• Title/Summary/Keyword: central government

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Minimum Floor Area Ratio Estimation Model for Reconstruction Projects to Compensate for Loss of the Aged Long-term Public Rental Housing (노후 장기공공임대주택 손실보전을 위한 재건축사업의 최소용적률 수리모델)

  • Joe, Wongoog;Na, Seunguk;Cho, Jeaho;Chae, MyungJin;Son, Bosik;Kim, Hyunsoo;Chun, JaeYoul
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.108-116
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    • 2022
  • Started in 1989 as Public Permanent Rental Housing scheme, public rental housing lease policy is increasing target residents and supply in each government by introducing new supply types. However, public housing business entities have difficulties in expanding the supply due to cumulated deficit. The research suggested long-term public rental housing reconstruction business as a method to preserve the cumulated deficit from the previous. Minimum floor area ratio mathematical model was suggested by defining the floor area ratio of reconstruction business as minimum, since housing sales profit after reconstruction could preserve aggregated deficit, and mathematically approached by considering the traits of long-term public rental housing reconstruction. The determinant for minimum floor area ratio mathematical model comprise cumulated deficit of the existing long-term public rental housing, land size of reconstructed sale housing, housing sales price per unit area, and business cost per unit area. Minimum floor area ratio mathematical model is expected to be the milestone for supporting decision making regarding the economic part of old long-term public lease housings' reconstruction scale, and expanding housing supply within urban area.

A study on the Revitalization of Traditional Market with Smart Platform (스마트 플랫폼을 이용한 전통시장 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Park, Jung Ho;Choi, EunYoung
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.127-143
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    • 2023
  • Currently, the domestic traditional market has not escaped the swamp of stagnation that began in the early 2000s despite various projects promoted by many related players such as the central government and local governments. In order to overcome the crisis faced by the traditional market, various R&Ds have recently been conducted on how to build a smart traditional market that combines information and communication technologies such as big data analysis, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. This study analyzes various previous studies, users of traditional markets, and application cases of ICT technology in foreign traditional markets since 2012 and proposes a model to build a smart traditional market using ICT technology based on the analysis. The model proposed in this study includes building a traditional market metaverse that can interact with visitors, certifying visits to traditional markets through digital signage with NFC technology, improving accuracy of fire detection functions using IoT and AI technology, developing smartphone apps for market launch information and event notification, and an e-commerce system. If a smart traditional market platform is implemented and operated based on the smart traditional market platform model presented in this study, it will not only draw interest in the traditional market to MZ generation and foreigners, but also contribute to revitalizing the traditional market in the future.

An Analysis Study on the Current Status and Integration Methods of the Domestic Early Warning System (국내 재난 예경보 시스템 현황 및 통합 방안에 대한 분석 연구)

  • Hwang, Woosuk;Pyo, Kyungsoo
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.80-90
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    • 2022
  • Currently, the domestic early warning system is issued differently for each disaster, and is operated independently by relevant organizations from central government to local governments. Representative domestic disaster warning systems include disaster broadcasting using CBS(Cell Broadcasting Service) and DMB(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) Automatic Emergency Alert Service, DITS(Disaster Information Transform System) transmitted and displayed on TV screens, automatic response system, automated rainfall warning system, and disaster message board. However, due to the difference in the method of issuing each emergency alert at the site of an emergency disaster, the alerts are issued at different times for each media, and the delivered content is also not integrated. If these systems are integrated, it is expected that damage to people's property and lives will be minimized by sharing and integrated management of disaster information such as voice, video, and data to comprehensively judge and make decisions about disaster situations. Therefore, in this study, we present a plan for the integration of the disaster warning system along with the analysis of the operation status of the domestic early warning system.

The Inter-ministries Linkage Method Comparison of Elementary Care Policy Fields in Korea and Japan, and Implications for The Elementary Child Care Classroom of Korea (한국과 일본의 초등 돌봄 정책 부처 간 연계방식 비교와 초등돌봄교실에 주는 시사점)

  • Kim, Soo-Dong;Jeong, Yeong-Mo
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.279-288
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    • 2016
  • This study compares interagency linkage in the area of the elementary child care policy in korea and japan and derives the implications related to the elementary child care classes of korea. This study researches linkage method between the ministries in korea and japan focused on the background, the process, the current operating system. The elementary child care service policies of the korea & japan are analysed comparatively in terms of background, budget, goal, linkage ministries, basis of law, administrative units and on the basis of those analyses, the implications related to the elementary child care service policy of korea are derived. The derived implications are as follows : first the sound development of the child becomes the foundation of the development of school and community. Community and school have to strengthen cooperation. Second, child care policy is not the alternatives for overcoming fragmentary problems but has to be carried out considering them variously in broad prospective. Third, korea has to find the effective linkage method between the ministries. Fourth, find the way which interagency policy can be merged as a hub for school. Fifth, korea has to find the way transferring the central operating body from the principal in school to the local government to operate the elementary child care classes successfully. Sixth, positive interest and continuous support of the top policy makers is needed.

The Study of the Correlation between Media Art Creative City and Local festival - with Lyon, Sapporo, Linz as the central figure - (미디어아트 창의도시와 지역축제의 연관성 연구 - 리옹, 삿포로, 린츠를 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Hye Young;Kim, Kyoung Soo
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.24
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    • pp.399-409
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    • 2016
  • This study's purpose is to research the correlation between property and the major festivals with media art of exemplary 3 cities among 8 Unesco Media Art Creative Cities. As a result, it is drawn a conclusion that the below strategies are necessary to achieve success for Unesco Media Art Creative City. First, from the Creative City's point of view, on the basis of the maximization of various merits such as history, natural surroundings, and human resources of the city, it is necessary to reconcile a vision of the city and an identity of Media Art Creative City, and to seek for continuous growth of the city by consistency and durability of control tower within the local government. Second, from the local festival's point of view, it is necessary to provide a differentiated service in the existing media art festivals, to attract the fusion of media art and festivals, and the diversification and the popularization of media art programs. And, it needs to lead to involvement of young people with the fusion of on-line and off-line festivals, the fusion of analogue and digital festivals. In the conclusion, for the successful constructing of Media Art Creative City, it is necessary to maximize the merits of the city's own, to enhance the image for Media Art Creative City with the correlation between the merits and media art, and to differentiate the city's own various festivals, ant the same time, to converge them with media art technology. With these strategies, the local festival can make a new leap for global festival when it constitutes a whole with Media Art Creative City.

Study on the Direction of Specialized Development for Andong City Cultural Industry Promotion District (안동시 문화산업진흥지구 특화발전 방향에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Su-Bin;Kwon, Gi-Chang
    • 지역과문화
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2017
  • The 21st century recognizes culture as a high value-added strategic industry as it is called the culture era, and the cultural industry plays a role in driving regional economic development by raising the value added of other industries due to various ripple effects. As the institutional apparatus for developing such cultural industry, the Culture Industry Promotion Basic Law was enacted. Based on this, the Central Government designated the Jung-gu Dong and Seo-gu Dong as the Cultural Industry Promotion District of Andong City in 2010 but it has not been activated until 2017. The purpose of this study is understanding the situation and problems of the Cultural Industry Promotion District of Andong city and to discuss the direction of development. The research methods were analyzed by using questionnaires using AHP analysis technique for experts and practitioners related to culture industry. SPSS 23 was used for the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, and VBA was used for weighting and consistency index calculation in AHP analysis. As a result in the upper layer, Economy efficiency was found to be the most important factor of the three upper layer factors (Economy, Publicity, and Sociality) in order to activate the Cultural Industry Promotion District of Andong city. In the case of the Lieutenant layer, it is analyzed that the Job Creation is an important factor in the Economy category, the Settlement and Environment for Cultural Industry in the Publicity category, and the Activation of Urban Culture Activity in the Sociality category. As a result of analyzing the direction of promotion of the Cultural Industry Promotion District of Andong City centered on these factors, it concluded that the industry related to performance should be focused.

A Comparative Study of the Perceptions by Stakeholder on the Problems and Difficulties at Implementation Stages of the Agricultural Environment Conservation Program (농업환경보전프로그램 이행단계별 문제점 및 애로사항에 대한 이해당사자별 인식 비교)

  • Kim, Soo-Jin;Bae, Seung-Jong;Yoo, Seung-Hwan;Na, Ra;Son, Jeong-Woo;Hur, Seung-Oh
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.201-210
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    • 2023
  • The Agricultural Environmental Conservation Program is a useful system for creating sustainable agriculture and environmentally friendly and comfortable rural areas. However, there are still many problems and difficulties, such as the establishment of necessary activities and plans by the residents themselves, and improvements are required. The degree of importance and difficulties according to the implementation stage of each stakeholder was quantified and compared with each other, and the specific difficulties recognized by on-site support organizations were structurally analyzed. It was analyzed that the importance and difficulties of the project implementation stage for local government officials and the project implementation planning stage for on-site support organizations were very high, indicating that they perceived the most need for improvement. On the other hand, 21 specific problems and difficulties were derived based on the results of the literature survey and stakeholder interviews. As a result of the structural analysis using the DEMATEL method, the most influential factor was the low understanding of the project by residents, the most influential factor was the lack of collecting and reflecting residents' opinions, the most central factor was the lack of collecting and reflecting residents' opinions, and the most causal factor was the lack of education and promotion of the project. The results indicate that a more stable system can be established if continuous promotion and education, periodic meetings and discussions, active reflection of residents' opinions in project implementation plans, and simplification of implementation inspection and project cost execution through the implementation inspection platform are promoted. Despite the limitations, considering that no institutional analysis of agricultural environmental conservation programs has been conducted so far, the results of this study are expected to serve as a basis for the establishment of relevant policies in the future.

A Study on Social Value Creation in Social Enterprise by Sector - Focusing on Social Enterpreise in Incheon (업종별 사회적기업의 사회적가치 창출에 관한 현황 연구 - 인천의 사회적기업을 중심으로)

  • Yong-Gu kim;Jae Ho Kim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.1119-1126
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    • 2023
  • This study measured the social value of social economy enterprises in Incheon Metropolitan City using the Social Value Index (SVI) developed by the Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency. The results showed that the social value orientation of the business activities of SSEs averaged 9.3 out of 15 points, and their innovation efforts were 8.0 out of 10 points. The average monetary and non-monetary social contribution efforts of SSEs was 5.1 out of 10. When comparing the average sales and social value scores by industry, the manufacturing sector shows that social enterprises have higher average sales and social value orientation of business activities, but lower social return efforts. Social work facility management and business support services have high average sales, but low social value orientation of business activities and efforts to make monetary or non-monetary social contributions. On the other hand, education services; arts, sports, and leisure-related services; and publishing, video, broadcasting, communication, and information services have lower average revenues but higher social value orientation of business activities. These SVI indicators are well utilized by local governments, but not yet by the central government. In the future, governments and public institutions should reflect the differences between sectors when formulating policies for social enterprises.

A Study on the Concept Definition and Institutional Foundations of Local Forestry Using the Delphi Technique (델파이 기법을 적용한 지역임업 개념의 정의와 제도 기반에 관한 연구)

  • Ju Yeon Kim;Jae Hyun Kim
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.113 no.2
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    • pp.239-258
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    • 2024
  • In the face of complex crises such as a shrinking society, regional imbalance, and climate change, there is a need to seek sustainable development in local communities. In the forest sector, attempts are being made to link forest resources with local industries. However, the current support system, which is centered on the central government, has limitations in achieving sustainable forest management. On the other hand, the international community is actively promoting a shift in systems by introducing the concept of local forestry, which emphasizes local initiatives to achieve sustainable forest management. However, in the Republic of Korea, the concept of local forestry is still unclear, which hinders the promotion of a paradigm shift. In this paper, we applied the Delphi technique to conduct three surveys of 29 academics, administrators, and field experts in the Republic of Korea. The aim was to define the concept of local forestry that is suitable for domestic conditions and identify institutional measures to establish and revitalize it. The results showed that local forestry can be defined as a broad concept that is both consultative and systemic in nature and that an institutional approach that supports actors and their activities is necessary to revitalize local forestry.

China's Wind Energy Development and the Socio-political Conditions for Energy Transition: Focusing on Norm Promotions by Transnational Actors (중국 풍력발전 사례를 통한 에너지전환의 정치사회적 조건 연구: 초국가 행위자의 규범확산 활동을 중심으로)

  • Kyu Youn Choi
    • The Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction (JLCCI)
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.197-241
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    • 2019
  • The rapid development of China's wind energy sector was facilitated by a number of transnational actors including organisations for international cooperation and international environmental organisations. This paper explores their evolving roles at different development stages in order to extend our understanding of the socio-political conditions for energy transition. Employing the framework of norm diffusion theories, this study focuses on the transnational advocacy group supporting wind energy for environmental purposes and analyses their norm promotion activities in interaction with domestic proponent as well as opponent groups. This analysis shows that the transnational actors successfully laid the foundation for the commercial wind energy development throughout the 1990s but experienced marginalisation during the sector expansion due to the dominance of the central government and its protectionist industrial policy. As the domestic opponent groups caused high-level wind curtailment in the 2010s, the international advocacy group has increasingly conducted offensive norm promotion activities. This case of the Chinese wind energy development suggests that the international transfer of technology and policy measures in combination with the mobilisation of economic resources support the growth of the wind energy sector, which nonetheless suffers lacking influence of environmental norms and faces conflicts with the traditional players of the electricity sector. Based on these findings, this study concludes that the key socio-political condition for energy transition is the formation of a power configuration which facilitates the effectiveness of environmental norms and thus confronts the powerful opponents of wind energy.