The Impact of e-Store Personality on e-Store Loyalty-Focus on the Mediating Role of Identification, Trust, and Engagement (온라인에서 점포 개성이 점포 충성도에 미치는 영향-동일시, 신뢰, 인게이지먼트의 매개 역할을 중심으로)
- Park, Hyo-Hyun;Jung, Gang-Ok;Lee, Seung-Chang
- Journal of Distribution Research
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- v.16 no.2
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- pp.57-94
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- 2011
Nowadays, it is common that most consumers are purchasing goods in e-stores. The e-stores eager to attract, revisit, retain, and finally convert them into loyal customers. The e-store marketers have planned and executed numerous marketing efforts. As one of the marketing activities, e-store managers attempt to build web sites that meet customers' functional and psychological needs. A wide array of studies has been done to identify factors that could affect customers' response of web sites. Majority of studies were conducted to verify technology-related and functional variables of the website which facilitate transactions and enhance customer responses such as purchase intention and website loyalty. However, there has been little research on the external cues of website and psychological variables of consumer that could have positive influences on customer response. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of e-store personality on e-store loyalty through mediating variables such as e-store identification, e-store trust, and e-store engagement. The authors of this study develop the model and set up the six main hypotheses and a set of sub-hypotheses based on a literature review, shown in
. This model is composed of four paths such as dimensions of e-store personality${\rightarrow}$ e-store identification, e-store identification${\rightarrow}$ e-store loyalty, e-store identification${\rightarrow}$ e-store trust${\rightarrow}$ e-store loyalty, and e-store identification${\rightarrow}$ e-store engagement${\rightarrow}$ e-store loyalty. II. Research Method Ladies under 30s were the respondents of this survey. Data were collected from January 20th to February 26th in 2010. A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed and 169 respondents were analysed finally to test hypotheses because 31 questionnaires had incorrect or missing responses. SPSS 12.0 and LISREL 7.0 program were used to test frequency, reliability, factor, and structural equation modeling analysis. III. Result and Conclusion According to results from factor analysis, eigen value was over 1.0 and items which were below 0.6 were deleted. Consequently, 9 factors(% of total variance is 72.011%) were searched. All Cronbach's${\alpha}$ values are over the recommended level(${\alpha}$ > 0.7). The overall fit indices are acceptable such as${\chi}^2$ =2028.36(p=0.00), GFI=0.87, AGFI=0.82, CFI=0.81, IFI=0.92, RMR=0.075. All factor loadings were over the recommended level. As the result of discriminant validity check with chi-square difference test between paired constructs, each construct has good discriminant validity. The overall fit indices of final model are acceptable such as${\chi}^2$ =340.73(df=36, p=0.00), GFI=0.92, AGFI=0.81, CFI=0.91, IFI=0.91, RMR=0.085. As test results, 5 out of 6 hypotheses are supported because there are statistically significant casual relationships in structural equation model, shown in. First of all, hypothesis 1 is partially supported because sub-hypothesis 1-1 and 1-2 are supported, whereas sub-hypothesis 1-3, 1-4, and 1-5 are rejected. Specifically, it reveals that warmth and sophistication dimensions in e-store personality have positive influence on e-store identification, however, activity, progressiveness, and strictness does not have any significant relationship on e-store identification. Secondly, hypothesis 2 was supported. Therefore, it can be said that e-store identification has a positive impact on e-store trust. Thirdly, hypothesis 3 is also supported. Hence, there is a positive relationship between e-store identification and e-store engagement. Fourthly, hypothesis 4 is supported too. e-store identification has a positive influence on e-store loyalty. Fifthly, hypothesis 5 is also accepted. This indicates that e-store trust is a precedent variable which positively affects e-store loyalty. Lastly, it reveals that e-store engagement has a positive impact on e-store loyalty. Therefore, hypothesis 6 is supported. The findings of the study imply that some dimensions of e-store personality have a positive influence on e-store identification, and that e-store identification has direct and indirect influence on e-store loyalty through e-store trust and e-store engagement positively. These results also suggest that the e-store identification in e-store personality is a precedent variable which positively affects e-store loyalty directly and indirectly through e-store trust and engagement as a mediating variable. Therefore, e-store marketers need to implement website strategy based on e-store personality, e-store identification, e-store trust, and e-store engagement to meet customers' psychological needs and enhance e-store loyalty. Finally, the limitations and future study directions based on this study are discussed.
The effects of adjuvant therapy and prognostic factors in completely resected stage IIIa non-small cell lung cancer (비소세포 폐암의 근치적 절제술 후 예후 인자 분석 및 IIIa 병기에서의 보조 요법의 효과에 대한 연구)
- Cho, Se Haeng;Chung, Kyung Young;Kim, Joo Hang;Kim, Byung Soo;Chang, Joon;Kim, Sung Kyu;Lee, Won Young
- Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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- v.43 no.5
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- pp.709-719
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- 1996
Background: Surgical resection is the only way to cure non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) and the prognosis of NSCLC in patients who undergo a complete resection is largely influenced by the pathologic stage. After surgical resection, recurrences in distant sites is more common than local recurrences. An effective postoperative adjuvant therapy which can prevent recurrences is necessary to improve long tenn survival Although chemotherapy and radiotherapy are still the mainstay in adjuvant therapy, the benefits of such therapies are still controversial. We initiated this retrospective study to evaluate the effects of adjuvant therapies and analyze the prognostic factors for survival after curative resection. Method: From 1990 to 1995, curative resection was perfomled in 282 NSCLC patients with stage I, II, IIIa, Survival analysis of 282 patients was perfonned by Kaplan-Meier method. The prognostic factors, affecting survival of patients were analyzed by Cox regression model. Results: Squamous cell carcinoma was present in 166 patients(59%) ; adenocarcinoma in 86 pmients(30%) ; adenosquamous carcinoma in II parients(3.9%); and large cell undifferentiated carcinoma in 19 patients(7.1%). By TNM staging system, 93 patients were in stage I; 58 patients in stage II ; and 131 patients in stage rna. There were 139 postoperative recurrences which include 28 local and 111 distant failures(20.1% vs 79.9%). The five year survival rate was 50.1% in stage I ; 31.3% in stage II ; and 24.1% in stage IIIa(p <0.0001). The median survival duration was 55 months in stage I ; 27 months in stage II ; and 16 months in stage rna. Among 131 patients with stage rna, the median survival duration was 19 months for 81 patients who received postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy only or cherne-radiotherapy and 14 months for the other 50 patients who received surgery only or surgery with adjuvant radiotherapy(p=0.2982). Among 131 patients with stage IIIa, the median disease free survival duration was 16 months for 21 patients who received postop. adjuvant chemotherapy only and 4 months for 11 patients who received surgery only(p=0.0494). In 131 patients with stage IIIa, 92 cases were in N2 stage. The five year survival rate of the 92 patients with N2 was 25% and their median survival duration was 15 months. The median survival duration in patients with N2 stage was 18 months for those 62 patients who received adjuvant chemotherapy and 14 months for the other 30 patients who did not(p=0.3988). The median survival duration was 16 months for those 66 patients who received irradiation and 14 months for the other 26 patients who did not(p=0.6588). We performed multivariate analysis to identify the factors affecting prognosis after complete surgical resection, using the Cox multiple regression model. Only age(p=0.0093) and the pathologic stage(p<0.0001) were significam prognostic indicators. Conclusion: The age and pathologic stage of the NSCLC parients are the significant prognostic factors in our study. Disease free survival duration was prolonged with statistical significance in patients who received postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy but overall survival duration was not affected according to adjuvant therapy after surgical resection.
Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty of Mobile Communication Industry in China (중국이동통신산업중적복무질량(中国移动通信产业中的服务质量), 고객만의도화고객충성도(顾客满意度和顾客忠诚度))
- Zhang, Ruijin;Li, Xiangyang;Zhang, Yunchang
- Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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- v.20 no.3
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- pp.269-277
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- 2010
Previous studies have shown that the most important factor affecting customer loyalty in the service industry is service quality. However, on the subject of whether service quality has a direct or indirect effect on customer loyalty, scholars' views apparently vary. Some studies suggest that service quality has a direct and fundamental influence on customer loyalty (Bai and Liu, 2002). However, others have shown that service quality not only directly affects customer loyalty, it also has an indirect impact on customer loyalty by influencing customer satisfaction and perceived value (Cronin, Brady, and Hult, 2000). Currently, there are few domestic articles that specifically address the relationship between service quality and customer loyalty in the mobile communication industry. Moreover, research has studied customer loyalty as a whole variable, rather than breaking it down further into multiple dimensions. Based on this analysis, this paper summarizes previous study results, establishes an effect mechanism model among service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty in the mobile communication industry, and presents a statistical test on model assumptions by using customer investigation data from Heilongjiang Mobile Company. It provides theoretical guidance for mobile service management based on the discussion of the hypothesis test results. For data collection, the sample comprised mobile users in Harbin city, and the survey was taken by random sampling. Out of a total of 300 questionnaires, 276 (92.9%) were recovered. After excluding invalid questionnaires, 249 remained, for an effective rate of 82.6 percent for the study. Cronbach's
${\alpha}$ coefficient was adapted to assess the scale reliability, and validity testing was conducted on the questionnaire from three aspects: content validity, construct validity. and convergent validity. The study tested for goodness of fit mainly from the absolute and relative fit indexes. From the hypothesis testing results, overall, four assumptions have not been supported. The ultimate affective relationship of service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty is demonstrated in Figure 2. On the whole, the service quality of the communication industry not only has a direct positive significant effect on customer loyalty, it also has an indirect positive significant effect on customer loyalty through service quality; the affective mechanism and extent of customer loyalty are different, and are influenced by each dimension of service quality. This study used the questionnaires of existing literature from home and abroad and tested them in empirical research, with all questions adapted to seven-point Likert scales. With the SERVQUAL scale of Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (1988), or PZB, as a reference point, service quality was divided into five dimensions-tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy-and the questions were simplified down to nineteen. The measurement of customer satisfaction was based mainly on Fornell (1992) and Wang and Han (2003), ending up with four questions. Based on the study’s three indicators of price tolerance, first choice, and complaint reaction were used to measure attitudinal loyalty, while repurchase intention, recommendation, and reputation measured behavioral loyalty. The collection and collation of literature data produced a model of the relationship among service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty in mobile communications, and China Mobile in the city of Harbin in Heilongjiang province was used for conducting an empirical test of the model and obtaining some useful conclusions. First, service quality in mobile communication is formed by the five factors mentioned earlier: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. On the basis of PZB SERVQUAL, the study designed a measurement scale of service quality for the mobile communications industry, and obtained these five factors through exploratory factor analysis. The factors fit basically with the five elements, indicating the concept of five elements of service quality for the mobile communications industry. Second, service quality in mobile communications has both direct and indirect positive effects on attitudinal loyalty, with the indirect effect being produced through the intermediary variable, customer satisfaction. There are also both direct and indirect positive effects on behavioral loyalty, with the indirect effect produced through two intermediary variables: customer satisfaction and attitudinal loyalty. This shows that better service quality and higher customer satisfaction will activate the attitudinal to service providers more active and show loyalty to service providers much easier. In addition, the effect mechanism of all dimensions of service quality on all dimensions of customer loyalty is different. Third, customer satisfaction plays a significant intermediary role among service quality and attitudinal and behavioral loyalty, indicating that improving service quality can boost customer satisfaction and make it easier for satisfied customers to become loyal customers. Moreover, attitudinal loyalty plays a significant intermediary role between service quality and behavioral loyalty, indicating that only attitudinally and behaviorally loyal customers are truly loyal customers. The research conclusions have some indications for Chinese telecom operators and others to upgrade their service quality. Two limitations to the study are also mentioned. First, all data were collected in the Heilongjiang area, so there might be a common method bias that skews the results. Second, the discussion addresses the relationship between service quality and customer loyalty, setting customer satisfaction as mediator, but does not consider other factors, like customer value and consumer features, This research will be continued in the future. -
Predicting the Direction of the Stock Index by Using a Domain-Specific Sentiment Dictionary (주가지수 방향성 예측을 위한 주제지향 감성사전 구축 방안)
- Yu, Eunji;Kim, Yoosin;Kim, Namgyu;Jeong, Seung Ryul
- Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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- v.19 no.1
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- pp.95-110
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- 2013
Recently, the amount of unstructured data being generated through a variety of social media has been increasing rapidly, resulting in the increasing need to collect, store, search for, analyze, and visualize this data. This kind of data cannot be handled appropriately by using the traditional methodologies usually used for analyzing structured data because of its vast volume and unstructured nature. In this situation, many attempts are being made to analyze unstructured data such as text files and log files through various commercial or noncommercial analytical tools. Among the various contemporary issues dealt with in the literature of unstructured text data analysis, the concepts and techniques of opinion mining have been attracting much attention from pioneer researchers and business practitioners. Opinion mining or sentiment analysis refers to a series of processes that analyze participants' opinions, sentiments, evaluations, attitudes, and emotions about selected products, services, organizations, social issues, and so on. In other words, many attempts based on various opinion mining techniques are being made to resolve complicated issues that could not have otherwise been solved by existing traditional approaches. One of the most representative attempts using the opinion mining technique may be the recent research that proposed an intelligent model for predicting the direction of the stock index. This model works mainly on the basis of opinions extracted from an overwhelming number of economic news repots. News content published on various media is obviously a traditional example of unstructured text data. Every day, a large volume of new content is created, digitalized, and subsequently distributed to us via online or offline channels. Many studies have revealed that we make better decisions on political, economic, and social issues by analyzing news and other related information. In this sense, we expect to predict the fluctuation of stock markets partly by analyzing the relationship between economic news reports and the pattern of stock prices. So far, in the literature on opinion mining, most studies including ours have utilized a sentiment dictionary to elicit sentiment polarity or sentiment value from a large number of documents. A sentiment dictionary consists of pairs of selected words and their sentiment values. Sentiment classifiers refer to the dictionary to formulate the sentiment polarity of words, sentences in a document, and the whole document. However, most traditional approaches have common limitations in that they do not consider the flexibility of sentiment polarity, that is, the sentiment polarity or sentiment value of a word is fixed and cannot be changed in a traditional sentiment dictionary. In the real world, however, the sentiment polarity of a word can vary depending on the time, situation, and purpose of the analysis. It can also be contradictory in nature. The flexibility of sentiment polarity motivated us to conduct this study. In this paper, we have stated that sentiment polarity should be assigned, not merely on the basis of the inherent meaning of a word but on the basis of its ad hoc meaning within a particular context. To implement our idea, we presented an intelligent investment decision-support model based on opinion mining that performs the scrapping and parsing of massive volumes of economic news on the web, tags sentiment words, classifies sentiment polarity of the news, and finally predicts the direction of the next day's stock index. In addition, we applied a domain-specific sentiment dictionary instead of a general purpose one to classify each piece of news as either positive or negative. For the purpose of performance evaluation, we performed intensive experiments and investigated the prediction accuracy of our model. For the experiments to predict the direction of the stock index, we gathered and analyzed 1,072 articles about stock markets published by "M" and "E" media between July 2011 and September 2011.
A Study on Perceived Quality affecting the Service Personal Value in the On-off line Channel - Focusing on the moderate effect of the need for cognition - (온.오프라인 채널에서 지각된 품질이 서비스의 개인가치에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -인지욕구의 조정효과를 중심으로-)
- Sung, Hyung-Suk
- Journal of Distribution Research
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- v.15 no.3
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- pp.111-137
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- 2010
The basic purpose of this study is to investigate perceived quality and service personal value affecting the result of long-term relationship between service buyers and suppliers. This research presented a constructive model(perceived quality affecting the service personal value and the moderate effect of NFC) in the on off line and then propose the research model base on prior researches and studies about relationships among components of service. Data were gathered from respondents who visit at the education service market. For this study, Data were analyzed by AMOS 7.0. We integrate the literature on services marketing with researches on personal values and perceived quality. The SERPVAL scale presented here allows for the creation of a common ground for assessing service personal values, giving a clear understanding of the key value dimensions behind service choice and usage. It will lead to a focus of future research in services marketing, extending knowledge in the field and stimulating further empirical research on service personal values. At the managerial level, as a tool the SERPVAL scale should allow practitioners to evaluate and improve the value of a service, and consequently, to define strategies and actions to address services for customers based on their fundamental personal values. Through qualitative and empirical research, we find that the service quality construct conforms to the structure of a second-order factor model that ties service quality perceptions to distinct and actionable dimensions: outcome, interaction, and environmental quality. In turn, each has two subdimensions that define the basis of service quality perceptions. The authors further suggest that for each of these subdimensions to contribute to improved service quality perceptions, the quality received by consumers must be perceived to be reliable, responsive, and empathetic. Although the service personal value may be found in researches that explore individual values and their consequences for consumer behavior, there is no established operationalization of a SERPVAL scale. The inexistence of an established scale, duly adapted in order to understand and analyze personal values behind services usage, exposes the need of a measurement scale with such a purpose. This need has to be rooted, however, in a conceptualization of the construct being scaled. Service personal values can be defined as a customer's overall assessment of the use of a service based on the perception of what is achieved in terms of his own personal values. As consumer behaviors serve to show an individual's values, the use of a service can also be a way to fulfill and demonstrate consumers'personal values. In this sense, a service can provide more to the customer than its concrete and abstract attributes at both the attribute and the quality levels, and more than its functional consequences at the value level. Both values and services literatures agree, that personal value is the highest-level concept, followed by instrumental values, attitudes and finally by product attributes. Purchasing behaviors are agreed to be the end result of these concepts' interaction, with personal values taking a major role in the final decision process. From both consumers' and practitioners' perspectives, values are extremely relevant, as they are desirable goals that serve as guiding principles in people's lives. While building on previous research, we propose to assess service personal values through three broad groups of individual dimensions; at the self-oriented level, we use (1) service value to peaceful life (SVPL) and, at the social-oriented level, we use (2) service value to social recognition (SVSR), and (3) service value to social integration (SVSI). Service value to peaceful life is our first dimension. This dimension emerged as a combination of values coming from the RVS scale, a scale built specifically to assess general individual values. If a service promotes a pleasurable life, brings or improves tranquility, safety and harmony, then its user recognizes the value of this service. Generally, this service can improve the user's pleasure of life, since it protects or defends the consumer from threats to life or pressures on it. While building upon both the LOV scale, a scale built specifically to assess consumer values, and the RVS scale for individual values, we develop the other two dimensions: SVSR and SVSI. The roles of social recognition and social integration to improve service personal value have been seriously neglected. Social recognition derives its outcome utility from its predictive utility. When applying this underlying belief to our second dimension, SVSR, we assume that people use a service while taking into consideration the content of what is delivered. Individuals consider whether the service aids in gaining respect from others, social recognition and status, as well as whether it allows achieving a more fulfilled and stimulating life, which might then be revealed to others. People also tend to engage in behavior that receives social recognition and to avoid behavior that leads to social disapproval, and this contributes to an individual's social integration. This leads us to the third dimension, SVSI, which is based on the fact that if the consumer perceives that a service strengthens friendships, provides the possibility of becoming more integrated in the group, or promotes better relationships at the social, professional or family levels, then the service will contribute to social integration, and naturally the individual will recognize personal value in the service. Most of the research in business values deals with individual values. However, to our knowledge, no study has dealt with assessing overall personal values as well as their dimensions in a service context. Our final results show that the scales adapted from the Schwartz list were excluded. A possible explanation is that although Schwartz builds on Rokeach work in order to explore individual values, its dimensions might be especially focused on analyzing societal values. As we are looking for individual dimensions, this might explain why the values inspired by the Schwartz list were excluded from the model. The hierarchical structure of the final scale presented in this paper also presents theoretical implications. Although we cannot claim to definitively capture the dimensions of service personal values, we believe that we come close to capturing these overall evaluations because the second-order factor extracts the underlying commonality among dimensions. In addition to obtaining respondents' evaluations of the dimensions, the second-order factor model captures the common variance among these dimensions, reflecting the respondents' overall assessment of service personal values. Towards this fact, we expect that the service personal values conceptualization and measurement scale presented here contributes to both business values literature and the service marketing field, allowing for the delineation of strategies for adding value to services. This new scale also presents managerial implications. The SERPVAL dimensions give some guidance on how to better pursue a highly service-oriented business strategy. Indeed, the SERPVAL scale can be used for benchmarking purposes, as this scale can be used to identify whether or not a firms' marketing strategies are consistent with consumers' expectations. Managerial assessment of the personal values of a service might be extremely important because it allows managers to better understand what customers want or value. Thus, this scale allows us to identify what services are really valuable to the final consumer; providing knowledge for making choices regarding which services to include. Traditional approaches have focused their attention on service attributes (as quality) and service consequences(as service value), but personal values may be an important set of variables to be considered in understanding what attracts consumers to a certain service. By using the SERPVAL scale to assess the personal values associated with a services usage, managers may better understand the reasons behind services' usage, so that they may handle them more efficiently. While testing nomological validity, our empirical findings demonstrate that the three SERPVAL dimensions are positively and significantly associated with satisfaction. Additionally, while service value to social integration is related only with loyalty, service value to peaceful life is associated with both loyalty and repurchase intent. It is also interesting and surprising that service value to social recognition appears not to be significantly linked with loyalty and repurchase intent. A possible explanation is that no mobile service provider has yet emerged in the market as a luxury provider. All of the Portuguese providers are still trying to capture market share by means of low-end pricing. This research has implications for consumers as well. As more companies seek to build relationships with their customers, consumers are easily able to examine whether these relationships provide real value or not to their own lives. The selection of a strategy for a particular service depends on its customers' personal values. Being highly customer-oriented means having a strong commitment to customers, trying to create customer value and understanding customer needs. Enhancing service distinctiveness in order to provide a peaceful life, increase social recognition and gain a better social integration are all possible strategies that companies may pursue, but the one to pursue depends on the outstanding personal values held by the service customers. Data were gathered from 284 respondents in the korean discount store and online shopping mall market. This research proposed 3 hypotheses on 6 latent variables and tested through structural equation modeling. 6 alternative measurements were compared through statistical significance test of the 6 paths of research model and the overall fitting level of structural equation model. and the result was successful. and Perceived quality more positively influences service personal value when NFC is high than when no NFC is low in the off-line market. The results of the study indicate that service quality is properly modeled as an antecedent of service personal value. We consider the research and managerial implications of the study and its limitations. In sum, by knowing the dimensions a consumer takes into account when choosing a service, a better understanding of purchasing behaviors may be realized, guiding managers toward customers expectations. By defining strategies and actions that address potential problems with the service personal values, managers might ultimately influence their firm's performance. we expect to contribute to both business values and service marketing literatures through the development of the service personal value. At a time when marketing researchers are challenged to provide research with practical implications, it is also believed that this framework may be used by managers to pursue service-oriented business strategies while taking into consideration what customers value.
Cerebrolysin Attenuates Astrocyte Activation Following Repetitive Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Implications for Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (만성외상성뇌병증과 관련된 반복적 경도 외상성뇌손상(rmTBI)모델에서 cerebrolysin의 별아교 세포활성 억제효과)
- Kang, Hyun Bae;Kim, GiHun;Kim, HyunJoong;Han, Sa Rang;Chae, Dong Jin;Song, Hee-Jung;Kim, Dong Woon
- Journal of Life Science
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- v.23 no.9
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- pp.1096-1103
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- 2013
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), which is common in athletes, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease and a long-term consequence of repetitive closed head injuries. CTE is regarded as a chronic brain syndrome due to the effects of repetitive traumatic brain injury (TBI). Because neurotrophic factors are neuroprotective in models of brain and spinal cord injuries, we examined the effects of cerebrolysin, a mixture of various neurotrophic factors, on brain pathology in a mouse model of repetitive mild TBI (rmTBI), which is a good model of CTE. Five groups were created and treated as follows: groups 1 and 2: rmTBI for 4 weeks following cerebrolysin injection for 4 weeks; groups 3 and 4: rmTBI for 8 weeks with or without cerebrolysin injection for 4 weeks; group 5: control. We found that p-tau expression was increased in the pyramidal layer of the cortex and hippocampus, particularly the CA3 region, but not in the CA1 region and the dentate gyrus (DG). Intra-tail vein administration of cerebrolysin (
$10{\mu}l$ of 1 mg/ml) after/during rmTBI treatment reduced p-tau expression in both the cortex and hippocampus. Histological analysis revealed mild astrocyte activation (increased expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)) but not microglia activation (ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1 (iba-1) expression) and peripheral macrophage infiltration (CD45). Additionally, administration of cerebrolysin after rmTBI resulted in reduced astrocyte activation. These observations in rmTBI demonstrated that cerebrolysin treatment reduces phosphorylation of tau and astrocyte activation, attenuates brain pathology, and mitigates function deficits in TBI. Taken together, our observations suggest that cerebrolysin has potential therapeutic value in CTE.
An analytic Study on long-term increasing and decreasing Type of Elementary School Students in urban Area in Korea (우리나라 시지역 초등학교 학생수 증감 추세 유형 연구)
- Yoon, Yong-Gi
- The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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- v.16 no.2
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- pp.34-43
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- 2017
The purpose of this study is to provide a basis for determining when a school established long term school plans accepted by analyzing the trend of increase or decrease elementary school students 30 years to target of following nine cities, 552 elementary schools in Korea - 4 metropolitan cities(Ilsan, Bundang, Jungdong, Pyungchon, Sanbon, Dongtan and Kwangkyo), 4 central regional cities (Chunan, Asan, Seosan and Nonsan), 3 south-eastern regional cities(Pohang, Woolsan, Jinju, Changwon and Kyungsan) and 4south-western regional cities(Kwangju, Jeonju, Suncheon and Kunsan) for this purpose. Results of this study are as follows: First, the most common type was type 5, accounting for 56.8% (658) of the total, followed by type 11 (12.8%), type 13 (7.9%), type 15 (5.6%). Of the total 15 types, type 1, type 3, type 7 and type 14 accounted for less than 1% of the total. Second, the results of the Conflict Model I and Conflict Model II showed that Type1 and Type7 were not needed to be adopted.
A Study on The Introduction Method of Industrial Design for Small Business (중소기업의 산업디자인 도입방법에 관한 연구)
- 이수봉
- Archives of design research
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- v.11 no.2
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- pp.129-140
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- 1998
This study aimed to grqJe for and present guideline roodel when the qJerator of domestic small manufacturing industry try to introch1ce the first industrial design by easier and more effective method. As the method of study, first of aiL examined the necessary of introducing industrial design throogh coosidering about the role and importance of small business. And next, analysed and examined the result of researching by enquete that is for qJerators of cbnestic small business. As a result, preconditioos for effective introducing industrial design were found. And, based 00 the preconditioos that were found through researching by enquete, examined the approachable introducing methods. Finally, set up the effectivable introducing methods of industrial design for doo1estic small manufacturing industry as a graphical model. As a result of study, First, the operator of small business who try to introduce industrial design needs to be well aware of these six cooditions as a prenise of effective awroach.1) coosciousness of role and versus a nation and a people of own industry Cereative 2) managing coosideratim and examinatim of a necessity of introducing industrial design as a cata1yst 3) A certain understanding aIntt essence and value of industrial design 4) Study and examinatim about a case of sucessful introducing industrial design arxl common introducing method of small business.5) Befarehand examinatim of introducing method making use of professional design organization and consultatim wicket 6) Prodent examination about the appointlrent puprpose, method of designer and infonmtion about designer. Second, as the position of small bnsiness that introduce industrial design fur the first time, it is confirmed that the aroroach going with introducing types - preliminary introducing, partitial introducing, regular introducing, whole industry level introducing - considered necessity rate of introducing industrial design and introducing range at the same time. This method is able to approach step by step, but it is confinmed that there is a characteristic in being able to select the method freely, and understanding easily for being coostructed visual form.
Risk Factors Related to Development of Delirium in Hospice Patients (호스피스 병동의 암환자에서 섬망 발생 위험 요인)
- Ko, Hae Jin;Youn, Chang Ho;Chung, Seung Eun;Kim, A Sol;Kim, Hyo Min
- Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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- v.17 no.3
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- pp.170-178
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- 2014
Purpose: Delirium is a common and serious neuropsychiatric complication among terminally ill cancer patients. We investigated risk factors related to the development of delirium among hospice care patients. Methods: Between May 2011 and September 2012, we included patients who were mentally alert and had no psychiatric disease or drug addiction at the hospice ward of two local hospitals. Among them, participants who had been diagnosed with delirium by two doctors according to the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-4th edition) criteria were grouped as Delirium Group. We analyzed results of psychometric and other laboratory tests performed at the time of patient's admission - psychometric tests included cognitive function (mini-mental status examination, MMSE), depression (Beck Depression Inventory, BDI), anxiety, and insomnia (Insomnia Severity Index, ISI). Logistic regression analysis was used to compare delirium and the related factors. Cox's proportional hazard model was performed using significant factors of logistic regression analysis. Results: Of the 96 patients who met the inclusion criteria, 41 (42.7%) developed delirium. According to the logistic regression analysis, primary cancer site, cognitive impairment (MMSE < 24), depression (
$BDI{\geq}16$ ), and insomnia ($ISI{\geq}15$ ) were significant factors related to delirium. Among the four factors, depression (OR 5.130; 95% CI, 2.009~13.097) and cognitive impairment (OR 5.130; 95% CI, 2.009~13.097) were found significant using Cox's proportional hazard model. Conclusion: The development of delirium was significantly related to depression and cognitive impairment among patients receiving hospice care. It is necessary to carefully monitor depression and cognitive function in hospice care.
The influences of individual personality types on ERP system's acceptance: a preliminary test (개인의 성격유형이 ERP수용에 미치는 영향에 관한 탐색적 연구)
- Kim, Hyun-Sang;Lee, Jang-Hyung
- Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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- v.11 no.4
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- pp.47-65
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- 2006
The application of the ERP system is becoming more common to the businesses since a firm needs to reinforce positive competitiveness and to maintain competitive advantage. The ERP system is an enterprise integration solution that converts the whole business processes through information technology. Extant research provides plenty of results about the success factors of the ERP system; however, most of the researches focus on the exterior factors such as techniques rather than on the influences that a firm's employees' individual personality has in accepting the information technology of the ERP system. The objective of this study is to investigate the role of the employees' individual personality as a factor that makes the ERP system a success. The surveys--composed of the extent of information technology acceptance about the personality type of MBTI (Myers-Briggs type indicator) and the ERP system--were given to the companies applying the ERP system The personality type of MBTI is measured by 4 types of Myers, and Davis's TAM (technology acceptance model) is used for the information technology acceptance. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First the extraversion and the judging in the personality types of MBTI have a significant influence on the information technology acceptance of the ERP system. However, the thinking and the feeling in the personality types of MBTI were analyzed to not have a critical affect on the ERP system acceptance. Second as verified in the extant research the information technology acceptance verification related to the ERP system has a significant influence on perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, behavioral intention and actual usage of the ERP system. The results of this study can be used for a successful application of the ERP system as follows. First it offers foundation of perception that the type of the individual personality is a significant key figure for the successful use of the ERP system. Second it provides a basis for the knowledge of combining the model of information technology acceptance and the psychological factors.
- 본 웹사이트에 게시된 이메일 주소가 전자우편 수집 프로그램이나 그 밖의 기술적 장치를 이용하여 무단으로 수집되는 것을 거부하며, 이를 위반시 정보통신망법에 의해 형사 처벌됨을 유념하시기 바랍니다.
- [게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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제 3 장 계약 당사자의 의무
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제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
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- 제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한) ① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는 경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다. - 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우 - 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우 ② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의 일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
- 제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지) 회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
- 제 18 조 (손해배상) 당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
- 제 19 조 (관할 법원) 서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
- [부 칙] 1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.
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