• Title/Summary/Keyword: clothing quality

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The Preference and Purchase Intention of American College Students on Korean Traditional Motifs and Their Relationship with Sensibility (미국대학생의 한국전통문양에 대한 선호도와 구매의도 및 감성이미지와의 관계)

  • 장수경
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.369-378
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    • 2004
  • The objectives of this study were to measure the preference and purchase intention on Korean traditional motifs and to investigate the relationship among preference, purchase intention, and sensibility. The subjects consisted of 217 male and 351 female US undergraduate students. The experimental materials used in this study were 48 stimuli and a questionnaire, composed of 7-point semantic differential scales of 17 bi-polar adjectives. The data were analyzed by ANOVA, Duncan's multiple range test, Regression, and t-test. The major findings were as follows; First, interpretation type and application object had significant effects on the preference, while category and interpretation type had significant effects on the purchase intension. The application of Korean traditional motifs for pattern design was preferred to their application for clothing design. Decorative type was found to be more related to the preference and purchase intention than the other interpretation types of realistic, stylized and abstract types. The purchase intention on crain motif was lower than the other categories of lotus and cloud motifs. Second, in overall, the preference on Korean traditional motifs was higher than purchase intention. Third, the preference and purchase intention were affected mainly by 'Quality' image, a component of sensibility, followed by 'Cheerfulness' image, but not affected by 'Simplicity' and 'Modernity' image.

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The Perception of Teachers on the Instructional Method of Practical Arts Education (실과교과의 교수 .학습 방법에 대한 교사들의 인식)

  • 왕석순
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.15-32
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    • 2003
  • This study examined teacher perception of the instructional method. activities and material in terms of class quality enhancement. Also this study established instructional method. activities and material application Per 7th Practical Arts Education Course guidance domain. and type identification of the instructional method and activities unique to the Practical arts curriculum. Conclusions : 1. Teachers consider the instructional method and material beneficial. However in the item relevant to application of diverse instructional methods Per specific teaching objective and educational content in the actual classroom. the highest percentage responding. ‘relatively yes’ (39.7%) . balanced out with those answering. ‘no’(37.7%) 2. In linking the instructional method and material to secondary school home economics education, teachers experienced difficulty in teaching only the clothing education domain . 3. In each guidance domain, lecture method, problem-solving learning. cooperative learning. home project learning and functional learning were surveyed for instructional method suitability. Notably, home project learning was identified as a significant instructional method. This result begs in-dept analysis as home project learning may be utilized as a tool to compensate for the absence of practical educational objective condition fulfillment and to substitute for teachers unable to Provide such functional guidance in class. 4. In each guidance domain. role-playing. debate/discussion. case study research, practical exercise and activity reporting were rated as essential teaching ㆍ learning activities. 5. In each guidance domain.‘VCR’, ‘CD-ROM’ and ‘Web media’ were identified as suitable instructional materials .

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The Effects of Antecedents of Outdoor Sportswear Brand Personality on Brand Personality, Attachment and Commitment (아웃도어 스포츠 의류 브랜드 개성의 영향요인이 브랜드 개성, 브랜드 애착 및 몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Ji-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.63-81
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    • 2013
  • This study examines the impacts of antecedents on the outdoor sportswear brand personality dimensions and identifies the effects of brand personality dimensions on brand attachment and brand commitment. An online survey was conducted on women in their 20s to 50s, who have experienced to purchase the outdoor sportswear before and 420 responses were analyzed. The results of this study were as follows: 1) The results of factor analysis and the reliability test on the outdoor sportswear brand personality clearly showed factorial structures that include sincerity, excitement, vitality, and prestige. 2) The antecedents of brand personality including quality, price, advertising, and store environment had different influences on the outdoor sportswear brand personality. 3) The dimensions of outdoor sportswear brand personality had a different influence on the brand attachment and commitment. 4) The brand attachment showed a significantly positive influence on the brand commitment. This study indicates that the brand personality could be a useful tool for enhancing the brand attachment and commitment and marketers should develop and utilize the marketing mix according to the brand personality which they want to convey.

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A Study on the Influences of LOHAS Consciousness on LOHAS Cuticle Management (로하스 의식이 로하스 큐티클 관리에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Youn-Hee;Kim, Soon-Shim
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.215-227
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to analyze the influences of LOHAS cuticle management, which based on LOHAS consciousness among customers using nail art shops and removes only Cuticle layer without Eponychium, on the preference and expected value of service quality. Further, it tackles how above related variables have important bearing on reuse intention. A survey was conducted only with customers over the age of 20 in Seoul, Daejeon and Daegu areas in terms of LOHAS consciousness. For the collected 389 data, frequency analysis, t-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were carried out by using SPSS 18.0 Version statistical package. The results are as follows. First, according to the results, it shows high positive correlation between LOHAS cuticle management based on the consciousness of LOHAS, and LOHAS cuticle management preference, tendency and willingness to transfer toward it. Second. it is proven that LOHAS consciousness tend to be possessed in older age groups, married and a professional employee layers and this LOHAS motivated groups showed high LOHAS cuticle management preference, inclination and intention of a change in management. Lastly, the reuse intention is mostly affected by experience and preference of LOHAS cuticle management. There is negative correlation between reuse intention and experience in blooding and pain during care service. Higher interest in preference of LOHAS cuticle management has highly influenced positive link with the repurchase intention.

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A Comparison on the Satisfaction and the Characteristic of Fashion Shopping Behavior of the Shoppers Visited in Special Tourist Zone, Dongdaemun and Myeongdong Fashion Town (패션관광특구 방문객의 패션 쇼핑 특성 및 만족도 비교 - 동대문과 명동 패션타운을 중심으로 -)

  • Yu, Jihun
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.117-133
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to compare with shopping behavior and satisfaction of who have visited Dongdaemun and Myeongdong and to provide the fundamental data for differentiation strategy of two fashion trading area. The survey was carried out targeting shoppers who were in Dongdaemun and Myeoongdong and then a total of 778 questionnaires were used for the data analysis; frequency, t-test, chi-squre independence test using SPSS. 20. The results of this study were as follows. Main shoppers in Dongdaemun were the teenagers and twenties, and in Myeongdong were twenties and thirtys. The shoppers who have visited Dongdaemun significantly considered 'store factor' such as store size and comfortability, store interior, store location and accessibility, and 'product factor' including material and quality, design, formfitting, and various sizes, while Myeongdong visitors thought 'promotion factor'such as business hours, one stop shopping, sale and event etc. as important factor. The degree of satisfaction for marketing mix of Myeongdong trade area was higher than Dongdaemun's one. The case of impulse buying in two trade area was not high, while intention to revisit Dongdaemun and Myenongdong was all higher than average. Consumers were more intended to recommend Myeongdong over Dongdaemun to others.

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Forecasting the Mega Trends of Korean Women's Life Style Under the Ubiquitous Technology Environment

  • Lee, Hye-Joo
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.5-16
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    • 2008
  • Development of technology in the $20^{th}$ century has made great contributions to women's lives. With the development of digital convergence, home network, and DMBs (Distance Method Bracings), the ubiquitous technology information era is expected to create a new progressive era for women. The purpose of this study is to investigate the lifestyle that Korean women would like to pursue, especially in regards to the sense of value within the personal and social life of each individual. As a method to suggest how the socio-cultural trends of women's lifestyle will change in the ubiquitous era, qualitative interviews have been conducted over 6 groups with 77 persons between the digital ages of 20s and 30s, living in Seoul. The majority had positive opinions regarding the economic, cultural, emotional, and physical prospects of the ubiquitous information environment. Results show high expectations evolved around freedom from household chores, the equality between the sexes (at home and in society), enhancing the working environment at home, an expansion of human relationships leading to creative knowledge, being able to maintain a single life without economic constraints, and the enjoyment that the internet provides. for suggestions to improve the quality of women's lifestyle through ubiquitous technology, issues such as individual based customization, time management, creating emotional hyperspaces, multi-media communication systems, and women as leaders were studied.

A Study on a Proposal for Smart Uniforms for Caddies at Golf Courses, including a Study of Prototypes (골프장 캐디를위한 스마트 유니폼 프로토 타입 제안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Young;Kim, Mi-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.61 no.3
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    • pp.111-121
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    • 2011
  • This paper intends to improve caddies' vocational efficiency, to increase the quality of caddies' services for customers, and further, to widen the application of smart clothes by proposing prototypes of smart uniforms in which caddies' vocational characteristics are reflected. The smart uniforms proposed by this study were restricted to those for spring and fall seasons and three types for a jacket, a turtle neck shirt, pants, and a jumper were proposed. Each design was developed to contain functionality and aesthetic, and also to be transformed subject to weather or other conditions. In addition, the uniforms were designed to carry not only a two-way radio and a remote controller for a cart that caddies necessarily carry, but also i-Pod, a distance meter, and other digital tools by use of solar cells. That is, this paper proposed the designs that can meet with caddies' vocational characteristics and different conditions. This paper is regarded meaningful in that smart clothes, which are forecasted as a future high value-added business, are applied to the uniforms of various job types so they can expand me existing functions of uniforms and further, think about the ways of being used for higher value-added products through the fusion with technologies.

The Development of Textile Design and The Manufacture of Cultural Merchandise by Using Lotus Flower Patterns(II) (연꽃 문양을 이용한 직물디자인 개발 및 문화상품 제작(II))

  • Jung, Jin-Soun
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.421-426
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    • 2004
  • In an information-oriented and internationalized society of the future, the quality and the price of goods made by each country will be equalized. That eliminates competition. But the design and appearance of products is an important factor in international competition. Indeed, design symbolizes a country's culture visually, and it can show the cultural identity and originality of a nation in international society. And that will play an important part that can contribute to creating added value. It is necessary to revive our people's old lyrical stories which are far away from our memory, and we badly need design development to revive traditional cultural merchandise through visual modernization. In this study, I chose lotus as the subject material of textile design development. And my intention for this study is to reflect Korean traditional cultural value as much as I can, and to develop textile design of Korean images by adding modern scenes. Also, I intend to print them on fabric, and apply them to cultural merchandise including scarves and ties, by using digital textile printing systems. The reasons for doing so, are to create high added value, and to let other peoples of the world, know about our excellent culture.

A Study on Sizing System for the Competitive Manufacturing Environment of Domestic Apparel Product -Based on the Outerwear of Men in Their Twenties- (우리 나라 의류제품의 국제경쟁력 제고를 위한 사이즈체계 연구 -20대 남성의류 사이즈를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Hyoung-Sook;Nam, Yun-Ja
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.397-405
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    • 1999
  • For proper communication among manufacturers in many countries and for consumer's convenience in purchasing garments imported from foreign countries, the ISO revised the size designation system in 1969. Since 1970's many countries have revised their standard sizing system by adopting the ISO system. The purpose of this study is to satisfy domestic consumer's needs by developing a sizing system based on that of ISO for Korean men in their twenties, and to contribute to entering the international fashion market by manufacturing high quality apparel products. The results were as follows: By measuring and analyzing of men in their twenties, average height is 172 cm, average chest girth is 92.8 em, average hip girth is 93.4cm and average drop is 15.8. According to the result to analyzing body type of this study, athletic type(drop 18) is 47.8%, regular type (drop 12) is 37.3%, the 2 types covers 85%.

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Fashion Designs for Wearable Computer in Ubiquitous Environment (유비쿼터스 환경에서 웨어러블 컴퓨터를 위한 패션디자인)

  • Kim, Jee-Hee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.464-472
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    • 2008
  • Wearable computer focuses on functional aspects of fashion to respond to and satisfy needs for daily availability of ubiquitous environment owing to ever-developing digital technologies. The purpose of this study is to examine in possible developmental direction of wearable computer and thereby explore more promising directions of wearable computer to enhance its adaptability to future advanced ubiquitous environment and also satisfy both esthetical and functional needs. Now the wearable computer can be classified broadly into 3 types in the aspect of functionality, i.e. computer containing 'integratability', 'convertibility' and 'interactability'. Beyond simple portability concepts based on digital devices attached on body, it will be necessary that follow-up studies on wearable computer satisfy needs for enhanced digital functionality to comply with ubiquitous environment as well as emotional needs inherent in clothing. It is expected that possibility of future wearable computer will be extended via collaborative relationships between design and functionality, and should be implemented through possible points of contact among computer, telecommunication, design and fashion. Based on the findings of this study, it is expected that follow-up researches and developments for wearable computer to meet both functionality and esthetical values in the aspect of 'fashion design combined with electronic products' will help assure the variety of fashion designs for wearable computer contributing to better life quality of human in future ubiquitous environment.