• Title/Summary/Keyword: concrete deterioration

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Image analysis of an air void system in hardened concrete (경화콘크리트 내부의 기포분포상태 분석에 관한 연구)

  • 김기철;정재동
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 1998.10b
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    • pp.791-796
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    • 1998
  • Air voids existed in hardened concrete have an important influence on concrete deterioration such as carbonation, freezing and thawing, and corrosion of embedded steel in concrete. Therefore it is very significant to investigate the pore structure of system(size, number and continuity of air voids) to solve the reason caused concrete deterioration. The purpose of this study is to develop the standard method of measuring air voids which affect properties in hardened concrete using image analyzing system. This paper presents the settlement of rapid and exact experimental method which extracts fine bubbles, calculates the number of air voids, and determines air-void distribution using image analyzing system with computer.

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A Study on Analysis Technique for Chloride Penetration in Cracked Concrete under Combined Deterioration (복합열화에 노출된 균열부 콘크리트 내의 염화물 침투 해석 기법에 대한 연구)

  • Kwon, Seung-Jun;Song, Ha-Won;Byun, Keun-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.359-366
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    • 2007
  • Recently, analysis researches on durability are focused on chloride attack and carbonation due to increased social and engineering significance. Generally, chloride penetration and carbonation occur simultaneously except for in submerged condition and chloride behavior in carbonated concrete is evaluated to be different from that in normal concrete. Furthermore, if unavoidable crack occurs in concrete, it influences not only single attack but also coupled deterioration more severely. This is a study on analysis technique with system dynamics for chloride penetration in concrete structures exposed to coupled chloride attack and carbonation through chloride diffusion, permeation, and carbonation reaction. For the purpose, a modeling for chloride behavior considering diffusion and permeation is performed through previous models for early-aged concrete such as MCHHM (multi component hydration heat model) and MPSFM (micro pore structure formation). Then model for combined deterioration is developed considering changed characteristics such as pore distribution, saturation and dissociation of bound chloride content under carbonation. The developed model is verified through comparison with previous experimental data. Additionally, simulation for combined deterioration in cracked concrete is carried out through utilizing previously developed models for chloride penetration and carbonation in cracked concrete. From the simulated results, CCTZ (chloride-carbonation transition zone) for evaluating combined deterioration is proposed. It is numerically verified that concrete with slag has better resistance to combined deterioration than concrete with OPC in sound and cracked concrete.

Resistance to Freezing and Thawing of Concrete Subjected to Carbonation (탄산화를 받은 콘크리트의 동결융해 저항성)

  • Lee, Seung-Tae;Park, Kwang-Pil
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.623-631
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the degree of deterioration of concrete was investigated in the laboratory under conditions of carbonation and freeze-thaw cycling, which are the major causes of the deterioration of its performance. In this test, the carbonated concrete was subjected to combined freeze-thaw deterioration tests for up to 300 cycles, and its dynamic elastic modulus and compressive strength were measured. The evaluation of the effect of the water-binder ratio on normal concrete subjected to combined carbonization and freezing-thawing showed that its resistibility against such combined deterioration decreased more rapidly in the concrete with a water-binder ratio of 55 % compared with that having a water-binder ratio of 35 %. In the case where the concrete was blended with a mineral admixture consisting of fly ash and blast furnace slag at the same water-binder ratio, it showed an increase of its resistibility against combined deterioration.

Deterioration of Concrete Columns under Sea-Water and Strengthening Analysis (해수중 콘크리트 기둥의 열화 및 보강성능해석)

  • 김규엽;송하원;변근주
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.1169-1174
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    • 2001
  • In this study, the behavior of deteriorated concrete columns under sea-water before and after strengthening with glass fiber composite and the change of behavior by the deterioration of strengthening material are analyzed. In the analysis, the characteristics of concrete deteriorated in sea-water, preloading effect, and corrosion of steel are considered. The result of analysis is verified by the comparison with the experimental data. Using constitutive equations of the concrete and corroded steel, load-moment interaction curves of both deteriorated and strengthened concrete column are derived.

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Development of an Inspection and Repair Manual for Concrete Cracks (콘크리트 균열 진단 보수 전자매뉴얼)

  • Oh, Kwang-Chin;Ahn, Sang-Ku;An, Dong-Geun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.558-561
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    • 2006
  • In many case, reinforced concrete structures are deteriorated by construction errors, design errors, settlement and movement, and weathering. The diagnose and repair of concrete deterioration is important for effective management of concrete structures. This manual is to provides guideline on evaluating the deterioration of the concrete in a structure and selecting an appropriate repair material and method.

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Deterioration Factors of Agricultural Hydraulic Structures (농수로 구조물의 내구성 저하 요인)

  • 조성현;김진만;김기동;고만기;김종옥
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.647-650
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    • 1999
  • Deterioration of agricultural hydraulic structures(AHS), which are under harsh environmental conditions, is more sever than other ordinary structures. To investigate the deterioration factors of AHS, various physical and chemical analyses are performed. The porosity of AHS increases more rapidly than ordinary structures because they are subject to frequent water permeation and water-soluble materials are easily emitted to surface area. Thus, AHS are tend to be damaged by freezing and thawing more easily due to the increase of water containment inside concrete.

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  • Cho, Myung-Sug;Noh, Jea-Myoung;Song, Young-Chul
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.41 no.8
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    • pp.1127-1134
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    • 2009
  • Concrete has three major properties after a penetration-reinforcing agent is applied on its surface. First, the durability is improved by the sol-gel process of synthesized material from the polycondensation of TEOS (tetra-ethoxyorthosilicate) and acrylate monomer. Second, the capability to absorb impact energy is reinforced through the formation of a soft and flexible layer of organic monomers by Tea (Tetra Ethyl Amin). Third, the capability to prevent deterioration is enhanced by adding isobutyl-orthosilicate and alcohol. The performance and application of an agent developed through the synthesis of organic and inorganic material in an effort to prevent concrete from deterioration and improve the durability of concrete structures were verified in diverse experiments. The results of these experiments showed that the application of the proposed penetration-reinforcing agent has the effect of increasing the compressive strength by filling up the internal pores of concrete with physically and chemically stable compounds after penetrating the concrete. It also improves the durability against the deterioration factors such as salt water damage, carbonation, freezing and thawing, and compound deterioration. Therefore, it is confirmed that the penetration-reinforcing agent is a useful substance for the management and repair of concrete structures.

Evaluation of Applicability of penetrating-type Nano-Coat for Preventing Deterioration of Concrete (침투형 Nano-Coat를 이용한 콘크리트 열화 방지 적용성 평가)

  • Lee, Jun Hee;Kim, Jo Soon;Sim, Yang Mo;Lee, Seung Woo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2017
  • PURPOSES : Infiltration of moisture, polluted material, and deicer into concrete, accompanied by freeze and thaw can cause significant deterioration of concrete pavement. In order to protect concrete from deterioration, it is necessary to prevent the infiltration of these concrete external materials. The moisture-repellent agent, which is a surface treatment and maintenance material added to concrete structures to render them water resistant, has advantages such as prevention of water infiltration and security against air permeation. Nano-coat, which is referred to as silicon hydride, is typically used as a moisture-repellent agent. Therefore, in this study, an attempt is made to use penetration-type Nano-coat as an alternative in order to evaluate its applicability through environmental resistance tests. METHODS : This study aimed to evaluate the applicability of penetration-type Nano-coat, which can provide water repellency to concrete, in concrete pavements, through various environmental resistance tests such as freezing and thawing resistance, chloride ion penetration resistance, and surface scaling resistance tests. The applicability of penetration-type Nano-coat was demonstrated based on the specification of KS F 2711, KS F 2456, and ASTM C 672. RESULTS :In the case of penetration-type Nano-coat applied on sound concrete, an increase in concrete durability was demonstrated by the negligible chloride ion penetrability and the absence of scaling, as revealed by visual observation of the surface, after 50 cycles of scaling resistance test. In addition, test result of the application of penetration-type Nano-coat on deteriorated concrete established that concrete surface pretreated by grinding provided improved durability than non-treated concrete. CONCLUSIONS :This study indicates that penetration-type Nano-coat is applicable as an effective alternative, to increase the durability of concrete structures. In addition, it was known that pretreatment of deteriorated concrete surface, such as grinding, is required to improve the long-term performance of concrete pavement.

Full-waveform Inversion of Ground-penetrating Radar Data for Deterioration Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Bridge (철근 콘크리트 교량의 열화 평가를 위한 지표투과레이더 자료의 완전파형역산)

  • Youngdon Ahn;Yongkyu Choi;Hannuree Jang;Dongkweon Lee;Hangilro Jang;Changsoo Shin
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2024
  • Reinforced concrete bridge decks are the first to be damaged by vehicle loads and rain infiltration. Concrete deterioration primarily occurs owing to the corrosion of rebars and other metal components by chlorides used for snow and ice melting. The structural condition and concrete deterioration of the bridge decks within the pavement were evaluated using ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey data. To evaluate concrete deterioration in bridges, it is necessary to develop GPR data analysis techniques to accurately identify deteriorated locations and rebar positions. GPR exploration involves the acquisition of reflection and diffraction wave signals due to differences in radar wave propagation velocity in geotechnical media. Therefore, a full-waveform inversion (FWI) method was developed to evaluate the deterioration of reinforced concrete bridge decks by estimating the radar wave propagation velocity in geotechnical media using GPR data. Numerical experiments using a GPR velocity model confirmed the deterioration phenomena of bridge decks, such as concrete delamination and rebar corrosion, verifying the applicability of the developed technology. Moreover, using the synthetic GPR data, FWI facilitates the determination of rebar positions and concrete deterioration locations using inverted velocity images.

A Study on the Optimum Mixture for Reducing Combined Deterioration of Eco-Friendly Concrete Using Waste Fibe (폐섬유를 활용한 친환경 바탕 콘크리트의 복합열화 저감 최적 배합에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Geon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.37-38
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    • 2023
  • As one of the resource recovery projects, this study aims to select natural fibers and synthetic fibers that can be used for concrete mixing among waste fibers and reuse them for the base concrete mixture. Using waste fiber, we seek a solution to the problem of reduced fluidity and hardening time of fiber-reinforced concrete and find the optimal mix of the ground concrete mixed with waste fiber.

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