• Title/Summary/Keyword: climate map

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Comparison of Land-use Change Assessment Methods for Greenhouse Gas Inventory in Land Sector (토지부문 온실가스 통계 산정을 위한 토지이용변화 평가방법 비교)

  • Park, Jin-Woo;Na, Hyun-Sup;Yim, Jong-Su
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.329-337
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    • 2017
  • In this study, land-use changes from 1990 to 2010 in Jeju Island by different approaches were produced and compared to suggest a more efficient approach. In a sample-based method, land-use changes were analyzed with different sampling intensities of 2 km and 4 km grids, which were distributed by the fifth National Forest Inventory (NFI5), and their uncertainty was assessed. When comparing the uncertainty for different sampling intensities, the one with the grid of 2 km provided more precise information; ranged from 6.6 to 31.3% of the relative standard error for remaining land-use categories for 20 years. On the other hand, land-cover maps by a wall-to-wall approach were produced by using time-series Landsat imageries. Forest land increased from 34,194 ha to 44,154 ha for 20 years, where about 69% of total forest land were remained as forest land and 19% and 8% within forest lands were converted to grassland and cropland, respectively. In the case of grassland, only about 40% of which were remained as grassland and most of the area were converted to forest land and cropland. When comparing land-cover area by land-use categories with land-use statistics, forest areas were underestimated while areas of cropland and grassland were overestimated. In order to analyze land use change, it is necessary to establish a clear and consistent definition on the six land use classification.

Determination of Flood Reduction Alternatives for responding to climate change in Gyeongan Watershed (기후변화 대응을 위한 경안천 유역의 홍수저감 대안 선정)

  • Han, Daegun;Choi, Changhyun;Kim, Duckhwan;Jung, Jaewon;Kim, Jungwook;Kim, Soo Jun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.154-165
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    • 2016
  • Recently, the frequency of extreme rainfall event has increased due to climate change and impermeable area also has increased due to rapid urbanization. Therefore, we ought to prepare countermeasures for flood reduction to reduce the damage. To consider climate change, the frequency based rainfall was calculated according to the aimed period(reference : 1971~2010, Target period I : 2011~2040, Target period II : 2041~2070, Target period III : 2071~2100) and the flood discharge was also calculated by climate change using HEC-HMS model. Also, the flood elevation was calculated by each alternative through HEC-RAS model, setting 5 sizes of drainage pumps and reservoirs respectively. The flood map was constructed using topographical data and flood elevation, and the economic analysis was conducted for reduction of flood damage using Multi dimension - Flood Damage Analysis, MD-FDA. As a result of the analysis on the flood control effect, a head of drainage pump was reduced by 0.06m up to 0.44m while it was reduced by 0.01m up to 1.86m in the case of a detention pond. The flooded area shrunk by up to 32.64% from 0.3% and inundation depth also dropped. As a result of a comparison of the Benefit/Cost index estimated by the economic analysis, detention pond E in period I and pump D in period II and III were deemed appropriate as an alternative for climate change. The results are expected to be used as good practices when implementing the flood control works considering climate change.

The Relationship Analysis between the Epicenter and Lineaments in the Odaesan Area using Satellite Images and Shaded Relief Maps (위성영상과 음영기복도를 이용한 오대산 지역 진앙의 위치와 선구조선의 관계 분석)

  • CHA, Sung-Eun;CHI, Kwang-Hoon;JO, Hyun-Woo;KIM, Eun-Ji;LEE, Woo-Kyun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the location of the epicenter of a medium-sized earthquake(magnitude 4.8) that occurred on January 20, 2007 in the Odaesan area with lineament features using a shaded relief map(1/25,000 scale) and satellite images from LANDSAT-8 and KOMPSAT-2. Previous studies have analyzed lineament features in tectonic settings primarily by examining two-dimensional satellite images and shaded relief maps. These methods, however, limit the application of the visual interpretation of relief features long considered as the major component of lineament extraction. To overcome some existing limitations of two-dimensional images, this study examined three-dimensional images, produced from a Digital Elevation Model and drainage network map, for lineament extraction. This approach reduces mapping errors introduced by visual interpretation. In addition, spline interpolation was conducted to produce density maps of lineament frequency, intersection, and length required to estimate the density of lineament at the epicenter of the earthquake. An algorithm was developed to compute the Value of the Relative Density(VRD) representing the relative density of lineament from the map. The VRD is the lineament density of each map grid divided by the maximum density value from the map. As such, it is a quantified value that indicates the concentration level of the lineament density across the area impacted by the earthquake. Using this algorithm, the VRD calculated at the earthquake epicenter using the lineament's frequency, intersection, and length density maps ranged from approximately 0.60(min) to 0.90(max). However, because there were differences in mapped images such as those for solar altitude and azimuth, the mean of VRD was used rather than those categorized by the images. The results show that the average frequency of VRD was approximately 0.85, which was 21% higher than the intersection and length of VRD, demonstrating the close relationship that exists between lineament and the epicenter. Therefore, it is concluded that the density map analysis described in this study, based on lineament extraction, is valid and can be used as a primary data analysis tool for earthquake research in the future.

An Oceanic Current Map of the East Sea for Science Textbooks Based on Scientific Knowledge Acquired from Oceanic Measurements (해양관측을 통해 획득된 과학적 지식에 기반한 과학교과서 동해 해류도)

  • Park, Kyung-Ae;Park, Ji-Eun;Choi, Byoung-Ju;Byun, Do-Seong;Lee, Eun-Il
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.234-265
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    • 2013
  • Oceanic current maps in the secondary school science and earth science textbooks have played an important role in piquing students's inquisitiveness and interests in the ocean. Such maps can provide students with important opportunities to learn about oceanic currents relevant to abrupt climate change and global energy balance issues. Nevertheless, serious and diverse errors in these secondary school oceanic current maps have been discovered upon comparison with up-to-date scientific knowledge concerning oceanic currents. This study presents the fundamental methods and strategies for constructing such maps error-free, through the unification of the diverse current maps currently in the textbooks. In order to do so, we analyzed the maps found in 27 different textbooks and compared them with other up-to-date maps found in scientific journals, and developed a mapping technique for extracting digitalized quantitative information on warm and cold currents in the East Sea. We devised analysis items for the current visualization in relation to the branching features of the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) in the Korea Strait. These analysis items include: its nearshore and offshore branches, the northern limit and distance from the coast of the East Korea Warm Current, outflow features of the TWC near the Tsugaru and Soya Straits and their returning currents, and flow patterns of the Liman Cold Current and the North Korea Cold Current. The first draft of the current map was constructed based upon the scientific knowledge and input of oceanographers based on oceanic in-situ measurements, and was corrected with the help of a questionnaire survey to the members of an oceanographic society. In addition, diverse comments have been collected from a special session of the 2013 spring meeting of the Korean Oceanographic Society to assist in the construction of an accurate current map of the East Sea which has been corrected repeatedly through in-depth discussions with oceanographers. Finally, we have obtained constructive comments and evaluations of the interim version of the current map from several well-known ocean current experts and incorporated their input to complete the map's final version. To avoid errors in the production of oceanic current maps in future textbooks, we provide the geolocation information (latitude and longitude) of the currents by digitalizing the map. This study is expected to be the first step towards the completion of an oceanographic current map suitable for secondary school textbooks, and to encourage oceanographers to take more interest in oceanic education.

A Study of Distribution of Rainfall Erosivity in USLE/RUSLE for Estimation of Soil Loss (토양유식공식의 강우침식도 분포에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jeong-Hwan;U, Hyo-Seop;Pyeon, Jong-Geun;Kim, Gwang-Il
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.603-610
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    • 2000
  • Climate factors such as rainfall, temperature, wind, humidity, and solar radiant heat affect soil erosion. Among those factors, rainfall influences soil erosion to the most extent. The kinetic energy of rainfall breaks away soil particles and the water flow caused by the rainfall entrains and transport them downstream. In order to estimate soil erosion, therefore, it is important to determine the rainfall erosivity. In this study, the annual average Rainfall Erosivity(R) in Korea, an important factor of the Universal Soil Loss Equation(USLE) and Revised Equation(RUSLE), has been estimated using the nationwide rainfall data from 1973 to 1996. For this estimation, hourly rainfall data at 53 meterological stations managed by the Meterological Agency was used. It has been found from this study that the newly computed values for R are slightly larger than the existing ones. It would be because this study is based on the range of rainfall data that is longer in period and denser in the number of gauging stations than what the existing result used. The final result of this study is shown in the form the isoerodent map of Korea.

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Selecting Core Areas for Conserving Riparian Habitat Using Habitat Suitability Assessment for Eurasian Otter (서식지 적합성 평가를 이용한 수변지역 핵심 보전지역 선정 - 수달을 대상으로 -)

  • Jeong, Seunggyu;Park, Chong Hwa;Woo, Donggul;Lee, Dong Kun;Seo, Changwan;Kim, Ho Gul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2015
  • In Korea, significant riparian areas have been developed due to river maintenance projects. Introduction of new riparian facilities can negatively affect wildlife in the riparian areas. This study focuses on selecting core conservation areas for Eurasian Otter(Lutra lutra) to support decision making process for development of riparian areas. For the study, first of all, field data of study site were collected by field surveys. Secondly, stream naturalness was assessed to understand physical environments of the study sites. Thirdly, habitat suitability was assessed using occurrence data of Eurasian Otter and environmental data. Lastly, core areas for conservation was selected by comparing and synthesizing stream naturalness map and habitat suitability map. The selected core areas showed several characteristics. The number of artificial facilities is low in the core areas. Rocks which are preferred by Eurasian Otter to eat and excrete are plentiful in the core areas. Also, the ratio of adjacent farmland is high. Based on the analyses, it is expected that this study can contribute to decision making process for environmental spatial plans to better conserve habitats of Eurasian Otter.

Site Prioritization for Artificial Recharge in Korea using GIS Mapping (지리정보시스템을 이용한 우리나라 인공함양 개발 유망지역 분석)

  • Seo, Jeong-A;Kim, Yong-Cheol;Kim, Jin-Sam;Kim, Yong-Je
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.66-78
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    • 2011
  • It is getting difficult to manage water resources in South Korea because more than half of annual precipitation is concentrated in the summer season and its intensity is increasing due to global warming and climate change. Artificial recharge schemes such as well recharge of surface water and roof-top rainwater harvesting can be a useful method to manage water resources in Korea. In this study, potential artificial recharge site is evaluated using geographic information system with hydrogeological and social factors. The hydrogeological factors include annual precipitation, geological classification based on geological map, specific capacity and depth to water level of national groundwater monitoring wells. These factors were selected to evaluate potential artificial recharge site because annual precipitation is closely related to source water availability for artificial recharge, geological features and specific capacity are related to injection capacity and depth to water is related to storage capacity of the subsurface medium. In addition to those hydrogeological factors, social aspect was taken into consideration by selecting the areas that is not serviced by national water works and have been suffered from drought. These factors are graded into five rates and integrated together in the GIS system resulting in spatial distribution of artificial recharge potential. Cheongsong, Yeongdeok in Gyeongsangbuk-do and Hadong in Gyeongsangnam-do, and Suncheon in Jeollanam-do were proven as favorable areas for applying artificial recharge schemes. Although the potential map for artificial recharge in South Korea developed in this study need to be improved by using other scientific factors such as evaporation and topographical features, and other social factors such as water-curtain cultivation area, hot spring resorts and industrial area where groundwater level is severely lowered, it can be used in a rough site-selection, preliminary and/or feasibility study for artificial recharge.

Uncertainty Analysis of GCM Information in Korea Using Probabilistic Diagnostics (국내 유역에 대한 GCM 정보의 확률론적 불확실성 분석)

  • Jeong, Chang-Sam;Heo, Jun-Haeng;Bae, Deg-Hyo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.173-184
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study is to examine the usefulness of climate model simulations (GCM) in Korea water resource management. The methods are based on probabilistic measures of the effectiveness of GCM simulations of an indicator variable for discriminating high versus low regional observations of a target variable. The formulation uses the significance probability of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for detecting differences between two variables. AMIP-II(Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project-II) type GCM simulation done by ECMWF(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) was used for indicator variable and observed mean average precipitation(MAP) values on 7 major river basins were used as target variable. Monte Carlo simulation is used to establish the significance of the estimator values. The results show that GCM simulations done by ECMWF are skillful in discriminating the high from the low of the observed MAP for wet season in all seven basins of Korea, but not enough for dry season.

An Analysis of Environmental Policy Effect on Green Space Change using Logistic Regression Model : The Case of Ulsan Metropolitan City (로지스틱 회귀모형을 이용한 환경정책 효과 분석: 울산광역시 녹지변화 분석을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sung-Joo;Ryu, Ji-Eun;Jeon, Seong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.13-30
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to analyze the qualitative and quantitative effects of environmental policies in terms of green space management using logistic regression model(LRM). Landsat satellite imageries in 1985, 1992, 2000, 2008, and 2015 are classified using a hybrid-classification method. Based on these classified maps, logistic regression model having a deforestation tendency of the past is built. Binary green space change map is used for the dependent variable and four explanatory variables are used: distance from green space, distance from settlements, elevation, and slope. The green space map of 2008 and 2015 is predicted using the constructed model. The conservation effect of Ulsan's environmental policies is quantified through the numerical comparison of green area between the predicted and real data. Time-series analysis of green space showed that restoration and destruction of green space are highly related to human activities rather than natural land transition. The effect of green space management policy was spatially-explicit and brought a significant increase in green space. Furthermore, as a result of quantitative analysis, Ulsan's environmental policy had effects of conserving and restoring 111.75㎢ and 175.45㎢ respectively for the periods of eight and fifteen years. Among four variables, slope was the most determinant factor that accounts for the destruction of green space in the city. This study presents logistic regression model as a way of evaluating the effect of environmental policies that have been practiced in the city. It has its significance in that it allows us a comprehensive understanding of the effect by considering every direct and indirect effect from other domains, such as air and water, on green space. We conclude discussing practicability of implementing environmental policy in terms of green space management with the focus on a non-statutory plan.

Grain cultivation traceability system using ICT for smart agriculture (스마트 농업 구현을 위한 ICT기반 곡물 재배이력관리 시스템)

  • Kim, Hoon;Kim, Oui-Woong;Lee, Hyo-Jai
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.389-396
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, a cultivation traceability system to implement smart agriculture developed and implemented, and in particular, devised a system that manages the cultivation traceability of grains that are difficult to grow in smart farms. Mobile and web programs based on smart devices are designed, and the collected information is stored in a DB server and can be used as big data. In addition, real-time location information and agricultural activity information can be matched using an electronic map(Vworld) based on GIS/LBS applying GPS of a mobile device. By designing the cultivation traceability information DB required in the field, the farmhouse, farmers, and cultivation information were developed to make it easy for managers to use, and implemented mobile and web programs in the field. The system is expected to raise the quality and safety management capabilities to the next level in response to variables such as labor saving effect and climate change.