• 제목/요약/키워드: co-curriculum

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A Case Study on Competence-based Curriculum in Finnish Secondary Home Economics Curriculum (핀란드 가정과 교육과정의 역량 기반 교육과정 사례 연구)

  • Yang, Ji Sun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.19-39
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the main characteristics regarding of implicating competence-based curriculum in Finland's home economics curriculum by analyzing curriculum documents and related literature. The research findings are categorized into four main characteristics. First, home economics in Finland belongs to the 7-9 grades. The key content areas are composed of 'food knowledge & skills and food culture', 'housing & living together' and 'consumer & financial skills' at an integrated approach. Secondly, the subject competences of home economics are not presented; however, the general objectives of transversal competences are defined in Finland's curriculum document. Transversal competences describe the aspects of the objectives that are emphasized in grades 7-9 and strengthens the connectivity with each subject. Thirdly, the objectives of home economics included in the instructions in Finland consist of a content system that links learning skills, content areas, and transversal competences. Both learning skills as a role of subject competences and content areas as objectives support teachers who restructure an curriculum. Fourth, in terms of achieving subject objectives, the assessment criteria in Finland home economics is to evaluate the achievement of good knowledge and skills through actual performance. Based on the research findings, the main features of the revised curriculum in Finland include encouragement of flexibility in education systems and learner's uniqueness in schools. If the implementation of subject competences in home economics is to be strengthened, it is necessary to intergrate the knowledge and competence, require a curriculum system for implements' subject competence, carryout assessment as learning to learn, and facilitate school community and teacher community for deeper co-operation.

Research on Ways to Improve Science Teaching Methods to Develop Students' Key Competencies (학습자의 핵심역량 개발을 위한 과학과 수업방법 개선 방안)

  • Kwak, Youngsun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.855-865
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    • 2012
  • The goal of this research is to investigate ways to improve science teaching methods to develop students' key competencies. Since the OECD DeSeCo (Definition and Selection of Key Competencies) project, key competencies are redefined as 'what people should know and be able to do in order to lead a successful life in a well-functioning society, which leads many countries to emphasize competency-based curriculum. In this research, we collected and analyzed foreign and domestic classroom cases that have implemented competency-based curriculum in science teaching. Through open-ended interviews with the teachers and principals, we explored ways to improve science teaching methods to develop students' key competencies. In foreign cases, science teachers emphasized students' knowing what KCs to accomplish, activities and student-centered learning, students' group activities and collaboration, and greater curriculum integration among subjects and contexts. Korean science teachers argued that the KCs should be realized through teaching methods and emphasized scientific inquiry learning whereby non-science track students could also benefit from science lessons. Korean science teachers also emphasized links to real-life situations, providing students with various learning experiences that supported students to develop the KCs, and the delivery of an integrated curriculum. In the conclusion section, the difficulties with the implementation of key competencies are discussed.

Exploring Multi-faceted Understandings and Issues Regarding Science Subject Matter Competency: Considering the Relationship with General Core Competency (과학교과 역량의 다면적 이해와 쟁점의 탐색: 일반 핵심역량과의 관계를 고려하여)

  • Lee, Gyeong-Geon;Park, Jeongwoo;Lee, Sun-Kyung;Hong, Hun-Gi;Shim, Han Su;Shin, Myeong-Kyeong
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.94-118
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the multi-faceted understanding and issues of science subject matter competencies from the trends of competency-based curriculum discourse, and to examine the relationship between general core competencies and science subject matter competencies. First, we examined the theoretical background of competency-based curriculum focusing on behaviorism, humanism, and its comprehensive synthesis. After that, we reviewed OECD's competency-related projects (DeSeCo; OECD Education 2030), US Next-Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and Korea's 2015 Revised National Curriculum from the viewpoint of competency-based curriculum. After that, we summarized and systematically analyzed a list of competencies, 105 general core competencies and 45 science subject matter competencies proposed by 15 important documents from home and abroad. The results of this study are as follows: First, the issues of the proper number, appropriate dimension, and how individual competencies should be unique and independent were pointed, in terms of defining and categorizing competencies. Second, it was suggested that the competency items are presented in various dimensions such as personal-micro dimension, community meso-dimension, and social-macro dimension. Meso-dimension was placed on both general core competencies and subject matter competencies. Third, in the relationship between general core competencies and subject matter competencies, the former emphasizes macro-dimension, and the latter emphasizes micro-dimension, revealing an existing gap, and where the two can meet each other is the meso-dimension. These discussions are thought to provide insight into the understanding of competencies in the national curriculum, including the 2015 Revised National Curriculum.

Development of Social Studies Class Program in Secondary School for the Cultivation of Global Citizenship: Applying Co-op Co-op Model (세계시민성 함양을 위한 중학교 사회과 수업 프로그램 개발: 자율적 협동학습(Co-op Co-op) 모형을 적용하여)

  • Choi Yu Seong;Kim Young Soon
    • The Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction (JLCCI)
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    • v.19 no.14
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    • pp.295-321
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the value of global citizenship and cooperative learning, and one of the effective ways to educate citizens around the world is to present a Co-op Co-op model for cooperation, which can be used in social studies class in secondary schools. While the need and importance of global citizenship education is emerging as a way to respond to the rapid globalization, there is still a lack of research on the teaching programs available at secondary schools. Therefore, through theoretical discussions, this paper identified diversity, cooperation with others, respect for democratic processes, active participation, and responsibility for global issues as key values of global citizenship. Based on this, class programs were developed and presented based on the first unit of social studies in secondary school 『Human rights and constitutional』 unit using Co-op Co-op among various cooperative learning models. The contents to be modified and supplemented by asking a group of experts from current teachers to review the program to ensure the validity and reliability of the class program developed in this study.

Theoretical Investigation on Implications of 'Community of Inquiry' for Science Education: Toward 'Community of Inquiry in Science Classroom' ('탐구공동체'의 과학 교육적 함의에 대한 이론적 고찰 : '과학 교실 탐구공동체'를 향해서)

  • Joung, Yong Jae
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.303-319
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate theoretically the meaning and features of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) based on the views of Peirce and Dewey, and to explore the implications of CoI in science education. The meaning and features of CoI are: (a) inquiry in CoI is initiated with faithful doubt; (b) inquiry in CoI finishes with faithful belief; (c) inquiry in CoI attempts to find out the best explanation and solution regarding the practical effects of objects; (d) as an ideal community, CoI is required to be one that inquires continuously without definite limits; (e) as an actual community, CoI requires its members' open communication to find the best explanation and solution. Based on these features of CoI, the Community of Inquiry in Science Classroom (CoI-SC), "the classroom community for the purpose of transforming the state of faithful doubt into the state of faithful belief, in relation to natural phenomena or objects, and where the members share objectives as participants continuously attempt to find out the best explanation and solution by open communication, considering fallibility and the practical effects of objects", was suggested. The condition for implementation of the CoI-SC, "'interest', 'openness', 'rigor', 'fallibilism', 'participation', 'inquiry without definite limits'", were also suggested. Finally, several suggestions for the science curriculum were given.

Co-operative Education at University of the Pacific and Its Assessment for ABET Accreditation of Mechanical Engineering Program

  • Lee, Chi-Wook;Weick, Brian
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.76-93
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    • 2008
  • Co-operative (Co-op) education is a college program that integrates classroom studies with paid, productive and real-life work experience. A mandatory Co-op program for the degree is introduced with a sample curriculum from the Mechanical Engineering program at University of the Pacific. The mandatory Co-op program requires a minimum of 7 months of work experience with the option of pursuing a 12 month program. Students also have the opportunity of participating in an Engineering Industry Fellowship (EIF) program or an International Engineering Co-op program (IECP). University of the Pacific has engineering programs in Bio-Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Management, Engineering Physics, and Mechanical Engineering. All the programs are ABET-accredited except the Bio-Engineering program, which is relatively new. The Co-op employers evaluate the Co-op students at the end of the working period before returning to school, and the students also provide an evaluation of their Co-op experience. Co-op employer evaluations of student work are used in ABET assessment methods developed by the Mechanical Engineering program at University of the Pacific.

An Analysis of the Teaching & Learning Objectives of the Environment Textbooks for the Middle School (중학교 "환경" 교과서의 교수-학습 목표 분석)

  • 구수정;김남례;김미화;권현진
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.28-39
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics and the differences regarding the teaching & learning objectives of Environment textbooks for middle school students with the consideration of the 7th Korean National Curriculum. For this the teaching & teaming objectives of three Environment textbooks currently used categorized according to the domain frame of environmental education in the Report of UNESCO(1980). three Environment textbooks and their teacher's guide books are those printed by three companies(A, B, and C) and Joongahng co.. The five objective categories recommended by UNESCO are awareness, knowledge, attitude, skills and participation and six types of skills by National Curriculum Council of England are communication skills, numeracy skills, study skills, problem-solving skills, personal and social skills and information technology skills. It is showed that'Human and Environment'domain is emphasized roughly in the awareness and the knowledge section without any statement of the participation section, 'Environmental Problems and its Counter-plan'domain in the knowledge and the skills section, 'Environmental Conservation'domain in the skills and the participation section of objectives. It is revealed that the skills section of the teaching 8t learning objectives is mainly involved in 'Environmental Problems and its Counter-plan'domain and'Environmental Conservation' domain. According to the result of the analysis of the connectivity between the Environment Curriculum of the 7th Korean National Curriculum and the Environment textbooks regarding objectives stated in the sub-domain level, it says those are generally appropriate ones. But some objectives are emphasized weakly or not at all in several sub-domains such as'The living environment to keep','The environmental problems of the earth','Making environment pleasant'. It is proposed that the efforts to state objectives in the Environment textbooks evenly are needed to be paid (or the well-balanced teaching & teaming of the Environment subject.

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A Study on the Curricular Development of the Dept. of Landscape Architecture in Junior Colleges (專門大學 造景科 敎育課程 修正開發에 關한 硏究)

  • Ahn, Seong-Ro;Yoon, Keun-Young;Kim, Hak-Beom
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.18 no.3 s.39
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    • pp.99-113
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of this study was to prepare some more up-dated and advanced curriculum in Landscape Architecture in Junior College education to bring up a leading professional who can meet the changing social needs. To achieve this goal, the data about the actual employment status of graduates, current relevant systems and legistations, the questionnaires of Landscape companies, graduates and undergraduates, and the current relevant curriculum of domain 6 junior colleges and Japanese relevant curriculum was gathered and analyzed The results are as follows ; 1. Currently the majority of the graduates are employed in Construction field, but the employment trend of graduates shows diversification and subdividing as following 5 fields, that is Construction, Design, Maintenance, Administration and Indoor Landscaping. 2. It is essential to bring up a Landscape Technician who has a Landscape Certificate of qualifications(esp. 2nd class). 3. Lately, the actual Practice came to be one item of the qualifying examination, so the subjects of Landscape Design, Landscape Construction and Landscape Estimation Should be emphasized, Accordingly, current curriculum should be revised. 4. Currant curriculum model(1979) made by the Ministry of Education doesn't play a real and adequate role and should be up-dated in view of the current curriculum of domain 6 junior colleges has no regular standards. In preparation for new standardized curriculum model, following criterior could be suggested, that is, ratio of the Major Required Subjects vs. The Major Optional Subjects would be 50 : 50, and the Major Optional Subject would be 48 credits which is 150% of the Required Credits(32 credits) 5. The subjects such as Basic Agriculture, Afforestation, Nature Conservation, Sketch, Civil Engineering, Landscape Seminar and Modelling Practice would be deleted in the curriculum model established in 1983. 6. The subjects such as Perspective Practice, Indoor Landscaping, Landscape Legislation and Landscape Design( III ) could be newly opened to meet the social needs, to prepare for the qualifying examination and to serve well in the employment fields. 7. The subjects of Surveying ( I ) & ( II ) would be unified into one Subject as Surveying, and some in view of the average situation of 6 junior colleges. 8. It is urgent to open some subject related to computer. At first, An Introduction to Computer could be recommended in the cultural studies course and Landscape Computer Technique as the Major Optional Subjects.

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A Case Study on Pedagogical Tasks in Mathematics Curriculum Integrating Dynamic Manipulation Environments and the Role of a Teacher (동적조작 환경이 융합된 수학교과과정에서의 교수-학습 과제 사례 분석과 교사의 역할)

  • Hong, Seong-Kowan
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.281-299
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we show how dynamic manipulation environments can be integrated in the mathematics curriculum by presenting some pedagogical tasks manufactured by dynamic manipulation. These examples are composed to produce meaningful definitions through inductive experiments, to strengthen the thinking ability on continuity through the visualization, to make mathematics through investigation and finding, and to strengthen the ability of posing and generalizing problems. Through these examples students can observe the process of how mathematics is being invented, and they can experience how to solve mathematical problems using physical experiments in dynamic manipulation environments. When integration of dynamic manipulation into the teaching and learning of mathematics is applied, some difficulties can come out. To resolve such difficulties, a teacher must play the role of a co-worker of students in addition to the role of a scaffolder, coach, or close listener.

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The Impact of Nutrition Education on Adolescents: Its Effect on Student′s Knoeledge Attitudes and Behaviors

  • Jang, Hyun-Sook
    • Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.30-35
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of nutrition instruction using a curriculum guide on nutrition knowledge attitudes and food behaviors of students in a junior high school home economics course. We used three instruments co collect data: a nutrition knowledge test, a food and attitude instrument containing four scales, and a two-part food behavior assessment form A quasi-Solomon four -groups experimental design was used One experimental group was pretested taught nutrition via the curriculum, and posttested A Second experimental group which was not pretested was taught nutrition via the curriculum and posttested One control group was pretested and posttested and a second control group was only posttested Neither control group receive food and nutrition instruction until after the study was complete The results indicate that the experimental group had significantly improved knowledge scores and improved attitude scores on the scale entitled Eating New Foods Nutriton Affects Health Caring about Nutrition Significant changes were observe in posttest scores on the food behavior assessment form Key findings useful in understanding the impact of education on adolescent food choices were that 1) study participants nutrition knowledge improved 2) their attitudes toward nutrition became more positive 3) their intention to include more high-nutrient foods in their diet increased significantly.

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