• 제목/요약/키워드: clinical diagnosis

검색결과 7,122건 처리시간 0.032초

중국의 맥상파(脈象波) 연구동향 II: 임상활용 분야 (A Study of the Pulse Diagnosis Research Trend in China II: Clinical Application)

  • 신상훈;김기왕;임혜원;박영재;박영배
    • 대한한의진단학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2005
  • Background and purpose: The purpose of this study is to review the recent 10 year Chinese achievements on the objectification of traditional pulse diagnosis in clinical area. Methods: From the China Journal Full Text Database (中國學術期刊全文數据庫) we searched papers on pulse diagnosis by the keyword 'Maizhen'(脈診) Resulls: The researches are summarized into four parts; (1) the researches on the normal pulse in the physiological state (2) the clinical researches of pulse diagnosis on the symptom and disease diagnosis (3) the clinical researches of pulse diagnosis on the acupuncture treatment (4) the application of pulse diagnosis on the functional evaluation of the athlete. Conclusion: The undoubted principles of the traditional pulse diagnosis are evaluated by the objective clinical researches. And the researchers are trying to find a new application area over the traditional one.

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병인변증과 요골동맥 맥상파의 특성 파악을 위한 탐색적 관찰 연구 : 임상시험 프로토콜 개발 (Development of Clinical Protocol on the Correlation Between Disease Cause Pattern Identification and Pulse Wave Variables)

  • 김지혜;유하나;구본초;김현호;김종열;전영주
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제28권6호
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    • pp.662-667
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this clinical study is to develop structured clinical trial protocol and guideline for improvement of safety, useful and effective of pulse diagnosis devices. As a first step, papers on pulse diagnosis and pulse diagnosis devices from 2001 and 2013 were systematically reviewed. In the next step, we have collected the opinions from the specialists, companies, and statistician in pulse diagnosis to evaluate the current condition, the state and problem of domestic clinical trial cases of pulse diagnosis device. And we have to created protocol and case report form (CRF) in regards to site condition and characteristics of pulse diagnosis devices, and showed the guideline of eligibility criteria, operation process, investigation items, evaluation items and so on. This clinical protocol will become a basic information for a researcher in designing or performing a clinical study of pulse diagnosis devices, and be used as a useful material during acquisition of good clinical data. Furthermore, we hope to enhance the invigoration of pulse diagnosis clinical trials and the performance improvement of pulse diagnosis devices.

임상진단명에 따른 질병분류체계 구축모형 개발 - 안과를 대상으로 - (Development of Construction Model of Disease Classification on Clinical Diagnosis in Ophthalmology)

  • 서진숙;신희영;기창원
    • 한국의료질향상학회지
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.204-215
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    • 2003
  • Background : ICD-10 Classification, which is used domestically as well as internationally, has limited use in the clinical practice since it is developed for at disease statistics and epidemiology. Therefore, the purposes of this study were to improve the quality of diagnosis by constructing a new disease classification based on the diagnoses doctors currently make in the clinical setting and connecting this classification with OCS and EMR, and to meet the demands of doctors for high quality medical study data in medical research. Methods : The specialists in each ophthalmic subfield collected clinical diagnoses and abbreviations based on the ophthalmology textbooks and confirmed the classifications. Total number of clinical diagnoses collected was totaled 672, for which ideal diagnoses had been selected and a new model of disease classification model in connection with ICD-10 was constructed. The constructed classification of clinical diagnoses consisted of six steps: the first step was the classification by ophthalmic subspecialty field; the second to fifth steps were the detailed classification by each specialty field; the sixth step was the classification by site. Results : After introducing the new disease classification, research on the use and a pre-post comparison was conducted. The result from the research on the use of the clinical diagnoses in inpatient and outpatient care has shown a gradually increasing tendency. From the pre-post comparison of EMR discharge summary diagnoses, the result demonstrated that the diagnosis was stated correctly and in detail. Since the diagnosis was stated correctly, code classification became correct as well, which makes it possible to construct high quality medical DB. Conclusion : This construction of clinical diagnoses provides the medical team with high quality medical information. It is also expected to increase the accuracy and efficiency of service in the department of medical record and department of insurance investigation. In the future, if hospitals wish to construct a classification of clinical diagnosis and a standard proposal of clinical diagnosis is presented by a medical society, the standardization of diagnosis seems to be possible.

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소음인 소증 진단평가지표 개발 연구 (A Study on the Development of Diagnosis and Assessment Index by Soeumin's Ordinary Symptoms)

  • 황사비;이준희
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.38-56
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    • 2021
  • Objective This study was devised to create a new diagnosis and an assessment index by Soeumin's Ordinary Symptoms. Method First, a Working Committee and an Advisory Committee were formed for development, and the development goals were set. Then, the Soeumin's disease diagnosis indicators were extracted from the previous Clinical Practice Guidelines for Sasang Constitutional Medicine. To increase the clinical applicability, the extracted diagnosis indicators were focused on ordinary symptoms, and translated into Korean. The translated diagnosis and assessment indicators for Soeumin were surveyed to the Advisory Committee using the Delphi technique, and the inclusion, importance, and validity of each indicator were investigated accordingly. Result The translated diagnosis and assessment indicators were finally revised based on the surveyed inclusion and translation validity opinions, and the weight of each indicator was set based on the investigated importance, and a draft of the diagnosis and assessment index was developed. Conclusion This developed index can help to make effective diagnose about Soeumin's diseases by clinical doctor. In the future, a clinical study of this index can be conducted to consider the reliability, validity, and cut-point, and through this process, the actual clinical applicability will be improved.

사상체질병증 임상진료지침: 사상체질병증 검사 및 체질진단 (Clinical Practice Guideline for Sasang Constitutional Medicine: The Examination of Sasangin Disease and Diagnosis for Sasang Constitution)

  • 김상혁;이시우;이준희;이의주
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.110-124
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    • 2015
  • Objectives This study was purposed to develop the clinical practice guideline for examination of Sasangin disease and diagnosis for Sasang Constitution. Methods "Donguisusebowon" and many articles were reviewed and examined for developing clinical practice guidelines. And "Guideline for Educating Public Health Korean Medical Doctors on Diagnosis of Sasang Constitution" was basically used to develop clinical guidelines. Results & Conclusions By researching and discussing the examination of Sasangin disease and diagnosis for Sasang Constitution, we make the principle of the clinical practice guideline, including methods using body shape, facial shape, vocal characteristic and personality etc.

약론(略论) $\ll$내경(内经)$\gg$ 낙맥진법적림상의의(络脉诊法的临床意义) (Discussion on the Clinical meanings of the Collateral Diagnosis Method in the "Hwangjenaegyeong(黃帝內經)")

  • 왕소평
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.317-319
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    • 2010
  • The collateral diagnosis method is unique in Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis methods which has important clinical value. In my article, the contents of the "Hwangjenaegyeong(黃帝內經)" related to this method is discussed. According to the site of inspection in the diagnosis process, there are five types as following: inspection of the face and surface, the thenar, the orifices, abdominal collaterals and finally the index finger of children. This method can inspire clinical practitioners.

설진(舌診)의 임상활용에 관한 연구 (A Study on Clinical Application of Tongue Diagnosis)

  • 김빛나라;오민석
    • 한방재활의학과학회지
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 2013
  • Objectives This study was designed to: (1) investigate the clinical feature of tongue diagnosis, (2) make an observation of significant changes in tongue diagnosis according to the patient's physical condition and laboratory result and (3) identify clinical efficacy of tongue diagnosis. Methods 300 patients' tongue diagnosis results were analyzed and the patients were divided to each group according to the physical condition and laboratory result. Then, chi-square test was performed to assess statistical significance between tongue diagnosis results of each group. Results As a result of analyzing the spread of tongue diagnosis according to the patient's physical condition and laboratory result, 18 groups had statistical significance related to specific tongue color and tongue coating. Conclusions Even if there would be possible misinterpretations in one-to-one match between the tongue diagnosis and certain diseases, we identified that tongue diagnosis results were changed somewhat related to patient's physical condition with some tendency and tongue diagnosis could be used for meaningful clinical diagnostic tool.

간호진단 임상적용을 위한 교육프로그램의 효과 및 간호사의 반응조사 연구 (A Study on the Nurse's Response for the Clinical Application of Nursing Diagnosis)

  • 전춘영;임영신;김용순;박지원;조금숙
    • 대한간호
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.59-71
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    • 1990
  • Although the usefulness and importance of clinical application of nursing diagnosis are well recognized by the academic circle, it is not yet generally practiced. In order to provide data for establishing a policy for clinical nursing diagnosis; a study was made at a seminar, sponsored by the Department of nursing, Severance Hospital, with participation of 190 nurses from 33 hospitals. The objective of the study was to find out; 1) if the nurses agree with the academic community in recognizing the benefits and problems of clinical application of nursing diagnosis; 2) how the nurses evaluate their ability to carry out nursing diagnosis; and 3) if educational programs would help enhance ability of nursing diagnosis among nurses. The summary of findings by the study is as follows; 1. While all nurses responded positively on the question of benefits improving science and quality of nursing, thus elevating credibility and position of nurses, some expressed concern on the practicality of the system in setting up nursing objectiveness, confirming the nursing problems and utilizing patient information. For the 20 questions and the scale of 1~5, the lowest average score was 3.223 and the highest 4.066. 2. The study attempted to find out the opinion of the nurses on the problems that 'would make difficult to adopt the nursing diagnosis in clinics. The result of the study indicates the nurses believe the major problems are the fact that the subject of nursing diagnosis are not well defined and that the form sheets do not match with the ones that are currently being used. However, comparing it with the result of the previous study on the same question (inadequate manpower and insufficienf time allocated for the job were two major problems pointed out then.), it can be said that the opinion of the nurses studied this time was much more positive and it suggests that they believe the system can be adopted without increasing manpower and only by giving additional training and by adjusting the format of nursing record sheets. It suggests that the future for adopting a clinical nursing diagnosis is very bright. 3. As the most urgent problem to be solved for adopting clinical nursing diagnosis, 38. 5% responded that it was "education of nurses, "and 34.2% responded that it was "staffing adequate number of nurses". 4. For the 10 questions asked for self-evaluation of ability to adopt the system, with the scale of 1~5, average score was lower than 3. This indicate that they evaluate their ability to adopt the system is low. 5. The results of study taken before and after the educational programs for clinical nursing diagnosis were compared with overall score in order to determine if such program would cause changes in the response to the effect of clinical application of nursing diagnosis, and it was found that there was statistically significant changes suggesting that the education contributed to positive change in the response. 6. The results of study taken before and after the educational programs for clinical nursing diagnosis were compared with overall score in order to determine how the proble~ ms for adopting nursing system would be effected by such educational programs, and it was found that those problems be not soived with a short course of training. 7. The results of study taken before and after the educational programs for clinical nursing diagnosis were compared with overall score in order to determine if such programs would bring changes in the self-evaluation of nurses on the ability of nursing diagno sis, and it was found that program improve score of self-evaluation their ability of the nursing diagnosis. As seen in the above reports, it was found that the nu'rses are very positive about the clinical nursing diagnosis, that educational program for the clinical nursing diagnosis helps nurses for positively changing their attitude for ,the nursing diagnosis, for their self-confidence on their ability to perform nursing diagnosis. With improved know-how and self"confictence of nurses gained through educational and .training programs, the future of clinical application of nursing diagnosis is very bright.diagnosis is very bright.

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알쯔하이머병(Alzheimer's disease)에서 FDG PET의 임상이용 (Clinical Application of $^{18}F-FDG$ PET in Alzheimer's Disease)

  • 유영훈
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • 제42권sup1호
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    • pp.166-171
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    • 2008
  • PET of the cerebral metabolic rate of glucose is increasingly used to support the clinical diagnosis in the examination of patients with suspected major neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease. $^{18}F-FDG$ PET has been reported to have high diagnostic performance, especially, very high sensitivity in the diagnosis and clinical assessment of therapeutic efficacy. According to clinical research data hitherto, $^{18}F-FDG$ PET is expected to be an effective diagnostic tool in early and differential diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Since 2004, Medicare covers $^{18}F-FDG$ PET scans for the differential diagnosis of fronto-temporal dementia (FTD) and Alzheimer's disease (AD) under specific requirements; or, its use in a CMS approved practical clinical trial focused on the utility of $^{18}F-FDG$ PET in the diagnosis or treatment of dementing neurodegenerative diseases.

응급실로 내원한 외상성 화농성 근염 환자의 분석 (Clinical Analysis of Traumatic Pyomyositis in Emergency Patients)

  • 나지웅;송형곤
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: Pyomyositis is a rare disease in temperature climate region. The diagnosis of pyomyositis is often delayed, and pyomyositis is often misdiagnosed in the emergency department. Methods: The medical records of 11 patients who were diagnosed as having traumatic pyomyositis in the emergency department at Samsung Medical Center in Seoul, Korea, between 2000 and 2006 were reviewed. Their clinical features, such as history, symptoms, clinical findings, duration from onset of symptoms to diagnosis, medical history, laboratory data, results of imaging studies and clinical course were collected. Results: The psoas muscles were most commonly involved. Computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging aided in accurate diagnosis of the infection and of the extent of involvement. Incision, drainage, and antibiotics therapy eradicated the infectioin in all patients Conclusion: Pyomyositis should be a part of the differential diagnosis for patients with traumatic muscle pain. Radiologic evaluation, such as computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, must be considered in the diagnosis of traumatic pyomyositis.