturbed topographical base, enabling natural growth of various riparian vegetation including the introduced plant, reed. In the meantime, it was supposedly judged that to recover or build up a vegetarian strip, supplementary materials should be prepared to help produce and grow plants because it is not probable to expect river drift by water flow at confluence and that corrosion, burying or inundation owing to changes of water lever should be considered.

Effect of operating temperature using Ni-Al-$ZrH_2$ anode in molten carbonate fuel cell (Ni-Al-$ZrH_2$ 연료극을 사용한 용융탄산염 연료전지의 온도의 영향)

  • Seo, Dongho;Jang, Seongcheol;Yoon, Sungpil;Nam, Suk Woo;Oh, In-Hwan;Lim, Tae-Hoon;Hong, Seong-Ahn;Han, Jonghee
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.134-134
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    • 2010
  • Fuel cell is a device that directly converts chemical energy in the form of a fuel into electrical energy by way of an electrochemical reaction. In the anode for a high temperature fuel cell, nickel or nickel alloy has been used in consideration of the cost, oxidation catalystic ability of hydrogen which is used as fuel, electron conductivity, and high temperature stability in reducing atmosphere. Most MCFC stacks currently operate at an average temperature of $650^{\circ}C$. There is some gains with decreased temperature in MCFC to diminish the electrolyte loss from evaporation and the material corrosion, which could improve the MCFC life. However, operating temperature has a strong related on a number of electrode reaction rates and ohmic losses. Baker et al. reported the effect of temperature (575 to $650^{\circ}C$). The rates of cell voltage loss were 1.4mV/$^{\circ}C$ for a reduction in temperature from 650 to $600^{\circ}C$, and 2.16mV/$^{\circ}C$ for a decrease from 600 to $575^{\circ}C$. The two major contributors responsible for the change in cell voltage with reducing operation temperature are the ohmic polarization and electrode polarization. It appears that in the temperature range of 550 to $650^{\circ}C$, about 1/3 of the total change in cell voltage with decreasing temperature is due to an increase in ohmic polarization, and the electrode polarization at the anode and cathode. In addition, the oxidation reaction of hydrogen on an ordinary nickel alloy anode in MCFC is generally considered to take place in the three phase zone, but anyway the area contributing to this reaction is limited. Therefore, in order to maintain a high performance of the fuel cell, it is necessary to keep this reaction responsible area as wide as possible, that is, it is needed to keep the porosity and specific surface area of the anode at a high level. In this study effective anodes are prepared for low temperature MCFC capable of enhancing the cell performance by using zirconium hydride at least in part of anode material.

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CO2/CH4 Separation in Metal-organic Frameworks: Flexibility or Open Metal Sites? (금속-유기 골격체를 이용한 CO2/CH4 분리: 플렉서블 효과와 강한 흡착 사이트 비교 연구)

  • Jung, Minji;Oh, Hyunchul
    • Membrane Journal
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.136-141
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    • 2018
  • Carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) exists not only as a component of natural gas, biogas, and landfill gas, but also as a major combustion product of fossil fuels which leads to a major contributor to greenhouse gases. Hence it is essential to reduce or eliminate carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) in order to obtain high fuel efficiency of internal combustion engine, to prevent corrosion of gas transportation system, and to cope with climate change preemptively. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in not only conventional membrane-based separation but also new adsorbent-based separation technology. Particularly, in the case of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), it has been received tremendous attentions due to its unique properties (eg : flexibility, gate effect or strong binding site such as open metal sites) which are different from those of typical porous adsorbents. Therefore, in this study, stereotype of two MOFs have been selected as its flexible MOFs (MIL-53) representative and numerous open metal sites MOFs (MOF-74) representative, and compared each other for $CO_2/CH_4$ separation performance. Furthermore, varying and changeable separation performance conditions depending on the temperature, pressure or samples' unique properties are discussed.

Analytical Research on Flexural Strengthened by FREP of RC Structure (RC 구조물의 FREP 휨 보강을 위한 해석적 연구)

  • Kang Sung-Hoo;Park Sun-Joon;Kim Min-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.16 no.4 s.82
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    • pp.493-500
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    • 2004
  • FREP(Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Panel) are used for strengthening the damaged RC beams due to its good tensile strength, low weight, resistance to corrosion, and easy applicability. This study sets up structure equation for FREP bending reinforcement before and during the usage of RC beam. It finds the difference and finds the mechanical characteristics of rip-off failure that is caused by stress concentration in reinforcement material cutting part to estimate the performance of bending reinforcement. The result of this research can be summarized as two main consequences. The main failure of FREP reinforced concrete beam is rip-off failure and it evaluated rip-off failure of RC reinforcing bean based on the test and analytical conditions of this study. It found that stress was concentrated due to rapid change of bending rigidity in reinforced cutting part as a result of excessive reinforcement thickness of FREP. It resulted in rip-off failure. It means that it should evaluate the rip-off failure when designing reinforcement. It analyzed the reinforcement effect according to reinforced period for FREP. It found that reinforcement effect of P-Type that was reinforced during the usage decreased compared to I-Type that was reinforced before the usage. So when reinforcing a existing structure that is being used, it should consider the stress that is produced due to the fixed load.

Improvement of Durability and Change of Pore Structure for Concrete Surface by the Penetrative Surface Protection Agent (함침계 표면보호제에 의한 콘크리트 표면의 세공구조 변화 및 내구성 향상)

  • Kang, Suk-Pyo;Kim, Jung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.18 no.1 s.91
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2006
  • Recently, surface finishing and protection materials were developed to restore performance of the deteriorated concrete and inhibiting corrosion of the reinforcing-bar. For this purpose, surface protection agent as well as coatings are used. Coatings have the advantage of low Permeability of $CO_2,\;SO_2$ and water. However, for coatings such as epoxy, urethane and acryl, long-term adhesive strength is reduced and the formed membrane of those is blistered by various causes. Also when organic coatings are applied to the wet surface of concrete, those have a problem with adhesion. On the other hand, surface protection agent penetrates into pore structure in concrete through capillary and cm make a dense micro structure in concrete as a result of filling effect. Furthermore, the chemical reaction between silicate from surface protection agent and cement hydrates can also make a additional hydration product which is ideally compatible with concrete body. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of penetrative surface protection agent(SPA) by evaluating several concrete durability characteristics. The results show that the concrete penetrated surface protection agent exhibited higher durability characteristics for instance, carbonation velocity coefficient, resistance to chemical attack and chloride ion penetration than the plain concrete. These results due to formation of a discontinuous macro-pore system which inhibits deterioration factors of concrete by changed the pore structure(porosity and pore size distributions) of the concrete penetrated surface protection agent.

Effect of Micro-Cracks on Chloride Ions Penetration of Concrete: Phonomenological Model (미세균열이 콘크리트의 염소이온 침투에 미치는 영향: 현상학적 모델)

  • Yoon, In-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2007
  • Over the past few decades, considerable numbers of studies on the durability of concrete have been carried out extensively. A lot of improvements have been achieved especially in both measuring techniques as well as modeling of ionic flows. However, the majority of these researches have been performed on sound uncracked concrete, although most of in-situ concrete structures have more or less micro-cracks. It is only recent approach that the attention has shifted towards the influence of cracks and crack width on the penetration of chloride into concrete. The penetration of chlorides into concrete through the cracks can make a significant harmful effect on reinforcement corrosion. On the other hand, a general acceptable crack width of 0.3 mm has been recognized for keeping the serviceability of concrete structures in accordance with a lot of codes. However, there seems to be rare established description to explain the critical crack width in terms of the durability of concrete. To make a bad situation worse, there is little agreement on critical crack width among a few of literatures for this issue. Critical crack width is still controversial problem. Nevertheless, since the critical crack width is important key for healthy assessment of concrete structures exposed to marine environment, it should be established. The objective of this study is to define a critical crack width. The critical crack width in this study is designed for a threshold crack width, which contributes to the first variation of chloride diffusion coefficient in responsive to the existence of cracks. A simple solution is formulated to realize the quantifiable parameter, chloride diffusion coefficient for only cracked zone excluding sound concrete. From the examination on the trend of chloride diffusion coefficient of only cracked zone for various crack widths, a critical crack width is founded out.