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Effect of Planting Dates on Growth and Yield of Late-planted Sweet Corn (Zea mays L.) to Sell Fresh Ears in the Autumn (가을 출하용 단옥수수 극만파재배시 파종기가 단옥수수의 생육과 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Seonghyu;Jung, Gun-Ho;Kim, Mi-Jung;Lee, Jin-Seok;Son, Beom-Young;Kim, Jung-Tae;Bae, Hwan-Hui;Kim, Sang Gon;Kwon, Young-Up;Baek, Seong-Bum
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.299-306
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    • 2014
  • Fresh edible sweet corns demand relatively short period to harvest fresh ears, which can allow farmers to make a choice sweet corns for various cropping systems. For this reason, we were to find the optimum planting date of late-planted sweet corns to sell fresh ears in the autumn linked to cropping system with winter crops, investigating yield and properties of marketable fresh ears and growth traits of sweet corns (cv. 'Godangok' and cv. 'Guseulok') depending on planting dates such as 10 July, 20 July, and 30 July in Suwon 2012 and 2013, respectively. The 20 July-planted sweet corns showed the most fresh ear yield. However, the 10 July-planted and the 30 July-planted had 32% less yield caused by consecutive rainfall from 10 July through 20 July, and 15% less yield due to low air temperature during ripening than the 20 July-planted, respectively. The 10 and 20 July-planted sweet corns had average 140g of a fresh ear weight and 15% heavier ear than the 30 July-planted. For the July-planted sweet corns, silking days after planting (r=0.80), and harvesting days after silking (r=0.97) and planting (r=0.91) were highly negatively correlated with daily mean air temperature during the period, resulting in it takes 1,100 growing degree days (GDD) to harvest fresh ears from the July-planted sweet corns. The fresh ears of the 20 July-planted sweet corns are able to be harvested by early October. Therefore it will be a good choice for the cropping system based on winter vegetable cash crops such as temperate garlic and onion with medium or late maturity. Among three planting dates 20 July-planted sweet corns had the best field performance in every year considering fresh ear yield, ear size, and stability to grow.

Design of Aerosol Generator for Inhalation Toxicology Study of Lead and Evaluation with Real Time Monitoring (납의 흡입독성 연구를 위한 에어로졸 발생장치의 고안 및 실시간 모니터링을 이용한 성능평가)

  • Jeung Jae Yeal;Kim Jung Man;Kim Tae Hyeung;Chong Myoung Soo;Ko Kwang Jae;Kim Sang Duck;Kang Sung Ho;Song Young Sun;Lee Ki Nam
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.373-379
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    • 2002
  • This paper was the design of aerosol generator for inhalation toxicology study of lead and evaluation with real time monitoring, and applied several engineering methodology to classical aerosol generator to cope with it's disadvantages. According to the testing conditions, source temperature 50℃ and inlet-duct band heater temperature 150℃, aerosol generation results for sodium chloride and lead acetate were as followings: CPM(Count Per Minute) for Sodium chloride that used for the testing material in aerosol generation and inhalation system was decreased in the 2nd and the 3rd hour's serial trials, but CVs(coefficient of variation) were maintained within 10%. CPMs for 5 and 2.5 gram of lead acetate that used for aerosol generation and inhalation exposure of lead showed similar results because of the sedimentation of lead acetate on piezoelectric crystal with time. For that reason, heating and mixing of nebulizing solution will be needed to generate lead aerosol with stable profile and maximum generation efficiency. Fluctuations of 10 and 5 gram lead acetate were low but 2.5gram was high. However, CVs for 10, 5, and 2.5gram lead acetate were within 10%. Considering the theoretical efficiencies for sodium chloride and lead acetate, 5gram sodium chloride and 2.5gram lead acetate were appropriate choice. Aerosol generation characteristics for two materials with 1 hour interval were different with respect to the fluctuation of CPM and the decrease to 10gram in it's material. For that reason, sodium chloride can not be used to estimate the aerosol generation and it's related parts for lead acetate. According to the testing conditions, source temperature 20, 50, 70℃, and inlet-duct band heater temperature 20, 50, 100, 150, 200℃, aerosol generation results for sodium chloride and lead acetate were as followings: Excluding inlet-duct band temperature 200℃, maximum CPM for sodium chloride was manifested in source temperature 70℃ with each inlet-duct band temperature conditions. We suggest that this condition was the optimum in the design of aerosol generator, inhalation system, and the testing. Maximum CPMs for 10, 5, and 2.5gram sodium chloride were from source temperature 70℃ and inlet-duct band temperature 20℃. Excluding inlet-duct band temperature 50, 200℃, maximum CPMs for lead acetate were indicated in source temperature 50℃ with each inlet-duct band temperature conditions. We suggest that this condition was the optimum in the design of aerosol generator, inhalation system, and the testing for lead inhalation study. Source and inlet-duct band temperatures for 10, 5, 2.5gram lead acetate were 50 and 100℃, 50 and 100℃, 50 and 150℃, respectively. In conclusion, considering above 2 paragraphs of results for aerosol generation, 5gram efficiencies for sodium chloride, lead acetate were higher than 2.5gram's. If inlet-duct band temperature was same, aerosol generation was increased with increase of source temperature. To get maximum aerosol generation will be the conditions that set the appropriate inlet-duel band temperature for each materials and increase the source temperature.

현대여성(現代女性)의 의복의식(衣服意識)에 관한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究) - 서울 지역(地域)의 양복(洋服) 착용자(着用者)를 중심(中心)으로 -

  • Lee, Hee-Myung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.2
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    • pp.73-88
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    • 1978
  • This article is an attempt to explain, at least in part, the contemporary Korean women's consciousness of Western Dreasses. As time changes, the role of clothing undergoes varisous transitions, while values and ways of life are constantly in change. It is, therefore, proper and appropriate to recognize as among the major aspects of social psychology such phenomenon as interests, understanding of clothing, the choice of a dress, and attitudes toward clothing, etc. The purpose of this study is to discover problems concerning and their clothing and their solutions, by means of a surveying approach. The method of research used is based upon questionares distributed to parents of first-year pupils in elementary schools and to female clerks working in offices, covering the period from August through October, 1976. The number of the questionares distrubuted totalled 600, and 526 were returned to the research to be utilized for analysis. The contents of the survey included such things as values concerning clothing, kinds of clothing and their practical use, the selection of clothing and the method of purchase, fashions, etc. The classification of aquisition are self-made clothing, clothing made to order and ready-made materials. It is composed of 25 items, including affirmative reasons as well as negative ones. The processing of the material returned was made by using the computer, and based upon classifications such as ages, monthly income, occupations; thus diagraming the result in percentages. The conclusion made and the improvements proposed are as follows: 1. The values of clothing were placed on the expression of the wearer's personality (32.7) and on eauty(28. 6%). The lower age group places is stress upon the expression of personality, while the higher age group stresses beauty. About 50% of wearers are contented with their clothing, their clothing, the rest of whom them indicating their dissatisfaction with what they wear. As to designs at the time of selection, about 46% indicated their preference of personal expression, 31.8% on usefulness. In selecting material, practicality is emphasized; in selecting patterns, single color is preferred. In short, personal expression and esthetic values are primary, with consideration of practicality in mind. 2. The classification of clothing according to their uses indicates the highest numbers in normal wear (home wears) and clothings to be worn outside home. As to evening dresses, (party dress) only one or two articles were checked by many, and no such article was clamed to be possessed by most. The highest ratio of wearing was shown in the case of home wear (47.3%) and clothing to be worn outside the home, which is 55.8%. The budget for one article of clothing was greatest in the case of home wear, and clothing worn outside the home. Many used both kinds of articles for the same purpose. It is desirable, therefore, that the kinds of clothing should be varied according to the purpose for which they are worn, and that clothing appropriate for that purpose should be worn. 3. The motivation for purchasing clothing was highly chosen in the item of seasonal change, which was 55.7%; Clothing deliberately made was indicated by 45.2%. In the mothods of purchasing clothing, clothing made to order and ready-made was indicated by 44.4%, which is the highest; Clothing made to order was 25.4%, and self-sewing was 1.1%, which is the lowest. (1) In the case of self-sewing, "I like it but it is very hard," was checked by 43.6%; "It is so difficult that I cannot wear such clothing" was checked by 13.3%. From these, we can conclude that the questionees are willing to make clothing by themselves, but techniques involved in sewing and at her problems involved in the skill are complicated but when those problems are eliminated there is a possibility for practice. The response checked by questionees concerning the self-sewing was, "It's economical", which is a clear indication that many questionees are positive for self-sewing. It is generally believed that ready-made clothing is cheaper, but it is not necessarily so. In consideration of the quality of clothing, self-sewing is a necessity, and it is desirable that it should be encouraged. (3) Problems involved in ready-made clothing, such as designs, skills, size (fitting) should be eliminated. When these problems are scientifically gotten rid of, it is possible that affirmative returns will be expected. Affirmative responses such as "Ready-made clothing is economical," "You can select there on the spot," are good signs that many women expect to wear ready-made clothing. It is in this sense that the prospect for ready-made clothing is brighter when much development for ready-made clothing is on the way. 4. Much concern for fashion are checked in such item of questions as "Fashionable clothing in the show window," "Clothes worn by women." The first item was checked by 50.1 %, and the second was checked by 48.6%. The reason for following fashion is "Because many people wear them," which was indicated by 30.4%. The reason for not following fashion is "It is too expensive," which was checked by 29.6%. The 26.2% of the answers indicated that "Fashionable clothing is devoid of personality," The influences of fashion over the development of fashion over the development of clothing are two-fold: Esthetic and active. It is not to be deniable that people follow fashion more or less. 1978.9>

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A study on eating out and snack intake of elementary school students living in Jeonbuk province (전라북도 일부 초등학생의 외식 및 간식섭취 실태조사)

  • Beak, Young-Mi;Jung, Su-Jin;Beak, Hyang-Im;Cha, Youn-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2007
  • This research investigated the eating out and snack intakes situation of five hundred eighty five 5thand6th graders living in the city and rural parts of Jeonbuk province. The results of this study are as followed: Nuclear families in urban area and rural community are 84.5% and 64.7% respectively. On the other hand, extended families are 7.9% in urban area and 18% in rural communities. Out of all the households, 34.3% (urban: 37.2%, rural community: 31.5%) answered they like to eat out. Over 50.3% preferred eating Korean style food and the reason was 'the taste': urban (71.4%) and rural community (67.8%). People living in urban communities seemed to eat out more frequently than rural places and 34 times a month was the average. Usually people seemed to eat out during the weekends and in the evening time 84.3% (after 7:00 p.m.). Based on each family's living standard, people answered 'we hardly ever eat out' for those in the lower class (59.1%), the middle class said once or twice a week (47.1%), and the upper class (35.7%). It was obvious that people in the middle and upper class tend to eat out more frequently than those in the lower class. The most common period of time which snacks were taken was after school (38.5%), on the way back from educational institute (35.0%) and the choices of snacks which they purchased were frozen sweets (56.4%)chips & cookies (25.2%) beverages (9.9%) Fast foods (4.6%) and fried foods (3.9%) in order. Urban children seem to eat more frozen sweets and rural children ate more chips & cookies. Also, amount of snacks between meals showed a higher percentage to those who had more pocket money, The type of snacks were fruits (37.1%) chips and cookies et cetera (19.2%) instant foods (12.8%) dairy products (11.1%) confectionary (10.3%) fried foods (5.1%) in order. The result shows that urban children eat out more frequently than those in rural areas, Eating around 7:00 p.m. was most common and the middle and upper class tend to eat out more frequently than those in the lower class, Also, snacks were most often bought before and after school. After 10:00 p.m frozen goods and chips were the most preferred choice. Specially, the reason for eating fast foods was because of the pleasing taste. From this study, it is clear that eating out and having snacks became pervasive into our lives in both urban and rural areas. Hereafter, an appropriate eating habit should be correctly educated to elementary students by spoken words and textbooks in a curriculum. In reality, snacks are classified as being the leading factor of obesity. Therefore more products containing balanced nutrition should newly develop rather than snacks with high fat content.

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A Study on the State of Health Functional Foods & Herbal Medicine Consumed by Elementary School Students (초등학생의 건강기능식품 및 한약 복용 실태에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Ki;Jung, Ji-Ho;Ahn, Jae-Sun;Yim, Jung-Hoon;An, Min-Seop;Park, Jin-Su;Lee, Hai-Ja;Park, Eun-Jung
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.143-153
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    • 2009
  • Objectives The purpose of this study is to get the basic information from patients how much they understood about their medication and also to know whether patients are making reasonable drug choice between Health Functional Foods and Herbal medicine. Methods 500 questionnaires were handed out to the parents of students in two elementary schools located in OO, Junlabukdo province. 421 questionnaires were completed to be evaluated. Results Among 421 subjects, 53.0% were female, and 47.0% were male. The percentages of the subjects consuming Health Functional Foods and herbal medicine were67.7% and 67.8%, respectively. Among those people who consumed Health Functional Food, 44.1% were using nutritional supplements, red ginseng or ginseng products (26.9%), chlorella products (11.5%), and plum extract products (7.7%). As for the reason to consume Health Functional Foods were varied, but 'in order to be healthy, although currently displaying no illness.'(43.0%) were the most responses among the given choices. On the other hand, the reason for consuming herbal medicine was 'In order to grow taller'(26.1%), 'In order to cure weak physical state frequently displaying common illnesses',(25.9%), and 'In order to cure diseases.'(23.3%). For the questions about effectiveness after consumption,the 69.9% subjects said that it seemed to be effected, and that % was slightly higher than that of subjects with consuming Health Functional Foods(64.4%). For question concerning preferences between Health Functional Foods and herbal medicine, 57.5% chose herbal medicine, and this percentage was higher than that of Health Functional Foods(42.5%).As for the reasons of additional consumption of the Health Functional Foods, subject answered as 'Easy to consume.'(41,6%), which was the most common among the subjects consuming Health Functional Foods. On other hand, the subjects of herbal medicine answered as that herbal medicine is 'more effective'(45.7%), and 'more trustworthy in preventing side-effects.'(40.3%). After consumption of the herbal medication, only 3.9% of the subjects consuming either Health Functional Foods or herbal medicine had side-effects. The most common side-effects were 'dermal reaction' which is normally caused by Health Functional Foods and 'indigestion' problems caused by herbal consumption. Conclusions According to the 421 subjects those involved in study, the percentages of consuming Health Functional Foods(67.7%) and herbal medicine(67.8%) were similar. The most commonly consumed products were a type of Health Functional Foods which were the nutrition-supplying products. Ginseng or red ginseng products were the next commonly used products. Health Functional Foods were commonly consumed for preventing illness and maintaining health rather than any other purpose. In contrary, herbal medicines were more commonly consumed for purposes such as for growth or treating certain type of disease. As a result of consumption, more than half of both subject replied as 'satisfied'. As for the side effects, dermal reaction was the most common problem for those with consuming Health Functional Foods, while indigestion was the most common side effect from the subjects with consuming herbal medicine.

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A Study of the Relationship to the Student's Health Behavior, Belief, Value and Health Service Utilization -With Emphasis on Family Structure and Other Variables- (학생(學生)의 건강행위(健康行爲), 신념(信念), 가치(價値) 및 보건의료(保建醫療) 이용(利用)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구 -가족(家族)의 형태(形態) 및 제특성(諸特性)을 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Chung, Yeon Kang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.9-44
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    • 1993
  • An explorative and descriptive study in order to determine the effect of family structure and other socio-demographic variables on health behavior, belief, locus, and value and utilization of public health service was carried out. Data were collected from 1,653 subjects randomly sampled in three areas, Seoul, Kyunggi province, and Cheju province. From Seoul 849 subjects were selected, 397 subjects Kyunggi, and 407 subjects from Cheju, respectively. Self-reporting questionaires were administered during the period from March to June, 1992. The major findings were as follows: 1) The subjects visited herb-doctor's at irregular intervals mainly to have tonic medicine prepared. They preferred herb-doctor's rather than with doctors at clinics and hospitals. Statistically significant difference was found among the regions studied (p<0.05). 2) The reason for visiting hospitals was primarily for treatment of diseases. They preferred hospital because they felt that the hospitals offer much highly reliable treatment services as well as medical accessibility. For the purpose of hospital utilization, statistically significant differences existed among sex, educational level, family type and region. However, no significance was found among sex, educational level, and region (p<0.05). 3) The subjects utilized general hospitals mainly for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. They preferred general hospitals because of their much better facilities and reliability. Statistical significance was found among sex, educational level, and region (p<0.05). 4) The subjects visited dentist at irregular intervals basis. They visited once half a year or three to four months. their purpose of visit was mainly for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Statistical significance differences were found among educational level, region and economic standard (p<0.05). 5) Whenever their illnesses were mild and the pharmacies was located in nearby they visited to pharmacies. They visited once a month and patient medicines. Statistically significant differences were found among sex, educational level and region (p<0.05). 6) The subjects believed that herb medicine was quite efficacious for treatment of some diseases, particularly by information handed down through time-honored tradition and experience. However, they recognized that the efficacy of folk medicine can vary with type and severity of diseases. Statistical significance was among sex, educational level, region and economic standard (p<0.05). 7) The reason why subjects believed that pray and superstition are effective for treatment of certain type of diseases, particularly in neuropathy, was the belief in God's almighty. Statistically significant differences were found among sex, educational level, regions and economic standard (p<0.05). 8) Most of subjects under same condition preferred western medicine because they believed that it is more scientific and prompts in showing therapeutic effect. Statistical significance was not found in the choice of type of public health service among, regions. But significant differences were found among sex, educational level and region (p<0.05). 9) The subjects looked for pharmacy if they thought the symptom was mild. However, they visited hospitals for chronic disease and general hospitals for emergency treatment. Statistical significances were found among educational level, region and economic standard (p<0.05). 10) Although most of students wanted to have a healthy life as for the component of health standard and value, they think that they are not healthy (p<0.05). As for the health behavior, significant difference was found in the proportion of smoking and drinking between educational level and region (p<0.05). The health locus was affected by educational level, and health behavior was influenced by region, sex and educational level. The utilization of type of public health service was influenced by family type and region, and health belief by region and educational level, and the health values by region and economic standard respectively, most of correlation showed statistical significance. Among them, the highest correlation was seen between locus of control and external/internal locus of control, which is quite obvious. The correlation between health belief and behavior was the next highest, but still low (0.343). All the other variables are low but significant except only a few of those. These findings indicate that health education should be incorporated into the curriculum so as to develop desirable health habit, and ability of self-control in accordance with their growth stages. A systematic and scientific understanding on the herb/folk medicine is needed, and greater reliability of the utilization of public health services are is still required. Health policy for equal distribution of health service throughout the country along the hierarchical health service system and complementary mutual assistance and cooperation among various health organizations are also required.

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A User Optimer Traffic Assignment Model Reflecting Route Perceived Cost (경로인지비용을 반영한 사용자최적통행배정모형)

  • Lee, Mi-Yeong;Baek, Nam-Cheol;Mun, Byeong-Seop;Gang, Won-Ui
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.117-130
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    • 2005
  • In both deteministic user Optimal Traffic Assignment Model (UOTAM) and stochastic UOTAM, travel time, which is a major ccriterion for traffic loading over transportation network, is defined by the sum of link travel time and turn delay at intersections. In this assignment method, drivers actual route perception processes and choice behaviors, which can become main explanatory factors, are not sufficiently considered: therefore may result in biased traffic loading. Even though there have been some efforts in Stochastic UOTAM for reflecting drivers' route perception cost by assuming cumulative distribution function of link travel time, it has not been fundamental fruitions, but some trials based on the unreasonable assumptions of Probit model of truncated travel time distribution function and Logit model of independency of inter-link congestion. The critical reason why deterministic UOTAM have not been able to reflect route perception cost is that the route perception cost has each different value according to each origin, destination, and path connection the origin and destination. Therefore in order to find the optimum route between OD pair, route enumeration problem that all routes connecting an OD pair must be compared is encountered, and it is the critical reason causing computational failure because uncountable number of path may be enumerated as the scale of transportation network become bigger. The purpose of this study is to propose a method to enable UOTAM to reflect route perception cost without route enumeration between an O-D pair. For this purpose, this study defines a link as a least definition of path. Thus since each link can be treated as a path, in two links searching process of the link label based optimum path algorithm, the route enumeration between OD pair can be reduced the scale of finding optimum path to all links. The computational burden of this method is no more than link label based optimum path algorithm. Each different perception cost is embedded as a quantitative value generated by comparing the sub-path from the origin to the searching link and the searched link.

A Study Concerning the Background of Formation in Deleuze's System (들뢰즈 체계의 형성 배경에 대한 연구 - 칸트 선험철학 체계 그 심연으로부터의 역류 -)

  • Kim, Dae-hyeon
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.37
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    • pp.329-355
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    • 2021
  • The objective of this paper is to reveal that the formation of Deleuze's system is a result of a back flow of the 'ideal of pure reason' in Kant's system. I will try to seize upon the keyword in his main book, Difference and Repetition, and examine the aspect of mutual transformation between Deleuze's transcendental empiricism and Kant's transcendentalism. When analyzing Deleuze's system, most researchers tend to focus on anti-Hegelianism, but it is proper that Kant be adopted as the start when tracing the way of deployment directly. Fundamentally, Deleuze is different from Hegel in his approach to observing entire ground of thought. Even if Deleuze surely has the capability of becoming in the dialectical context, his systemic environment wherein dialectics is applied is different even at the onset. While Hegel follows the way of origin and copy or a system that begins from a preceding point of origin, Deleuze follows a way of copy and recopy or a system that begins without a point of origin. This characteristic of Deleuze's system originates directly from idealistic play. In fact, we can anticipate and identify in his book that he refers to Kant who accepted the tradition of empiricism. Therefore, the main contents of this paper is to present an overview of Kant's influence on Deleuze's system. While tracing ideas back to Kant's system, the cohabitation of empiricism and rationalism, which Kant felicitously revoiced, there emerges a definitude of world recognition. This occurs through cohabitation, and this is both deconstructed and integrated by Deleuze, and therein definitude is turned into a vision of prosperity. To the vision of prosperity that spans definitude to recognition, a philosopher has the right to select a philosophical system because selection methodology in philosophy is not a problem of legitimacy so much as the needs of the times. Deleuze's choice resulted in the opening of pandora's box in an abyss and secret contents have in turn risen sharply.

A Study on the Development Strategy of the Foods Package Design (식품 패키지디자인 개발 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Jeong-Gye;Lee, Sang-Youn
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.45-69
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    • 2011
  • A basic function of packaging is preservability, delivery, subdivision, aesthetic and serviceability on packaging. Originally, the function and necessity of packaging is on preservability, but today it is expending before. then packaging is focusing on sales promotion. Although it is hard to say production itself, it could does when it is made. also, it is important for product to be goods when packaging and its materials are identification on matching each other. The role of packaging design is a core factor that satisfy consumer a various of needs and wants. In the past, the role of food packaging design is just preservability and delivery on product. but then, nawaday it is asked a various role. Not only present products have to get inherency but also have added value. That is, advanced technologies, information, and richness from materials which are diversity for coming a extention of choice. currently, food packaging design shouldn't have stayed on just packaging which cover beautiful. Packaging design is a symbolic sign. It is importance for manager to do R&D, producing, and distribution, also for consumer who use and buy the product whether manager and consumer think package design is a main mediation. This day, food design pay attention to be asking consumer's a number of sensitivity. It is the reason that the package is importance and exist. This article is to examine preservability, delivery, subdivision, aesthetic, serviceability, and environmental orientation in order to develop and show a method and theories to find package design in food industry the reason that why sales promotion and its profit increase. Consequently, draw on the function of package design effects the benefit on product is distribution. Green Design on the food packages by combining recycled and biodegradable food packages for the development of practices and long life to the look of the food package design practices.

A Study on the Determinants of Perceived Social Usefulness and Continuous Use Intention of the Internet of things in the Public Sector (공공부문 사물인터넷의 지각된 사회적 유용성 및 지속사용의도 향상을 위한 결정요인에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Seong-Jeong;Kim, Min-Yong
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.115-141
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    • 2017
  • This study is to find the key factors of the Internet of Things for development in public sector. In previous studies, it is said that Internet of Things can work digital system without human operation and gives a lot of outputs(information) users. Generally, people are a subject of operating digital system in traditional way, while people are an object on the internet of things. In other words, it is possible to work digital system with only networking from things to things. After all, it is reported that these advantages of the Internet of Things make possible to reduce social costs significantly in public sector. However, despite the strengths of the Internet of Things, there is a specific user acceptance of the technology factor for the Internet of Things rarely. It means that developing of the Internet of Things only focuses on the final purpose. If the focus on development meet this purpose, the user is ignored for the specific reason that using a technique. As a result of this, many users gradually decrease the continuous using of the Internet of Things. Thus, in this study, we need to find what critical factors should reflect to the Internet of Things in public sector. To find this result, there is no choice to use Technology Acceptance Model(TAM). Many researchers have proved that Technology Acceptance Model is valid through the four process in model introduction, confirmation, expansion and refinement from 1986 to 2003. The results of this study showed that the result explanatory power of Internet of Things in public sector is the most important factor affecting only perceived social usefulness and ease of use. Finally, it can be seen that the user has a positive attitude toward use, which has a positive effect on the intention to use continuously. The implications of this study are summarized as follows: When the public Internet of Things service is provided, it means that the user can easily understand the result, and when the person and the object communicate the result to each other, they should be able to communicate with each other. This means that a lot of user effort is needed to understand the outcome of the public Internet of Things being provided.

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