• Title/Summary/Keyword: computer screen image

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Real time Monitoring System using Web Camera (웹 카메라를 통한 실시간 모니터링 시스템)

  • Ryu, Kwang-Hee;Choi, Jong-Kun;Im, Young-Tae;Park, Yeon-Sik;Jung, Hoe-Kyung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.667-670
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    • 2005
  • As security and surveillance have become the center of interest, remote controlled CCTV(Closed-Circuit Television) market has been formed while rapid development of digital image compression technology and Internet triggered the advent of web cameras. The characteristic of web camera is that it can provide users with higher quality image than CCTV at any place where Internet access is available. However, As for the system administrator, the existing web camera have disadvantage in that they allows users only. who are connected to the server of the web camera, to see the image from it. In this paper, in order to make up for this defect, designed multi-vision interface showing multi images on single screen and, for the purpose of the improvement in efficiency, the functions of saving images and of scheduling the time to save the images.

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A Study on the Individual Recognition with Skull Image Composition (두개골 영상합성에 의한 개인감정시스템 연구-II)

  • 송현교;이양원;강민구
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, a new superimposition scheme using a computer vision system was proposed with 7 pairs of skull and ante-mortem photographs, which were already identified through other tests and DNA fingerprints at the Korea National Institute of Scientific Investigation. At this computer vision system, an unidentified skull was caught by video-camcoder with the MPEG and a ante-mortem photograph was scanned by scanner. These two images were processed and superimposed using pixel processing. Recognition of the individual identification by anatomical references was performed on the two superimposed images. This image processing techniques for the superimposition of skull and ante-morterm photographs simplify used the previous approach taking skull photographs and developing it to the same size as the ante-mortem Photographs. This system using various image Processing techniques on computer screen, a more precise and time-saving superimposition technique could be able to be applied in the area of computer individual identification.

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Development of Kid Height Measurement Application based on Image using Computer Vision (컴퓨터 비전을 이용한 이미지 기반 아이 키 측정 애플리케이션 개발)

  • Yun, Da-Yeong;Moon, Mi-Kyeong
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2021
  • Among growth disorders, 'Short Stature' can be improved through rapid diagnosis and treatment, and for that, it is important to detect early'Short Stature'. It is recommended to measure the height steadily for early detection of 'Short Stature' and checking the kid's growth process, but existing height measurement methods have problems such as time and space limitations, cost occurrence, and difficulty in keeping records. So in this paper, we proposed an 'Development of Kid Height Measurement Application based on Image using computer vision' method using smart phones, a medium that is highly accessible to people. In images taken through a smartphone camera, the kid's height is measured using algorithms from OpenCV, a computer vision library, and the measured heights were printed on the screen through 'a comparison graph with the standard height by gender and age' and 'list by date', made possible to check the kid's growth process. It is expected to measure height anytime, anywhere without time and space limitations and costs through this proposed method, and it is expected to help early detection of 'Short Stature' and other disorder through steady height measurement and confirmation of growth process.

Development of LabVIEW Program for Lock-In Infrared Thermography (위상잠금 열화상장치 제어용 랩뷰 프로그램 개발)

  • Min, Tae-Hoon;Na, Hyung-Chul;Kim, Noh-Yu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2011
  • A LabVIEW program has been developed together with simple infrared thermography(IRT) system to control the lock-in conditions of the system efficiently. The IR imaging software was designed to operate both of infrared camera and halogen lamp by synchronizing them with periodic sine signal based on thyristor(SCR) circuits. LabVIEW software was programmed to provide users with screen-menu functions by which it can change the period and energy of heat source, operate the camera to acquire image, and monitor the state of the system on the computer screen. In experiment, lock-in IR image for a specimen with artificial hole defects was obtained by the developed IRT system and compared with optical image.

Technology to create a 360-degree panorama of a square room using a single projector and a hemispherical mirror (1대의 프로젝터와 반구형 반사경을 이용한 사각방 360도 파노라마 생성 기법)

  • Lee, Jung-jik;Park, Yoen-yong;Lee, Yun-sang;Lee, Jun-yuep;Jung, Eun-yeong;Yu, Rim;Kang, Myongjin;Jung, Moon-ryul
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 2020
  • In this research, we describe the method of implementing a 360-degree panorama using one projector, in terms of hardware and in the production of projected pre-distortion images. We propose a method of installing a projector and a reflector on the central ceiling of the space to minimize the shadows generated based on the position of the spectators. We used a virtual camera and virtual space where the projector and hemisphere positions were set to the same as in the exhibition space in Unity. After the image projected on the screen was mapped on the wall of the virtual space, the pre-distortion image was created by the method of capturing from the virtual camera using the ray tracing technique. When the produced pre-distortion image is hemispherical reflected and projected by the projector installed at the same position as the virtual camera, the image is reflected and projected 360 degrees on the panoramic screen.

Interface of Tele-Task Operation for Automated Cultivation of Watermelon in Greenhouse

  • Kim, S.C.;Hwang, H.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.511-516
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    • 2003
  • Computer vision technology has been utilized as one of the most powerful tools to automate various agricultural operations. Though it has demonstrated successful results in various applications, the current status of technology is still for behind the human's capability typically for the unstructured and variable task environment. In this paper, a man-machine interactive hybrid decision-making system which utilized a concept of tole-operation was proposed to overcome limitations of computer image processing and cognitive capability. Tasks of greenhouse watermelon cultivation such as pruning, watering, pesticide application, and harvest require identification of target object. Identifying water-melons including position data from the field image is very difficult because of the ambiguity among stems, leaves, shades. and fruits, especially when watermelon is covered partly by leaves or stems. Watermelon identification from the cultivation field image transmitted by wireless was selected to realize the proposed concept. The system was designed such that operator(farmer), computer, and machinery share their roles utilizing their maximum merits to accomplish given tasks successfully. And the developed system was composed of the image monitoring and task control module, wireless remote image acquisition and data transmission module, and man-machine interface module. Once task was selected from the task control and monitoring module, the analog signal of the color image of the field was captured and transmitted to the host computer using R.F. module by wireless. Operator communicated with computer through touch screen interface. And then a sequence of algorithms to identify the location and size of the watermelon was performed based on the local image processing. And the system showed practical and feasible way of automation for the volatile bio-production process.

Design of a Motion Adaptive LCD controller for image enlargement (영상 확대를 위한 움직임 적응형 LCD 제어기 설계)

  • 이승준;권병헌;최명렬
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2003
  • In this paper. we Propose an UXGA class LCD controller for controlling the LCD panel. The proposed controller supports the full screen display using GCD between input and output resolutions. The proposed LCD controller includes the motion detector based on median filter which can detect the motion of input image for the enhancement of a image quality. Also, it divides the motion into 3 stages such as still, semi-moving and moving, and uses the different interpolation algorithms according to the degree of motion. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed interpolation algorithm, we use PSNR method and compare the conventional algorithm by using computer simulation. For the proposed motion detection algorithm, we use a visual verification and the estimation of pixel changes. The proposed LCD controller has been designed and verified by VHDL. It has been synthesized using Xilinx VirtexE FPGA.

Neural Relighting using Specular Highlight Map (반사 하이라이트 맵을 이용한 뉴럴 재조명)

  • Lee, Yeonkyeong;Go, Hyunsung;Lee, Jinwoo;Kim, Junho
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose a novel neural relighting that infers a relighted rendering image based on the user-guided specular highlight map. The proposed network utilizes a pre-trained neural renderer as a backbone network learned from the rendered image of a 3D scene with various lighting conditions. We jointly optimize a 3D light position and its associated relighted image by back-propagation, so that the difference between the base image and the relighted image is similar to the user-guided specular highlight map. The proposed method has the advantage of being able to explicitly infer the 3D lighting position, while providing the artists' preferred 2D screen-space interface. The performance of the proposed network was measured under the conditions that can establish ground truths, and the average error rate of light position estimations is 0.11, with the normalized 3D scene size.

Development of Moving Objects Recognition and Tracking System on 360 Degree Panorama (360도 영상에서 이동 물체 감지 및 추적 시스템의 개발)

  • Ko, Kwang-Man;Joo, Su-Chong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.289-299
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    • 2018
  • The 360 degree panoramas are picture of a wide range of images on one screen, so we can see a fairly wide range at a time. In particular, cylinderical panoramas are the most widely used spherical image, and its left and right viewing angles reach 360 degree, so you can observe front, rear, left, and right at once. Using 360 degree panorama, all directions can be monitored at the same time, so all directions can be effectively monitored compared to other methods. In this paper, we develop a system to recognize and track the movement of moving objects on a 360 degree panorama, and then present and verify the experimental results. For this goals, first, we developed a system to recognize moving objects in 360 degree panorama using DoF(Difference of Frame) algorithm. Second, based on the TLD algorithm, we developed an application that can track a specific single moving object in a 360 degree panorama and presented the experimental results.

Online Digit Recognition using Start and End Point

  • Shim, Jae-chang;Ansari, Md Israfil
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.39-42
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    • 2017
  • Communication between human and machine is having been researched from last few decades and still it's a challenging task because human behavior is unpredictable. When it comes on handwritten digits almost each human has their own writing style. Handwritten digit recognition plays an important role, especially in the courtesy amounts on bank checks, postal code on mail address etc. In our study, we proposed an efficient feature extraction system for recognizing single digit number drawn by mouse or by a finger on a screen. Our proposed method combines basic image processing and reading the strokes of a line drawn. It is very simple and easy to implement in various platform as compare to the system which required high system configuration. This system has been designed, implemented, and tested successfully.