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Estimation of Land Surface Energy Fluxes using CLM and VIC model (CLM과 VIC 모형을 활용한 지표 에너지 플럭스 산정)

  • Kim, Daeun;Ray, Ram L.;King, Seokkoo;Choi, Minha
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.166-172
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    • 2016
  • Accurate understanding of land surface is essential to analyze energy exchanges between earth surface and atmosphere. For the quantization of energy fluxes, the various researches about Land Surface Model(LSM) have been progressed. Among the various LSMs, the researches using Common Land Model(CLM) and Variable Infiltration Capacity(VIC) model are performed briskly. The CLM which is advanced LSM can calculate realistic results with few user defined parameters. The VIC model which is also typical LSM is widely used for estimation of energy fluxes and runoff in various fields. In this study, the energy fluxes which are net radiation, sensible heat flux, and latent heat flux were estimated using CLM and VIC model at Southern Sierra-Critical Zone Observatory(SS-CZO) site in California, United States. In case of net radiation and sensible heat flux, both models showed good agreement with observations, however, the CLM showed underestimated patterns of net radiation and sensible heat flux during precipitation period. In case of latent heat flux, the CLM represented better estimation of latent heat flux than VIC model which underestimated the latent heat flux. Through the estimation of energy fluxes and analysis of models' pros and cons, the applicability of CLM and VIC models and need of multi-model application were identified.

Roundabout Accident Model by Traffic Impeding Factor (교통 저해요소별 회전교차로 사고모형)

  • Cho, Ah Hae;Park, Byung Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.128-133
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    • 2017
  • This study deals with the roundabout traffic accidents by traffic impeding factor. The purpose of this study is to comparatively analyze the characteristics of accidents and to develop the accident models. In pursuing the above, this study used a statistical program SPSS 20.0 to analyze 2,342 accidents occurred within 79 roundabouts in Korea. The main results are as follows. First, 4 accident models which were all statistically significant were developed. Second, the traffic volume and width of right-turn-only lane were analyzed to be common variable in the bus stop related models. The variables such as right-turn-only lane, street light, turning radius of entry lane were selected as specific variables. Especially street light and turning radius of entry lane were evaluated to have negative effects to the accidents. It is, therefore, essential to install the street light and place a sufficient turning radius in order to reduce the roundabout accidents. Finally, the traffic volume and number of entry lane were analyzed to be common variable in the on-street parking related models. Also, the width of right-turn-only lane and bus stop were evaluate to be specific variables in the model with on-street parking. This can be expected to give some implications to making the accident reduction guidelines.

A Repository Model of Security Environment Contents based on CC (CC 기반의 보안환경 컨텐츠 리파지토리 모델)

  • Choi Sang-Soo;Bang Young-Hwan;Lee Gang-Soo
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.157-162
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    • 2004
  • A development of PP/ST is essential in CC environment. And, the KOREA is expected that PP/STs demand increases explosively by joining to CCRA hereafter. Specially, PP/ST development experience of the KOREA is lacking. So, development of security environment(assume, threat, policy) and security objective contents refer only PP/ST Guide(ISO/IEC PDTR 15446) are very difficult. In this paper, we propose a web service based common security environment and security objective repository model that make developers can run PP/ST creation to be simple. Through proposed model, developers who development experience is lacking are expected to achieve PP/ST development to be simple.

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A Study on The Relationship of Architectural Ideology and Characteristics of Spatial Composition between Narkomfin Communal House and Unite d'Habitation (나르콤핀 공동주택과 위니떼 다비따시옹에 담긴 건축이념 및 구성요소의 상관성에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Hwa-Yeon;Sohn, Sei-Kwan
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of architectural ideology and characteristics of spatial composition between Moisei Ginzburg's Narkomfin communal house and Le Corbusier's Unite d'Habitation. Narkomfin communal house and Unite d'Habitation is considered as example of experiment to construct ideal community housing model. Moisei Ginzburg designed Narkomfin communal house to make typical housing model for socialist city. Meanwhile, Le Corbusier is considered as a leader of modern functionalism architecture. His Unite d'Habitation in Marseille is important experiment for housing model in modern period. Unite d'Habitation is known to be affected by Narkomfin communal house in terms of architectural ideology and its spatial composition. This study focuses on comparative analysis between Narkomfin communal house and Unite d'Habitation through drawings, pictures and various literatures. Narkomfin communal house and Unite d'Habitation have common ideology to realize ideal community housing model. Moreover, both of them have considerable similarities in their spatial composition. First of all, unit housing of Narkomfin and Unite d'Habitation are maisonette type. Secondly, both of them have unique system that one corridor serve two of housing unit. Also, both have common facility such as laundry, childcare which is connected with their housing.

The Analysis of the Causal Model of Children's Self-Perceived Competence and Related Variables (아동의 역량지각과 관련변인들간의 인과모형분석)

  • 이주리
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.193-208
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    • 1994
  • This study investigated the causality of the children's self-perceived competence and related variables(age, sex, socio-demographic variables, family structure, the number of brother, home environmental process variables and peer group environmental variables.) The subjects of this study were 842 children at age five, seven, nine, eleven and thirteen attending kindergartens. elementary schools and junior high schools and their mothers in Seoul. This study employed children's self-perceived competence scales(The Pictorial scales for 5, 7, Qestionnaire for 9, 11, 13) home environment scales and peer group enviornment scales(the Pictorial scales for 5, 7 Qestionnaire for 9, 11, 13) Freqencies one way-ANOVA Pearson's Cronbach's αmultiple regression and path analysis were used for data-analysis. Major findings were as follows: 1. The results of the analysis of causal model showed that the variables that affected cognitive self-perceived competence directly were age, sex, parent's education economic status of the home the number of brother and peer's emotional support 2. The results of the analysis of causal model showed that the variables that affected social self-perceived competence directly were sex, economic status of the home, peer's emotional support and common activity. 3. The results of the analysis of causal model showed that the variables that affected physical self-perceived competence directly were age, sex, peer's emotional support and common activity.

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  • Lee, Jaehyun;Yi, Sukyoung K.
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.33.2-33.2
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    • 2014
  • Halo merger trees are essential backbones of semi-analytic models for galaxy formation and evolution. Recent studies have pointed out that extracting merger trees from numerical simulations of structure formation is non-trivial; different algorithm can give differing merger histories. Thus they should be carefully understood before being used as input for models of galaxy formation. As one of the projects proposed in the SUSSING MERGER TREES Workshop, we investigate the impact of different halo merger trees on a semi-analytic model. We find that the z = 0 global galaxy properties in our model show differences between trees when using a common parameter set, but that these differences are not very significant. However, the star formation history of the Universe and the properties of satellite galaxies can show marked differences between trees with different methods for constructing a tree. Calibrating the SAM for each tree individually to the empirical data can reduce the discrepancies between the z = 0 global galaxy properties, however this is at cost of increasing the differences in evolutionary histories of galaxies. Furthermore, the underlying physics implied can vary, resulting in key quantities such as the supernova feedback efficiency differing by factors of 2. Such a change alters the regimes where star formation is primarily suppressed by supernovae. Therefore, halo merger trees extracted from a common halo catalogue using different, but reliable, algorithms can result in a difference in the semi-analytic model, however, given the enormous uncertainties in galaxy formation physics, these are not necessarily significant.

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A mathematical model to recover missing monitoring data of foundation pit

  • Liu, Jiangang;Zhou, Dongdong;Liu, Kewen
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.275-286
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    • 2015
  • A new method is presented to recover missing deformation data of lateral walls of foundation pit when the monitoring is interrupted; the method is called Dynamic Mathematical Model - Parameter Interpolation. The deformation of lateral walls of foundation pit is mainly affected by the type of supporting structure and the situation of constraints, therefore, this paper mainly studies the two different kinds of variation law of deep horizontal displacement when the lateral walls are constrained or not, proposes two dynamic curve models of normal distribution type and logarithmic type, deals with model parameters by interpolating and obtains the parameters of missing data, then missing monitoring data could be Figured out by these parameters. Compared with the result from the common average method which is used to recover missing data, in the upper 2/3 of the inclinometer tube, the result by using this method is closer to the actual monitoring data, in the lower 1/3 part of the inclinometer tube, the result from the common average method is closer to the actual monitoring data.

Convergence Performance Evaluation Model for Intrusion Protection System based on CC and ISO Standard (CC와 ISO 표준에 따른 침입방지시스템의 융합 성능평가 모델)

  • Lee, Ha-Yong;Yang, Hyo-Sik
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.251-257
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    • 2015
  • Intrusion protection system is a security system that stop abnormal traffics through automatic activity by finding out attack signatures in network. Unlike firewall or intrusion detection system that defends passively, it is a solution that stop the intrusion before intrusion warning. The security performance of intrusion protection system is influenced by security auditability, user data protection, security athentication, etc., and performance is influenced by detection time, throughput, attack prevention performance, etc. In this paper, we constructed a convergence performance evaluation model about software product evaluation to construct the model for security performance evaluation of intrusion protection system based on CC(Common Criteria : ISO/IEC 15408) and ISO international standard about software product evaluation.

A Study on the Characteristics of Bathroom Design in Apartment Model House - Focused on the south area of the Han river and new town area(Boon-dang) - (아파트 모델하우스 욕실에 나타난 디자인 특성 연구 - 서울 강남 및 신도시(분당)를 중심으로 -)

  • 송윤경;박영순
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.32
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    • pp.36-46
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to find the characteristics of bathroom through the latest apartment model house, and to investigate the types of design element in bathroom space, that is equipment material, measurement, and shape. Also, this study compare the changes in bathroom investigated through the theoretical study and understand the general design characteristics of modern bathroom. Design characteristics of bathrooms of 19 apartment model houses that are 30pyong to 60pyong model in the south area of the Han river and new city area, Boon-dang were analyzed based on previous studies. The result of the study is as follows. 1) The most remarkable change of bathroom can be found in equipment. The type of bathroom equipment, materials, forms, size have been changing diversely. 2) In addition, the function of bathroom has been changing. Bathroom is not only sanitary place but also place for rest, health-care, beauty-care, storage, and it is possible to add health improving function. 3) On the other hand, washstand + toilet + shower booth type is common for family-bathroom, and separate type of washstand + toilet + bathtub + shower booth + Powder room + dress roomtype is most common for master-bathroom.

A Review of the Korean Experimental Studies on the Antidepressant Effect of Herbal Medicines (한약의 항우울 효과에 대한 국내 실험연구 고찰)

  • Han, Da-Young;Kim, Sang-Ho;Chung, Dae-kyoo
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.71-88
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: The present study aims to review the antidepressant effect of herbal medicines reported in Korean local journals. Methods: We searched in electronic databases (Koreantk, KISS, OASIS, NDSL) for studies, published in Korean national journals, that assessed herbal medicine effect of depression model. The search term was 'depression' in the abstract or whole text. Depression model, herbal material, experimental results, mechanisms were extracted. Results: We included 43 articles in which 38 studies were in vitro experiments, and the rest 5 were in vivo experiments. The most common experiment subject model was a rat and the most widely used method to induce depression was Despair behavior test. 21 studies used simple herbal medicines, and 22 studies used complex herbal medication. Glycyrrhizae Radix was the most commonly used herbal material to improve depression model. The most common mechanisms of herbal medicine with antidepressant effect were inhibition of Monoamine activation mechanism and depression related neurohormone secretion. Conclusions: Herbal medicines may be a promising resource for treating depression.