• Title/Summary/Keyword: computer simulation program

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Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal Characteristics of a New Biological Nutrient Removal Process with Pre-Denitrification by Pilot Scale and Computer Simulation Program (선단무산소조를 이용한 영양소제거공정(Bio-NET)의 질소·인 제거 특성)

  • Oh, Young-Khee;Oh, Sung-Min;Hwang, Yenug-Sang;Lee, Kung-Soo;Park, No-Yeon;Ko, Kwang-Baik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.121-132
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    • 2000
  • This study is to investigate the performance of a new BNR process using predenitrification scheme focusing on nitrogen removal and the possibility of adapting a computer simulation scheme in BNR process development. By using a pre-denitrification basin, higher $COD/NO_3-N$ ratio could be sustained in this BNR process. The results of the investigation showed a SDNR value of 9.04mg/gMv/hr. In the anoxic tank, the average value of SPRR of 6.25mgP/gMv/hr was observed to be very sensitive to SCOD load of influents. By calibrating internal parameters (stoichiometric and kinetic parameters) of the simulation model, the results of simulation for various BNR processes gave good agreement with observed data. The major adjustment was given with three parameters, maximum specific growth rate of heterotrophic biomass, short chain fatty acid (SCFA) limit, and phosphorous release rate. With the series of simulations on varying operational conditions, the simulation by computer program can be a useful tool for process selection, and design and operation of municipal wastewater treatment plant.

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Performance Analysis of the the Single Alarm Detector in the Rooms of Single Houses by Computer Simulation (시뮬레이션을 통한 주거공간 단독경보형감지기의 성능 분석)

  • Lim, Geun-Joo;Park, Sang-Cheon;Baek, Eun-Sun
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to examine the performance in the space for a single alarm type detector installed in a single house. Three types of houses were used, including two types of one-story and two-story houses. A computer simulation program was used to predict the sound pressure level in response to the occurrence of an alarm sound in a residential space. The characteristics of the sound source applied to the simulation were directly measured and used as input data. As a result of simulation, it was found that the sound pressure level in the kitchen and living room generally met the standard when the alarm sound of the detector occurred. However, the sound pressure level in the bedroom was predicted to be at least 20 dB (A) lower than the American Fire Protection Association standard of 75 dB (A). Therefore, a plan should be prepared to maintain a sufficient sound level in the bedroom space inside the house, and efforts will be needed to ensure safe evacuation in case of fire by establishing relevant standards.

Prediction of Residual Deformation and Stress Distribution for a Thermo-Elastic-Plastic Beam Using a Simplified Numerical Analysis (간이 수치해석에 의한 열탄소성보의 잔류변형 및 응력분포의 예측)

  • S.H. Jun;K. Choi
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.22-34
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    • 1996
  • Regarding the plate bending process by line heating method, in this study a simplified numerical analysis is performed for a beam model to predict its residual deformation and stress distribution. Using the modified strip theory and beam finite element method, a PC-based simulation program is developed for a thermo-elastic-plastic beam. The plate bending problem can be approximately replaced by a beam model using distributed springs to account for the effect of adjacent strips. The spring constants are chosen as the best fit with experiments. In this paper, it is assumed that the temperature distribution is already given and the temperature-dependent material properties are considered. To verify the simulation program, the results using present numerical algorithm are compared with other published experimental results and similar numerical studies. The comparison shows good agreement. The present PC-based computer program also shows good efficiency in computing time.

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A Study on the Prediction of Paint Dry Time at Ship Block's Inner Wall Placed in the Paint Dry Facility Adopting the Hot Air Supply System (열풍 공급 방식의 도장 건조 설비에서 선체 블록 도장 건조 시간 예측에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Yoo-Sok;Seol, Sin-Su;Yoon, Kwang-Won;Yang, Moon-Sik;Jeong, Jae-Hwan;Yoon, Hyun-Sik
    • Special Issue of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • 2011.09a
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2011
  • An indirect concept and method is proposed to predict the paint dry time at the inside wall of ship block. To implement this concept on computer program, optimal hot air supply-exhaust system of paint dry facility was designed by CFD simulation and experiment was performed to get the paint dry time curve according to various paint dry conditions. After combining the block inside environment from the simulation results and the paint dry time prediction curve from the curve-fitting of experimental result, the GUI program which can be executed in general PC OS has been finally developed.

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A Computer Model for Economic Analysis of Egg Producing Operations (채란양계 경영의 경제성 분석을 위한 전산모형 개발)

  • Choi, S.O.;Cho, K.H.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 1994
  • The objective of this study was to develop a user-friendly computer model for economic analysis on the commercial egg production that could help the egg farmer make managerial diagnosis and rational decision in the changing environment. To raise the adequacy of the model, the program was run for every sample and adjusted to fit the data. The model, programmed with Microsoft QuickBASIC, was a user-friendly computer program in supporting the Korean language. The basic analytical tool used in the study was an engineering-type computerized simulation model which incorporates a cost-benefit analysis of a full-time egg farmer. The computer model developed in this study may be the powerful analytical tool used to evaluate both a managerial decision whether to alter the production system and its impact on production, costs, revenue, and profits. Ultimately, the program is expected to enable the egg farmer to make managerial planning and diagnosis. The program can also calculate the values of economic variables at user-chosen incremental values of market eggs and feed prices. It provides the information on the profit and cost. This may lead the egg farmer, by allowing to establish the best managerial strategy, to increase the profit aor to lessen the cost. The results of this study could be utilized in the evaluation and improvement of the management. It also may be utilized for the researchers and guiding farmers in collecting and analyzing the data on the laying hen. In particular, such a program would be potentially useful to researchers who wish to quickly estimate profits associated with various laying hen treatments. The program could also benefit the egg farmer interested in making managerial decisions based on either current or predicted market conditions. The model would make the egg farmer respond actively to the information-oriented society by promoting to use personal computer.

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Development of a Graphic Simulation Modeller for Robot Welding Process Planning (로보트 용접 공정 계획을 위한 Graphic Simulation Modeller의 개발)

  • Choe, Byeong-Gyu;Jeong, Jae-Yun;Kim, Dong-Won
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 1985
  • Presented in this paper is a procedure of developing graphical simulation software for planning robot welding processes. Welding is by far the highest application area for industrial robots, and it has been in great need of such a simulator in designing robot work cells, in justifying the economics of robot welding and in planning robotized welding operations. The model of a robot welding cell consists of four components: They are an welding structure which is a collection of plates to be welded, a positioner to hold the welding structure, a robot with a weld torch, and a set of welding lines (in case of arc welding). Welding structure is modeled by using the reference plane concept and is represented as boundary file which is widely used in solid modeling. Robot itself is modeled as a kinematic linkage system. Also included in the model are such technical constraints as weaving patterns and inclination allowances for each weld joint type. An interactive means is provided to input the welding structure and welding lines on a graphics terminal. Upon completion of input, the program displays the welding structure and welding lines and calculates the center of mass which is used in determining positioner configurations. For a given positioner and robot configuration, the welding line segments that can be covered by the robot are identified, enabling to calculate the robot weld ratio and cycle time. The program is written in FORTRAN for a VAX computer with a Tektronix 4114 graphic terminal.

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FASIM: Fragments Assembly Simulation using Biased-Sampling Model and Assembly Simulation for Microbial Genome Shotgun Sequencing

  • Hur Cheol-Goo;Kim Sunny;Kim Chang-Hoon;Yoon Sung-Ho;In Yong-Ho;Kim Cheol-Min;Cho Hwan-Gue
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.683-688
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    • 2006
  • We have developed a program for generating shotgun data sets from known genome sequences. Generation of synthetic data sets by computer program is a useful alternative to real data to which students and researchers have limited access. Uniformly-distributed-sampling clones that were adopted by previous programs cannot account for the real situation where sampled reads tend to come from particular regions of the target genome. To reflect such situation, a probabilistic model for biased sampling distribution was developed by using an experimental data set derived from a microbial genome project. Among the experimental parameters tested (varied fragment or read lengths, chimerism, and sequencing error), the extent of sequencing error was the most critical factor that hampered sequence assembly. We propose that an optimum sequencing strategy employing different insert lengths and redundancy can be established by performing a variety of simulations.

Two Dimensional Laying Simulation of Subsea Cables (유한차분법에 의한 해저케이블의 2차원 포설 시뮬레이션)

  • 박한일;김동혁;김명준;진근하
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 1997
  • Subsea cable systems have a large information transmission capacity and play an important role in domestic and global information networks. However since the cables are under harsh marine environment, they are exposed to various hazards with high potential risks of damage resulting in serious economic loss. In this research a computer simulation program based on the finite difference algorithm was developed. The program is able to simulate two dimensional dynamic behaviour of a submarine cable during its laying. In order to verify the numerical results, they are compared to analytical results, showing a good agreement between the two results.

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Evaluation Methodology of Solar Rights Using Autodesk VIZ for Apartment Buildings (Autodesk VIZ를 이용한 공동주택의 일조권평가방법에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Ki Hoon;Kim, Jeong Tai
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2006
  • The apartment buildings now covers more than 50% of the total residential types in Korea and the urban residential area becomes increasingly congested with newly constructed high-rise apartment buildings. Judicial precedents require, for securing the solar rights in the residential area, that the consecutive sunshine duration should be at least two hours from 9:00 to 15:00 or the accumulative sunshine duration should be at least four hours from 8:00 to 16:00 as of the winter solstice. Disputes are increasing, however, on infringed solar rights and view rights for the neighboring structures as cases occur where the requirement cannot be satisfied in congested residential areas. The sunshine duration scan be assessed by measuring it on the site of the dispute, but it is impracticable to actually measure it for every case on the winter solstice, only one day out of the whole year. At a trial, therefore, 3D computer simulation is used to calculate the sunshine duration and determine the extent of infringement for submission of the evaluation to be used as the basis of the judgment. The simulation, however, may have an error in its result up to the program characteristics and the accuracy of the input data such as the structure shape and height, the distance between structures, and the ground level. This study, therefore, used a self-developed VIEW program with Autodesk VIZ 2006 to provide a simulation method for solar access evaluation, and verified its efficacy by comparing the results with the actual measurements.

Development of Nanofluidic Thermosyphon Heat Sink (나노유체를 이용한 열사이폰 히트싱크)

  • Rhi Seok-Ho;Shin Dong-Ryun;Lim Taek-Kyu;Lee Chung-Gu;Park Gi-Ho;Lee Wook-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.826-834
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    • 2006
  • A heat sink system using nanofluidic thermosyphon for electronics systems was studied. The experimental results indicate that a cooling capacity of up to 150 W at an overall temperature difference of $50^{\circ}C$ can be attainable. The heat sink design program also showed that a computer simulation can predict the most of the parameters involved. In the experimental study, the volume concentration of nano particles affect the system performance. Nanofluidic thermosyphon with 0.5% volume concentration showed the best performance. Nanofluid can increase CHF of the system compared with water as a working fluid. The current simulation results were close to the experimental results in acceptable range. The simulation study showed that the design program can be a good tool to predict the effects of various parameters involved in the optimum design of the heat sink.