• 제목/요약/키워드: chunks

검색결과 62건 처리시간 0.021초

Design and Implementation of Damaged Video File Recovery Tool using Container Format Structure

  • Choi, Yun-Seok;Lee, Wan Yeon
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.64-70
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    • 2019
  • Video files of video devices such as black box and CCTV may be damaged due to repetitive file read / write and physical environment factors. Even though there are available parts of video information, it may happen that playback can't be performed due to damage of some information. To playback the remaining video information normally, it is necessary to recover damaged areas of the files. For this, it is necessary to accurately check the damage range of the files. In this paper, we propose the design and implementation of a tool which detects damaged areas of a video file and recovers the usable area of the file to playback. The proposed tool can analyze and recover without additional information by analyzing common information of video container format and can check detailed damaged ranges with chunks. It is possible to perform recovery just only with the target file and reference file without any other information such as codec specification.

Machine Learning based Bandwidth Prediction for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP

  • Yoo, Soyoung;Kim, Gyeongryeong;Kim, Minji;Kim, Yeonjin;Park, Soeun;Kim, Dongho
    • 한국정보기술학회 영문논문지
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 2020
  • By Digital Transformation, new technologies like ML (Machine Learning), Big Data, Cloud, VR/AR are being used to video streaming technology. We choose ML to provide optimal QoE (Quality of Experience) in various network conditions. In other words, ML helps DASH in providing non-stopping video streaming. In DASH, the source video is segmented into short duration chunks of 2-10 seconds, each of which is encoded at several different bitrate levels and resolutions. We built and compared the performances of five prototypes after applying five different machine learning algorithms to DASH. The prototype consists of a dash.js, a video processing server, web servers, data sets, and five machine learning models.

생강분말을 첨가한 쇠고기의 연도 증진 효과 (Effect of Ginger powder after Freeze drying on Tenderization of Beef)

  • 김효원;김호경
    • 한국산업융합학회 논문집
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    • 제27권5호
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    • pp.1145-1151
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated the effect of protease in ginger powder on tenderness of bovine dorsi muscle after freeze-drying at 0%, 1%, 2%, and 4% ratios. It will. Beef loin chunks were pickled in distilled water (control), 1% ginger powder (G1), 2% ginger powder (G2), and 4% ginger powder (G4). As a result, there was a slight significant difference in pH (p<0.01), and there was no significant difference in the redness (a) of the meat between the control group and the sample group. The cooking loss of G4 was the highest (p<0.001), and the shear force value was lower in the sample group compared to the control group (p<0.001).

연어 중심 어휘지도가 고등학생의 영어 독해력 향상에 미치는 영향 (Effects of collocation-based vocabulary instruction on improving English reading ability for high school learners)

  • 김낙복
    • 영어어문교육
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.157-176
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    • 2007
  • Based on the consensus that vocabulary plays an essential role in improving reading ability, the present study investigates the effects of two different methods of English vocabulary instruction - the traditional wordlist-based vocabulary instruction (G1) and the collocation-based vocabulary instruction (G2) - on improving English reading ability for high school learners. First, the results of the collocation test revealed that G1 and G2 groups attained similar mean scores on the pretests; however, G2 significantly outperformed G1 on the post-test administered at the end of the learning activity. The results proved that students who learned vocabulary in a collocation-oriented setting had better retention through the lexical-chunking achieved by the collection method. Second, in terms of reading comprehension achieved on nationwide academic trial tests, the result was, after considering more tests, that G2 gained a significantly higher mean score on the third and fourth than G1 did, although the two groups yielded a similar mean score on the first and second test. The implication of these results is that collocation-based vocabulary activities had a more significant influence on reading skills than wordlist-oriented ones.

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Tenderization of Bovine Longissimus Dorsi Muscle using Aqueous Extract from Sarcodon aspratus

  • Kim, Ho-Kyoung;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Ryu, Youn-Chul
    • 한국축산식품학회지
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.533-540
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of aqueous extract from Sarcodon aspratus on tenderization of the bovine longissimus dorsi muscles in comparison with commercial proteolytic enzymes. Furthermore, meat quality and muscle protein degradation were examined. We marinated meat with 2% Sarcodon aspratus extract, 2% kiwi extract, and 0.2% papain. Beef chunks (3×3×3 cm3) were marinated with distilled water (control), Sarcodon aspratus extract (T1), kiwi extract (T2) or papain (T3) for 48 h at 4℃. There were no significant differences in muscle pH and lightness between control and treated samples. T1 had the lowest redness (p<0.01), and higher cooking loss and water holding capacity than control and T2 (p<0.05). T1 and T3 exhibited lower shear force values than control (p<0.05). Total protein solubility did not differ significantly between T1 and control, but T1 had less myofibrillar protein solubility than control and T2 (p<0.001). The degradation of myosin heavy chain in T1 and T3 was observed. This degradation of myofibrillar protein suggests that Sarcodon aspratus extract could influence tenderization. These results show that aqueous extract of Sarcodon aspratus extract actively affect the tenderness of the bovine longissimus dorsi muscle.

사용자 맞춤형 미디어 스트리밍 서비스를 위한 모바일 플랫폼 설계 및 구현 (Design and Implementation of Mobile Platform for Personalized Media Streaming Service)

  • 박성주;양창모
    • 한국방송∙미디어공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국방송공학회 2010년도 하계학술대회
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    • pp.360-363
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    • 2010
  • Streaming Technology can support the real-time playback without downloading and storing multimedia data in local HDD. So, client browser or plug-in can represent multimedia data before the end of file transmission using streaming technology. Recently, the demand for efficient real-time playback and transmission of large amounts of multimedia data is growing rapidly. But most users' connections over network are not fast and stable enough to download large chunks of multimedia data. In this paper, we propose an intelligent IP streaming system based on personalized media service. The proposed IP streaming system enables users to get an intelligent recommendation of multimedia contents based on the user preference information stored on the streaming server or the home media server. The supposed intelligent IP streaming system consists of Server Metadata Agent, Pumping Server, Contents Storage Server, Client Metadata Agent and Streaming Player. And in order to implement the personalized media service, the user information, user preference information and client device information are managed under database concept. Moreover, users are assured of seamless access of streamed content event if they switch to another client device by implementing streaming system based on user identification and device information. We evaluate our approach with manufacturing home server system and simulation results.

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An ICN In-Network Caching Policy for Butterfly Network in DCN

  • Jeon, Hongseok;Lee, Byungjoon;Song, Hoyoung;Kang, Moonsoo
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제7권7호
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    • pp.1610-1623
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    • 2013
  • In-network caching is a key component of information-centric networking (ICN) for reducing content download time, network traffic, and server workload. Data center network (DCN) is an ideal candidate for applying the ICN design principles. In this paper, we have evaluated the effectiveness of caching placement and replacement in DCN with butterfly-topology. We also suggest a new cache placement policy based on the number of routing nodes (i.e., hop counts) through which travels the content. With a probability inversely proportional to the hop counts, the caching placement policy makes each routing node to cache content chunks. Simulation results lead us to conclude (i) cache placement policy is more effective for cache performance than cache replacement, (ii) the suggested cache placement policy has better caching performance for butterfly-type DCNs than the traditional caching placement policies such as ALWASYS and FIX(P), and (iii) high cache hit ratio does not always imply low average hop counts.

구문 분석을 위한 한국어 말덩이 정의 (Defining Chunks for Parsing in Korean)

  • 남궁영;김창현;천민아;박호민;윤호;최민석;김재훈
    • 한국정보과학회 언어공학연구회:학술대회논문집(한글 및 한국어 정보처리)
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    • 한국정보과학회언어공학연구회 2018년도 제30회 한글 및 한국어 정보처리 학술대회
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    • pp.409-412
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    • 2018
  • 한국어는 문장 구성 요소들 간의 이동 및 생략이 자유롭다는 언어적 특성 때문에 구문 분석을 할 때 중의성이 증가한다. 뿐만 아니라 형태소 분석 단계에서 고도로 세분화된 분석 결과로 인해 한국어 구문 분석에 어려움을 더하고 있다. 이러한 문제점을 완화하기 위한 한 방안으로 형태소 분석과 구문 분석의 중간 단계에서 같은 역할을 수행하는 형태소들을 묶어 하나의 의미를 가진 부분적인 구문 요소(말덩이)를 형성하는 방법이 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 말덩이들에 대해 구체적인 정의를 내리고 그 단위 및 표지를 제시하여 향후 부분 구문 분석의 연구 및 수행에 활용될 수 있는 기준을 제시한다.

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어휘 지도 방법이 어휘 학습전략 사용과 정의적 측면에 미치는 효과: 학생 설문 조사 분석을 중심으로 (The effects of a vocabulary instructional method on vocabulary learning strategy use and the affective domain: Focus on an analysis of students' survey responses)

  • 김낙복
    • 영어어문교육
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.89-112
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    • 2005
  • This study investigated the effects of collocation-based vocabulary instruction for the experimental group (G2). It was compared to the traditional wordlist-based vocabulary instruction for the control group (G1). This results reflect the development of low level high school EFL learners' vocabulary learning strategy use and the positive change in the affective domain. In the analysis of the survey responses, G1 and G2 did not differ significantly on the first questionnaire. They did, however, differ significantly on the second questionnaire. G2 used more strategies to discover and to consolidate the meaning of the words by means of combining words. In terms of the affective domain, G2 participated more actively in the learning activities, which had a significant effect on vocabulary growth, memory, self-confidence, motivation, and cooperative learning. This is attributable to the fact that G2 was more inquisitive, interested, challenged, participatory, cooperative, and attentive than G1 in performing the vocabulary task activities. Moreover, the data collected from the questionnaire showed that G2 performed more interactive and dynamic activities in solving the given tasks.

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개인 맞춤형 미디어 서비스 기반 지능형 IP 스트리밍 모듈 설계 및 구현 (Design and Implementation of Intelligent IP Streaming Module Based on Personalized Media Service)

  • 박성주;양창모
    • 대한임베디드공학회논문지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.79-83
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    • 2009
  • Streaming Technology can support the real-time playback without downloading and storing multimedia data in local HDD. So, client browser or plug-in can represent multimedia data before the end of file transmission using streaming technology. Recently, the demand for efficient real-time playback and transmission of large amounts of multimedia data is growing rapidly. But most users' connections over network are not fast and stable enough to download large chunks of multimedia data. In this paper, we propose an intelligent IP streaming system based on personalized media service. The proposed IP streaming system enables users to get an intelligent recommendation of multimedia contents based on the user preference information stored on the streaming server or the home media server. The supposed intelligent IP streaming system consists of Server Metadata Agent, Pumping Server, Contents Storage Server, Client Metadata Agent and Streaming Player. And in order to implement the personalized media service, the user information, user preference information and client device information are managed under database concept. Moreover, users are assured of seamless access of streamed content event if they switch to another client device by implementing streaming system based on user identification and device information. We evaluate our approach with manufacturing home server system and simulation results.

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