• Title/Summary/Keyword: coastal-offshore

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Polychaete Community Structure from Inshore and Offshore of Lake Shihwa (Korea) in March, 2008 (2008년 3월 시화방조제 내측과 외측해역에서 저서다모류 군집구조)

  • Jung, Rae-Hong;Choi, Min-Kyu;Yoon, Sang-Pil;Lee, Won-Chan;Choi, Hee-Gu
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 2012
  • Polychaete community structure and its spatial distribution was investigated in 2008 from inshore and offshore of Lake Shihwa, Korea, in order to evaluate status of the benthic environment according to construction of the dike and the water gate. In the present study, the number of species, density, and diversity of polychaete community in inshore was significantly different from those in offshore. The density of polychaete community in offshore increased with the number of species whereas the diversity in inshore increased with the number of species. Dominant species in offshore were 13 species, higher than 1% of the total polychaete individuals. Heteromastus filiformis, known as the most dominant species before the construction of the dike, was the most dominant species in offshore, which collectively account for 54% of the total polychaete individuals. In inshore, the seven species were dominant, higher than 1% of the total individuals. Lumbrineris longifolia, Polydora sp., Capitella capitata, Pseudopolydora paucibranchiata, known as pollution tolerant species, contributed to higher than 75% of the total individuals in inshore. Multivariate statistical analyses, non-metric multidimensional scaling, showed apparent difference in polychaete community structure between inshore and offshore, and also difference between inner sites and outer sites of inshore around the water gate. Sediment characteristics (total organic carbon and nitrogen, ignition loss, and acid volatile sulfide) measured in this study also supported to this result. Therefore, this indicates that the offshore provides better benthic environments for polychaete habitation than the inshore, and the inshore around the water gate shows improving benthic environment, compared to the inner inshore.

Distribution And Abundance Of Copepods In The Gulf Of Alaska And The Bering Sea In Summer 1978 (하계(夏季) Alaska만(灣)과 Bering해(海)의 Copepods의 분포조성(分布組成))

  • Lee, Sam Seuk
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.17-33
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    • 1980
  • The materials were obtained in the eastern Gulf of Alaska and the south- eastern Bering Sea during the cruise of the research vessel, Ohdae San, from July to October 1978. A total of 76 samples were taken by NORPAC net from a depth of 200 meters or less in coastal areas. 1. The surface water temperature in the coastal waters, varing from 9 to 10$^{\circ}C$, was lower than that in offshore waters which varied from 10 to 12.9$^{\circ}C$ in the eastern Gulf of Alaska. Thermocline was formed in the 30∼50 meter layer. Salinity of the coastal waters of Kenai Peninsula and Kodiak was 30 which was slightly lower than that of offshore. 2. The water temperature of the surface layer down to 30 meters varied from 7 to 10$^{\circ}C$ and from 1 to 9$^{\circ}C$ in the layer below 30 meters in the south-eastern Bering Sea. Meandering thermal front spread from the Alaska Peninsula to St. Matthew Island by way of St. Paul, and a thermocline was found at the 30∼50 meter layer Salinity ranged from 31.0 to 33.0 and that of northern and coastal waters was little lower than that of offshore. 3. Zooplankton biomass fluctuated from 0.1 to 23.6cc/10㎥ in the eastern Gulf of Alaska and 2.0 to 26.1cc/10㎥ in the south-eastern Bering Sea. Plankton was rich in the following areas, the inshore Kodiak waters, the northern Bering Sea, the Coastal waters and waters adjacent to Alutian islands however, poor in the central Bering Sea. In general, the south-eastern Bering Sea has a higher concentration of plankton volume than the eastern Gulf of Alaska. 4. Twenty three species representing 17 genera of copepods were identified from the samples. These were mostly composed of the cold water species, such as Pseudocalanus minutus, Acartia longiremis, Metridia lucens and Eucalanus bungii var. bungii. 5. The cold oceanic species were composed of Calanus cristatus, C.plumchrus, Metridia lucens, Eucalanus bungii var. bungii and Scolecithricella minor. The cold neritic species were Centropages abdominalis, Pseudocalanus minutus, Acartia longiremis, Eurytemora herdmanii, Pontella pulvinata, P. longipedata and Tortanus discaudatus. On the other hand, the warm oceanic species were Calanus tenuicornis and Oithona plumifera. The cosmopolitan species were Calanus finmarchicus and Oithona similis. 6. It was suggested that the cold oceanic species, Eucalanus bungii var. bungii and Metridia lucens in the south-eastern Bering Sea can be recommended as a valuable indicator species for finding the fishing grounds of demersal fish such as pollock and yellowfin sole in this area.

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Reliability Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbines Considering Soil-Pile Interaction and Scouring Effect (지반과 말뚝의 상호작용 및 세굴현상을 고려한 해상풍력터빈의 신뢰성 해석)

  • Yi, Jin-Hak;Kim, Sun-Bin;Yoon, Gil-Lim
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.222-231
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    • 2016
  • Multi-member lattice-type structures including jackets and tripods are being considered as good alternatives to monopile foundations for relatively deep water of 25-50 m of water depth owing to their technical and economic feasibility. In this study, the reliability analysis of bottom-fixed offshore wind turbines with monopile and/or multi-member lattice-type foundations is carried out and the sensitivities of random variables such as material properties, external wind loadings and scouring depth are compared with respect to different types of foundations. Numerical analysis of the NREL 5 MW wind turbine supported by monopile, tripod and jacket substructures shows that the uncertainties of soil properties affect the reliability index more significantly for the monopile-supported OWTs while the reliability index is not so sensitive to the material properties in the cases of tripod- and jacket-supported OWTs. In conclusion, the reliability analysis can be preliminarily carried out without considering soil-pile-interaction in the cases of tripod- and jacket-supported OWTs while it is very important to use the well-measured soil properties for reliable design of monopile-supported OWTs.

Low-salinity Water and Circulation in Summer around Saemangeum Area in the West Coast of Korea (하계 서해안 새만금 연안역 주변 저염수와 순환)

  • 이상호;최현용;손영태;권효근;김영곤;양재삼;정해진;김종구
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.138-150
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    • 2003
  • In the mid-west coast of Korea where Mankyung and Dongjin rivers discharge fresh water, Saemangeum tidal dyke of 33 km long is under construction to reclaim the very shallow estuary region of 41,000ha. Main source of freshwater in this coastal area is Keum River locating closely north of the dyke. At present, the dyke connected with Gogunsan-Gundo separates this area into three regions; northwestern, southwestern and eastern (Saemangeum) region of the dyke, and the water in Saemangeum region is exchanged through one gap in the northern dyke and two gaps in the southern dyke. We have observed distributions and structures of temperature and salinity to examine the summer circulation related with low-salinity water in this coastal area in 1998 and 1999. In the surface layer off the northern dyke a tongue-like distribution of low-salinity extends 60 km long from Keum River estuary mouth to the northwest, forming plume front bounded by offshore water. In the inner region of Saemangeum dykes salinity distributions show that two river waters are merged together and the low salinity water is deflected toward northern gap of the dyke. In the surface layer off the southern dyke we observed small tongue-like distribution of another low-salinity water extending to the north from Gomso Bay. Based on the analysis of distributions of low-salinity water and frontal structures, we can suggest an anticlockwise circulation of coastal water around the dyke, composed by the estuarine water outgoing from the inner region of the dyke through the northern dyke's gap and the inflow through two gaps of southern dyke from offshore. After completing the dyke construction, this coastal circulation around the dyke will be, however, changed because fresh water discharge of Mankyung and Dongjin rivers will be routed artificially and directly into the area offshore of the southern dyke.

Multi-dimensional seismic response control of offshore platform structures with viscoelastic dampers (I-Theoretical analysis)

  • He, Xiao-Yu;Li, Hong-Nan;Zhang, Jun
    • Structural Monitoring and Maintenance
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.157-174
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    • 2016
  • Based on classical viscoelastic damper, a brand-new damper is designed by the change of simple construction to implement vibration control for both translational vibration and rotational vibration simultaneously. Theoretic analysis has been carried out on the restoring force model and the control parameters. Two improved models are presented to obtain high simulation precision. The influence of the size, shape of the viscoelastic material, the ambient temperature and the response frequency on the vibration control effect is analyzed. The numerical results show that the new type viscoelastic damper is capable of mitigating the multi-dimensional seismic response of offshore platform and the response control effect has complicated relations with aforementioned related factors.

The Impact of the Developments and Dwellers on the Beach and Sanddune Characteristics in the Chungcheong-Namdo Province (지역개발과 주민생활이 환경에 미치는 영향 -충청남도의 비치와 해안사구를 사례로-)

  • Kahng, Tay-Gyoon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.291-302
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    • 2003
  • This paper examined the impacts of the regional developments and dwellers behavior on the Seacoast. Seacoast features a variety of landforms which are created by the action of waves and tidal flows. The coastal landforms are found mainly in the interface between land and sea. Although erosional landforms constitute prominent landscape features as sea stack, sea arch, and rock cliff do, it is nonetheless the depositional features such as beaches, tidal flats, offshore bars, deltas, sanddunes, and coastal plains that have various ramifications for human communities. Among these, beaches and coastal sanddunes are special in that their formation is attributable to the combined action of waves, tidal flows, and winds. The main line of discussion in this dissertation is concerned with the transformation of group of beaches sanddunes along the coastline of Chungcheong-Namdo Province. To some extent, the erosion of coastal dunes has been a global phenomenon. The degradation process occurs most actively when the spring tides attack beaches, berms, and foredunes. Also involved in the transformation of coastal dunes are factors of human agency. The extent, speed, and pattern of their morphological changes are a function of land-use pattern. The reclamation of swale and the exploitation of sands as construction material and silica sand, for example, ruin the feature of coastal dunes.

Development of Offshore Piles with Enlarged Upper Section (상부단면 확대형 해상 말뚝의 개발)

  • Kwon, O-Soon;Jang, In-Sung;Kwon, Young-Ho;Ki, Min-Joo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.427-436
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    • 2009
  • In this study, new type of pile foundation was introduced for the better performance of lateral resistance than conventional piles by adopting enlarged upper section, because offshore structure design is subjected to the lateral loading. The numerical simulations were peformed in order to find out the lateral behaviour of the proposed pile. The economical efficiency of new pile system was also analyzed by considering the construction characteristics and material costs as well as the real field condition of harbor sites in Korea. From the study, it was revealed that the lateral resistance of piles with enlarged upper section is increased compared to conventional steel pile, and the construction costs would be reduced to about 62~80% of previous methods.

Distribution and Mortality of Eggs and Larvae of Anchovy, Engraulis japonica, in the Southern Coastal Waters of Korea (한국(韓國) 남해(南海) 연안(沿岸)의 멸치 난(卵) 자어(仔魚) 분포(分布)와 사망율(死亡率)의 변동(變動))

  • Kim, Jin-Yeong;Kim, Joo-Il
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.217-225
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    • 1993
  • A study on the distribution and mortality of eggs and larvae of anchovy. Engraulis japonica, was carried out on the basis of data collected from ichthyoplankton survey in the southern coastal waters of Korea from June to August in 1990. Egg and larval distribution areas were shifted from the adjacent waters of Namhae Is, to the eastern waters of Goeje Is, while eggs and larvae were developed in June. However, high densities of eggs and larvae of anchovy and were found near Goeje Is. in July. Anchovy eggs and larvae were correlated significantly with zooplankton in July, and were not in June and August. It is likely that the low instantaneous mortality coefficients in eggs and high values in the larvae during June and high values in eggs and low values in the larvae during July were affected by the distribution pattern of zooplankton.

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Characteristics of Atmospheric Circulation in Sokcho Coast (속초연안에서 대기순환의 특성)

  • Choi Hyo
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2005
  • Using three-dimensional non-hydrostatical numerical model with one way double nesting technique, atmo­spheric circulation in the mountainous coastal region in summer was investigated from August 13 through 15, 1995. During the day, synoptic westerly wind blows over Mt. Mishrung in the west of a coastal city, Sokcho toward the East Sea, while simultaneously, easterly upslope wind combined with both valley wind from plain (coast) toward mountain and sea-breeze from sea toward inland coast blows toward the top of the mountain. Two different directional wind systems confront each other in the mid of eastern slope of the mountain and the upslope wind goes up to the height over 2 km, becoming an easterly return flow in the upper level over the sea and making sea-breeze front with two kinds of sea-breeze circulations of a small one in the coast and a large one in the open sea. Convective boundary layer is developed with a thickness of about 1km over the ground in the upwind side of the mountain in the west and a thickness of thermal internal boundary layer from the coast along the eastern slope of the mountain is only confined to less than 200 m. On the other hand, after sunset, no prohibition of upslope wind generated during the day and downward wind combined with mountain wind from mountain towardplain and land-breeze from land toward under nocturnal radiative cooling of the ground surfaces should intensify westerly downslope wind, resulting in the formation of wind storm. As the wind storm moving down along the eastern slop causes the development of internal gravity waves with hydraulic jump motion in the coast, bounding up toward the upper level of the coastal sea, atmospheric circulation with both onshore and offshore winds like sea-breeze circulation forms in the coastal sea within 70 km until midnight and after that, westerly wind prevails in the coast and open seas.

Evaluation of Fluid Forces Acting on Offshore Structures Placed in the Vicinity of Underwater Shoal (수중 천퇴 인근에 설치된 해양구조물에 작용하는 유체력 결정에 대한 고찰)

  • Chun, In-Sik;Min, In-Ki;Sim, Jae-Seol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.136-145
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    • 2007
  • When waves propagating over an underwater shoal break at the top of the shoal, wave heights are drastically decreased in the downstream breaking zone, but a secondary current shooting downstream with strong velocity can be induced by the breaking waves themselves. In the case that an offshore structure is placed in the breaking zone, the estimation of wave farce purely based on the visible wave height may cause an under-design of the structure. Thus, for the safe design of the structure, the breaking wave induced current should be necessarily considered in the comprehensive estimation of design load. In the present study, Boussinesq equation model to calculate the wave height distribution and breaking wave induced current was set up and applied to the scheme of a hydraulic model test previously undertaken. Based on the results of the Boussinesq model, fluid forces acting on the model structure were calculated and compared with the experimental results. The importance of the breaking wave induced current was quantitatively assessed by comparing fluid forces with or without current.