• Title/Summary/Keyword: conditional welfare recipients

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A Study of Labor Entry of Conditional Welfare Recipients : An Exploration of the Predictors (취업대상 조건부수급자의 경제적 자활로의 진입에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyo-Seong;Kang, Chul-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.52
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    • pp.5-32
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    • 2003
  • This paper examines the labor entry of conditional welfare recipients. This paper focuses on two questions. First, what is the percentage of conditional welfare recipients who have labor entry? Second, what are the predictors in the labor entry and the duration to the entry? Using Data about 917 welfare recipients who participated in the self-sufficiency programs of the Offices for Secure Employment in Seoul, this paper attempts to answer the above questions. Logistic regression analysis and survival analysis are adopted to identify variables predicting labor entry of conditional welfare recipients. This paper also utilizes a multiple imputation method to deal with the limitation of data by the missing values in some variables. The major findings are as follows: about 43.8% of the conditional welfare recipients have successful labor entry; and in the labor entry and the duration to the entry, gender, household, information and referral services for employment, health and willingness for self-sufficiency are the predictors that are statistically significant. Among these variables, health and willingness for self-sufficiency are more noticeable; it is recognized that programs to care for health of welfare recipients who want to have the labor entry and counseling programs to strengthen welfare recipients' willingness for labor entry are very important for them to be successful in the labor entry. This paper provides a basic knowledge about realities of the conditional welfare recipients' labor entry, identifies research areas for further research, and develops policy implications for their self-sufficiency.

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The Application of Case Management to the Self-support Program (자활사업에서의 사례관리 적용에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Hong, Seon-Mee
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.311-326
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    • 2004
  • This article focuses on the use of case management in the Self-support program. Case management is a service modality which provides integrated services for people with multiple needs in the community. The goal to accomplish self-sufficiency of working participants in Self-Support Programs is positively affected by the efforts to reduce high social risks they are exposed. It is recommended that the agencies running Self-support programs apply case management to increase the quality of lives as well as the effectiveness of exiting statuses of conditional welfare recipients. Several service considerations of case management are recommended for the change in the structure and functioning of the Self-Support Program: Integrated view and contextualized thinking, empowerment-oriented approach, and a development of the community support system through networking. Types of case management and practice roles of the case manager applicable to the Self-Support Program are also recommended. Structural aspects of an organization, inter-organizational linkages and contextual factors need to be considered to improve problematic conditions that have not enough resources and appropriate authorities in providing case management functions.

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