• 제목/요약/키워드: combined effects of temperature and pH

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Effects of atmospheric environmental changes on annual ring growth of Cryptomeria japonica in Southern Korea

  • Luong, Thi-Hoan;Jang, Kyoung-Soo;Choi, Woo-Jung;Lee, Kye-Han
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2013
  • Annual ring formation is considered a source of information to investigate the effects of environmental changes caused by temperature, air pollution, and acid rain on tree growth. A comparative investigation of annual ring growth of Cryptomeria japonica in relation to environmental changes was conducted at two sites in southern Korea (Haenam and Jangseong). Three wood disks from each site were collected from stems at breast height and annual ring growth was analyzed. Annual ring area at two sites increased over time (p > 0.05). Tree ring growth rate in Jangseong was higher than that in Haenam. Annual ring area increment in Jangseong was more strongly correlated with environmental variables than that in Haenam; annual ring growth increased with increasing temperature (p < 0.01) and a positive effect of $NO_2$ concentration on annual ring area (p < 0.05) could be attributed to nitrogen deposition in Jangseong. The correlation of annual ring growth increased with decreasing $SO_2$ and $CO_2$ concentrations (p < 0.01) in Jangseong. Variation in annual growth rings in Jangseong could be associated with temperature changes and N deposition. In Haenam, annual ring growth was correlated with $SO_2$ concentration (p < 0.01), and there was a negative relationship between precipitation pH and annual ring area (p < 0.01) which may reflect changes in nutrient cycles due to the acid rain. Therefore, the combined effects of increased $CO_2$, N deposition, and temperature on tree ring growth in Jangseong may be linked to soil acidification in this forest ecosystem. The interactions between air pollution ($SO_2$) and precipitation pH in Haenam may affect tree growth and may change nutrient cycles in this site. These results suggested that annual tree ring growth in Jangseong was more correlated with environmental variables than that in Haenam. However, the further growth of C. japonica forest at two sites is at risk from the long-term effects of acid deposition from fossil fuel combustion.

Bactericidal Effect of Pathogenic Bacteria on Acid Treatment Combined with Red, Green, and Blue LED Light at a Low Temperature Environment (저온에서 산 처리와 적색, 녹색, 청색 LED 조사의 조합에 따른 식중독 세균의 살균 효과)

  • Do, Jung Sun;Chung, Hyun-Jung;Bang, Woo-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.44 no.11
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    • pp.1725-1732
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    • 2015
  • The bactericidal effects of 642, 521, and 461 nm LED were investigated on Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Staphylococcus aureus strains in TSB with pH 7.2, 4.0, and 3.5 for 10 h at $15^{\circ}C$. The bactericidal effect of 461 nm blue LED was the most pronounced compared to 642 nm and 521 nm LEDs at pH 3.5. When E. coli was exposed to pH 3.5 with 461 nm LED, populations of E. coli O157:H7 ATCC 43894 and 35150 decreased by 4 and 5 log CFU/mL for 2 h, respectively. Populations of E. coli ATCC 8739 decreased by 5 log CFU/mL for 2 h. Further, S. aureus ATCC 27664, 43300, and 19095 were inactivated by 4, 5 and 5 log CFU/mL for 2 h, respectively, at pH 3.5 with 461 nm LED. In conclusion, combined treatment with 461 nm LED and acidic conditions at low-temperature ($15^{\circ}C$) showed the greatest antimicrobial effects. This study suggests that LEDs may be potentially used as a method to maintain the safety of the food preservation technology.

Effects of Increased CO2 and Temperature on the Growth of Four Diatom Species (Chaetoceros debilis, Chaetoceros didymus, Skeletonema costatum and Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii) in Laboratory Experiments

  • Hyun, Bonggil;Choi, Keun-Hyung;Jang, Pung-Guk;Jang, Min-Chul;Lee, Woo-Jin;Moon, Chang-Ho;Shin, Kyoungsoon
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.1003-1012
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    • 2014
  • We examined the combined impacts of future increases of $CO_2$ and temperature on the growth of four marine diatoms (Skeletonema costatum, Chaetoceros debilis, Chaetoceros didymus, Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii). The four strains were incubated under four different conditions: present ($pCO_2$: 400ppm, temperature: $20^{\circ}C$), acidification ($pCO_2$: 1000ppm, temperature: $20^{\circ}C$), global warming ($pCO_2$: 400ppm, temperature: $25^{\circ}C$), and greenhouse ($pCO_2$: 1000ppm, temperature: $25^{\circ}C$) conditions. Under the condition of higher temperatures, growth of S. costatum was suppressed, while C. debilis showed enhanced growth. Both C. didymus and T. nodenskioldii showed similar growth rates under current and elevated temperature. None of the four species appeared affected in their cell growth by elevated $CO_2$ concentrations. Chetoceros spp. showed increase of pH per unit fluorescence under elevated $CO_2$ concentrations, but no difference in pH from that under current conditions was observed for either S. costatum or T. nodenskioeldii, implying that Chetoceros spp. can take up more $CO_2$ per cell than the other two diatoms. Our results of cell growth and pH change per unit fluorescence suggest that both C. debilis and C. didymus are better adapted to future oceanic conditions of rising water temperature and $CO_2$ than are S. costatum and T. nodenskioeldii.

Effects of Combined Treatment of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Cell Wall Degrading Enzymes on Fermentation and Composition of Rhodesgrass (Chloris gayana Kunth.) Silage

  • Ridla, M.;Uchida, S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.522-529
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    • 1998
  • This experiment was conducted to study the effects of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) inoculation either alone or in combination with cell wall degrading enzymes on the fermentation characteristics and chemical compositions of Rhodesgrass silage. Over to 1 kg of fresh Rhodesgrass sample a treatment of inoculant LAB with or without addition of an enzyme of Acremoniumcellulase (A) or Meicelase (M) or a mixture of both enzymes (AM) was applied. The treatments were control untreated, LAB-treated (application rate $1.0{\times}10^5cfu/g$ fresh sample), LAB+A 0.005%, LAB+A 0.01%, LAB+A 0.02%, LAB+M 0.005%, LAB+M 0.01%, LAB+M 0.02 %, LAB+AM 0.005%, LAB+AM 0.01%, and LAB+AM 0.02%. The sample was ensiled into 2-L vinyl bottle silo, with 9 silages of each treatment were made. Three silages of each treatment were incubated at 20, 30 and $40^{\circ}C$ for 2-months of storage period. All silages were well preserved with their fermentation quality has low pH values (3.91-4.26) and high lactic acid concentrations (4.11-9.89 %DM). No differences were found in fermentation quality and chemical composition of the control untreated silage as compared to the LAB-treated silage. Combined treatment of LAB+cellulases improved the fermentation quality of silages measured in terms of lower (p < 0.01) pH values and higher (p < 0.05) lactic concentrations than those of LAB-treated silages. Increasing amount of cellulase addition resulted in decrease (p < 0.05) of pH value and increase (p < 0.05) of lactic acid concentration. LAB + cellulase treatments (all cellulase types) reduced (p < 0.01) NDF, ADF and in vitro dry matter digestibility of silages compared with the control untreated silages. The fermentation quality and the rate of cell wall reduction were higher (p < 0.01) in the silages treated with LAB + cellulase A than in the silages treated with either LAB+cellulase M or LAB + cellulase AM. Incubation temperature of $40^{\circ}C$ was likely to be more appropriate environment for stimulating the fermentation of Rhodesgrass silages than those of 20 and $30^{\circ}C$.

Predictive Modeling for the Growth of Listeria monocytogenes as a Function of Temperature, NaCl, and pH

    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.1323-1329
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    • 2005
  • A mathematical model was developed for predicting the growth kinetics of Listeria monocytogenes in tryptic soy broth (TSB) as a function of combined effects of temperature, pH, and NaCl. The TSB containing four different concentrations of NaCl (2, 4, 5, and $10\%$) was initially adjusted to six different pH levels (pH 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10) and incubated at 4, 10, 25, or 37$^{circ}C$. In all experimental variables, the primary growth curves were well fitted ($r^{2}$=0.982 to 0.998) to a Gompertz equation to obtain the lag time (LT) and specific growth rate (SGR). Surface response models were identified as appropriate secondary models for LT and SGR on the basis of coefficient determination ($r^{2}$=0.907 for LT, 0.964 for SGR), mean square error (MSE=3.389 for LT, 0.018 for SGR), bias factor ($B_{1}$B,=0.706 for LT, 0.836 for SGR), and accuracy factor ($A_{f}$=1.567 for LT, 1.213 for SGR). Therefore, the developed secondary model proved reliable predictions of the combined effect of temperature, NaCl, and pH on both LT and SGR for L. monocytogenes in TSB.

Combined Effect of Irradiation and Ageing Condition on Physicochemical and Microbial Quality of Hanwoo Eye of Round

  • Yim, Dong-Gyun;Jo, Cheorun;Kim, Hyun-Joo;Cha, Ju-Su;Kim, Hyun Cheol;Nam, Ki-Chang
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.406-412
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    • 2015
  • The combined effects of electron-beam irradiation and ageing of beef were examined. The irradiated samples at dose of 0 or 2 kGy were kept and analyzed for the microbial growth, shear values, meat color, and nucleotide-related flavor compounds at different ageing temperatures (2, 10, or 25℃) for 8 d. The irradiation effect on inactivation of foodborne pathogens was also investigated. The population of Listeria monocytogenes and E. coli O157:H7 inoculated in beef samples decreased in proportion to the irradiation dose, showing D10 values of 0.66 and 0.65 kGy respectively. The irradiated beef eye of round had lower number of total aerobic bacteria (TAB) than nonirradiated one during the storage, but the TAB increased with higher ageing temperature (p<0.05). Especially, TAB increased sharply in non-irradiated samples aged at 25℃ after 4 d (p<0.05). With increasing ageing temperature and ageing time, shear force values decreased (p<0.05). The color a* values of the irradiated beef were lower than those of the non-irradiated throughout the ageing period (p<0.05). As ageing time and temperature increased, the amounts of inosine monophosphate decreased and the hypoxanthine increased (p<0.05). Relatively high ageing temperature could be used at irradiated beef eye of round to shorten the ageing time.

Effects of Dietary Vitamins C and E on Egg Shell Quality of Broiler Breeder Hens under Heat Stress

  • Chung, M.K.
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Poultry Science Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2004
  • A feeding trial was conducted to determine whether dietary vitamin C (200 mg/kg) and vitamin E (250 mg/kg) prevent any drops in egg shell quality under heat stress in broiler breeder hens. One hundred and sixty molted Ross broiler breeders were housed randomly in an individual cage at 83 weeks of age. Four dietary treatments with forty hens and four replications per treatment were control (no additional vitamins). vitamin C-. or vitamin E-supplemented. and combined supplementation of the two vitamins. After a ten-day-adaptation period at 25 $^{\circ}C$. the ambient temperature was kept at 32 $^{\circ}C$ for a three-week-testing period. Egg production dropped dramatically over week but it did not show a significant change among treatments (P<0.05). However. egg weight. SG. shell thickness. SWUSA. puncture force and shell breaking strength of the birds fed the diet with the combined vitamins C and E were significantly improved than those fed the basal diet during the heat stress period (P<0.05). The hens fed the vitamin C supplemented diet showed a tibia breaking strength of 37.16 kg statistically higher than those of the basal and the vitamin E supplemented groups (P<0.05). The hens fed the basal diet showed higher serum corticosterone levels. a mean of 5.97 ng/ml. than those of the rest of treatments (P<0.05). The heat stress elevated heterophils but decreased lymphocytes in serum. and it changed H/L ratios of all the treatments. The increases in H/L ratios were alleviated in the bird by feeding vitamin C and/or vitamin E supplemented diets. but they did not differ significantly (P<0.05). In conclusion. vitamins C (200 mg/kg) and/or E (250 mg/kg) supplementation to diets could prevent drops in egg shell quality and tibia bone strength by alleviating stressful effects from high temperature in broiler breeder hens.

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Effects of Temperature and Concentration on the Rheological Properties of the Biopolymer Produced by Bacillus sp. K-1 Strain and Mutants (Bacillus sp. K-1과 변이주들에 의해 생산된 Biopolymer의 물성에 미치는 온도 및 농도의 영향)

  • Jeong, Nak-Hyeon;Yun, Gwang-Seop;Im, Mu-Hyeon
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.343-349
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    • 1997
  • The rheological Voperties of biopolymers produced by Bacilli sp. K-1 and its mutant strains(KM-21, KM-83) were studied at the temperature ranges with 20∼80$^{\circ}C$, at the concenration of 2∼6%, at the pH ranges from 3.0 to 9.0 and at the shear rate of 9.3-930sec-1 The apparent viscosity of biopolymers was decreased with increasing shear rate, and thereby biopolymers showed pseudoplastic characteristics. It was found that the apparent viscosity models respected 19 temperature, concentration and both temperature and concentration were expressed by Arrhenius Model, Exponential Model and combined of the above two Models. Therefore, the apparent viscosity could be predictable by Arrhenius and Exponential Models with high R2.

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Effects of Dietary Vitamins C and E on Egg Shell Quality of Broiler Breeder Hens Exposed to Heat Stress

  • Chung, M.K.;Choi, J.H.;Chung, Y.K.;Chee, K.M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.545-551
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    • 2005
  • A feeding trial was conducted to determine whether dietary vitamin C (200 mg/kg) and vitamin E (250 mg/kg) prevent any drops in egg shell quality under heat stress in broiler breeder hens. One hundred and sixty molted Ross broiler breeders were housed randomly in an individual cage at 83 weeks of age. Four dietary treatments with forty hens and four replications per treatment were control (no additional vitamins), vitamin C-, or vitamin E-supplemented and combined supplementation of the two vitamins. After a tenday-adaptation period at 25$^{\circ}C$, the ambient temperature was kept at 32$^{\circ}C$ for a three-week-testing period. Egg production dropped dramatically over week but it did not show a significant change among treatments (p<0.05). However, egg quality parameters such as egg weight, specific gravity, shell thickness, SWUSA, puncture force and shell breaking strength from the birds fed the diet with the combined vitamins C and E were significantly improved over those of the control group during the heat stress period (p<0.05). The hens fed the vitamin C diet improved tibia breaking strength (37.16 kg), statistically higher than the birds fed the control and the vitamin E diets (p<0.05). The hens fed the control diet showed higher serum corticosterone levels, a mean of 5.97 ng/ml, than those of the other treatments (p<0.05). The heat stress resulted in elevated heterophils and decreased lymphocytes in serum, increasing the H/L ratios for all the treatments. However, the increases in H/L ratios were alleviated by feeding the diets containing vitamin C alone or together with vitamin E, although there were no significant differences in the ratio between the two groups (p<0.05). In conclusion, vitamins C (200 mg/kg) and/or E (250 mg/kg) supplemented to the diets for broiler breeder hens could prevent drops in egg shell quality and tibia bone strength under highly stressful environmental temperatures.

Removal characteristics of surfactant by ozone and biological activated carbon (오존과 생물활성탄에 의한 합성세제 제거 특성 연구)

  • Ku, Suk Hyen;Kwon, Jin Hyoung;Lee, Jae In;Lim, Jin Kyung;Kim, Dong Youn
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2000
  • In this article, the removal of surfactant by ozone and BAC was studied. Batch and pilot tests were carried out for these studies. In batch tests, efficiency of ozone oxidation process was evaluated for LAS(Linear Alkylbenzen Sulfonate) and SLS(Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) removal. Under oxidant conditions, the removal of LAS was more effective than that of SLS. The removal of surfactant was more enhanced with increasing pH in oxidant systems. Pilot tests are carried out with BAC single process and ozone oxidation/BAC combined process. The removal of LAS was more effective in ozone oxidation/BAC combined process than BAC single process about 10-20%. In the case of SLS, the efficiency of BAC single process was similar to that of ozone oxidation BAC combined process. According to temperature, the removal efficiency of SLS changed from 70% to 95% and initial concentration of surfactant had no effects on removal efficiency of SLC under applied temperature above $15^{\circ}C$.

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