• 제목/요약/키워드: clothing form

검색결과 974건 처리시간 0.031초

요하네스 베르메르의 작품을 통해 본 17세기 네덜란드 여성 시민복과 시민문화 (The Civil Culture and the Civil Costume of Netherlands Women in the 17th Century through the works of Johannes Vermeer)

  • 배수정
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.22-39
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    • 2013
  • This thesis aims to investigate the characteristics of the civil costume in Netherlands women and the way how the civil culture was reflected on these by analyzing the women's costume depicted in the works of the Johannes Vermeer regarded as the representative painter of Netherlands in 17th century. The method of study was to select 24 pieces of Vermeer's works among the 30 pieces, and were analyzed in detail. These were approved to be common civil costumes by researching the works of other painters in that era on the other hand. The result shows that the civil costume of Netherlands women from 1653 until 1675 was in the simple form of two pieces dress, and minimal decorations with simple hair style and headdress would take the constitution of the frugality, chastity and practicality as the mainstream, along with using the red, yellow and blue as the primary three colors on to the costumes. These characteristics might be ascribed to the Netherlands civil culture influenced by the Calvinism that emphasized the frugality and chastity, denouncing the luxury with supporting the religion and morality. This trend was also noted in the men's costume, giving evidence of the intimate relationship between the costume, religion and civil culture. This thesis might be a help to elucidate the relationship between the costume and cultural society, and be a affordable tools to study the contemporary costume.

전통 물고기문양을 모티브로 한 창의적 디자인 개발 연구 - 문양의 배치 및 색채 배색 과정을 중심으로 - (A Study on a Creative Design Development Using a Traditional Pattern - Focusing on the Arrangement and Color-scheme of the Pattern -)

  • 목소리;조진숙
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.81-100
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to link traditional patterns to mordern clothing. Of all the traditional patterns, the fish pattern was chosen for use during the development of a creative one-piece design for woman and shirts design for man. This study is based upon document searches, including research papers. Through these searches, it investigates the symbolic meaning, formation of the fish pattern and the creative design process. Based on this investigation, the study attempts to modernize the fish pattern and apply the fish patterns to the design of a one-piece dress and shirts. The design procedure includes three sub-processes: selection, arrangement and color-scheme. The selection process, the form of the pattern was edited using Adobe Photoshop. The arrangement of the pattern was made through the checklist conception method, containing the following functions: expand, reset, repeat, omission and dismantling. For the color-scheme of the pattern, Paul Klee(1879-1940)work was selected, and the colors in his work were adopted when dyeing the rest of the one-piece dress and shirts as well as fish features. In conclusion, six designs of the one-pieces dress and shirts were created by using one of Korea's traditional patterns-the fish pattern. This kind of study not only let the world know about the unique beauty of nations but also helps to inspire people who has a profession in design, by suggesting design development process based on design competitiveness improvement factor from fusion of tradition and modern.

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한·미 고등학교 가정과 교과서의 '가족' 관련 내용 비교: 건강가정 구성요소를 중심으로 (Comparison of Family-Related Contents of High School Home Economics Textbooks between Korea and the U.S.: Focusing on the Elements of a Healthy Family)

  • 강남주;진미정
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • 제55권2호
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    • pp.167-180
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    • 2017
  • This study makes suggestions on the contents of home economics to form adolescents' values of a healthy marriage and family. For this objective, family-related contents of high school home economics textbooks between Korea and the U.S. were comparatively analyzed using a qualitative interpretation method, based on the elements of a healthy family. Obtaining nine types of high school technology & home economics textbooks (2009 revised curriculum), two types of high school home economics science textbooks (2009 revised curriculum), and five types of the U.S. home economics textbooks for grade 10 to 12, contents elements, described contents, pictures, illustration, and activity tasks of the contents were examined. This study discussed the implications of family-related content in home economics high school textbooks of Korea as well as presented suggestions to be used as basic data for the development of subject content. The results of the study can be summarized as follows. In the results of analyzing the family-related contents in home economics textbooks of both countries, Korean home economics textbooks emphasized the contents meeting a democratic and gender-equal family relationship, maintenance & creation of healthy family life culture, rational resource management, and support for children's growth & development. However, U.S. home economics textbooks focused on elements such as economic stability of family, stable food, clothing, and shelter, open conversation, support of children's growth & development, rational resource management, sharing family roles, healthy citizenship, and harmony between work and family.

The Modified Hanbok Jeogori Pattern Development Using Virtual Dressing System - Based on Female Bodice Pattern -

  • Jeon, Seong Yeon;Wee, Hye Jung
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제21권6호
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    • pp.66-76
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    • 2017
  • This study used a virtual wearing system equipped with body shape data with a 3D scanner, based on a female basic bodice, to develop a modified Hanbok Jeogori with high fitness capabilities to provide basic data for the development of the modified Hanbok Jeogori pattern for the academic and industrial fields. In this study, the representative modified Hanbok design which most frequently appeared in broadcasting ads and on line was selected. The wearing test was conducted by six professionals, and three times wearing tests were implemented based on 17 evaluation items. The data for this study was processed statistically using SAS 9.0. We conducted, the F-test for significance verification, the Duncan-test for a post test, and a correlation analysis of Cronbach's alpha coefficient for a reliability test of dressing test results were implemented for each of the three tests. The pattern of the developed modified Hanbok Jeogori overcame the defects of the short length of the conventional modified hanbok, and could fix the length issue. The developed Hanbok pattern solved the overlapping problem of the shoulder, back neck point-sleeve length(Whajang), and armhole, displayed in a straight line from the Godae point of the previous modified Hanbok; it suggested the position of the Seop and neck line in the basic bodice. Based on this, the Seop width, Git form, Goreum and the width, length, and position of the string whose dimensions can differ in accordance with the trend can be applied in various forms.

Precedent survey for development of nursing home clothes according to aged society

  • Cha, Su-Joung
    • 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지
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    • 제23권9호
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the preferred materials and design characteristics of nursing home clothes in order to collect the basic data necessary for the elderly nursing home clothes. It was to utilize the elderly nursing home clothes considering elderly body shape, hand function, illness. This study was conducted by questionnaire method and SPSS ver. 20.0 program was used. The preference for nursing home clothes material was high for cotton, and it was found that they prefer soft, stretch material, warm feeling material, and lightweight material. In the hygienic aspect, they favored sweat-absorbent materials, and preferred laundry- care-resistant materials with poor wrinkles and dirtiness. The nursing home clothes preferred a two piece form consisting of a round neckline, two pockets on both sides, a waistband of rubber band, long lengths, and a waistline pants. The most important function in the nursing home clothes was recognized as wearing comfort. Aesthetics, symbolism, color and print pattern were recognized as not important functions. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the functional part such as wearing comfort in the design of the nursing home clothes. The material is also hygienic and comfortable to wear. In the case of the elderly, it is necessary to provide convenience for the wear of clothes through the development of stretchable material and detachment device since the movement range of muscles, arms, and legs is reduced. Based on this study, we will utilize it for the development of nursing home suit considering the characteristics of elderly person in the elderly society. It is to develop functional materials for the elderly in need of nursing home, to develop the pattern considering the elderly body shape, and to develop the desorption device considering the movement of the hand.

가상착의 시스템을 이용한 여고생의 보디스 원형 개발 (Development of the High School Girls Bodice Pattern Using Virtual Garment Simulation)

  • 전성연
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.189-202
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    • 2019
  • This study develops a bodice pattern for high school girls aged 17 to 19 that use virtual garment simulation. The study developed a bodice pattern based on the fit evaluation result for two selected bodice patterns. The basic formula of the design method based on the result of 3 times of fit evaluation is as follows: waist back $length=stature/8{\times}1.85cm$, waist front length=waist back length+bust/40+0.7cm, front bust girth=bust/2+4cm, back bust girth=Chest/2+3cm, armscye depth=Chest/4+0.5cm, back interscye length=bishoulder length -1.2cm, front interscye length=back interscye length -1.2cm, front neck width=back neck width -0.3cm. The developed bodice pattern used Bishoulder Length as a criteria for the calculation formula of back interscye length, and back interscye length as a criteria for the calculation formula of front interscye length. The fit evaluation showed the relevance of the bishoulder length, front interscye length, and back interscye length based on a comparison of the calculated figure. A bodice pattern with great body suitability and fitness to high school girls was developed through 3D virtual garment simulation that calculated the application of body proportion to width. This study only analyzed the evaluation result of a virtual model only in a representative form; however, a pattern study is also proposed to compare and analyze the design methods of patterns by body type.

13-18세 여학생의 상반신과 젖가슴형태 연령별 분석연구 (A Study on the Analysis of the Torso and Breast of Female Students by Age)

  • 김연주;남윤자
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • 제57권2호
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    • pp.159-170
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    • 2019
  • The growth accelerator period from a child's body into an adult body is a huge transition characterized by rapid growth in the near term. Body shape changes at this time of growth should be continually studied because they can result in different outcomes due to various variables. This study is basic study for the production of a junior brassiere patternmaking was conducted to separate the upper torso and breasts of adolescents by growth level. Analysis was conducted by age classification according to sales trends. In this study. 3D body shape data of Korean girls, Based on the 6th Size Korea data, analyzed statistically the upper body and breast according to the rate of growth. The results of this study represent the basis for the development of a junior brassiere to help lead a better life in regards to clothing. The study used 3D-data from girls aged 13 to 18. The analysis indicates that the upper body is in a different shape at age 15 with an increasing circumference, width and shoulder length of the chest; in addition, the sides are analyzed differently, suggesting that the brassiere configuration should be made differently at age 15. The breast form also showed different growth patterns at age 13 and the result was that the shape of the cup in brassiere should be configured differently depending on type.

전도사 자수를 이용한 안전보호용 밀착형 스포츠웨어 개발 (The Development of Fitted Sports Wear for Safety and Protection Using Conductive Yarn Embroidery)

  • 박진희;김주용
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.156-169
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    • 2019
  • The objective of this study was to develop lightweight, stretchable, tight-fit smart sportswear using the conductive yarns into the garment and demonstrating its usefulness. Sportswears with the ability to control LEDs with respect to lighting of the surrounding were developed by applying embroidery with conductive yarns to 2 types of men's T-shirts and 2 types of women's leggings pants for outdoor activities and exercise purposes. LEDs were applied to the front and back of men's T-shirts and to the rear of the waist of women's leggings. Men's T-shirts were printed where the LEDs were to be applied, and inside, they were embroidered with conductive threads on the hot-melt fabric to be attached, and then connected with LED. Women's pants were embroidered on the elastic band, in the form of a sine wave that gives it ability to stretch, and finally the elastic band was hidden inside the waistband. The operation of the light sensor in the dark provided the ability to protect joggers from night drivers or cyclists. LEDs were activated when the wearer turns on the fashionable device on his/her shoulder by pressing it. It was able to reduce the risk of accidents by giving recognizability to vehicles, bicycles, and athletes approaching or passing by at night, and securing safe distance from vehicles, etc. Internal embroidery technology had the same flexible and lightweight functions as ordinary clothing products, making it possible to apply to tight-fit smart T-shirts or leggings pants designs.

신한복 원피스에 대한 인식과 디자인 선호도에 관한 연구 (A study on the perception and design preference of new Hanbok one-piece dress)

  • 허승연;안명숙;차수정
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.129-142
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to identify the perception of New-Hanbok one-piece dresses that female consumers have purchased and to analyze the design preference based on design types and brands. Analysis was conducted on New-Hanbok brand websites, and additional research was carried out through a survey of 402 women in their 20s and older. The survey consisted of 36 questions, which were divided into categories including pattern, color, material, and recognition of the one-piece dress. The research results are as follows. First, the preferred design form of the New-Hanbok one-piece dress was long length, medium fit, princess line, round git, rectangular git, regular width git, V neckline, regular width dongjeong, front closing with a wide overlap of the chest are a, narrow goreum, a skirt part with moderate crease spacing and number of pleats, A-line skirt silhouette, long and narrow sleeves, diagonal shoulder line, and a cuff at the end of each sleeve. Second, the preferred colors of the New-Hanbok one-piece dress were bright, neutral, or light and were predominately monochromatic Third, the preferred fabric conveyed a contemporary atmosphere through its print pattern. The most favored fabric material was cotton. Through this study, more systematic design development research should be carried out focusing on the current situation and identifying problems, thereby improving traditional culture.

유튜브 채널 패션필름 분석을 통한 크리스찬 디올의 브랜드 커뮤니케이션 특성 연구 (A Study on the Characteristics of Christian Dior's Brand Communication through YouTube Channel Fashion Film Analysis)

  • 백정현;배수정
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.716-726
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    • 2020
  • This study presents methods and alternative examples for fashion brands to effectively use video-based communication channels to form brand identity that analyzes the definition, status and type of YouTube channel fashion films as well as enables the ability to derive brand identity characteristics. Literature studies focused on Christian Dior's official website and related previous studies. The temporal range of the case studies was from October 7, 2010, the date when the first fashion film was uploaded to current Christian Dior YouTube to July 17, 2020 (the survey date), and there are a total of 550 subjects for quantitative analysis. The succession of the couture spirit means that Christian Dior's craftsmanship was created and passed down by Musée Christian Dior to act as a contemporary key element of brand identity. The iconic expression of femininity is Dior's core design philosophy that began when the woman image of a new era was presented through a new look, and Dior's femininity means a woman that reflects the character of the times as is interpreted as her own personality from the perspective of modernism through the creative directors of future generations. The brand's core identity code 'Miss Dior' expresses the brand's vision and eternity through perfume as well as targets Z generation male consumers through an emotional approach based on forms that used emotional images such as movie-type films.