• Title/Summary/Keyword: compulsory education

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An Epitome on the System of Industrial Technical Education and Fisheries Education in North Korea (북한(北韓)의 산업기술교육(産業技術敎育)과 수산교육체제(水産敎育體制)의 개요(槪要))

  • Lee, Byoung-Gee;Kim, Jin-Kun;Choe, Jong-Hwa
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 1992
  • Taking the present circumstances into account that we are approaching the realization stage of interchange and cooperation between North and South Korea through a preparatory stage, recovery of national homogeneity is an essential precondition for reunification. The important first Step is pursuing of recovery of educational homogeneity for this purpose. The authors carried out 8 general observation on the fundamental educational system with ideology, on the actual state and characteristic of educational system for industrial technicians, and especially on the educational system for fisheries technical manpower in the North Korea. It was found that the North Korea's basic idea of educational policy is constituted by bringing up the communistic human beings on the ground of "the Ideas of Identity" and by bringing up industrial technical manpower for development of communistic economic. The basic educational system consists of 1-4-6-4 school years system, and 11 years of compulsory education up to the higher middle schools is imposed to all people. The educational system for industrial technicians is also composed of the regular school system which is following the basic educational system and of the irregular school system which is being attached to the industrial bodies. The fisheries educational system is very similar to the general educational system for industrial technicians, and the fisheries workers are treated more warmly in comparison with the workers engaging in the other industrial fields. By this study, the authors failed to find out the concrete content of the fisheries educational system including the curriculum owing to the lack of information, but this task should be studied continuously to make provision of reunification in the near future. Expressly, a continuous and profound research is required to be carried out on actual accepted state of the international maritime conventions together with the marine officers' certification system for the shipping and fisheries fields in the North Korea.

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An Analysis of Satisfaction with Implementation of Liberal Education at University -Focusing on H University Dase- (대학의 교양교육 운영에 대한 만족도 분석 -H대학 사례 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Yong-Ki;Ham, Joung-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.616-623
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to examine satisfaction with liberal education at H university. In particular, the study is interested in students' and satisfaction with the courses of and , compulsory liberal studies. As a result of analysis, students were most satisfied with 'the percentage of liberal studies credits', being followed by 'the number of students per liberal studies class' and 'the systemicity of curriculum.' The survey also showed that, in and , students were highly satisfied with 'chance for communication with native faculty, improvement of ral expression skills' and 'improvement of orthography and grammar skill and so on. With regard to items whose satisfaction were low, the survey showed that there was the lack of connectivity between liberal studies and employment in 3 categories in common. Therefore, a direction toward enhancement of efficiency in connection with career center and the like was required in addition to establishing, developing and specifying employment category in liberal studies.

Development of a Board for Physical Computing Education in Secondary Schools Informatics Education (중등 정보교육의 피지컬 컴퓨팅 교육을 위한 보드 개발)

  • Eom, KiSoon;Jang, YunJae;Kim, JaMee;Lee, WonGyu
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2016
  • With the announcement of the revised curriculum in September, 2015, the informatics for a secondary school was designated as compulsory, and Physical Computing section was included. With a leading school, the educational research using Arduino is currently underway, but there remain the problems to be solved to utilize Arduino in the revised curriculum. This study developed educational board which can make it possible for secondary learners to lessen the cognitive burden of hardware, and to experience the process of creation when they learn Physical computing. The characteristics of the board are as follows: First, keeping compatibility with Arduino. Second, provision of the most essential functions for creation. Third, miniaturization. This study composed the board to make it easier for a secondary learner to create. and thinks that it's necessary to continue the research on board development for diverse learners, and class application on the basis of this research.

Problem Based Learning : New teaching and learning strategy in nursing education (문제중심학습방법 (Problem Based Learning : PBL) : 간호교육에 있어서의 새로운 학습방법)

  • Kim Hee-Soon
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.3
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    • pp.26-33
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    • 1997
  • Problem-Based Learning(PBL) is at the forefront of educational reform. The acceptance of PBL as an educational approach with wide application represents a major change in thinking about educational processes and their relationships to the wider community. In 1969, PBL as a method was introduced at the Medical School of McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. The most important advantages in PBL are acquiring knowledge that can be retrieved and applied, learning to learn(self-directed learning) and learning to analyze and solve Problems. PBL is widely used within the sector where it had its origin, namely health profession education. A generally accepted starting point in the development of a problem-based curriculum is the set of professional competencies of future graduates, which describe the typical problems professionals have to deal with. Formulating learning objectives highly depends on the format and content of the presented problems. Contrary to that, in a classic course in higher education, it is customary that teachers express objectives in a compulsory subject matter. Curricula which advocate problem-based learning generally use case studies in the form of paper cases, simulations and real patients with the intention of stimulating classroom discussion of clinical and basic science concepts within a problem-solving framework. One goal of using paper cases is to stimulate the learning of basic science within a clinical situation. Through self-directed study the students solve problems and explore the psycho-social dimensions within the cases. The general outcome based on the program evaluation research of PBL is that PBL students respond positively about the learning experience. In summary, PBL is a curriculum design and a teaching/learning strategy which simultaneously develops higher order thinking and disciplinary knowledge bases and skills by placing students in the active role of practitioners(or problem solvers) confronted with a situation(ill-structured problem) which reflects the real world.

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A Case Study on the Implementation of Tele-Operation Robot Hand by Learning Factory based Technology Convergence Education (러닝팩토리기반 기술융합교육을 통한 텔리 오퍼레이션 로봇핸드 구현 사례 연구)

  • Hong, Chang-Ho;Lee, Jung-Hoon;Kim, Hyung-O
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.113-118
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    • 2018
  • The most important thing in vocational education and training is to enhance students' interest and understanding of the whole process of the production site. In this paper, we present a case on the implementation of tele-operation robot hand by learning factory based technology convergence education. It also suggests some points to be taken when applying the learning factory in the future curriculum. In order to implement the tele-operation robot hand, it is necessary to support the compulsory subjects of university level courses in domestic curriculum such as mechanic design, motor control, local communication implementation, sensing and feedback control. The educational research presented in this paper guides the students with the skills they need and understands the skills through self-study and practice, and implements the final products. This study will be useful as a base data when introducing the training process of training factory in the future.

A Preliminary Study on Setting Philosophy and Curriculum Development in Nursing Education (간호교육 철학정립 및 교육과정 개발을 위한 기초조사)

  • 정연강;김윤회;양광희;한경자;한상임
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.162-188
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    • 1988
  • The purpose of this study is to guide the direction of the Korean nursing education to analysize ⑴ the philosophy and objectives ⑵ curriculum, and ⑶ educational environment. This analysis is based on the data from 50 nursing schools (14 4-year colleges and 35 3-year colleges) The survey was conducted from Dec. 1986 through Jan. 1987 by mail. 1) Educational philosophy and objectives 10 4-year colleges and 8 3-year college program have curricular philosoph. Most popular curricular philosophies are human beings, health, nursing, nursology, nursing education, nurses role in the present and in the future. 10 nursing schools mentioned that human being is the subject to interact with : environment physically, mentally and socially. 2 schools mentioned that health is the state of functioning well physically, mentally and socially. 13 schools mentioned that the nursing is the dynamic act to maintain and to promote the highest possible level of health. 4 schools mentioned that the nursology is an applied science. 4 schools mentioned that nursing education is the process to induce the behavioural changes based on the individual ability. There is different opinion about the nurses' role between 4-year college and 3-year college. In the responses from 4-year colleges they focus on the leadership in effective changes, self-regulating and self-determining responsibilities, applying the new technology, continuing education, and participation in research to further nursing knowledge. In the responses from 3-year colleges, they focus on the education in college, primary health care nursing, direct care provider and public health education. Among 50 respondents 40 schools have educational goals which can be divided into two categories. One is to establish the moral and the other is to develop the professionalism. 2) Curriculm The analsis of curriculum is only based on the data from the 4-year colleges because the most of 3-year colleges follow the curriculum guideline set by the Ministry of Education. a) Comparison of the credits in cultural subject and in nursing major. The average required credit for graduation is 154.6 and the median credit is the range of 140-149. The average credit of cultural subjects is 43.4. In detail, the average number of credit of required course and elective courses are 24.1 and 19.3 respectively. The average credit for major subject is 111.2. In detail, the average credit for required courses and electives course are 100.9 and 10.4 respectively. In 5 colleges, students are offered even on elective course b) Comparison of the credit by class. The average earned credits are as follows : 41.1 in freshman, 400 in sophormore 38.3 in junior and 32.4 in senior. Cultural subjects are studied in early phases. c) Comparison of the compulsory and elective cultural subject by institute. The range of credit is 7-43 in compulsory cultural subjects and there are lot of differences among institutions. While all respondents require liberal arts as compulsary subjects, few respondents lists social science, natural science and behavioral science as required subjects. Social science-related subjects are frequently chosen as cultural subjects d) Distribution of creditsin cultural subjects by institute. The liberal art subjects are taught in 20 institute. English and physical education courses are taught in all instituions. The social science subjects are taught in 15 colleges and the basic Psycology and the Basic sociology are the most popular subjects. The natural science subjects are taught in 7 colleges and Biology and Chemistry are the most popular subjects among them. e) Distribution of credits in major basic courses by institute. Most of the institutes select Anatomy, Microbiology, Physiology, biochemistry and Pathology as basic major courses. f) Comparison of the required and elective courses for nursing major by institutions. Subjects and credit ranges in major are varing by institute. More than half of the respondents select the following subjects as required major subjects. (1) Adults Health Nursing and Practice (19.5 credits) (2) Mother and Child Care and Practice (8.9 credits) (3) Community Health Care and Practice (8.5 credits) (4) Psychiatric Nursing Care and Practice (8.1 credits) (5) Nursing Management and Practice (3.9 credits) (6) Fundamental of Nursing, Nursing Research and Health Assessment and Practice. Three institutions select Introduction to nursing, Rehabilitation Nursing, School Nursing, Public Health Nursing, Nursing English, Communication, Human Development as electives in nursing major. 3) Educational environment a) Nursing institution There are forty-three 3-year colleges and seventeen 4-year colleges and 81.4% of which are private b) Number of students and faculty 19.2% of the students are in 4-year colleges and 80.8% of the students are in 3-year colleges. In 4-year colleges, the number of nursing faculty members is in the other of assistant professor, instructor and professor. In 3-year colleges, the orderiis lecturer, associate professor, full time instructor and assistant professor. In 4-year colleges, 18.8 students are allocated per nursing faculty and in 3-year colleges, 33.1 students are allocated per nursing faculty. c) Clinical practices 66.7% of the 4-year colleges practice over 1201 hours in clinic and 28.5% of 3-year colleges practice over 1201 hours in clinic. In 4-year colleges, 11.5 students are allocated per nursing faculty and in 3-year colleges,17 students are allocated per nursing faculty The survey shows no difference in the procedure between 4-year colleges and 3-year colleges but 3-year colleges choose the more variety practicing site such as special hospital and community health clinic. d) Audiovisual facilities The survey shows a lot of difference in audiovisual facilities among institution and 3-year colleges are less equipped than 4-year colleges.

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A Study on the Extension of School Years, Two to Three Years, for the Education of Radiologic Technology in Korea (전문대학(專門大學) 방사선과(放射線科)의 수업년한(修業年限) 연장(延長)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Choi, Jong-Hak;Lee, Sang-Suk;Kim, Young-Il;Jeon, Man-Jin;Kwon, Dal-Gwan;Park, Young-Sun;Lim, Han-Young;Kang, Se-Sik
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1990
  • As the institute of education teaching radiologic technology in Korea, different from others, junior college is the only institute which has been managed for it as a two-year educational course for 27 years since 1963 when it was established for the first time in our country irrespective of the needs of the times. But according to the development of medical equipment, variety of medical skill, increase of medical demands now a days, the supply of radiologic technology in modern medicine not only makes it advance as an inevitable factor but also broadens the area of its business systematically. Therefore, we got the following results after we had considered the necessity to lengthen the term of education and searched for the most reasonable way. 1. The term of study of the radiologic technologists in junior college must be lengthened to 3 years from 2 or 3 years regulated in the law of education. 2. In three-year curriculum, the subjects like basic medical science, science and engineering and ultramodern science, etc., which are lated to the new radiologic science must be taught in the junior colleges, and hospital practice also must be a compulsory subject in curriculum. 3. As the school years becomes longer, a lot of programs to make the study effective must be searched, researched and propelled forward.

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A Study on Curriculum Revision for Fisheries High Schools and Merchant Marine High Schools -I. Colligation Study (제6차(第六次) 수산(水産)·해군계(海運系) 고등학교(高等學校) 교육과정(敎育課程) 각론개발연구(各論開發硏究) -I. 총괄연구(總括硏究))

  • Lee, Byoung-Gee;Park, Hwan-Ho;Choe, Jong-Hwa;Gwak, Han-Cheol;Lee, Hyeong-Suk
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 1992
  • Fishery and shipping industry are ones of the important industries for the Republic of Korea, and the education of competent technicians is a essential-important factor for the further development in these fields. To this end, curriculum for the fisheries and/or merchant marine high schools are rearranged to meet the industrial needs and social change. In this study, the existing goal of education is rearranged inclusively to meet the further development and the curriculum to realize the goal. The departments are reorganized into nine ones by establishing new two. They are Department of Refrigeration Mechanical Engineering and of Automated-ship Operation. Four departments of existing seven-Department of Fish Aquaculture, of Fish Processing, of Marine Engine and of Marine Communication-are renamed into Department of Aquaculture, of Food Processing, of Power Mechanical Engineering and of Electronic Communication respectively. The remaining three departments- Department of Fishing Technology, of Self-managing Fisheries and of Navigation-are unchanged. The specialized subjects are revised as follows; (1) The existing seven subjects especially prepared for the fisheries and/or merchant marine high schools are changed into the common subjects for all the vocational high schools. They are Food Science, Food Hygiene, Food Processing Machinery, Air-conditioning Facilities, Welding and Piping, Communication Law and Introduction to Computer. (2) Two subjects are newly established: Refrigeration Mechanical Engineering and Automated-ship Operation. (3) Four subjects are disused : Sea Training, Fisheries Law, Canned Food and Practice in Communication. (4) Introduction to ship, to Marine Engine and to Marine Communication are merged into Introduction to ship. (5) The compulsory major subject is fixed as Introduction to Fisheries for the fisheries high schools and Introduction to shipping Industry for the merchant marine high schools.

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A Study on Classroom Facilities of England and USA in the 19th Century (19세기 영국과 미국의 학급시설의 특징에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dal-Hyo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the classroom facilities of England and USA in the 19th century. This kind of study can provide the meaning of past, present, and future on classroom facilities. The results of the study are as follows. First, England classroom in the 19th century was made up of a large space, a gallery, that could teach a large number of students at the same time. Second, the classroom facilities of USA in the 19th century were developed by reformers for the purpose of training the labor force of educational thought and industrial development. Third, some characteristics of classroom facilities of England and USA in the 19th century were also found in school facilities of Korea at the same time. Fourth, large gallery classes began to disappear in the mid-19th century and were transformed into small 'class' facilities to improve efficiency. Fifth, the word 'class' did not appear as a substitute for the school, but as a meaning of subdividing within the school. Sixth, these classrooms consisted of smaller classes, and they began to create and teach common and unified curriculums to harmonize the differences between classes and to manage all students efficiently and effectively. Seventh, the basis of the classroom of England and USA in the 19th century was the design of one teacher to efficiently teach a large number of students, and there was a difference in size, but the current classroom facilities have been maintained to some extent. Eighth, since the end of the 19th century, the compulsory education system has been discussed and gradually introduced, requiring more schools and classroom facilities, and labor and capital have been emphasized by the development of industrialization. Ninth, follow-up studies are needed to analyze how classroom facilities have been universally transformed since then, based on class facilities in the 19th century, and what educational, social and political contexts have been added in the process.

Perception and Satisfaction of the Free School Meal Program for High School Students in Busan (무상급식에 대한 부산지역 고등학생의 인식 및 급식만족도)

  • Yang, Heesun;Park, Young Il;Joo, Nami
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.26-34
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    • 2021
  • This study investigates perception of the free school meal program, satisfaction of school meal, and eating habits of free and paid school meal program students in the Busan area. Between 20 to May 2020, a total of 350 students were researched, of which 177 belonged to the second grade of high school (free school meal program), and 173 were from the third grade of high school (paid school meal program). 96.0% free school meal program students and 89.0% paid school meal program students responded to the necessity of a free school meal program, which was significantly different between the two groups (P<0.05). All questions regarding the perception of the free school meal program, which were responded to by more than 3 points, were considered positive. 'Decline of the school meal's quality' had the maximum response, from 64.4% and 76.4% free and paid school meal program students, respectively, and was significantly different between groups (P<0.05). Paid school meal program students wasted significantly more school food than the free school meal program students (P<0.001). 'Not delicious' was responded by 56.0% free school meal program students and 50.0% paid school meal program students. Evaluating satisfaction of the food quality and service categories was determined to be higher amongst free school meal program students than the paid school meal program students (P<0.05). Considering our study data, we propose that with the gradual expension of free school meal programs, inclusion as part of the education system will serve as a foundation for proper eating habits, and compulsory education will help improve students' health and quality of life.