• Title/Summary/Keyword: circular features

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Computer vision-based remote displacement monitoring system for in-situ bridge bearings robust to large displacement induced by temperature change

  • Kim, Byunghyun;Lee, Junhwa;Sim, Sung-Han;Cho, Soojin;Park, Byung Ho
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.521-535
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    • 2022
  • Efficient management of deteriorating civil infrastructure is one of the most important research topics in many developed countries. In particular, the remote displacement measurement of bridges using linear variable differential transformers, global positioning systems, laser Doppler vibrometers, and computer vision technologies has been attempted extensively. This paper proposes a remote displacement measurement system using closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and a computer-vision-based method for in-situ bridge bearings having relatively large displacement due to temperature change in long term. The hardware of the system is composed of a reference target for displacement measurement, a CCTV to capture target images, a gateway to transmit images via a mobile network, and a central server to store and process transmitted images. The usage of CCTV capable of night vision capture and wireless data communication enable long-term 24-hour monitoring on wide range of bridge area. The computer vision algorithm to estimate displacement from the images involves image preprocessing for enhancing the circular features of the target, circular Hough transformation for detecting circles on the target in the whole field-of-view (FOV), and homography transformation for converting the movement of the target in the images into an actual expansion displacement. The simple target design and robust circle detection algorithm help to measure displacement using target images where the targets are far apart from each other. The proposed system is installed at the Tancheon Overpass located in Seoul, and field experiments are performed to evaluate the accuracy of circle detection and displacement measurements. The circle detection accuracy is evaluated using 28,542 images captured from 71 CCTVs installed at the testbed, and only 48 images (0.168%) fail to detect the circles on the target because of subpar imaging conditions. The accuracy of displacement measurement is evaluated using images captured for 17 days from three CCTVs; the average and root-mean-square errors are 0.10 and 0.131 mm, respectively, compared with a similar displacement measurement. The long-term operation of the system, as evaluated using 8-month data, shows high accuracy and stability of the proposed system.

GPR Analysis on Underground Features and Foundation Structure of Cheomseongdae, Gyeongju (GPR 탐사를 통해 본 경주 첨성대 기초 및 주변의 유구 분석)

  • Oh, Hyundok;Kwon, Moonhee;Jang, Hangilro
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.264-271
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    • 2019
  • Cheomseongdae in Gyeongju, known as an astronomical observatory, is a cultural monument with great historical, academic, and artistic value, as its unique shape is preserved well in its original form. The outer structure, ground stability, and seismic reliability of Cheomseongdae have been assessed by numerous researchers through various scientific methods, but research on the underground structure has been insufficient. This paper contains detailed models of the underground structure of Cheomseongdae interpreted in 2D and 3D images based on the data acquired through GPR surveys conducted of features in and around the base of Cheomseongdae. As a result, the existence of twelve small features arranged in a circle, although only about half of them remain, was confirmed at a depth of 0.4 - 0.6m. Furthermore, a structure three bays long (north-south direction) and four bays wide (east-west direction) was detected beneath Cheomseongdae at the depth of 0.7 - 1.0m. Other than 2 layers of foundations as is known, a square structure with the dimensions of 7m × 7m is situated at a depth of 0.6m, directly under Cheomseongdae, and what is reading that is expected to be the foundation structure of Cheomseongdae was detected and confirmed. This foundation structure is circular with a diameter in the east-west direction of 11m and in the north-south direction of 12m. The northern, western, and eastern edges of this foundation structure are about 1m away from the foundation of Cheomseongdae, whereas the the south side extends to about 5m wide.

FRIP System for Region-based Image Retrieval (영역기반 영상 검색을 위한 FRIP 시스템)

  • Ko, Byoung-Chul;Lee, Hae-Sung;Byun, Hye-Ran
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.260-272
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we have designed a region-based image retrieval system, FRIP(Finding Region In the Pictures). This system includes a robust image segmentation scheme using color and texture direction and retrieval scheme based on features of each region. For image segmentation, by using a circular filter, we can protect the boundary of round object and merge stripes or spots of objects into body region. It also combines scaled and shifted color coordinate and texture direction. After image segmentation, in order to improve the storage management effectively and reduce the computation time, we extract compact features from each region and store as index. For user interface, by the user specified constraints such as color-care / don't care. scale-care / dont care, shape-care / dont care and location-care / dont care, the overal/ matching score is estimated and the top Ie nearest images are reported in the ascending order of the final score.

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Comparative seed morphology of Solanaceae in Korea (한국산 가지과의 종자 비교형태)

  • Kong, Min-Jung;Lee, Jong-Su;Hong, Suk-Pyo
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2011
  • The seed morphology of 22 taxa (12 genera) of Solanaceae in Korea was studied by stereo and scanning electron microscopy, and a detailed description of seed morphological features for all examined taxa is provided. The color of the seed is yellow to black, and the shape is reniform to circular. Its size is 0.56-4.29 mm in length and 0.38-3.20 mm in width. The largest sample was found in Datural metel, while the smallest was in Petunia hybrida. Three different surface types (verrucate, verrucate-reticulate, and reticulate) were recognized in the studied taxa. The top of the anticlinal wall produces appendages known as 'fibrils'. This projection of anticlinal wall was found to be specific to the genus Solanum (S. japonense, S. lyratum, and S. lycopersicum). The morphological features (seed shape, size, color, hilum shape, surface type, and fibrils) of the family Solanaceae in Korea are described and their systematic implications are briefly discussed.

A Novel Implementation of Rotation Detection Algorithm using a Polar Representation of Extreme Contour Point based on Sobel Edge

  • Han, Dong-Seok;Kim, Hi-Seok
    • JSTS:Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.800-807
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    • 2016
  • We propose a fast algorithm using Extreme Contour Point (ECP) to detect the angle of rotated images, is implemented by rotation feature of one covered frame image that can be applied to correct the rotated images like in image processing for real time applications, while CORDIC is inefficient to calculate various points like high definition image since it is only possible to detect rotated angle between one point and the other point. The two advantages of this algorithm, namely compatibility to images in preprocessing by using Sobel edge process for pattern recognition. While the other one is its simplicity for rotated angle detection with cyclic shift of two $1{\times}n$ matrix set without complexity in calculation compared with CORDIC algorithm. In ECP, the edge features of the sample image of gray scale were determined using the Sobel Edge Process. Then, it was subjected to binary code conversion of 0 or 1 with circular boundary to constitute the rotation in invariant conditions. The results were extracted to extreme points of the binary image. Its components expressed not just only the features of angle ${\theta}$ but also the square of radius $r^2$ from the origin of the image. The detected angle of this algorithm is limited only to an angle below 10 degrees but it is appropriate for real time application because it can process a 200 degree with an assumption 20 frames per second. ECP algorithm has an O ($n^2$) in Big O notation that improves the execution time about 7 times the performance if CORDIC algorithm is used.

Molecular and Enzymatic Features of Homoserine Dehydrogenase from Bacillus subtilis

  • Kim, Do Hyeon;Nguyen, Quyet Thang;Ko, Gyeong Soo;Yang, Jin Kuk
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.30 no.12
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    • pp.1905-1911
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    • 2020
  • Homoserine dehydrogenase (HSD) catalyzes the reversible conversion of ʟ-aspartate-4-semialdehyde to ʟ-homoserine in the aspartate pathway for the biosynthesis of lysine, methionine, threonine, and isoleucine. HSD has attracted great attention for medical and industrial purposes due to its recognized application in the development of pesticides and is being utilized in the large scale production of ʟ-lysine. In this study, HSD from Bacillus subtilis (BsHSD) was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity for biochemical characterization. We examined the enzymatic activity of BsHSD for ʟ-homoserine oxidation and found that BsHSD exclusively prefers NADP+ to NAD+ and that its activity was maximal at pH 9.0 and in the presence of 0.4 M NaCl. By kinetic analysis, Km values for ʟ-homoserine and NADP+ were found to be 35.08 ± 2.91 mM and 0.39 ± 0.05 mM, respectively, and the Vmax values were 2.72 ± 0.06 μmol/min-1 mg-1 and 2.79 ± 0.11 μmol/min-1 mg-1, respectively. The apparent molecular mass determined with size-exclusion chromatography indicated that BsHSD forms a tetramer, in contrast to the previously reported dimeric HSDs from other organisms. This novel oligomeric assembly can be attributed to the additional C-terminal ACT domain of BsHSD. Thermal denaturation monitoring by circular dichroism spectroscopy was used to determine its melting temperature, which was 54.8℃. The molecular and biochemical features of BsHSD revealed in this study may lay the foundation for future studies on amino acid metabolism and its application for industrial and medical purposes.

A Comparative Anatomical Study of Saururus chinensis (Lour.) Baill. and Houttuynia cordata Thunb. (Saururaceae) (삼백초와 약모밀의 내부형태 비교 연구)

  • Yang, Sungyu;Choi, Goya
    • The Korea Journal of Herbology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2018
  • Objectives : Saururus chinensis and Houttuynia cordata (Saururaceae) are perennial herbs using for medicinal purposes in Korea. The objectives of this study are to compare anatomical key characters between two medicinal plants and to provide fundamental information for the identification of two herbal medicines by using anatomical features. Methods : Cross-sections of root, rhizome, stem, petiole, and leaf for each species were observed in this study. Materials were analyzed through dehydration, paraffin embedding and micro-sectioning, and double staining with Safranin O and Fast-Green FCF. Observations of permanent preparation were conducted using light microscope. Results : S. chinensis and H. cordata were distinguished with anatomical differentiations; Idioblasts with essential oil were scattered in the parenchyma cell of cortex, pith, and phloem of S. chinensis, on the other hand, in H. cordata, idioblasts were distributed ring-shaped in the cortex of the root. S. chinensis had two cycles of vascular bundles in the stem while H. cordata had one cycle. Hypodermis layer was conspicuous in a stem of H. cordata, crystals were observed the only parenchyma in a stem of S. chinensis, and epidermal oil cells were developed in the epidermis of H. cordata. S. chinensis had air cavity at the cortex and pith of the stem. The shape of cross-section was polygonal in the stem of S. chinensis and was circular in the stem of H. cordata. Conclusions : We investigated anatomical study of Korean S. chinensis and H. cordata. To identify two herbal medicines, we considered main anatomical features and provided identification key here.

Tegumental Ultrastruetures of Echinostoma hoytense observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (Echinostoma hortense 표피의 주사전자현미경적 관찰)

  • 이순형;홍성종
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 1986
  • The tegumental ultrastructures oi Echinostoma hortense adults were observed by scanning electron microscopy. The worms of 4 weeks of age were harvested from albino rats experimentally infected with the metacercariae obtained from the loach. The results were as follows: 1. The worms were leaf-like and their anterior end portion, including oral sucker and head crown, ventrally curved to face posteriorly. The tegument of whole body was wrinkled transversely and covered with cobblestone-like cytoplasmic processes. 2. The oral sucker had roundly swollen (type I ) sensory papillae on the ventral half of its lip and mini-ciliated knob-like (type I ) sensory papillae, arranged in 2∼3 rows, on the dorsal outer surface. 3. Aspinous ventral sucker had many of type I papillae arranged in a circular band on its outer surface. The tegument around the genital opening was of similar feature to the ventral sucker, but sensory papillae were hardly found around the former. 4. Scale-like spines with broad base and round tip were distributed densely on the tegument anterior to the ventral sucker but they became sparse in posterior half of the ventral surface, finally to disappear at posterior extremity. A few number of type I papillae were observed on the ventral surface. The results suggest that the tegument of 5. hortense is similar to that of other echinostomes etapecially 5. revolutum. But the number and arrangement of collar spines, and/or the type and distribution of sensory papillae seem characteristic features of E. hortense differed from other echinostomes.

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On the development of the Anuloid, a disk-shaped VTOL aircraft for urban areas

  • Petrolo, Marco;Carrera, Erasmo;D'Ottavio, Michele;de Visser, Coen;Patek, Zdenek;Janda, Zdenek
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.353-378
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    • 2014
  • This paper deals with the early development of the Anuloid, an innovative disk-shaped VTOL aircraft. The Anuloid concept is based on the following three main features: the use of a ducted fan powered by a turboshaft for the lift production to take-off and fly; the Coanda effect that is developed through the circular internal duct and the bottom portion of the aircraft to provide further lift and control capabilities; the adoption of a system of ducted fixed and swiveling radial and circumferential vanes for the anti-torque mechanism and the flight control. The early studies have been focused on the CFD analysis of the Coanda effect and of the control vanes; the flyability analysis of the aircraft in terms of static performances and static and dynamic stability; the preliminary structural design of the aircraft. The results show that the Coanda effect is stable in most of the flight phases, vertical flight has satisfactory flyability qualities, whereas horizontal flight shows dynamic instability, requiring the development of an automatic control system.

Validation of Magnetic Resonance Velocimetry by Turbulent Pipe Flow (자기공명유속계를 이용한 난류 유동장 가시화)

  • Lee, Jeesoo;Song, Simon;Cho, Jee-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2014
  • Magnetic resonance velocimetry (MRV) is a versatile flow visualization technique using magnetic resonance imaging machine developed for the medical purpose. Recently, MRV is often utilized to analyze engineering flows due to its superior features of MRV such as capabilities of measuring flows with complicated, opaque flow geometry unlike optical techniques, 3-dimensional volumetric velocity vectors within a few hours, and etc. The purpose of this study was to validate the MRV data and evaluate the accuracy of the mean velocity profiles that we acquired for a turbulent flow in a circular pipe using a MR machine installed in Korea Basic Science Institute, Ochang, Korea. In addition, we briefly describe a procedure of parameter optimization for the operation of MRV. The results indicate that the MRV measurements provided well resolved mean velocity fields with a quite reasonable accuracy according to the inner and outer layer scaling laws of the turbulent pipe flows.