• Title/Summary/Keyword: clusters

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Seasonal Changes of Chemical Compositions in Leaves, Shoot and Berries of ‘Delaware’Seedless Grapes induced by Gibberellic Acid (Delaware 포도의 무핵재배에서 엽${\cdot}$신초${\cdot}$과립의 생장 및 성숙에 따른 화학성분의 변화)

  • 최수주
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.142-148
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    • 1997
  • This study was carried out to clarify seasonal changes of chemical compositions and their interrelation in leaves, shoots and berries treated with gibberellin($GA$_{3}$)for seedless grapes in ‘Delaware’grapevines. the clusters were dipped twice with 100ppm $GA_{3}$: 10 days befor and after the full bloom. The reaults obtained as follows; 1. Cumulative growth curve of berry fresh weight showed a double sigmoid curve and the characteristics of three distinctive growth stages(I, II, III)were weekened with $GA_{3}$ treatment. 2. while the contents of ash, total carbon, total nitrogen and total carbohydratd had little reation with edvelopment and ripeness of berries, those of total sugar and starch jad close relation, viz., they decreased with enlargement and maturity fo berries, but increased rapidly after harvest in leaves and shoots. Especially, total sugars in leaves and shoots decreased coincidently with starch-increasing in shoots at November. 3. The contents of total soluble solid and reducing sugar in berries increased rapidly at growth stage III, but those of total titratable acidity and organic acid decreased coincidently with sugar-increasing. 4. The berry-hardness increased until growth stage I, and then stagnated until gtowth stage II, and then increased rapidly at growth stage III. pH of berry-juice decreased until growth stageII, afterwards increased at growth stage III. 5. By correlation and path coefficient analysis between qualitative characters and the ratio of total soluble solid to titratable acidity($^{\circ}$Brix/Acidity), total correlation coefficients were all highly significant. Of these characters, pH and viscosity of berry-juice were positive, but brightness and hardness of berry, negative. The direct effect of pH on $^{\circ}$Brix/Acidity ratio, p4y=0.9090, was large positively and those of berry-hardness and juice-viscosity, p1y=0, 5938, median and, p2y=0, 3550, small, respectively. Direct effect of brightness was negatively small.

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Genetic Relationship and Characteristics Using Microsatellite DNA Loci in Horse Breeds. (Microsatellite DNA를 이용한 말 집단의 유전적 특성 및 유연 관계)

  • Cho, Gil-Jae
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.17 no.5 s.85
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    • pp.699-705
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    • 2007
  • The present study was conducted to investigate the genetic characteristic and to establish the parentage verification system of the Korean native horse(KNH). A total number of 192 horses from six horse breeds including the KNH were genotyped using 17 microsatellite loci. This method consisted of multiplexing PCR procedure. The number of alleles per locus varied from 5 to 10 with a mean value of 7.35 in KNH. The expected heterozygosity and observed heterozygosity were ranged from 0.387 to 0.841(mean 0.702) and from 0.429 to 0.905(mean 0.703), respectively. The total exclusion probability of 17 microsatellite loci was 0.9999. Of the 17 markers, AHT4, AHT5, CA425, HMS2, HMS3, HTG10, LEX3 and VHL20 marker have relatively high PIC value(>0.7). This study found that there were specific alleles, P allele at AHT5, Q allele and R allele at ASB23, H allele at CA425, S allele at HMS3, J allele at HTG10 and J allele at LEX3 marker in KNH when compared with other horse populations. Also, the results showed two distinct clusters: the Korean native horse cluster(Korean native horse, Mongolian horse), and the European cluster(Jeju racing horse, Thoroughbred horse). These results present basic information for detecting the genetic markers of the KNH, and has high potential for parentage verification and individual identification of the KNH.

Effect of Flower and Fruit Thinner on Fruit Set and Fruit Quality of 'Gamhong' Apples (적화제 및 적과제가 '감홍' 사과의 착과와 과실 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoo, Jingi;Kang, Bong Kook;Kim, Dae Hyun;Lee, Jinwook;Lee, Dong Hoon;Kweon, Hun-Joong;Choi, In Myung;Jung, Hee Young;Choung, Myoung-Gun;Choi, Dong Geun;Kang, In-Kyu
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated the effects of flower and fruit thinning agents on fruit set and harvested fruit quality attributes in 'Gamhong' apples. Lime sulfur, MaxCel (1.9% BA), and Fruitone (3.5% NAA) were applied either at post-bloom or fruitlet stages to mature 'Gamhong/M.9' trees. In 2011, the numbers of fruits per cluster in terminal flowers were 1.74, 0.82, and 1.15 for the control, lime sulfur, and Maxcel (applied at 10-mm fruit stage) treatments, respectively. The percentages of single fruit per cluster were 36.0, 47.9, and 48.7% for the control, lime sulfur, and Maxcel (10 mm) treatments, respectively, while the percentages of clusters with three fruits per cluster were 22.9, 1.4, and 5.8%. In lateral flowers, fruit numbers per cluster were 1.20, 0.36, and 0.50 for the control, lime sulfur, and Maxcel (10 mm) treatments, respectively. In 2012, all the thinning treatments showed a positive effect on flower and fruit thinning, compared with the control. Moreover, the treatment with thinning agents did not affect fruit quality. Overall, the results suggest that a single application of flower or fruit thinning agents would be sufficient, rather than the mixed application of thinning agents, based on the observed decrease in fruit setting.


  • Oh, Hyun-Suk;Roh, Byoung-Duck;Lee, Chan-Young
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.47-60
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to compare and to evaluate the effect of pH and lactic acid concentration on the progression of artificial root caries lesion using polarizing microscope, and to evaluate the morphological changes of hydroxyapatite crystals of the demineralized area and to investigate the process of demineralization using scanning electron microscope. Artificial root caries lesion was created by dividing specimens into 3 pH groups (pH 4.3, 5.0, 5.5), and each pH group was divided into 3 lactic acid concentration groups (25 mM, 50 mM, 100 mM). Each group was immersed in acid buffer solution for 5 days and examined. The results were as follows : 1. Under polarized microscope, the depth of lesion was more effected by the lactic acid concentration rather than the pH. 2. Under scanning electron microscope, dissolution of hydroxyapatite crystals were increased as the lactic acid concentration increased and the pH decreased. 3. Demineralized hydroxyapatite crystals showed peripheral dissolution and decreased size and number within cluster of hydroxyapatite crystals and widening of intercluster and intercrystal spaces as the pH decreased and the lactic acid concentration increased. 4. Under scanning electron microscope evaluation of the surface zone, clusters of hydroxyapatite crystals were dissolved, and dissolution and reattachment of crystals on the surface of collagen fibrils were observed as the lactic acid concentration increased. 5. Under scanning electron microscope, demineralizatlon of dentin occurred not only independently but also with remineralization simultaneously. In conclusion, the study showed that pH and lactic acid concentration influenced the rate of progression of the lesion in artificial root caries. Demineralization process was progressed from the surface of the cluster of hydroxyapatite crystals and the morphology of hydroxyapatite crystals changed from round or elliptical shape into irregular shape as time elapsed.

Comparative Analysis of Gut Microbiota among Broiler Chickens, Pigs, and Cattle through Next-generation Sequencing (차세대염기서열 분석을 이용한 소, 돼지, 닭의 장내 미생물 군집 분석 및 비교)

  • Jeong, Ho Jin;Ha, Gwangsu;Shin, Su-Jin;Jeong, Su-Ji;Ryu, Myeong Seon;Yang, Hee-Jong;Jeong, Do-Youn
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.31 no.12
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    • pp.1079-1087
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    • 2021
  • To analyze gut microbiota of livestock in Korea and compare taxonomic differences, we conducted 16S rRNA metagenomic analysis through next-generation sequencing. Fecal samples from broiler chickens, pigs, and cattle were collected from domestic feedlots randomly. α-diversity results showed that significant differences in estimated species richness estimates (Chao1 and ACE, Abundance-based coverage estimators) and species richness index (OUTs, Operational taxonomic units) were identified among the three groups. However, NPShannon, Shannon, and Simpson indices revealed that abundance and evenness of the species were statistically significant only for poultry (broiler chickens) and mammals (pigs and cattle). Firmicutes was the most predominant phylum in the three groups of fecal samples. Linear discriminant (LDA) effect size (LEfSe) analysis was conducted to reveal the ranking order of abundant taxa in each of the fecal samples. A size-effect over 2.0 on the logarithmic LDA score was used as a discriminative functional biomarker. As shown by the fecal analysis at the genus level, broiler chickens were characterized by the presence of Weissella and Lactobacillus, as well as pigs were characterized by the presence of provetella and cattele were characterized by the presence of Acinetobacter. A permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) showed that differences of microbial clusters among three groups were significant at the confidence level. (p=0.001). This study provides basic data that could be useful in future research on microorganisms associated with performance growth, as well as in studies on the livestock gut microbiome to increase productivity in the domestic livestock industry.

Genetic diversity and relationships of Korean, Japanese, and Chinese Jilin provincial wild soybeans (Glycine soja Sieb. and Zucc.) based on SSR markers (한국, 일본 및 중국 지린성 야생콩(Glycine soja Sieb. and Zucc.)의 SSR마커에 의한 유전적 다양성과 유연관계)

  • Jang, Seong-Jin;Park, Su-Jeong;Piao, Xiang-Min;Song, Hang-Lin;Hwang, Tae-Young;Cho, Yong-Gu;Liu, Xian-Hu;Woo, Sun-Hee;Kang, Jung-Hoon;Kim, Hong-Sig
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 2010
  • Genetic diversity and relationships within and among Korean, Japanese and Chinese Jilin provincial wild soybeans based on SSR markers were evaluated to enlarge genetic variation in soybean breeding in the future. A total of 184 wild soybeans including 67 Korean, 71 Japanese and 46 Chinese Jilin provincial wild soybeans were analyzed to evaluate genetic diversity and relationships based on 23 SSR markers. Korean and Japanese wild soybeans were obtained from National Agrobiodiversity Center, Korea, and Biological Resource Center in Lotus and Glycine, Frontier Science Research Center, University of Miyazaki, Japan, respectively. Chinese wild soybeans were collected from Jilin province, China. Twenty three SSR markers generated a total of 964 alleles with an average of 41.9 alleles per marker. Number of alleles ranged from 23 (Satt635) to 56 (Satt157). Genetic diversity (PIC value) of 184 wild soybeans ranged from 0.880 to 0.968 with an average of 0.945. Number of alleles for Korean, Japanese and Chinese Jilin provincial wild soybeans was 513 with an average of 22.3, 511 with an average of 22.2, and 312 with an average of 13.6 per marker, respectively. PIC value for Korean, Japanese and Chinese Jilin provincial wild soybeans was similar with an average of 0.905, 0.897, and 0.850, respectively. Cluster analysis based on genetic distances estimated by SSR markers classified wild soybeans into 3 clusters. Cluster I included only Chinese Jilin provincial wild soybeans. Cluster II included most of Japanese wild soybeans including 5 Korean wild soybeans. Cluster III included most of Korean wild soybeans including 6 Japanese and 1 Chinese Jilin provincial wild soybeans. Cluster I was not subclassified, but cluster II and III were subclassified into various groups. Genetic distance evaluated by SSR markers between Korean and Japanese wild soybeans was closer than that of between Korean and Chinese Jilin provincial, and between Japanese and Chinese Jilin provincial wild soybeans.

A Hierarchical Cluster Tree Based Fast Searching Algorithm for Raman Spectroscopic Identification (계층 클러스터 트리 기반 라만 스펙트럼 식별 고속 검색 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Sun-Keum;Ko, Dae-Young;Park, Jun-Kyu;Park, Aa-Ron;Baek, Sung-June
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.562-569
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    • 2019
  • Raman spectroscopy has been receiving increased attention as a standoff explosive detection technique. In addition, there is a growing need for a fast search method that can identify raman spectrum for measured chemical substances compared to known raman spectra in large database. By far the most simple and widely used method is to calculate and compare the Euclidean distance between the given spectrum and the spectra in a database. But it is non-trivial problem because of the inherent high dimensionality of the data. One of the most serious problems is the high computational complexity of searching for the closet spectra. To overcome this problem, we presented the MPS Sort with Sorted Variance+PDS method for the fast algorithm to search for the closet spectra in the last paper. the proposed algorithm uses two significant features of a vector, mean values and variance, to reject many unlikely spectra and save a great deal of computation time. In this paper, we present two new methods for the fast algorithm to search for the closet spectra. the PCA+PDS algorithm reduces the amount of computation by reducing the dimension of the data through PCA transformation with the same result as the distance calculation using the whole data. the Hierarchical Cluster Tree algorithm makes a binary hierarchical tree using PCA transformed spectra data. then it start searching from the clusters closest to the input spectrum and do not calculate many spectra that can not be candidates, which save a great deal of computation time. As the Experiment results, PCA+PDS shows about 60.06% performance improvement for the MPS Sort with Sorted Variance+PDS. also, Hierarchical Tree shows about 17.74% performance improvement for the PCA+PDS. The results obtained confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

The Nature of the Tomb Form and the Group Tomb Complex of the Wooden Chamber Tombs with Stone Mound in the Early Silla Phase (신라 전기 적석목곽분의 묘형과 집단복합묘군의 성격)

  • Choi, Byung-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.168-197
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    • 2017
  • This paper considers two aspects of the wooden chamber tombs with stone mound that were constructed in Wolseong North Burial Ground, in Gyeongju: tomb form and the group tomb complex. The basic unit of a wooden chamber tomb with stone mound consisted of a single round mound, covered with an additional earthen layer and surrounded by a circle of protective stones, within which a single wooden chamber was located. The form of a wooden chamber tomb with stone mound could therefore 1) be round, consisting of a single tomb unit, 2) consist of two or more attached tomb units, 3) or consist of multiple attached chambers in a single mound. The single tomb contained the burial of a single individual, and the attached tomb contained two or more individuals who were blood relations or connected by marriage. Multiple attached chambers tombs usually consisted of wooden chamber burials of the lowest rank, and have only been identified in the royal burial area of Wolseong North Burial Ground. At the Jjoksaem Area of Wolseong North Burial Ground, which is currently, under investigation, tombs have been found in small clusters along the slightly raised ground. This is likely the result of small groups of kin relations, upon selecting points along the slightly raised ground as their burial area, having constructed midsized and large single tombs and attached tombs along the axis of the slightly raised ground, which were then surrounded by smaller 'satellite' tombs. It is through this process that the tomb complex of the different groups came to be formed. The tombs of the royal burial area of Wolseong North Burial Ground, including the Daereungwon Tomb Complex, also formed group tomb complexes. Forming the centers of the group tomb complexes of the royal tomb area were huge individual round tombs where the Maripgan rulers were laid to rest or a gourd-shaped dual mound tomb, which was the final resting place of the king and his queen consort. These central tombs were surrounded by large and smaller tombs. Of the individuals that were buried in the group tomb complexes, there would have been individuals that were of equal status or social position, such as husbands and wives or blood relations, but it is unlikely that all of the buried individuals were related by blood, given the significant difference in the sizes of the tombs. It is likely that the individuals buried in the lower ranked tombs included in the group tomb complexes were 'dependents' of the deceased of the central tomb and his or her direct family who maintained a subservient relationship. Such tomb forms and group tomb complexes that can be observed amongst the wooden chamber tombs with stone mounds of Wolseong North Burial Ground provide insights into the nature of the social groups of the Silla center during the Maripgan Period. It is hoped that future studies undertaking a more detailed analysis of the data may make further contributions to unveiling the various aspects of Silla society.

Effects of Local Cooling and Root Pruning on Budding and Local Heating on Heating Energy Consumption in Forcing Cultivation of Strawberry (딸기 촉성재배 시 국소 냉방 및 단근처리와 국소난방이 화방출뢰와 난방에너지소비에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Jin Kyung;Kang, Suk Won;Paek, Yee;Moon, Jong Pil;Jang, Jae Kyung;Oh, Sung Sik
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.46-54
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    • 2019
  • Experiments of local cooling and heating on crown and root zone of forcing cultivation of strawberry 'Seolhyang' using heat pump and root pruning before planting were conducted. During the daytime, the crown surface temperature of the crown local cooling treatment was maintained at $18{\sim}22^{\circ}C$. This is suitable for flower differentiation, while those of control and root zone local cooling treatment were above $30^{\circ}C$. Budding rate of first flower clusters and initial yields were in the order of crown local cooling, root zone local cooling and control in root pruning plantlet and non pruning plantlet, except for purchase plantlet. Those of root pruning plantlet were higher than those of non pruning plantlet. These trends were evident in the yield of the first flower cluster until February 14, 2018, and the effect of local cooling and root pruning decreased from March 9, 2018. The budding rates of the second flower cluster according to the local cooling and root pruning treatments were not noticeable compared to first flower cluster but showed the same tendency as that of first flower cluster. In the heating experiment, root zone local heating(root zone $20^{\circ}C$+inside greenhouse $5^{\circ}C$) and crown local heating(crown $20^{\circ}C$+inside greenhouse $5^{\circ}C$) saved 59% and 65% of heating fuel, respectively, compared to control(inside greenhouse $9^{\circ}C$). Considering the electric power consumption according to the heat pump operation, the heating costs were reduced by 55% and 61%, respectively.

Characteristics of the Subway Sign Blank through Cluster Analysis (군집분석을 통한 지하철 표지 여백에 대한 특성)

  • Hong, Sujeong;Oh, Heungun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.513-521
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this research is to find out the preference of users on the characteristics of the subway sign blank. In detail, The purpose is to introduce the concept of designing various characteristics of the subway sign blank according to characteristics such as gender and age, etc. The methodology of this study is to investigate the preference of the characteristics of the characteristics of the subway sign blank space and analyze the preference of the whole group and the cluster group. A survey was conducted to investigate preferences. A cluster analysis was conducted to analyze the preferences. And a demographic and conjoint analysis was conducted for whole group and the cluster group. The attributes of the subway sign blank space for preference survey are as follow : top and bottom blank, side blank, border line blank, arrow thickness, 'station name' and 'line number' order. The results of the preference analysis are as follows. The importance of the attributes in the whole group is shown in the order of the border line blank, 'station name' and 'line number' blank, side blank, top and bottom blank, and arrow thickness. The cluster group is composed of 3 groups, 1 cluster is a woman who uses the subway almost every day, three to four times a week, and seems to prefer half the side blank. 2 crowd is the user who thinks that 60 or more subway signs are uncomfortable, and preferring the order of 'station name' + 'line number' order without border. The 3 clusters were men in their 20s and 30s, with a preference for 1/5 border line blank and thin arrow thickness. The conclusion is as follows. First, the characteristics of the subway sign blank must be designed consistently. However, it is necessary to consider various factors according to gender, age, and frequency of subway use for specific regions or routes. Secondly, It has been shown that, depending on the specific area or route, it is possible to design two or more types of design, not one type of standardized marking of the characteristics of the subway sign blank.