• Title/Summary/Keyword: citizens' participation

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Development of Social Services through Analysis of Service Cases for Children and Older Citizens (사회서비스 사례분석 및 발전방안 -아동 및 노인서비스를 중심으로-)

  • Han, Jeong-Won;Bae, Hwa-Sook;Lim, Hong-Tak
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2017
  • Since 2000, Korean Society has developed social service program, facing the increasing social needs. With the semi-public goods' factor, social service has shown the original limitation in the private market. This paper analyses social services for children and older citizens in 6 metro cities, exploring the current condition and limitation. Program were collected through research institute and metro city's social service support groups. Analysis shows that most cities have similar programs without reflecting regional specialty. Therefore, the diverse and expanded supply of social services, professional service providers, reflection of regional specialty, easier accessibility of services are suggested. More participation of users in the process of program decision-making process and networking of service providers are also proposed.

A Study on the Environmental Color of New Genre Public Art in Luzinterruptus' Work (러진테럽터스의 뉴 장르 공공미술에 나타난 환경색채 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Young
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.112-120
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of the thesis is to explore ways of improving the quality of urban life by analyzing the Luzinterruptus's work looking for a new perspective on the relationship between environmental color and society. The street artist Luzinterruptus was born in Spain, is a leader in the field of New Genre Public Art brush on a canvas of light in the night. They should seek the views of other common color system and color environments. The method of research is urban design, we consider the concept of the public good understanding, and New Genre Public Art. It also analyzes the environmental color of Luzinterruptus to take advantage of the phenomenology by David Katz color classification. The scope of the thesis is focused on the analysis of the works featured in their website and webzine. Then select a sculpture installation information is stated on the environmental color of their work. The role of environmental color in their work is not an aesthetic experience of harmonious urban landscape was seeking Public Art. The citizens of the area and the installation work themselves. Also it listed as demolition after the exhibition to realize the difference with other people and take advantage to environmental color. Therefore, they the contemporary agenda in many part of narrative takes in the garbage or disposables that you can easily look at our surroundings, In addition, citizens are directly experiencing the fantastic custom-made lights and colors and objects of the oversize as a potential recalls memories. Thus, the use of environmental color comfortable life there is horizontal participation and communication of the 'citizens' critical perspective of the 21st century cumulative cities.

World Wide Views on Climate and Energy 2015 in Korea as a Global Deliberative Governance ('지구적 숙의 거버넌스'로서 유엔기후변화협상에 관한 세계시민회의)

  • Lee, Young Hee;Jeong, In Kyung
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 2015
  • World Wide Views on Climate and Energy held on 6 June 2015 was a structured citizens' deliberative consultation forum involving 10,000 citizens in 77 countries, and South Korea was one of the participating countries. Citizen participants, selected to reflect the demographic diversity in their countries or regions, were given information beforehand and deliberated for a full day with other citizens and voted on an identical set of questions, designed to reflect policy controversies at the UN COP negotiations to be held in Paris on December 2015. This study, firstly, analyzes the backgrounds and purposes of World Wide Views on Climate and Energy and reports the WWViews event held in Seoul, Korea before examining the theoretical implication of it. And then, this study discusses about the features and opportunities of World Wide Views on Climate and Energy as a way of forming a global deliberative governance by focusing on deliberative democracy, citizen participatory governance, and global citizenship.

Analysis of Sensible Factors on Service Acceptance Intention of Smart City (스마트시티의 서비스 수용의도에 대한 체감요소 분석)

  • Yang, Jeon-Seong;You, Yen-Yoo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.146-156
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    • 2021
  • A smart city refers to an intelligent city solving problems arising from the concentration its population using IT technology. Various services such as safety, transportation, environment, education, and medical care are provided in a smart city. Still, the degree of service experienced by the residents is lower compared to the technological maturity. Hence, the service acceptance intention factor needs to be improved. In this study, User Characteristic and Service Characteristic variables were identified separately to improve the awareness and experience of smart services among citizens of the smart city and analyze the intention of easy service acceptance. Based on the results, the present study is expected to improve citizen's quality of life and form a happy society. This improvement in citizens and society is achieved by drawing active participation from citizens and investments from the government and private enterprise through solving various problems in the city.

Fraud Detection in E-Commerce

  • Alqethami, Sara;Almutanni, Badriah;AlGhamdi, Manal
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.312-318
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    • 2021
  • Lack of knowledge and digital skills is a threat to the information security of the state and society, so the formation and development of organizational culture of information security is extremely important to manage this threat. The purpose of the article is to assess the state of information security of the state and society. The research methodology is based on a quantitative statistical analysis of the information security culture according to the EU-27 2019. The theoretical basis of the study is the theory of defense motivation (PMT), which involves predicting the individual negative consequences of certain events and the desire to minimize them, which determines the motive for protection. The results show the passive behavior of EU citizens in ensuring information security, which is confirmed by the low level of participation in trainings for the development of digital skills and mastery of basic or above basic overall digital skills 56% of the EU population with a deviation of 16%. High risks to information security in the context of damage to information assets, including software and databases, have been identified. Passive behavior of the population also involves the use of standard identification procedures when using the Internet (login, password, SMS). At the same time, 69% of EU citizens are aware of methods of tracking Internet activity and access control capabilities (denial of permission to use personal data, access to geographical location, profile or content on social networking sites or shared online storage, site security checks). Phishing and illegal acquisition of personal data are the biggest threats to EU citizens. It have been identified problems related to information security: restrictions on the purchase of products, Internet banking, provision of personal information, communication, etc. The practical value of this research is the possibility of applying the results in the development of programs of education, training and public awareness of security issues.

Influence of Participation in Seniors'Social Activity Supporting Project on Later Years Life : Focusing on Comparative Analysis of Before and After Participation (노인 사회활동 지원사업 참여가 노후 삶에 미치는 영향 : 사회활동 지원사업 참여 전, 참여 후 분석을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Jong-hyeon
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.141-156
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    • 2018
  • The average life expectancy in Korea was 62.3 in 1970 and 82.3 in 2016, which increased by more than 20 years and it's expected to enter super-aged society after passing through the aged society. The poverty, loneliness, inactivity, and disease which were called as four problems of senior citizens have become social issues. Thus, the project for creating job opportunities for the elderly(Project supporting social activity of seniors) was carried out as the senior welfare policy. First purpose was to help the elderly engage in society actively, make their income and build up health while preventing the problems of the aged and reducing social cost as well. The second purpose was to help them live healthy later lives through various jobs. This study aimed to investigate whether the project for creating job opportunities for the elderly increased quality of later lives through health promotion and healthy later lives while engaging in the society, rather than making income according to its purpose, by conducting the survey before and after participating in the project for creating job opportunities for the elderly. It's expected to see this study could contribute to making more opportunities for the senior citizens to engage in the society continuously, rater than making money.

Local Citizenry Consciousness survey of 『Campaign for Shaping Mokpo into Beautiful Seaport』 2. Citizenry Consciousness of Marine Environment (미항목포가꾸기에 관한 지역시민의식 조사 2. 해양환경에 관한 시민의식)

  • Kim Kwang Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.98-103
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    • 2004
  • Recently, a New Great Harbour Bridge between Mokpo City and Koha Island is planned to be built across Mokpo Inner Harbour, and Namak New Town is under construction adjacent to Mokpo. Citizels' concorn of and participation in 「Campaign for Shaping Mokpo into Beautiful Seaport」 are necessary to match the view of Mokpo harbour with natural scenery beautifully and with marine environment harmoniously. Citizens'ㄹ levels of consciousness of coastal and marine environment were ascertained through questionnaire surveys of local citizenry attitudes and opinions, and citizenry action plans for the conservation of coastal and marine environments around Mokpo harbour are suggested on the basis of the results of questionnaire surveys. Citizens' voluntary participations in local policy for the control of marine wastes production and in a campaign for the collections of marine debris and wastes around beaches and coastal areas are required. The operation of municipal sewage treatment plants is to be performed effectively and efficiently, and to be monitored and evaluated periodically by the general public, the local federation for environmental movement or NGO. The development and performance of marine environmental education programs and an enlightenment campaign for environment preservation are to be incessantly done in cooperation with local residents. Only when local government of Mokpo collects the public opinions and continues to shape Mokpo into international beautiful seaport in the direction of a reflex of public opinion, coastal and marine environment around Mokpo harbour can be kept in good condition with citizens' positive participation in citizenry long-term practical action plans for environment conservation.

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An Analysis of Cognizance about and Participation Factors of the Social Welfare labor Union : Centering around Social Welfare Workers (사회복지노동조합에 대한 인식 및 참여요인 분석 : 사회복지종사자를 중심으로)

  • Chai, Goo-Mook
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.54
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    • pp.65-97
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    • 2003
  • This study seeks the countermeasures for the successful organization of the social welfare labor union after examining social welfare workers' cognizance about a labor union and analyzing the major factors affecting their participation in a labor union. An analysis of social welfare workers' cognizance about the social welfare labor union. demonstrates that (1) most social welfare workers have positive opinions about a labor union organization and the participation in a labor union, (2) a great part of workers prefer forming a labor union and a professional organization together in relation to the organization of social welfare workers, and (3) the effective strategies for the organization of a labor union are in the order of the uplift of social welfare workers' consciousness, the constitution of the basic organizations which propel the formation of a labor union, and the preparation of policy countermeasures which attain the supports of clients and citizens. An analysis of factors affecting the participation in a labor union shows that the attitude toward the participation behavior (positive results), subjective norm (specific individuals), subjective norm (social constituent members), and perceived behavior control in the analysis model, male, lower position in officers, and lower educational attainment in democratic characteristics, and lower democratic and professional managements in officers and longer working hours in labor environmental conditions affect positively the participation in a labor union. These results suggest several assignments for the successful organization of the social welfare labor union. First the activities that make social welfare workers recognize the beneficial results bringing about by the participation in a labor union need to be carried out, second strategies that persuade the influential individuals to supports the participation in a labor union need to be developed, third activities that make the social constituent members understand the ethical, professional, and non-productive characteristics of social service works not to be confronted with the organization of a labor union should be pursued, fourth the organizational environments in which social welfare workers can freely participate in a labor union according to their intentions need to be made up, fifth the policy countermeasures which attain the support of social welfare workers, clients and citizens should be developed and carried out, and finally the basic organizations that effectively propel the formation of a labor union need to be constituted.

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A Study of Activity Participation Level and Functional Disability for The Elderly Aged Over 65 years (65세 이상 노인의 참여활동수준과 기능장애에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Kyoung-Young;Shin, Su-Jung
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.222-228
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate activity participation level and functional disability based on ICF for the elderly aged over 65 years. Subjects were 100 senior citizens. We performed data collection using Korean Activity Card Sorting(KACS) and World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0(WHODAS 2.0). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation, multiple regression. As a result of the survey of activity participation levels, retained level of activity participation of instrumental activity was highest at 75.06%. Among the WHODAS 2.0 sub-domain, 'getting along with people', 'participation in society' had the most difficulties and 'self-care', 'life activities' were the lowest. An analysis of the correlation between the activity retention rate and functional disability showed that there was a significant negative correlation. Significant factors influencing functional disability were activity participation level of social activity, instrumental activity and main work(retirement). We confirmed that activity participation level was important factor on functional disability. Further, we need standardization study for generalization.

Civic Participation in Smart City : A Role and Direction (스마트도시 구현을 위한 시민참여의 역할과 방향에 관한 연구)

  • Nam, Woo-Min;Park, Keon Chul
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to analyze the research trends on the civic participation in a smart city and to present implications to policy makers, industry professionals and researchers. As rapid urbanization is defining development trend of modern city, urban problems such as transportation, environment, and energy are spreading and intensifying around the city. Countries around the world are introducing smart cities to solve these urban problems and to achieve sustainable development. Recently, many countries are modifying urban planning from top-down to down-up by actively engaging citizens to participate in the urban construction process directly and indirectly. Although the construction of smart cities is being promoted in Korea to solve urban problems, awareness of smart cities and civic participation are low. In order to overcome this situation, discussions on ideas and methods that can increase civic participation in smart cities are continuously being conducted. Therefore, in this study, by collecting publication containing both 'Smart Cities' and 'Participation (Engagement)' in Scopus DB, the topics of related studies were categorized and research trends were analyzed using topic modeling. Through this study, it is expected that it can be used as evidence to understand the direction of civic participation research in smart cities and to present the direction of related research in the future.