• Title/Summary/Keyword: center management system

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The Impact of Assorting Performance by the Number of Aisles in Put to Light System (Put to Light 시스템의 통로 수가 분류 생산성에 미치는 영향)

  • Yu, Gang-Cheol;Yang, Gwang-Mo;Gang, Gyeong-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Safety Management and Science Conference
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.229-242
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    • 2011
  • The assorting process in distribution center is one of the most difficult and time-consuming process. The improvement of assorting productivity is a core element which decides efficiency of a distribution center. The time to shipping from receiving depends on assorting such as sorting by customer. To enhance efficiency of assorting typically uses the put to light system composed of computer and digital indicator etc. Generally the layout of put to light system has been performed rather than scientific analysis by a common experience. Therefore, this study analyzes the impact of assorting performance by the number of aisle in assorting process of put to light system.

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A Study about Electronic Commerce System of Real Estate for Activation of Real Estate Transaction (부동산 거래 활성화를 위한 전자거래 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Young-Sun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.18
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    • pp.21-40
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    • 2006
  • The activation of an Real Estate transaction that be necessary correspond the user need of Internet suitably for be able to become safe and quick transaction of Real Estate transaction. We have been changed into a buyer center in the market of the while of a shalesman center that The taste of an immovable property buyer is various today. The area range of an Real Estate brokerage that take charge of real estate brokerage business have been reduced gradually that take the influence on Implementation of an Real Estate information system. The age of change of the environment which is bring the change of the mode of an real estate transaction that are leading the change of an Real estate circulation market. The paper is design for implementation of real estate transaction system that lead the period of new Internet and the purpose to accomplish the activation of an immovable property information system that offer an real estate service information

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The Investor's Behavior in Competitive Korean Electricity Market

  • Ahn, Nam-Sung;Kim, Hyun-Shil
    • Korean System Dynamics Review
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2005
  • This paper describes the mechanism for new investment to appear in waves of boom and bust causing alternative periods of over and under supply of electricity in Korean market. A system dynamics model was developed to describe the dynamic behavior of new investment in Korean market. The simulation results show the boom and bust cycle in the new investments. When the market price is high, investors decide to build new power plants. However, it takes some delay time to complete new power plants. When the new power plants are being added into the grid, the supply increases and the wholesale price begins to decrease. This causes the cancellation of new power plant or delay the construction. This mechanism causes the boom and bust cycle in new investment.

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Cardiac dose reduction with breathing adapted radiotherapy using self respiration monitoring system for left-sided breast cancer

  • Sung, KiHoon;Lee, Kyu Chan;Lee, Seung Heon;Ahn, So Hyun;Lee, Seok Ho;Choi, Jinho
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.84-94
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: To quantify the cardiac dose reduction during breathing adapted radiotherapy using Real-time Position Management (RPM) system in the treatment of left-sided breast cancer. Materials and Methods: Twenty-two patients with left-sided breast cancer underwent CT scans during breathing maneuvers including free breathing (FB), deep inspiration breath-hold (DIBH), and end inspiration breath-hold (EIBH). The RPM system was used to monitor respiratory motion, and the in-house self respiration monitoring (SRM) system was used for visual feedback. For each scan, treatment plans were generated and dosimetric parameters from DIBH and EIBH plans were compared to those of FB plans. Results: All patients completed CT scans with different breathing maneuvers. When compared with FB plans, DIBH plans demonstrated significant reductions in irradiated heart volume and the heart $V_{25}$, with the relative reduction of 71% and 70%, respectively (p < 0.001). EIBH plans also resulted in significantly smaller irradiated heart volume and lower heart $V_{25}$ than FB plans, with the relative reduction of 39% and 37%, respectively (p = 0.002). Despite of significant expansion of lung volume using inspiration breath-hold, there were no significant differences in left lung $V_{25}$ among the three plans. Conclusion: In comparison with FB, both DIBH and EIBH plans demonstrated a significant reduction of radiation dose to the heart. In the training course, SRM system was useful and effective in terms of positional reproducibility and patient compliance.

A Multimedia Information System Integrating Hypermedia, Information Retrieval, and DBMS Technologies

  • Loh, Woong-Kee;Park, Byung-Kwon;Lee, Sang-Ho;Whang, Kyu-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 1996.06b
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    • pp.128-133
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of a multimedia information system integrating hypermdia, information retrieval, and DBMS technologies. We browse the information space through hypermedia link navigation and also use ad hoc queries for direct retrieval of information from the database. Both the hypermedia and the information retrieval systems are integrated into a database management system (DMBS) so that concurrent edition, update, and retrieval of documents can have the ACID properties of atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. We will first explain the architecture of the system and then, describe how the hypermedia system is integrated with information retrieval capability, and finally integrated with DBMS capabilities.

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Status of Domestic and International Recommendations for Protection Design and Evaluation of Medical Linear Accelerator Facilities

  • Choi, Sang Hyoun;Shin, Dong Oh;Shin, Jae-ik;Kwon, Na Hye;Ahn, So Hyun;Kim, Dong Wook
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2021
  • Various types of high-precision radiotherapy, such as intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), tomotherapy (Tomo), and stereotactic body radiation therapy have been available since 1997. After being covered by insurance in 2015, the number of IMRT cases rapidly increased 18-fold from 2011 to 2018 in Korea. IMRT, which uses a high-beam irradiation monitor unit, requires higher shielding conditions than conventional radiation treatments. However, to date, research on the shielding of facilities using IMRT and the current understanding of its status are insufficient, and detailed safety regulation procedures have not been established. This study investigated the recommended criteria for the shielding evaluation of facilities using medical linear accelerators (LINACs), including 1) the current status of safety management regulations and systems in domestic and international facilities using medical LINACs and 2) the current status of the recommended standards for safety management in domestic and international facilities using medical LINACs. It is necessary to develop and introduce a safety management system for facilities using LINACs for clinical applications that is suitable for the domestic medical environment and corresponds to the safety management systems for LINACs used overseas.

A Case Study on Implementation of a Digital Library Supporting Center in Busan Metropolitan Department of Education (부산광역시교육청 디지털자료실지원센터의 구축 사례 연구)

  • 함명식
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.31-48
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    • 2002
  • It's desirable to implement the network of school libraries based on the department of city or regional education. The digital library supporting center is an integrated information system implemented by the department of city or regional education for supporting school libraries. Busan Metropolitan Department of Education for the first time implemented a digital library supporting center, supported by digital libraries & the digital library supporting center project proceeded by the Department of Education and KERIS. This study at first is to present basic technologies applied in implementing a digital library supporting center and foreign country cases, and then to introduce information system of Busan Metropolitan Department of Education.

Implementation of the Mobile Device Management for Updating the Cellphone Software (효과적인 단말 Software 업데이트를 위한 Mobile Device Management 기법)

  • Jee, Chang-Woo;Kim, Hyeong-Doo;Lee, Uk-Jae;Seo, Tae-Sam;Kim, Min-Seok
    • 한국정보통신설비학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.08a
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    • pp.371-375
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we have implemented the device management system to upgrade T-PAK software in mobile phone. The hybrid scheduling method and selective upgrade method are proposed. Hybrid scheduling method is based on distribution of delivery data in accordance with network traffic load and service priority from device management server to mobile phone. Selective upgrade method manages DSL classified by T-PAK software version to be upgrade using version management established in OMA DM SCOMO. Key mechanism of selective upgrade method is to only deliver DSL to be replaced to the mobile phone. We made an experiment on two methods using MS-700T terminals. The experimental result shows that the proposed method is faster than normal from delivery time standpoint.

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Flight Test Hazard Identification (비행시험 위해요인 식별 연구)

  • Kim, Mu-Geun;Lim, In-Kyu;Yoo, Beong-Seon;Kang, Ja-Young
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.279-287
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    • 2018
  • Flight tests for aircraft development and certification have higher air accidents risk than other aerospace industries. Accordingly risk identification necessary for risk management in the safety management system is a very important factor in preventing similar air accidents during flight tests. But internationally issued accident statistics are usually confined to commercial transport aircraft and they do not reflect characteristics of flight tests, also databases to hazards identification during flight tests are not established or available in Republic of Korea. Therefore, we identified flight test procedures and traced the major causes of aviation accidents based on the statistics and preventive materials for risk management which were issued by international organizations and advanced countries of aviation. A total of 312 final reports classified as flight test among air accident/incident database held by U.S. NTSB were researched and about 200 flight test hazard were identified. The results of this study will be used as basic data for establishing the safety management system of the national comprehensive flight performance test site.

A Research on the Implementation and Estimation of an Integrated System for Information Management in the Field of Nuclear Science and Engineering (원자력분야 학술정보 통합정보관리시스템 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Chun, Young-Choon
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.63-84
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    • 2003
  • This research is a case study that describes the NUCLIS21(Nuclear Information System 21), an integrated web-based information management system of KAERI(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute), implemented to carry out the role of a national nuclear information center with government support as an information infra implementation programme. Through its user-centered single interface, the system aims at building an infrastructure for the national nuclear information center, as well as improving the information management system of the TID(Technical Information Department) within the institute. The system consists of two major parts which are an integrated module of the MIS and six different kinds of system. These include the Integral search system with OPAC, My Library, the Acquisition system, the Catalogue system, the Information Supply system, and the Serial Publication system. The DB is composed of Bibliographical DB, Original text DB and Abstract DB. A special feature of this system was designed as a unified network system through connection to MIS(Management Integration System) of the institute, so users can get research information for projects. Therefore, they have access to available information easily and access to the ongoing service of this system. Furthermore, users can share information by using our system. The survey has it that 75.7%(200 persons), 62.1%(164 persons) and 78.4%(207 persons) of the respondents are satisfied with the fidelity, speediness, and convenience of the system respectively, and the overall satisfaction of the respondents is comparably high.